HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 508 Winning Guess

Mr. Hernando does not walk fast. If you observe his feet from behind, you will find that his left foot is inflexible. The symptoms of this inflexibility are not obvious. You will notice that he has a more steady pace and more calmness than the wizards walking on crutches that Heimdall has seen before.

Hernando slowly shuttled through the gradually dense crowd. He never asked others to make way for him, but any wizard with good eyesight could tell that "cheerful and easy-going" was not written on his face. One of the reasons he gave way.

Heimdall followed closely without saying a word, about two or three steps away.He stopped silent when three people shoved into his arms as they walked into the center of the 900-square-meter square.

"Mr. Hernando, right in front of us is the entrance of the venue, and it's not yet time to enter; there is a buffet table ten meters ahead on the left; the lounge is on the right." Haim Dartie reminded Hernando to the left rear.

Hernando paused on his crutches and headed left.

Heimdall blinked, then retreated to the original distance of two or three steps and followed.Until Hernando, who was walking slowly, was about to reach the counter, Heimdall posted it again, "There are a few chairs beside the counter, I will take you there to rest first, and I will let the house elf bring the food to you. There you are."

Hernando's crutches stopped again, and Heimdall thought there was something to be done, so he jumped over Hernando sideways and led the way. When it was confirmed that Hernando was seated firmly on the comfortable armchair, Heimdall returned Go to the buffet counter a few steps away.

The meal was quickly served on the small coffee table in front of the chair. When Heimdall came over, he found that the seat on the side of Hernando was occupied by someone, who was sitting on the chair and chatting with his friends around him. , Hernando kept rubbing his knees with his face down.

When the man turned around and picked up a piece of chocolate custard on the plate and stuffed it into his mouth, Heimdall lost his composure, and rushed forward in three steps at a time.

"This is our food!" Heimdall snatched two plates, his eyes widened, like a squirrel holding a nut glaring at a group of mice stealing.

The man was stunned, his friends were stunned, and Hernando, whose eyes were downcast, was also stunned.

Heimdall continued to accuse, "You still sat in my seat!"

The man reacted quickly and sneered, "Could it be that your name is written on the chair?"

"I wrote it." Heimdall nodded.

The man didn't believe it, "Where is it?" Pretending to look around, as if looking for it, his friends followed suit.

"It's right here. Get up and I'll show you." Heimdall shoved the two plates into Hernando's arms.

The man got up and kept muttering, "Where is where?" with a malicious look waiting to see a joke.

"It's right here." Heimdall stretched out his index finger.

The man, including his friends, ran behind the chair to see.

Heimdall stepped forward and sat down on the chair. Before those people could react, Heimdall took one of the plates from Hernando.

"The food here is delicious." Heimdall smiled at Hernando.

Hernando looked behind him, and those people had obviously come to their senses, and they were staring at the back of Heimdall's head stiffly.

At this time, the owner of the back of the head asked again, "Aren't you going to eat it?" He grabbed a piece of cookie and stuffed it into his mouth, pointed at himself, and said vaguely, "You don't mind if I eat it?"

Hernando shook his head, looked up without any warning, and Heimdall, who was poking his head down at the plate, felt the powerful aura created by the rising flames behind him collapse in an instant, and there was no sound in an instant.

No matter how strict the review is, the party will still inevitably be mixed with fish and dragons.

Hernando lowered his head as if nothing had happened, and found that the plate in his hand was filled with his favorite snacks. Hernando looked at Heimdall in surprise. In such a blink of an eye, Heimdall had already put The lunch on the plate is settled, and they are gulping down the orange juice specially made by the organizing committee. It is said that it is a secret formula, and most people can't drink it.

Heimdall hiccupped when he put down the cup, and looked eagerly towards the dining table, with a look of gearing up, as if ready to fight again.To be honest, he set his sights on this table during the rehearsal, and if he didn’t look for a chance to eat his fill, it would be worth it. Others came here for prizes. No matter how bad he was, he was a spirit of participation. He wasn’t a nominee, so why? I also have to leave some souvenirs, I don’t know the year of the monkey when I come back next time.Thinking of this, Chief Sturlusson hiccupped again.

"Please check the seat for me, and I'll get some more. If someone else takes it, you can let them look for the name behind the chair to delay the time." Director Strulusong didn't feel embarrassed at all, and quickly ran away.

Hernando's brows and eyes gradually opened as he watched his brisk walking back, and he smiled a little. The old man picked up a piece of cake and ate it gracefully.

Heimdall is now basically sure that this Mr. Francisco Javier Hernando is not as conceited and self-admired as the world thinks, he is just not good at words, or he does not like to talk, especially nonsense, But...it seems...he doesn't object to others talking nonsense to him, at least Heimdall babbled at him, he didn't show any impatience, and he didn't decisively tell Heimdall to shut up.

A few times, his expression was slightly unhappy, which added a bit of coldness to his originally unapproachable temperament, but it was not because he was upset by Heimdall's long-winded words, but because of what he said.

"...Oh, that's Professor Guindos. I've read his books "Magic of Hegemony" and "Judgment of the Sword of Magic" [-], [-], um, I didn't read [-], and the bookstore told me that [-] is still being translated," they said. After leaving the cafeteria area and walking through the crowd, Hernando lived reclusively, and he rarely met anyone who came to strike up a conversation along the way, so Heimdall is still talking non-stop.

"...I know her, I've seen pictures of her in magazines, Ms. Moratti, and her "Plants You May Have Overlooked May Be Useful" is long, short, but brilliant... ...and that..."

"You are very biased." Hernando interrupted suddenly.

Heimdall didn't let himself be surprised, although this was the first complete sentence the old man had spoken to him since they met.

"Is it that obvious?" Heimdall touched his nose.

"In the series of names you mentioned, more than 60.00% are people who study magic spells, and the rest are treasured magic creature research, herbalism theory, and the school of practical transfiguration. There is no word about potion science, astronomy, and the history of magic. Not to mention, the scholars who study them are also here, and some well-known figures in this field pass you by without squinting." Hernando said. "You can recognize an unknown botanist like Maria Moratti at a glance."

"Dark Arts or Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Hernando asked.

"My grades in Charms are not bad." Heimdall said tactfully.

"which school?"


"Ah~~~" Hernando nodded meaningfully. "May I have your name?"

"Sturlusson, Heimdall Sturlusson."

Hernando frowned, "Where did you hear that..." The old man muttered to himself and continued to walk forward on crutches. Heimdall closely followed him full of expectations, waiting to enjoy the moment when the answer was revealed. The expansion of the second pulse.

Occasionally, they would pass by a few wizards who were supported by members of the etiquette team. Only Heimdall seemed to be empty-handed and doing nothing. The members of the same group cast sympathetic glances. It is an honor for you to serve.

"Why don't you help me?" Hernando leaned on his crutches and turned around.

"Are you that old?"

Complimenting someone young is definitely a flattering word for men, women and children. Hernando nodded, "You are right." Turning his head and continuing to walk forward, Heimdall felt that his footsteps seemed lighter than before.

Heimdall is so anxious, why haven't you remembered yet?Didn't you say you heard it somewhere?

It was quite an honor to be known by Hernando, much more honorable than being abducted by him as a hostess.Francisco Javier Hernando, a world-renowned magizoologist, has won many awards in the field of magical animal research and has made remarkable achievements. He has written more than a hundred books, all of which are regarded as masterpieces.His books hit the top ten bestsellers when they were released.

This is the world's understanding and evaluation of Hernando. Instead of contacting him, wizards are more willing to talk to his quill.

However, Hernando's self-positioning is an astronomer. He has also written many papers in astronomy research, but unfortunately none of them have attracted attention and received attention.He once self-published an academic book "The Tiny Universe and the Tiny Wizard", which achieved minor success.Experts in the field of astronomy believe that the book is obscure and difficult, and the book contains a large number of special terms used by medieval wizards in astronomy—a considerable part of which was replaced by more understandable new terms more than a century ago— As for the big events in astronomy at that time, not to mention ordinary readers, even if you don’t have accumulated some historical and literary knowledge, you can just read the preface.

No matter in terms of commodity value or academic value, this book seems to be a complete failure. The first edition was 27 copies, and 27 copies were sold. The astronomy club that Hernando joined took it for his sake. Thanks to friendly support, none of them actually sold.

Hernando himself admired it very much, evaluating it as the best book he wrote in his life.Therefore, the "goodness" of these ink-filled university scholars in Heimdall's understanding is to let others not understand, and it is really good to not understand.

In short, Mr. Hernando did not stop his steps in exploring astronomy, and tirelessly swayed his sweat and youth on one celestial body after another. His hobbies--Herenando has always called his research on magical animals as leisure and entertainment- —But he was frequently recognized and praised in this field, until later he was regarded as a well-deserved master figure.

Today he was going to present an important award in the field of magical beast research. Maybe the old man is more eager to award astronomy... Or maybe, this is an important signal that he is unwilling to come to the rehearsal, a way of protest.

The Qingyue bell for entering the venue rang, and the large troops on the square slowly marched towards the venue.

Among the slow-walking crowd, Heimdall saw his father, uncle, and boyfriend respectively. Because everyone was in a different circle and had no chance to meet each other, Heimdall would not be so unscrupulous if he talked to himself. It is necessary to take Hernando to another place. The standing position on the square is consciously planned by the organizing committee, which is also convenient for entering the venue.

Seeing Heimdall waving vigorously in other directions frequently, Hernando said, "Did you see your friend?"

"That's my father and uncle." Heimdall pointed in the direction of Rommel and Lucius, "That's my boyfriend." He pointed in the direction of Victor. "Oh! I see Harry! That's Harry! We're friends!" Heimdall said to Mr. Hernando. "I thought he wouldn't come, he was one of the nominees for the Peace Prize!"


"Harry Potter!"

"That Harry Potter from England?" Hernando raised the same messy eyebrows as his hair.

"Yes, he is famous." Heimdall nodded.

"Then he won't get the award today." Hernando analyzed calmly. "The Peaceful has not yet been defeated, and Harry Potter will probably return empty-handed today."

"The most important thing is to participate." Heimdall was also very calm.

"My boyfriend is also one of the nominees today," Heimdall puffed out his chest. "You must have heard his name, Victor Krum."

"Well, I've heard of it. I believe there is no one in the wizarding world who hasn't heard of it." Hernando nodded, and Heimdall surged with pride, and his waist became straighter.

"Is he nominated for the first time?" Hernando asked.

"Yes, he's very young, he hasn't passed his 20th birthday yet." He just mentioned Harry, but now he has selective amnesia.

"Eight or nine times out of ten, you won't be able to hold it," Hernando poured cold water on him. "Barnabas Finkley generally doesn't like young people, I have experience."

"Professor Dumbledore got it, before he graduated at that time, the youngest winner in the history of Barnabas Finkley, this record has not been broken until now." If there is a beard, Heimdall has put They blew into the sky.

"Then let me ask you, what kind of award did Professor Dumbledore win that year?" Hernando looked at him calmly.

"Outstanding contribution..." Heimdall's expression changed.

Hernando knew that he wanted to understand. After the war, Barnabas Finkley canceled the Outstanding Contribution Award column. Now the Wizarding World has a special Outstanding Contribution Award. The organizers of the other awards respect this award The creators of all have canceled their outstanding contribution awards, which means that Professor Dumbledore's record can no longer be broken.

"...Victor will definitely win the prize."

"Didn't you say that the most important thing is participation?!" Hernando reminded him.

"Who said that! Who said that! Which bastard said that!" Chief Sturluson whipped himself again.

Hernando stared at the ferocious Heimdall for a moment, and then couldn't help but laugh.

They stepped up the stairs under the guidance of the waiter, and Heimdall couldn't help asking when they entered the door, "Have you still not remembered?"

"Remember what?" Hernando asked puzzled.

"My name."

Hernando was still dazed.

Heimdall pouted aggrievedly, "You just said my name is familiar..."

"Oh! I remember!"

Heimdall's face lit up, and he stared closely at the man's mouth, and then he heard Professor Hernando say, "I said that."

"...It's over?" Heimdall still wanted to struggle a little bit.

"It's over," said Hernando. "I don't remember the reason for the familiarity. What did you say your name was?"

Heimdall burst into tears, "Heimdall Strulusson."

Hernando said: "Okay, remember, Sturluson." He stepped into the gate of the venue.

Heimdall chased after him unwillingly, "Think about it again, maybe you can remember something..."

The figures of the two disappeared inside the door, hidden in the hustle and bustle of the crowd.

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