HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 511 Best Seeker

"I can, I mean, can I take a photo with you?" The best newcomer looked at Hernando expectantly, with a shy smile on his face, he looked like a boy who was still studying, and looked at her " Three"'s actual age is farther away.

Heimdall was amazed.

Matt Jakob, who was also asked to take a group photo, managed to get rid of the winner in front of him and hadn't left the backstage. Hearing Heimdall's murmur, he decided to answer his questions, "This young man seems to be locked up all day long. Doing research in the room, full of quills, ink bottles and books and materials, three meals a day, no one is watching, so you don’t know that there is another thing in the world called eating. Think about it, don’t you grow up in the sun? Life needs Sunlight."

Heimdall chuckled.

"He speaks from experience, and it is very reliable." Hernando, with sharp ears, did not forget to seize all the opportunities he could grasp, took the time to turn his head and sarcasm, deliberately pretending to whisper in a whisper, but his voice was extraordinarily loud After finishing speaking, instead of looking at Matt Jacobs's gloomy face, he and the best newcomer happily walked towards the temporary interview point.

"My son actually married his daughter." Matthias Jacob's tone was a little self-pitying.

"Fortunately." Heimdall continued slowly under Mattia Jacob's sudden unfriendly stare, "Fortunately, your son didn't take a fancy to your in-laws."

Matt Jacobs looked horrified at the end of the world, "That's terrible!"

"I'm glad you didn't slap me for that assumption," Heimdall bared his teeth. "The world is better because worse things don't happen to us."

"Does it mean that if I slap you now, the worst will happen to you?!" Matt Jacob raised his hand as a gesture.

The two stared at each other silently for a few seconds, Heimdall covered his face suddenly, and ran away like a little wife with his head down, "Mr. Hernando, you dropped your human crutch!"

Matt Jacobs laughed behind him.

Wally Ilves? !Why is he still here? !Reluctant to leave or what's going on?

While muttering, Heimdall retreated behind Hernando, shrinking himself into a tiny shadow.

However, he forgot the importance of experts and scholars, especially world-renowned experts and scholars, to a high-profile politician. Ilves immediately broke free from the entanglement of the reporters and greeted them.

He chatted with Hernando with great enthusiasm. Heimdall seemed interested in hiring Hernando with a high salary to be a professor at a magic school in Estonia. Tactfully refused.

Ilves showed a wry smile. Even so, the corners of his mouth remained unaffected for the next time, looking like a good old man who didn't know how to lose his temper. It is profound, so it makes people sympathetic. Faced with such an attitude, people with a naturally hard heart cannot bear to remain indifferent.

It's a pity that he is facing an older man who has learned through decades of study when to stick to his own opinion and stand on the sidelines, as well as Director Sturluson who thinks he can see his inner essence.The omnipotent trick of the Estonian Minister of Magic failed to exert its due combat effectiveness on them.

The scene was a little cold for a while.

The best newcomer, who had already stood up and put on a pose, looked at them pitifully. Hernando used this to get away and took back his crutch from the staff. Now, the human crutch was exposed to the eyes of the enemy.

The two met each other's eyes - Director Strulusson thought it would be fake to pretend not to see it at this time - polite smiles were raised on their faces at the same time.

"Ilves, Wally Ilves, you may have heard of this name." The Minister of Magic seemed to want to appear approachable, and stretched out his right hand, but the second half of the sentence revealed his true thoughts .For a person who thinks carefully about issues, when he faces a person he thinks is unimportant, some things in his character that he tries to hide and cannot be seen by others will take advantage of this rare moment of liberation to reveal their true colors. The most interesting thing is his own Didn't realize it at all.

Heimdall didn't give himself time to refuse, and he grasped it, "I'm honored," with a cold and arrogant smile on his face. "I am Sturlusson, Heimdall Sturlusson."

"Ah, is your father?"

"I believe you must have heard of my father's name." Heimdall vividly interpreted the arrogance and complacency of a young man from a rich family.

Ilves smiled, and complimented Rommel a few words, Heimdall acted very well, and became even more arrogant, and said kindly in a condescending tone: "Sooner or later, you will be like me Father is so successful and famous, I heard that you are over 60, not young anymore, if you want to go further, you have to hurry up, Slovenia is a beautiful country, I have been there..." Crackling, chattering.

Cracks finally appeared on Ilves' perfect mask, "... Estonia, I am the Minister of Magic of Estonia."

"Oh, sorry."

The apology seemed insincere, but Ilves didn't care anymore, as long as he kept his mouth shut, he would be thankful. Unfortunately, all the gods from all sides were collectively disconnected at that moment.

"Speaking of Estonia..."

Ilves screamed in his heart, prevaricated for any reason, and ran away holding his trophy.

"What did you do?!" Hernando hurried over after taking the photo. "He ran like a frightened prick."

"I don't know either," Heimdall said with a look of bewilderment, looking extremely simple and honest. "I just wanted to discuss Estonia with him, talk about the past, talk about life, think about the future, and he suddenly wanted to go to the bathroom." The famous Minister Ilves could only use urine to escape reality.

"I thought you cast a spell on him." Hernando looked carefully at Heimdall's face, not believing his words.

"I wouldn't do that," Heimdall said. "The most is to stab him behind his back, write his name and curse him to have diarrhea every day."

"Are you serious?"

"Of course it's false. Wizards can't curse others at will, that's against the law." Heimdall thought to himself, I still want to be a judge, and I can't leave any stains, at least not because of this person.

During the two-thirds of the party, Heimdall, who was sitting on the chair, felt as if his back was filled with cement. Hernando squinted a few times and said, "The outstanding athlete in the field of international competition, you Don’t think about it, it’s not within the scope of the jury’s consideration if you don’t have any qualifications.”

"How can Victor have no qualifications, he once led the Bulgarian team to win the world championship!"

"According to you, the Quidditch team has seven players, and anyone in the Bulgarian team can win the prize."

Heimdall turned his head abruptly, "You—"

Hernando calmly faced his ferocity and looked back unhurriedly.

Heimdall persisted for three seconds, then suddenly stretched his hand into his pocket. Hernando raised his eyebrows. Could it be that this kid is planning to draw his wand?Then I saw him take out a small book.

Heimdall opened the small book, and brought the opened page to Hernando, "Help me see, what kind of creature is this?" A small piece of furry skin from an unknown monster. Heimdall stuck this piece of skin in his small notebook and carried it with him.

Hernando didn't look at it at all, and said angrily, "I'm an astronomy researcher, and I don't know anything about animal fur." ​​The accusations on his face seemed to have been greatly insulted.

The old man is stubborn again.

"Just take a look." Heimdall was not discouraged. "Just one look, just one look."

"dont see!"

Heimdall's persuasion failed several times, and Hernando insisted on going his own way. Heimdall sighed regretfully. When he closed the book, a photo of an activity happened to slip off a certain page and landed at Hernando's feet. Fernando bent down to pick it up, glanced casually, and his eyes were "glued" to it.

It was a group photo, Heimdall took a group photo with representatives of magical creatures from the Hogwarts Forbidden Forest before leaving England. There are spiders, there are Ponlocks, there are unicorns, etc.Hernando couldn't turn his eyes away, until Heimdall forcefully pulled the photo away from his hand, and Hernando stared at the photo as if he had witnessed some rare treasure , watched it being inserted back into the notebook, and couldn't help beating his chest and stamping his feet when he woke up.

This thing will definitely kill him!

Hernando licked his lips, "Is that you in the photo?"

"It is said to be so," Heimdall turned a blind eye to the blaze in his eyes, or pretended not to know. "Maybe I still have a long-lost brother, when I go back and ask my dad."

Hernando's smile froze, and he continued, "What's that place?"

Heimdall didn't hide from him, "Hogwarts."

Hernando was discouraged at once, that place is not easy to go, the old man looked depressed.

"However," Heimdall pulled out another photo of the activity from the small book, "I can decide on this."

Hernando let out a sharp gasp in his throat, grabbed the photo, and greedily looked at everything on it, not even letting go of the four corners of the photo.

This photo was taken by Carlo. On a piece of white snow, Heimdall, Toffee, Xiao Ba and Xiao Bun rolled into a ball on the snow, and in the end, even Olar, who was resting on a low branch, did not hide After being caught by Heimdall, he was dragged down and ravaged.

"W-Where is this?" Hernando's voice trembled a little.


The old man immediately lost his face.

"If you want to meet my animal friends, I can think of a way. If you want to enter our school, there is nothing I can do."

Hernando was stunned for a moment, and then he acted like a magic trick, not to mention how hot he was.

Heimdall took out the fur again, "Look at this..."

"No problem, leave it to me." Hernando patted his chest on the spot, accepted the piece of fur, and said that he would study it when he got back and tell him the result.

Heimdall's goal was achieved, he allowed himself to show a faint triumphant smile from an angle that Hernando didn't pay attention to, so everyone was happy.

"Human-shaped crutches, the award presenters are on stage." Matt Jacobs kindly reminded the old and the young who slipped away.

Heimdall sat up straight suddenly, his little face turned pale, nervous as if he was the nominee.

Victor, Victor, Victor, Victor... Heimdall kept muttering, wondering if the master sitting there had been sneezing.

During the entire speaking process of the award presenter, Heimdall in the audience stared at the other person's mouth, fidgeting, complaining that the person's speech speed was too slow, and sometimes picking at the person's substandard English. When the guest opened the envelope, , the moment the winner was announced, Heimdall's eyeballs almost popped out.

"Anibal Pedro..."

Heimdall could no longer hear the following surname. As soon as Anibal's initials were pronounced, Heimdall let out a breath, lowered his head and rubbed his temples that were bulging due to excessive anticipation.

The applause broke through the silence that filled the venue brought by the award presenters, and this year's outstanding athletes in the international competitive field were newly released.He wasn't a great Quidditch player, he was a great Gobstone player.

"It's not just Quidditch, there are wizards and others." Hernando's voice rang softly in his ears. "The Quidditch side has won this award for eleven consecutive years. It's time to give others a chance." Probably the photo just now did play a role. Hernando's words of consolation were extremely soft, and he avoided the seriousness and ignored it.

"That shouldn't be when Victor is qualified to take it!" Heimdall's tone was depressed by loss, but he was not disappointed. He believed in the strength of his boyfriend. Victor just...maybe just like El As Mr. Nando said, he just didn't have a good time.

"Winning an award also depends on the overall environment. Sometimes the jury has to consider the overall situation, not the individual," Hernando said.

"The jury is more inclined to Gao Bushi this year, which shows that Victor's performance has not yet reached the height that can influence the direction of the jury. You are right, he is still young, and he still has a lot of time to build his Quidditch dynasty. Be in a hurry, not at all." Heimdall seemed indifferent and calm.

Hernando looked at his clenched fist and couldn't help smiling.

"It's okay, there is another best seeker. No one can compete with him except for people in the field of Quidditch. I think Krum has a great chance this time." Matt Jacobs also came Relieve Heimdall.

Unknowingly, the two old men joined Heimdall's camp and became members who danced according to his preferences.

Hernando nodded, "Barnabas Finkley is very young this year."

There are five awards in the Quidditch field, Best Seeker, Best Batter, Best Chaser, Best Goalkeeper, and Best Rookie of the Year.Among them, the best rookie of the year received the least attention. Among the five awards, it seemed like soy sauce. On the contrary, the best seeker received a lot of attention. Even the chairman of the Quidditch League attached great importance to this award.

This is of course also because of the tradition of this award. Most of the previous winners later became famous figures in the field of Quidditch. Even though Barnabas Finkley is a comprehensive wizard award, some of its individual awards are still in certain fields. Very substantial.

For example, the Progress Award for Astronomy, the Newcomer Award for the Study of Fantastic Beasts, and the Best Seeker for Quidditch.

The player who won the best batsman this year is the Bulgarian wizard who was selected for the last Bulgarian national team. He once played with Victor in the World Cup. He is a lively person, speaks fast, and has a lot of jokes. The audience was amused frequently .The audience guests watching the Quidditch awards don’t have to worry that they will fall asleep when they are extremely bored, and the picture captured by the reporter who is sleeping soundly is released to the public.

Before the awardee was about to be kicked off the stage because he spoke overtime, he held up the trophy vigorously, laughed at someone in the audience, and said meaningfully: "Old man, you see that I have won the award, you should also prepare."

After a moment of silence, the audience began to buzz with discussions, and the reporters' eyes lit up excitedly at this unusual speech. They were more afraid of being bored than the audience.

"How could he do this!" Heimdall was annoyed.

"Shouldn't you be happy? He's obviously hinting at your boyfriend." Hernando felt that he was really moody.

"You can also hear that he is implying my boyfriend?!" Heimdall became even more angry. "What if Victor doesn't win the award, how will he face those aggressive reporters, and how will those people who are waiting to see the joke arrange him... It's too irresponsible to speak, do you know your brain? , look at the trouble he caused Victor!"

Hernando and Matthias couldn't help laughing, "Aren't you very confident?"

"That's two different things! Two different things!" Heimdall moaned while holding his head.

"Come on, you're a little hysterical, calm down." Hernando patted him on the shoulder.

"Here we come!" Matthias Jacob said hurriedly.

Heimdall suddenly raised his chest and raised his head, staring straight at the person presenting the award, then blinked his eyes, he didn't hear clearly just now, the guest presenting the award was Professor Albus Dumbledore.

The appearance of Professor Dumbledore triggered another round of applause. Two-thirds of the people in the venue stood up. The professor waited for a long time with a smile on his face before the applause gradually subsided.

Victor, Victor, Victor, Victor... Chief Strulusson began to chant his "spell" again.

Professor Dumbledore is obviously not a person who likes to follow the script. He finally got his wish and told the joke about ugly monsters that he had never had the opportunity to say at the Hogwarts orientation meeting. Unfortunately, he won very little applause. After the sparse applause ceased, a contented Professor Dumbledore began to open the envelope.

At this time, Director Sturlusson, who was sitting in the seat, closed his eyes because he was too absorbed in reciting his "spell", and was completely absorbed in his "spell" world.When Hernando pushed him hard, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked around blankly. The loud applause and whistles came like a tide, and when they hit his ears, they were like thunder. rattle.

"Who is it? Who won the award? Is it Victor?" Heimdall asked anxiously.

Hernando, who was about to answer him, suddenly moved his eyes up, and his eyes fell on the upper back of him, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Heimdall looked back in puzzlement, stretched out a hand and pulled him up from the chair, and then he fell into a generous and warm embrace.

"Rig!" The master kept calling him, and light kisses kept falling on his face and hair. Because of the short run and search, and because of the difficult emotions, the hot breath from his mouth scalded him. hair tips.

Heimdall was stunned for a second, then hugged his boyfriend tightly.

"Congratulations, Victor, that's very, very good!"

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