HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 503 I Can't Eat Hot Tofu

About an hour and a half later, the door of the small room was opened, and the onlookers who were waiting outside and unwilling to leave couldn't help but feel refreshed. They were half of the larger group before.Many juniors couldn't bear the boring waiting and the unchanging taste of tea, so they turned and left the experimental laboratory to find new stimulation points, and the rest were friends with Heimdall or extremely patient.

Carlo Jones has both, and he hurried forward with a quill in his hand.

The first to come out was Raccarlini Jr. — one of the few following the scene, a qualification Kahlo had fought so hard for — not the type journalists like to deal with.Although this guy has always had a straight face, his mood always seems to be out of the sun when facing outsiders. Carrollo hesitated and chose to ignore it. He looked behind Lacarlini Jr.

The second one to come out was Victor, with a rounded steamed bun face, he bypassed Lacarlini and went straight to the target, but Victor turned around and said something inside the door, followed by Benson and Heimdall Victor walked out together, followed by the head of the broomstick research room.

Carlo was overjoyed, "How is it?" He stopped beside Heimdall.

Benson and Heimdall's hair was still dripping water, their feet had already puddles, and the hem of the wizard's robes was continuously sending more to the ground.Heimdall, who wore big broomstick goggles on his face, raised his wet hands, pushed the hair out of the goggles, opened his mouth to Carlo, and slapped Carlo under his enthusiastic attention. Loud sneezing.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Heimdall hurriedly took out the handkerchief, which was of course also wet.

"It's okay." Carlo took out his handkerchief and said nonchalantly while wiping his face. He cared more about his problems than this.

Benson on one side had already dried himself with magic, and was about to do the same to Heimdall, when Victor was quicker than him and gave him a short smile when he was done.Benson shrugged, accepted Victor's apology, and put his wand away.

At this time, Carlo noticed that the head of the broomstick research office had a subtle complexion. It was no longer the flushed face when he entered just now, but he could not be said to be depressed, just a little depressed.Carlo speculated that the test results may not be satisfactory.

"What's up?" Carlo asked again.

Heimdall scratched his messy hair. The master looked at his brows slightly raised and his fingers itchy. He walked behind him and ran his fingers through his hair. Heimdall narrowed his eyes comfortably under the gentle and suitable touch. , He didn't recover until Carlo brought his face close to his eyes and almost kissed his nose.

"Simplicity is beauty." Director Sturlusson played with a deep voice.

Carlo froze for a moment, wrote down this sentence, and then continued to stare at Heimdall, hoping to get more information from him.Adds Benson, "Sometimes complex things are more error-prone than simple things."

Heimdall nodded and exchanged glances with Benson.

"Flying upside down," Heimdall said.

"Fly upside down." Benson affirmed.

"Don't condemn it so lightly, it's just that the balance system is out of order..." The head of the broomstick research room growled and stretched out his fingers. There was a gap of two centimeters between the index finger and the thumb, and he quickly adjusted the distance , shorten it to less than one centimeter. "It's just a small problem." The room chief insisted abnormally. "There is no problem with my inverted flight system!"

"Your tone is very similar to the spokesperson of a certain broomstick company. Their customer service often responds to complaints from wizards by saying, 'There is no problem with our ×× product'."

The head of the broomstick research room was silent for a while, "Are you mocking me?" he said to Benson.

Benson shook his head innocently, "Aren't we discussing something?"

At this time, Duncan, holding a water glass, stood upright and pushed the crowd away from Heimdall, and he shoved all the fat guys to the side.Duncan imitated Victor's facial expressions and imitated Victor's gestures, handing the cup to Heimdall's mouth "affectionately", and even learned the exact angle of bowing his head.

The deity laughed dumbly beside him, but soon, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Duncan pursed his lips and leaned over to Heimdall. Heimdall calmly took the cup with his right hand, slapped Duncan's face with his left hand, and at the same time took a few sips of drink into his mouth.On the opposite side, Duncan was still leaning forward with his palms and pouting his cheeks.

Heimdall couldn't help thinking about it, Duncan always liked to tease him, it was like this when he first entered the German school, just like adults like to come up to tease a funny doll.However, he is no longer a doll.

Heimdall withdrew his hand, and Duncan became more energetic. Heimdall said seriously, "Are you sure?"

Duncan was stunned for a moment, and then the back of his neck was strangled, and his body was driven to fall forward.Duncan stared in surprise, because Heimdall's lips were close to his own, in other words, they were kissing, really small mouth to small mouth.

The people around were all stunned for a moment, but they didn't panic. They were all big men. The era of throwing themselves into the river with a kiss is long gone, and girls don't bother to show sympathy.Duncan is well-known in front of the media for his eloquence, and he has hosted several small-scale international wizarding children's relief charity gala, and the response has been good.A French magazine proudly called him "the handsome Mr. Talk Show", so they all enjoyed the rare moment when the next Mr. Magic was stupefied with a happy mood.

For the first time in history, the master did not take any action, just watched with cold eyes, his face a little ugly.

This "kiss" lasted for about half a minute. Heimdall let go of the arm that was strangling the back of Duncan's neck and released their tightly pressed lips. Only then did the two distance themselves.

Duncan frowned and stared at Heimdall, with no expression of joy or anger, but there was a subtle difference in his eyes from before.

Heimdall took another sip of his drink, and said casually but with deep meaning: "You don't seem to understand it all the time. If you joke too far when you are with me, you must be the one who is in danger."

Duncan blinked his eyes in surprise, then nodded with a deep face, indicating that he had understood, and glanced at Victor with a trace of apology.

Heimdall smiled, and the expression on the master's face relaxed.

"Oh! It's a good thing I didn't stick my tongue in just now, otherwise, I don't know what to do." Duncan covered his cheeks and lowered his face in shame.

Everyone's faces were filled with black lines.

For Mr. Orville, the only thing he can't give up is playing tricks.

The head of the Wand Research Office took the lead and led everyone from the temporary small house in the experimental research room to the Toutian Auditorium. The arena for the wand duel was ready, and the students who heard the news blocked the auditorium completely.

All of Heimdall's friends were also present.Because of bad luck in the lottery, Li An failed to follow the head of the laboratory to the laboratory to cheer for his friends.As soon as he heard the news, he entered the arena early, squeezed a front row seat, and planned to cast all the useless yells on the big stage in front of him.Leon sat at the other end with the staff of the potion research room.

The students were elated, whispering among those already seated, and still looking around in line. The atmosphere was even more active than the opening ceremony.The founders of Durmstrang are on the Internet, no one informed them, and the students came to watch the ring spontaneously.

The wand testing competition this time was presided over by Ray Dias, the former chairman of the student union, and Jean Tanestam, the former vice-chairman, served as the field monitor during the game to prevent any discordant scenes in the field-such as cheating.

As one of the contestants, Heimdall was taken away by Bonasera who had been waiting for a long time. Others, including Victor, had to wait in line obediently to enter.

"Come on!" Before leaving, Duncan patted Heimdall on the shoulder vigorously, and the absent-minded Chief Strulusson was almost smashed by him, facing the ground and his nostrils blooming.

Heimdall thought he did it on purpose, so he kissed his little mouth. As for it!

Benson, Carlo and others also sent their blessings one after another.

"I don't know about Kane and Sean. You are my chosen successor. I have confidence in my own vision. I want this confidence to go further." Benson laughed.

"Dude, anything is possible." Caro said something encouraging like an advertisement, but it attracted everyone's dissatisfied gazes.

After a while, he came to his senses and quickly shouted, "I didn't mean that!"

Heimdall smiled and shook his head, turned around and hugged the master, gnawed a few bites into his small mouth, and then followed Bonasera, who had been waiting for his left foot for a long time, and left impatiently. There.

The small preparation room at the back of the auditorium was divided into two, which belonged to Heimdall's side. Bonasera seized the time to eloquently and danced to demonstrate his vision, which was bound to attract the attention of the audience. The way of appearance is bound to make the second grade... seem to be the third grade?Still in fourth grade?Hey, no matter what, we must suppress that shameless person.

"I'm telling you, don't talk when you go out later."

"It's not a speech. There is no need to speak." Heimdall looked at him innocently.

"How can you be so worthless!" Bonasela gave him an angry look.

To be honest, Heimdall feels that speaking or not has little to do with success, but he also understands that Bonasera's rebellious psychology must not be aroused, and it is useless to argue with him. Only the Own.

"I'm sorry, I'll try my best to be promising." Heimdall seemed to be one step closer to the crown of best actor with a humble look that he knew his mistakes and could correct them.

Bonasera nodded. "It's absolutely right to do what I say."

Kane was the first to appear on the stage, and there was warm applause in the arena. No matter what mood the audience applauded for him, at least the people on the stage felt very comfortable in their ears.Accompanied by a junior, Kane walked onto the stage slowly—not the sixth grader that everyone expected to see, waving his hands as he walked, his face full of pride.

The Heimdall support group was indifferent, and it was very eye-catching among a group of booing students who were not afraid of the height of the stage.The junior companion cast an angry look at them, as if he had been greatly insulted, which made the Heimdall faction in the audience dumbfounded.

Ray Dias is indeed a person who is used to big scenes. He immediately grabbed Kane for an impromptu interview. Carlo looked envious and wanted to rush forward to exchange with Dias.

"How do you feel about today's arena? You see everyone cheering so much, say hello to everyone." Dias is also a master of telling lies with open eyes.

"I initiated this challenge." Kane reminded seriously.

Dias smiled, "We all know now, is there anything else?"

"I..." Kane hesitated for a moment, as if to cheer himself up, when he mustered up the courage to open his mouth, a burst of louder applause overwhelmed his sentence "I will show everyone a completely different me— —" He didn't even have time to finish it.

Bonasera waved his arms and led the way ahead, with a hot smile on his face comparable to the scorching sun in July. He was very satisfied with the passionate scene in front of him, and he could not stop yelling, and the shouts from the audience Mixed together, raging in the ears of everyone in the auditorium.Several mentally fragile children had to cover their ears.

Those who didn't know thought that this person was the head of the laboratory, and the real head was following behind like a follower, clapping hands every now and then.

Ray Dias stepped forward, and Bonasera excitedly went up to him. Dias took a step and passed him. For a moment, Bonasera was at a loss until he turned around. It was only when he went to see his vice chairman that he suddenly realized that he was not the protagonist today.

"How do you feel about today's ring?" Dias interviewed Heimdall.

What impresses me the most is that Bonasera's ability to steal the show is a must. Heimdall was completely overwhelmed by that despicable and shameless spoiler. Bonasera really set off new exciting moments all the time.

"I don't know why, but every time I want to follow the steps, someone always presses the fast-forward button." Heimdall said calmly.

"I'm sorry," Dias said. "It's not just me, I believe that everyone sitting here is not quite clear what you mean by the 'fast forward button'. Literally understood, does it mean speeding up?"

"I think a qualified student council president should have a mind like yours. This idea has not wavered until now." Heimdall flattered Dias in a timely manner, and the other party deepened his smile as he expected.At this moment, Heimdall said again, "The fast-forward button, an insignificant gadget, means exactly what you said."

"What are you complaining about?" Dias asked sharply, knowing the meaning behind his words. "Or are you complaining about someone?"

Someone blinked his eyes ignorantly, and seemed to understand something. What they were talking about seemed to be related to him...but they were not so sure.

"No!" Heimdall said firmly. "I'm grateful that, you know, people are born closer and closer to death every day, and the fast-forward button makes things a lot easier all of a sudden."

There was another warm applause from the audience. Whether you understand it or not, clapping is always right.

Rigg took the opportunity to rant again.Duncan laughed.

The master is very clear about Heimdall's true thoughts. Director Strulusson actually doesn't like being disrupted by others, no matter fast forward or backward.

Dias put down his wand and whispered to Heimdall, "Thank you for your cooperation."

Heimdall raised the corner of his mouth, "It is my honor to have the opportunity to talk to you again. Talking to you is as easy as pressing the fast-forward button."

Jean Tanestam came up with a box with a hole in the top, which seemed to be intended for drawing lots.

Dias also announced that the first project was an impromptu test proposed by the principal. The main content was determined by drawing lots. The wand test in the wand research room was pushed to the second round.The head of the Wand Research Office, who had been happily climbing up to the stage, crawled back in a dispirited manner.

Tanestam sent the lottery box to Heimdall, and Kane over there quit.

"Why was he the one who drew lots?"

Tanestam glanced at him, the kind of eyes that could make people feel cold in an instant, and successfully silenced Kane.

"Why did you press the fast-forward button?" Tanestam said.

Some people laughed. These people were smart people who understood Heimdall's metaphor.

"Because he is the head of the room." Tanestam threw out the answer casually.

Kane turned his eyes away with a stern face, and the lower grades on the side puffed up their cheeks and shared the same hatred.

Heimdall took out a piece of paper, handed it to Tanestam, and took the lottery box from him.Tanestam thanked, unfolded the note, and announced forcefully, "The first item is to detect the opponent's wand."

The audience below wanted to applaud again, Tanestam raised his hand to stop it, and said, "I haven't finished yet."

"You don't need a full set of tests, just tell me what the core of the opponent's wand is made of, or the name of one of the core materials."

"I don't think it's a good idea." To everyone's surprise, Heimdall was the one who retreated? !

Heimdall looked at Tanestam, "Can I smoke again?"

"No!" Kane rushed over with bright eyes like a dachshund who found a meaty bone.

Without the host Dias announcing the start, Kane took out his wand and handed it to Heimdall, urging him to hand over his wand as soon as possible.His tone reminded Heimdall of the security guards who patrolled the gate of the International Federation of Wizards and were suspicious of everyone they saw.

As soon as Heimdall raised his hand, the wand was already lying on his palm, and no one saw his movements clearly.

"You'll regret it." Heimdall made one last effort.

It's a pity that Kane still chose to ignore it, grabbed it, and held it tightly in his palm, as if pinching the fruit of victory engraved with his name.A small cluster of silver fire flashed in the corner of his eyes, and Kane lowered his head in bewilderment. Severe pain erupted from the fingertips holding the wand. The fire spread from the fingertips to the whole body at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

The stage was full of lightning.

Kane screamed heart-piercingly, and the junior servant circled around him in horror, forgetting that he was a wizard and where his wand was.

There were bursts of exclamations from the audience, and everyone was speechless.A cobweb of silver light swirled and flickered across the stage, flickering on and off, and the faces of the audience in the front row were dyed silver.

Before everyone could react, the light disappeared.

Kane slumped on the ground in embarrassment, gasping for breath, his entire arm was blackened, and his facial features were distorted by pain.Heimdall, who snatched the wand back from his hand, knelt down beside him, trying to check his injuries, but he pushed him away.

Heimdall shrugged under Kane's resentful gaze - thinking he hadn't warned him before - got up and left, Tanestam stepped in, relieved after a quick check, "still Okay, nothing serious..." He turned his head and shouted to the students below, "I need ointment for acute dragon pox, someone can go to the school doctor to get it."

Immediately a student responded and ran out the door.

Heimdall's wand burned Kane's sleeve, but instead of burning his skin, it left him with acute dragon pox, which was painful and itchy.

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