During lunch, the representative of the Quidditch League was a little restless, and he slowly leaned towards Victor, "Why is he always staring at me?"



Victor raised his face, "Why didn't I feel that he was looking at you? How would you know he was looking at you if you didn't look at him?"

"My feelings tell me. My feelings have always been effective. Every time I bet with other wizards, I'm sure." The representative babbled, and suddenly thought of something, his face tensed for a while, and he seemed very disturbed. "Isn't he interested in me? I am very loyal to my wife, although I am indeed a good man..."

"You think too much!" Victor couldn't bear it anymore.As far as the master is concerned, assumptions are not allowed to exist. "He's just wondering why you're not drunk yet." Master Krum, who is good at adapting to the situation, lied, which is easy to make and easy to handle.

The representative of the Quidditch League who believed it was true immediately showed a smug expression, "You want to see me make a fool of yourself with just one bottle? How can there be such a good thing, I will never get drunk!" He said to Kenny who happened to look over wink.

He received the "look" for no reason, and Heimdall had a stomach cramp, feeling baffled.

After they came back from the woods, Louis handed over the harvest to his wife. He drank a few more drinks with a certain representative, and Heimdall looked at it with horror, which was as shocking as eating Galleon raw.The excitement of the whole process made him even more nervous than the threat of facing the saints.

Before dinner, Louis' 12-year-old son David rushed into the house like a locomotive. When he found three strangers in the house, he stopped restrainedly, walked quickly across the hall with his schoolbag in his arms, and entered the back room. .As soon as the door was pushed open, he yelled inside like a gate... The door closed behind him.

Several little giant-tailed beasts followed David into the small front hall. They arched on the empty ground, gnawed on the furniture with their sharp teeth like a file, and made a creaking sound, exchanging wizards with each other. They spent their entire lives unable to figure out the signal, but it was a pity that they were coaxed out by Louis' wife who heard the sound before the signal was exchanged.

David leaned against the door leading to the inner passage, looking curiously at the strangers in the front hall.He was well built, bigger than a pampered flatlander, with the healthy blush characteristic of country people.

"Your son looks a lot like you," Victor said to Louis.

Louis grinned, Victor's evaluation seemed to be in his mind, and he shrugged his shoulders when he laughed.

At the dinner table, Heimdall always peeked at a representative, but David always peeked at the three guests.Liquor Village is inaccessible, and the villagers have lived a self-sufficient life for generations, and rarely have the opportunity to communicate with outsiders.Although I am not rich, my life is peaceful and beautiful. I don't have to worry about being hungry or having money to spend.David, who was born and raised in the isolated Liquor Village for 12 years, was the first time he saw people outside the village.

But this curiosity didn't last long, and children's patience was limited after all.He finished eating the meatloaf on the plate, turned around and spoke to Louis, who listened silently without saying a word.David pursed his lips and turned to his mother again. The mother was busy entertaining the guests and ignored him.

David lowered his head in desolation, pushed away the plate and jumped off the chair.The silent father suddenly slapped the table hard, David shrank his neck, and sat back obediently, but his face kept facing the plate, and he never raised his head again.

Faced with this situation, the three guests had to eat with their heads covered, pretending that they did not exist.

While chewing his meatloaf hard, Heimdall wondered what exactly David said that caused his parents to use the "Cold War" tactics, but Director Sturluson didn't understand at all from the beginning to the end.

The meal ended in silence as Louise's wife served dessert, a chocolate crucible with syrup.It is said that every household in Liquor Village can make it, but the taste of each household is different.The main reason is that the formula of syrup made by each household has its own characteristics, and they are all set according to their own taste.Make the chocolate into a crucible the size of a cup and freeze it hard, and pour the prepared sugar water into it. Louis’s family is sweet and sour. Heimdall firmly believes that he can taste the taste of pineapple from the sugar water, but Louis His wife repeatedly emphasized that they couldn't eat any pineapples here.No matter what Heimdall asked, Louis' wife refused to let go of the mystery of the formula.

Just as Director Sturlusson was trying his best to pull the "perhaps only once in this life" sugar water into his mouth, Victor found that the wine in the wooden wine glass in his hand hadn't moved at all.

"You're digging into a dead end again."

Heimdall gulped down the sugar water in his mouth, looked at the cup in his hand, and understood what the master meant.

"I think I'm sorry for not drilling, but you can rest assured that I won't fail to lift it up in one breath." Heimdall put down the spoon and burped loudly and contentedly, which amused the hostess. Heimdall compared to her He made a "wonderful" gesture, and temporarily learned a sentence from the master in Spanish "it's so delicious", which amused the host's whole family.

Heimdall also smirked for a while, and then said to the master: "It's so unfair, why can you even speak Spanish? Are there any languages ​​you don't speak?"

I don't know if I really didn't understand the meaning behind the words, or if I did it on purpose, Victor thought about it seriously, "I don't know how to speak Arabic."

"...Are you trying to annoy me on purpose?" Heimdall wanted to spit at him.

"I can speak Italian, don't get excited," the master grabbed Heimdall's hand and held it firmly. "Spanish and Italian have a lot in common..."

"Latin language."

"Yes, you still understand very well." Victor pecked the corner of his mouth.

"Not quite right, I can speak Russian, but Bulgarian is still very unfamiliar to me. It is reasonable to say that the pronunciation of the two languages ​​is very similar. I should feel familiar and learn it quickly, but in fact I think Bulgarian is very similar. Difficult to learn."

"This, it probably depends on the person." The master was vague, and started to soften the other party with a tender offensive before a room chief glared at him.

A certain representative coughed hard, and the two hurriedly separated.Louis and his wife showed a clear look at the same time, and their eyes became ambiguous.The representative of the Quidditch League made an expression of "So that's the case, I knew it", and naturally found a reason for himself to drink heavily and took the wine glass in his hand.

The opposite David no longer drooped his face, his eyes were wide open, staring straight at Heimdall and Victor, sweeping back and forth between the two, Heimdall was almost caught by this pair of pure His gaze was pierced into a sieve, that one felt ashamed.Director Sturluson felt that his inner world was as dark as the African natives.

After lunch, the three of them took a nap behind the house at the invitation of Louis. There is a small garden behind Louis' house. In fact, every house here has a small yard built by itself.Several people sat on wooden stools under the eaves and looked at the mountains surrounded by clouds and mist.

Louis dug a pond in the garden, and a few lotus leaves floated on the water, and a few baby salamanders that looked like giant salamanders lay motionless on the lotus leaves.They have taupe spots and bumps on their heads that turn into horns as adults and the spots turn into stripes.

When the juvenile horned salamander begins to molt, it means that it is approaching the adult body.The sticky translucent skin that the horned salamander sheds is one of the main materials for making the potion Baixian. Baixian is a very effective quick-acting healing potion, which can heal wounds instantly and heal wounds in the fastest way. The speed catalyzes the generation of new skin, which can be said to be immediate.Of course, the cost of this potion is also quite immediate.

Heimdall asked tactfully if Louis could spare him some, and he could buy it with Galleons.Louis boldly threw a few pieces of dried horned salamander skin, and all of them were intact and unbroken, and insisted on not accepting Heimdall's money. Heimdall thanked him with a calm smile.Now, even if Louis casually threw him a few dragon teeth, a few dragon skins, and a few large bottles of dragon blood, he wouldn't make a fuss about it.

A potato ran past... Heimdall was startled, potato?After a look, he shouted loudly, "Goblin!"

"Take it easy," said Louis, puffing on his pipe, and the old gods were there. "They're out of the way."

Heimdall looked around, and gradually believed Louis' words. There was not a single goblin pit in the small garden.

At this moment, the direction in which the goblin was escaping was instantly blocked. The goblin was surrounded by a group of giant-tailed beast cubs. The goblin didn't even have time to dig a hole, and these rare and strange excited cubs sniffed them around. Dazed, unable to destroy the wizards' garden and the plants in it.

Heimdall cast a sympathetic look at the goblin and dismissed his concerns.

"Go and pack your schoolbag!" Louise's wife's voice came from the room, followed by David's uncooperative yelling, "I won't go to class this afternoon!"

Louis' wife screamed, as if irritated by the attitude of the only child, and a big battle was imminent.

Louis touched his nose in embarrassment, and said to the three, "Don't worry, let him take you to school this afternoon."

"What's going on?" Heimdall asked the master with his eyes.

The master was straightforward and said to Louis: "He asked me what was going on. He couldn't understand Spanish."

Heimdall gave the master a hard look.

"My son won't go to school." Louis smiled wryly.

"Why?" Heimdall was puzzled. Could it be that he had disputes with his classmates, such as being bullied by seniors? This was always shown on TV.

"They refused to buy me a wand!" David ran out to expose himself, with a face full of accusations. "How do I take Charms without a wand? How do I use magic?"

Heimdall was delighted that the kid could speak English.

"How did you get into school without a wand?" Heimdall asked.

David also wondered, "What does going to school have to do with magic wands?"

Heimdall was caught by the question. The children on the plains followed the school's procedures when they entered the magic school. They were completely passive and never thought about the details. It seemed that everything was so logical. .

"There is no contradiction between not having a wand and a household registration," said the representative of the Quidditch League. "The wizarding wand management department is only responsible for monitoring existing wands. There are no relevant instructions and regulations on whether children over the age of 11 have wands."

Naturally, Heimdall couldn't ask why parents didn't buy wands for their children. The consumption of wands was a huge sum for a family with a small income. Moreover, the Lewis couple lived on their own and had no long-term fixed income.From this aspect, it can be seen that this village is indeed a poor village, although there is no problem with their food and clothing.

"David!" The wizards in the garden looked out of the fence, and saw half a small head dangling outside the fence.

David went to open the fence gate, and a child walked in. When he saw the stranger, he immediately shrank his neck and got behind David.

"That's the youngest son Jose next door, David's henchman, he's not yet old enough to go to school, he's 8 years old this year." Luis said, puffing out a puff of smoke. "He seems to be very interested in reading, and he pesters David about school affairs every day."

The disgruntled David ignored José, thinking he was too talkative, and left him aside, turning his back on everyone and sulking.Jose stood there aggrieved, looking at the back of David's head eagerly.

"Come, come." Heimdall took out the sweet-smelling candy, beckoning the little José as if teasing a small animal.Jose stared at him warily for a while, and after judging that the other party was not threatening, he slowly moved over and swallowed his saliva while looking at the candy that was close at hand.

Heimdall found his reaction amusing, grabbed him unexpectedly, and Jose immediately froze like a stone statue.The whole face was flushed red, and the eyeballs were about to pop out of his sockets. Chief Strulusson was really afraid that he would faint from breathlessness, so he suppressed a smile, stuffed the candy into his hand, and then pushed him out.

Jose breathed a sigh of relief, panted for a while, peeled off the candy wrapper, the sweet smell became more intense, Jose ate the five-pointed star candy, licked the candy wrapper vigorously, did not want to throw it away, folded it carefully Put the candy wrappers in your pockets.

During this period, David, who was sulking, was ignored. He was intoxicated in the world of candy, and squinted his eyes intoxicated.

Heimdall felt that it was almost brewing, so he tugged his little hand, but was not rejected, so he pulled Jose to him, the little one was a little shy, and refused to look directly at Heimdall's face.

"It's delicious, I still have some here," the head of the office, Sturlusson, said with a beaming smile. "Don't pay attention to David." As he spoke, he took something out of his robe pocket, and the child's eyes widened.

The representative of the Quidditch League hiccupped, "He's such a big man, he still eats candy."

Heimdall knew he was talking about himself, and decisively decided that he didn't understand.

"Jose is my friend!" David was jealous, jumped up to defend the friendship, and pulled Jose to his side.

"Who says a person can only have one friend?!" Heimdall deliberately contradicted him. "Isn't it, Jose?"

Jose looked around in a daze, neither nodding nor shaking his head, the kid obviously didn't understand English very well.

Perhaps David had never encountered such a situation before, and he didn't know how to deal with it. His mouth was deflated and he burst into tears. Heimdall was frightened and jumped up hastily.

"Why are you crying? What did I say? What's going on?" Looking anxiously at Louis, the father actually laughed with the other two guests, as if he was staying out of the matter.

Jose flicked his fingers extremely calmly, and David kept howling next to him.

"Merlin, please stop crying, okay..." Heimdall was scratched by his howls, probably because Merlin was not very familiar with the high latitudes of Spain, so the miracle did not happen after all.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, it's my fault for making you cry," Heimdall said with a headache. "As compensation, I'll give you a wand."

The crying stopped abruptly, and David, with tears on his face, looked at him stupidly.

"How can that be done!" Louis jumped up. It's true that their family's conditions are not good, but they definitely don't accept charity.

"Don't worry, I won't spend a Nat." Heimdall looked at David. "Are you familiar with the forest where your father usually goes?"

David froze for a moment, wiped his face with his sleeve, and said, "Familiar..."

"Go and get some firewood, whether you pick it or cut it, it's up to you, the prerequisite is that the branches must come from the trees that the Bowtruckles care for." More than 80.00% of the trees that Bowtruckles inhabit can be used to make magic wands.

Finding that David was still a little confused, Heimdall said again, "I will choose the best branch from the branches you brought back. It depends on whether you have this vision. Your choice determines the body of your stick."

Louis was the first to react, and understood what Heimdall meant, and shouted at his son excitedly, "Thank you, Mr. Kenny will make you a wand yourself!"

"Really?!" The representative of the Quidditch League woke up from the howl and looked at Victor hesitantly. "Is he okay?"

Louis was also listening to the answer with his ears pricked up. Although it shouldn't be, Heimdall's age made him hesitate.

"You'll know when the finished product comes out. He once participated in the wand competition and won an award." Victor calmly took a sip of tea. "His wand-making teacher opened a wand specialty store in Diagon Alley, England, called Ollivander, have you heard of it?"

The representative of the Quidditch League raised his eyebrows, feeling that his flamboyance of retreating into advance was extremely eye-catching. The representative turned his head and said loudly to the father and son who were still in a daze: "Why are you still standing there, move quickly! Viktor Krum will not lie, once he lies, you will have a reason to be in the headlines of the newspaper, and you can use this to blackmail him!"

Victor rolled his eyes, and Heimdall laughed.

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