HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 532 Uncle's Plan

Grimmauld Place almost drove Sirius crazy. The old and decadent "noble" atmosphere was released from every portrait, every cabinet, every decoration, and even every nail, like a bird wandering around. The monster, howling, ran around every corner, and he had to do his best to control the urge to rush out the door.

At this time, Sirius would often stare at a certain wall viciously.

Harry said that there was a time when he would rather face the wall every day, because the wall never asked questions, and would not look back at him with strange or disgusting eyes.

Sirius was heartbroken when he heard that, at the age of 16, he could run away from home to get rid of the life he didn't want to face, but Harry had to bear the heavy expectations of everyone, and kept walking on the road of the savior until this damn The day when fate showed mercy to him.

Today, Sirius stands in front of these resolutely abandoned things again, the difference is that today he has the right to decide their fate.Long before Harry started school, with the help of Molly, he threw a batch of space-consuming and insignificant junk—such as photographs, miniature portraits, glassware with badges, etc.—into the sack, and used The rope was tightened, and the extra workload of removing Kreacher's petty theft was generally going well. Only Merlin knew how much expensive rubbish that the Black family was proud of piled up in Grimmauld Place.

Sirius, who was throwing silverware into a tattered cardboard box, stopped and noticed that there were a few missing photo frames piled up in the corner a few days ago. He opened his mouth and called Kreacher's name, but got no response.Sirius grunted and frowned, bent over and continued with his work.

Dust fell down like snow, fluttering in the room. Sirius coughed and scolded Kreacher for being idle and not doing his job properly. What was strange was that Kreacher, who should have been rushing in to snatch his "baby" from him, was still missing. , with its degree of loyalty, it will never just hide in the dark and do nothing and let these things be thrown out of the house.

But Sirius never cared even a little bit for the house elf who was brainwashed by the Black family. He even hoped that Kreacher would disappear from his side. Tell Kreacher to fuck off.

At this moment Mr. Black did not realize that his hope had been fulfilled.

A ruby-studded silver ink bottle was hooked on the edge of the box and rolled out. A blue-black ink stain snaked down and dripped on the thick dust, turning into a pool of filth.Sirius stared at the ink bottle, picked it up with his hand, a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes.The inkwell was a birthday present from his uncle, and it was left behind when he ran away from home. He thought his mother had thrown away everything that belonged to him, just like he did now—in a way They are indeed mother and son.

This inkwell is clearly a fish that slipped through the net.

Sirius stroked the clear body of the bottle, several pictures flashed in his mind, he couldn't help grinning, sadness and melancholy came one after another, Sirius tightened the ink bottle in his hand.

"That's right!" He suddenly thought of something, put down the ink bottle and ran out of the room, heading towards his bedroom.

He pushed open the door rudely, the door slammed against the wall and made a harsh crashing sound, Sirius walked straight to the end of the bed, the silver-carved cat lizi on the lock box at the end of the bed flicked its tail lazily.Sirius drew out his wand and cast an unlocking spell at the lock, and held the box with his other hand and hurriedly opened the lid, groping inside with his palm for a while, and took out a stack of parchment wrapped in hard cowhide.

Sirius didn't open the maroon hard leather with his uncle's and his own initials written on the surface. He was stunned for a moment, then carefully put them back, closed the lid of the box, and carefully locked it.

"I should ask a lawyer..." Sirius muttered, turning around to see Kreacher standing at the door, glaring at him viciously, and grabbing the silverware he had thrown away just now.As soon as he met his gaze, Kreacher immediately lowered his head evasively, it was obviously too late to try to hide his emotions at this time.

Sirius jumped up and strode over, Kreacher blocked back the scolding that rushed to his mouth.

"Miss Xixi wants to see the young master."

Sirius thought for a while before realizing who "Miss Sisi" was.

"Mrs. Malfoy? Nope! Mind your own business!" Sirius said coldly, passing Kreacher quickly.

"The young master should treat Miss Black's family kindly. The hostess praised Miss Sissy more than once, saying that she is a wise witch."

"Marrying Malfoy is brains?" Sirius stopped, and let out a cold snort from his nasal cavity. "Lucius Malfoy is taking over the Brain Hall of the Ministry?"

Mr. Black's uncommon and mean skills are almost as good as the Potions professor at Hogwarts. It is a pity that the target of the ridicule can't understand the mystery, and the house-elf who talks to himself is once again deaf.

"Kreacher sincerely wishes to serve the noble Black. Miss Sissy won't let Kreacher stay there. Kreacher wants to serve Master Rigg. Kreacher doesn't know the way..." Kreacher sobbed, and he fell to the ground and clapped his hands. He grabbed his ears and pulled them hard, then lay down straight, as stiff as sleeping in a cemetery, big drops of tears slipped from the corners of his wrinkled eyes. "Master Lige, Master Lige, Kreacher is going to serve Master Lige, the mistress will definitely praise Kreacher, and Kreacher will bring Master Lige back..."

Sirius turned around irritably, ignoring Kreacher's chattering sarcasm, who knew that just as he took a step, something caught him under his feet, and he looked down and saw Kreacher lying on his feet and rolling, it's hard to imagine that this damned house elf would be so alive Vibrant side.

Sirius stepped over it with a cold face, and the moment he landed, his legs were hugged, and the elf screamed on his calf and was dragged forward.

Sirius couldn't believe it.

However, for Kreacher, the existence of Heimdall is like a drop of bliss that makes him dream about it for several years. Since the death of the mistress, he has never tasted the taste of happiness and satisfaction. Kreacher secretly swears that he will do whatever it takes , to bring that drop of Felix Felicia back to the potion bottle called Black the Ever Pure.

"Go away!" Sirius didn't even want to touch it. "If you don't get up again, I'll tear down the portrait of my mother, smash it into pieces and throw it into the fireplace!"

The threat worked quite well, and the weight in the legs suddenly disappeared.

Kreacher covered his face in grief and wailed loudly. He lay on the ground and wiped himself covered with dust, and then bumped his head against the corner of the table. At that time, Sirius' face was ashen, and now he is not surprised why Narcissa didn't take it in!

"Where is she?" Sirius took a deep breath and said patiently.

Kreacher was so engrossed in grief that he didn't seem to hear Sirius' words.

"I'm going to tear down the portrait of my mother now!"

Kreacher got up straight away, while trying to control the resentment on his face, while pretending to be extremely respectful, his expression was a little distorted.

"What's your order, Master?" It bowed its head and looked down at its dark feet.

"Where is she?"

"Kreacher can't understand what the young master is saying."

Sirius roared unbearably, "Narcissa Black Malfoy, your Miss Sissy, where is she now?"

Lucius flooed home from work as usual, and stepped out of the fireplace as usual, but for some reason, there was an extra piece of something very crappy in front of the fireplace today, and Mr. Malfoy stepped forward in an inelegant manner. Toppled, if he hadn't succeeded in self-rescue, he would have thrown himself to the ground on the shiny marble floor in his front hall.

Lucius hurriedly stood up straight, while secretly thanking that no bystanders witnessed the indecentness just now, while turning around angrily.

Building blocks in front of the Floo fireplace? !Lucius stared at the row of logs folded into hillocks with a hellish expression on his face. He dared to swear to Merlin that there were no such things before he went out in the morning.


"Master." The elf appeared fearfully.

"What's that?" Lucius pointed at the pile of wood with a gloomy expression.

A tiny scream escaped Tiny's mouth, and he covered his mouth in horror, the owner told himself that he hated the house-elves hysterical in front of him, and the owner thought it was a house-elf diversionary trick.Although Tiny felt aggrieved, the house-elf could not justify himself. To justify was to contradict the master and refute the master's order.

"That's not Tini's fault..." the house elf bit his finger hard.

"When did you learn to shirk responsibility?"

Tine flinched, her big eyes filled with tears.

Lucius was unmoved.

"Honey, is that you?"

Narcissa's relieved voice came from behind the door leading to the living room. Lucius raised an eyebrow in surprise, and when he turned his face, there was only a chilling indifference on his face, "We'll talk about this question later ’” He left the trembling, near-stretched house-elf.

As soon as he walked through the door, he saw that ugly, strange, old-fashioned house-elf with a big pig-like nose and shriveled than dried lizard skin standing in front of the coffee table. Lucius wondered why Narcissa didn't let him Get out, oblivious to the dirt those dark feet have left on the delicate embroidery of the carpet.

Lucius remembered very clearly that Narcissa liked those embroidery very much. Once he accidentally dripped tea on it, her expression became very exciting in an instant.

"Tea." Lucius ordered arrogantly, and sat down beside his wife.

The inelastic, bloated lizard skin disappeared for a moment, then reappeared quickly, and the tea Lucius requested appeared on the coffee table.

Lucius looked at the steaming teacup in front of him, and said hesitantly, "Recently, my memory is not as good as before." He didn't hide at all that he didn't remember such a house elf at home.

Narcissa gave him a funny but helpless look.

"Isn't it?" Lucius said casually, took a sip from his teacup, well, it's not bad to be honest.

"It's the house-elf of House Black." Narcissa said to Lizardskin, no, to the house-elf, "Say hello to my husband, Kreacher."

"The loyal old Kreacher is willing to do the noble Blake's heart. Kreacher is the house elf of the mistress." Kreacher bowed, of course he would not exhaust himself like facing Sirius, no matter how much he hated Sirius, when he When you need to express your loyalty, you will show your dedication.As it said itself, it was loyalty to Black.

hostess?Lucius cast a puzzled glance.

"Sirius' mother." Narcissa said softly.

So why is loyal old Kreacher here?Before Lucius could ask the question, Kreacher began to pour out his inner thoughts in a voice that everyone could clearly hear, regardless of the occasion or the person.

"There are flashy decorations everywhere, frivolous, vain, impractical, and not heavy. They can't be compared with the noble Blake at all... The portraits of the ancestors are placed in the basement. No wonder the hostess said that if the Malfoy family had some smart people His ancestors arranged everything properly, and the accumulated wealth was enough for several generations of descendants to spend comfortably, and it was not their turn to be relatives with Black, which would ruin Black's reputation. Fortunately, the vain Malfoy could not give birth to too many heirs ... Kreacher remembered, there are several in the old prodigal family, disgusting brats, how shameful, the old scum dares to command Kreacher unscrupulously, Kreacher is the house elf of the mistress, the old scum is always with Kreacher Che talked, trying to deceive Kreacher's trust, Kreacher has seen through their tricks..."

Narcissa didn't dare to look at her husband's face, she was very careful not to make any noise to divert her husband's attention, especially not to laugh.

Lucius finally put down the teacup in his hand, and didn't aim at an elf who was still talking like Narcissa was worried about throwing it out. His endurance was as excellent as he himself praised.It was definitely the worst time Lucius had had in a long, long time, a long, long time ago when he was facing a Dark Lord who was so angry about his supposedly damaged self-esteem.

"It's a pity that I will never see that insightful lady again in this life." Lucius squeezed out the words through his teeth.

It's a pity that Lucius didn't understand the meaning of "old scum". If he knew that Kreacher compared the Malfoy family with the Weasley family, he didn't know how he would feel. Maybe it was not as simple as throwing a cup.

What made Lucius's teeth ache was that Kreacher only obeyed Narcissa's orders and ignored his difficulties. In the end, Narcissa thought of a reason to dismiss the mumbling Kreacher.

"It's more hateful than Dobby!" After the furious Lucius yelled, he was shocked to find that he still remembered the other kind. He didn't correct his statement. Compared with the lizard skin of the Black family, he could even bear to give Dobby a haircut. salary.

"Staying in Grimmauld Square for so many years, facing portraits every day, its spirit is not normal."

"You seem to be very clear?!" Lucius said sharply.

"Come on," Narcissa sighed. "Don't let an insane house-elf cloud your judgment."

Lucius looked at her for a moment, then took her hand that was on the back of his own.

"Tell me what's going on."

"I've already met Sirius," Narcissa said.

"Are you alone?! It's dangerous outside, is there..."

Narcissa was very happy that her husband's first consideration was her safety, "Don't worry, you invited those bodyguards back."

Lucius' face tensed slightly, "Continue."

"Before Kreacher found me, it said Sirius told him to go, and it wanted to serve Rig."

Lucius showed his signature smirk: "How pleasant, I've never been more eager to empty out the noble Black's house, and exchange all those things with gold Galleons for Rig, including that nasty dog house-elf."

Narcissa was silent for a moment, obviously it was difficult for her husband to think calmly now.

"That is to say, you agree with Kreacher to go to Rigg?"

"Why not?" Lucius asked back. In his opinion, Rigg had every reason to accept anything from the Black family. "Would that damned house-elf listen to someone other than noble Black?" Grid, which means that it has already determined in its heart that Rigg is equal to the noble Black—”

"I'm going to be angry." Narcissa said calmly.

Lucius cleared his throat, "If Black doesn't object, I don't think anyone can stop him."

"He doesn't object," Narcissa said. "I think he's happy to have Kreacher disappear from his sight for a valid reason."

"It's hard to believe I'll ever agree with Black's idea," Lucius said dryly. "It, I mean, since the house-elf came to you, does he mean that he will go to other Blacks as well?"

"It likes Bella more than me, and I believe that if Bella hadn't been imprisoned in Azkaban, it wouldn't have come to me."

Lucius pondered for a moment, "We all know how Sirius used Grimmauld Place, and now I'm not being pushed by the red-eyed lunatic who is trying to pry everyone's heads off to explore those little secrets that I'm not really interested in. Let it go to Rigg, and if possible, don't let him return to England until the dust settles."

After recovering, he found his wife was staring at him, "What's wrong?" Lucius asked puzzled.

"That's what you should do."

"doing what?"

"Take Kreacher to Rigg," Narcissa said innocently. "Are you going to let me show up?"

Lucius suddenly closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, "By the way, forget the most important point." He opened his eyes. "I can only give suggestions to Rigg, and I can't decide the specific arrangements." Lucius made no secret of his disgust from the heart, "You'd better not have too much expectations for that house elf, if it can't get in Rommel's eye, I'll just find a reason to leave it there and let the Sturlusons worry about it."

Narcissa said thoughtfully, "I'll try to mention the Black family's lawyer."

Lucius fell silent.

"He said he hadn't seen his lawyer for a long time."

Lucius still didn't speak.

Narcissa added, "I think he has plans, and it's not time to draw conclusions yet."

After a while, Lucius snorted softly.

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