HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 529 One follow-up point of self-assertion

Heimdall ate his tea with his head down, with a thoughtful expression on his face.Even in the state of stuffing things into his mouth unconsciously, he can still accurately avoid snacks that are related to some unwelcome things. The house elf has changed three times to set off the protagonist—vegetable and fruit biscuits— small porcelain dish of ham diced mini pies.

The conversation disappeared from the room just now, and Victor and McCullis drank tea in silence, as if they were lost in their own thoughts, and they seemed to be deliberately not to disturb his thinking.

The winged phone sensed that its owner was not going to use it for the time being, fluttered its wings frantically, flew across the room from across the room, hung upside down under the curtain box for a while, stood on the back of McAris' chair for a while , Either knocked over the snack shelf, or knocked over the photo on the fireplace.Although there is no human voice, the whole room is not lonely at all.The house-elf followed closely behind to clean up the mess, never taking a break.

When McCarris turned his eyes from looking out the window to the charming scenery outside the house back to the room, and turned to staring at the house elf on his own phone, Mr. Stuluson swallowed the ninth piece of pie, Victor filled his sixth cup of tea.After soaking in the tea, the pie unceremoniously swelled in his stomach, and Heimdall burped, with a satisfied expression on his face.

The brows of McCarris twitched, Ganqing just pretended to have a serious face just to delay time, he thought that Heimdall was doing the most intense inner struggle in history - one of the bad tastes of lawyers, I like to watch Others are in dire straits, if there is water and fire, it means there is a dispute, and if there is a dispute, it means there is a lawsuit.Lawyers are probably the last people on earth who want "world peace".

Finding that Heimdall was indeed full and wanted to express something, McCarris' eyes were filled with anticipation.

"I'll borrow your phone," Heimdall said.

McCarris had been waiting for a long time, "Tea Cup, hand over the phone to Mr. Stulusson."

The house elf knocked the phone off the green floral curtain, struggled unhappily, and landed on Heimdall's lap.Victor, who had been sitting comfortably on the sofa all this time, suddenly leaned forward to reach out his arms, grabbed the stubble wire at one end of the base, and lifted it away from Heimdall's legs.

Heimdall was taken aback by his boyfriend who jumped up, and saw that the hanging phone bulged like a ball, with sharp thorns covering its round body, like a porpoise being attacked , also like a deformed thorn.

Victor's face became ugly. If he had reacted more slowly, the thorns would have been on Zarrig.

McArice jumped up, opened the drawer, took out his wand, and said a spell over the prickly phone, and the prickly ball retracted in an instant, and it became an ordinary phone again.The puffed-up wings hung limply on the sides, appearing to be dying.

"I'm sorry, it hasn't been like this for a long time, it was my mistake." McCarris knew the seriousness of the matter, and apologized humbly.Victor is a customer he attaches great importance to. As Victor's popularity increases, his business circle is also expanding. He is unwilling to offend his parents because of this cloudy phone call.

"I hope there will be no next time." Victor dropped the phone on the coffee table.

McAlice breathed a sigh of relief, and the smile appeared on his face again.

Heimdall tried to tug on the phone's wings, and the phone shook weakly, with a pitiful look of being bullied by the king.Heimdall despised it in his heart, quickly picked up the microphone, and pressed a series of numbers on the number keys of the landline.

It has been mentioned that Snow was the first living person that Heimdall saw besides himself in this world. It can be said that in the rest of his life, all his food, clothing, housing and transportation came from the sponsorship of the Sturlusson family. Heimdall was grateful for that.If Snow had ignored Ivy's request letter back then, and the Sturlusson family didn't take him seriously—a poor relative who came to seek shelter—and donated whatever he wanted, no one had the right to accuse them of being hard-hearted.

On the contrary, you can't take people's kindness to you as a bargaining chip, so he always keeps in mind that he is a Sturluson.

Since it was Sturluson, what did the Black family's money have to do with him?

Director Sturluson felt that even if he gave it to himself, he was ashamed, because he never regarded himself as a black.

Therefore, the hesitation brewing in my heart when I dialed the phone began to flood uncontrollably. In this case, why bother to call?When the phone was connected, Heimdall almost flipped the receiver back to the landline.

An indistinct panting sound came from the microphone, and the other party's move interrupted Heimdall's random thoughts. Could it be that he made a mistake?Unlike the last time I called Harry, Sirius Black was not a cautious introvert.


The sound of panting has not changed, and there is still no desire to speak.

"Is that Mr. Black, please?"

[...The young master is not here.Oh, Mr. Black, Black... There used to be a lot of noble Blacks, glorious families in Mistress Kreacher's house, and now Mistress's house is getting dark and gloomy every day, full of rubbish and wimps, oh yes, wimps, Those scumbags come and go in the house all day long, yelling loudly, pointing fingers, and playing their self-righteous little tricks...how should Kreacher face the mistress...] A dull and hoarse voice came from the microphone Heimdall blinked, and it took a little effort to catch what he wanted from the other party's unfocused chatter.

He was relieved to hear that Sirius wasn't in Heimdall, having just discovered that he didn't have to make the call.Eighty-nine times out of ten, as Mr. McCarris surmised, Mr. Black had no idea of ​​the incident, and it was all the whims of the lawyer, with his strict pedigree.

"It's fine if Mr. Black isn't here, I'll call next time." When he was about to hang up the phone, there was a slow voice on the other end, not at all eager, but just dealing with it.

[Kreacher needs your name to return to the young master, and the young master repeatedly emphasized that you must leave the other party's name before going out. ] Without waiting for Heimdall to say anything, this man started talking to himself again.

[... Muggle technology, Kreacher's hands will rot, how can Kreacher use disgusting Muggle tools... What will the mistress think of Kreacher, the young master is willing to fall, the young master never listens to the mistress If you say it, it always makes the hostess angry and makes the hostess sad, and Kreacher is also forced to help... Kreacher has to serve a bunch of useless people... Kreacher really can't help...] Heimdall was a little at a loss while holding the phone , he understood something from these insulting and vitriolic complaints, and he felt that he should not continue to listen.

"Well, well, I see, I am Heimdall Strulusson, and if Mr. Black—"

The sharp cry was like a sharp sword piercing the microphone, causing ears to buzz. Heimdall was so frightened that he took the microphone away, and then, the whole study room heard heart-piercing bluffs from the other party.

【Master Rigg!It's Master Rigg!Kreacher is talking to Master Rigg! ] The muffled voice did not become high-pitched because of the screaming, and the hoarse noise blew across the room, and the three of them wanted to cover their ears at the same time.

【...Kreacher wants to tell the mistress about this, the mistress will be very happy, the mistress has been in a bad mood, the young master never talks to the mistress, Kreacher knows what the mistress is worried about...] It The clear and loud mumbling to himself suddenly stopped, and the shuddering hoarse scream sounded again. 【Master Rigg, come and save Kreacher!Save the house of the mistress!Get the wretches out of the mistress' house!Let them go!Old scumbag, half-breed, werewolf, disgusting mud—] Heimdall hurriedly threw the microphone back on the landline like a bomb, and the bump made the phone tremble with a few thorns—— In the blink of an eye, he retracted the thorn again, because the master suddenly looked at it strangely—for a few seconds, the room was dramatically silent, as if everyone had forgotten to breathe.

Seeing his unresolved shock, McCarris couldn't help but break the silence first.

Heimdall, who came back to his senses, exaggeratedly wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead: "I didn't really see what a 'pure blood' is until today."

At [-]:[-] that night, in the village of Hogsmeade, England.

The door opened, and Snape, who was sitting in front of the fireplace, turned his head, the corners of his mouth were drawn down, one eyebrow was raised quickly, and his eyes were sharp and critical.

"Your new taste?" He cast a mocking glance at the person who walked through the door. "Haven't you had enough of those cute little Death Eater robes?"

Lucius, who pushed back his cloak and hat, paused when he heard this, and a slight disgust slid across his face. If the original obedience was due to the deep-rooted and inescapable fear of Voldemort - Lucius never denied this, believed None of the British wizards would raise any objections - but this does not mean that Mr. Malfoy has to obey the Dark Lord's taste from the bottom of his heart. The Dark Lord's aesthetic ability is quite bad, and Lucius complained about this in his heart more than once.

"What did you call me here for?" Lucius sat down opposite Snape, and found that the other party didn't intend to invite him to taste wine, so he poured himself a glass.

"Contact regularly." Snape never liked to talk nonsense.

"Ah~~ By the way, I'm sorry, I forgot, and I don't go to work in the ministry recently, and the news is relatively closed."

Snape snorted indifferently, he didn't expose his perfunctory tricks, and he didn't think Lucius would be so obedient.Lucius was willing to come instead of letting the pigeons go on purpose, which already gave him a lot of face.

Regular contact, which was agreed with Dumbledore after Lucius "turned to the light", Dumbledore ran up and down the Ministry of Magic for Lucius, and asked the Ministry of Magic to give up the idea of ​​suing him. On the contrary, Lucius must regularly Go to the designated place for inspection.It’s not all about the censorship, Dumbledore also knew that if he was present, Lucius’ rebellious psychology would definitely be more vigorous than when he was adolescence, so every time he met with Lucius, he was obviously “not doing his job properly” in this matter Professor Snape, I think they were both members of the Death Eater interest group back then.

"How's Draco?" Lucius said.

"Very good, your son has matured a lot now, he gave up studying those Gryffindors with excess energy, and clearly knows which is more important, his studies or anger."

"I'm glad to hear you say that," Lucius said dryly.

"Has anything changed recently?"

Lucius couldn't help but want to sit up straight, he knew this was it, after so many times of insincere censorship, layer by layer, he went from left to right, and his cocooning, pointing to the core content is now clear.Lucius even had the urge to laugh, it was hard for Professor Snape to accompany him round and round, he had no doubt that the Potions Master would complain loudly to Dumbledore after each review, using the meanest words .Lucius imagined that scene, and the hazy smile on his face became clear.

Snape gave him a disapproving look, offended by his smile.

"Forget it. Recently, there have been some suspicious people wandering around the manor, but they haven't launched an attack. Maybe something is brewing." Lucius looked at the wine in his glass and said slowly.

"It's no surprise, judging by the Dark Lord's IQ, it's quite a big improvement for him that he didn't immediately rush to your house and raze everything to the ground."

Although the Dark Lord hated the traitor's behavior deeply, and wished to tear Lucius, his family, and even all the living things in the house to pieces, the Dark Lord was still quite afraid of Dumbledore.If Lucius really joined the small group of justice and became an upright wizard who took the responsibility of promoting good and eliminating evil, and in turn became Dumbledore's confidant against him...

The reason why the Dark Lord has such an idea is because he did it himself, using everything available to attack the shield with the spear of the son. At the same time, the suspicious Voldemort tried to figure out Dumbledore in the same way, He believed that Dumbledore was just using Lucius and would never accept Lucius as his confidant.The Dark Lord took a moment's solace in this speculation.

However, everything is relative. In the YY of the Dark Lord, Lucius, who was suffering and suffering because of being difficult to integrate into the justice team, had already stated that he was dismissive of pulling the banner of justice. It never occurred to Bullido to show affection and reason to him. We are all smart people, aren't we?

Lucius suddenly thought of something, and after hesitating for a moment, he said, "Since you talked about impulsiveness, I would venture to ask, what has Sirius Black been doing recently?"

Snape's expression could be called horrified, this time he was sure he was offended, and the gloomy and sharp look in his eyes was enough to make all the Hogwarts students run away screaming.

Snape gritted his teeth, "Why do I know what Black is doing?"

"...Aren't you together? It's that happy and bright little organization that you joined together." Lucius probably figured out what he said just now. suddenly changed color and laughed out loud.

"I've been at school." Snape's face softened slightly, and he countered, "You can try asking his good friends."

"Thank you, I can't go with a werewolf." Lucius mumbled and took a sip of his wine.

Snape looked at him for a while, "Why are you asking about Black all of a sudden?" He knew how much Lucius hated Black, and Black also treated Lucius, and would never take the initiative to meet him in his life unless necessary.

The Potions professor's associative ability was very keen, "Is it Rig..."

Lucius put down his glass, his expression became gloomy, "I received a message from the Black family's lawyer two days ago, saying that Black seems to intend to leave the entire estate to Harry Potter."

Snape frowned, and was not in a hurry to express his opinion. The family legacy was a sensitive topic, and it was inconvenient for outsiders to discuss it.

"This lawyer who is anxious about other people's needs wants me to fight for his nephew again." Although Lucius said it calmly now, he was furious when he received the news, not because of the whereabouts of the money The problem is that Malfoy's parent, as a guardian, thinks that his step-sister is nameless, and his nephew, who has carried on the name of an illegitimate child for many years, is forced to change his surname. Their family was once again humiliated by the Black family.

Narcissa, who was present at the time, still has lingering fears about her husband’s outburst of anger that day. At first, Narcissa was the most annoyed person when she received the news—if Sirius really did this, he would undoubtedly want to make the Black family disappear—the result was silent. The husband, who had been silent for nearly a minute, suddenly changed his color, and came from behind, and he just extinguished her anger.

"So, what do you plan to do?" Snape asked.

"To the Black family, I am an outsider after all. Rieger's surname is Sturlusson now... Narcissa intends to find an excuse to snoop on Black's tone. Both Sisi and I suspect that Black doesn't know about it, maybe His family estate passed into his name and it didn't even occur to him to be one of his estates. Sissy was pretty sure that Blake didn't take the family estate seriously at all, and would even pack it up and throw it away if he could. What we're going to do now It is to keep it a secret from Rigg. To be honest, if I were Black, I would definitely hire another Gao Ming, such a lawyer has no idea who he is working for now."

How would Lucius feel if he knew that Heimdall knew everything and was ready to sign the notice to renounce the inheritance.

"That dog was never reassuring." Snape was as mean as ever in his evaluation of Sirius. "Why can't he do at least one thing that gives people a chance not to be mad at him?!"

No matter what small waves are caused by a certain lawyer's self-assertion in the UK, Heimdall, one of the parties who made up his mind to wait for the notification, is the one who has the least burden. Forget it.

Woke up early the next day, happily went to the legendary Romania with my boyfriend, and met with everyone from the Kosol Foundation.

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