HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 501 The Flying Wizard Chess

Generally speaking, the way to check whether Wizard Chess is obedient and easy to use is to place the pieces and let them fight at the beginning of the game. The real moves can be seen on the chessboard, and the various performances of the pieces can be seen at a glance.But Heimdall did not immediately adopt this method. He chose a more time-consuming method, which is to let them perform alone.

He started to draw the red line again, which was different from the drawing on the chessboard just now, but took his black queen as the base point, and pulled out one after another red ropes like ears of wheat to connect with the plasticine chess pieces on the opposite side one by one. This technique is a derivative of the anti-loss connection magic, the difference is that the anti-loss base point is set on the chessboard.

The small quill pen in Papoulias' hand trembled quickly, and he faithfully recorded everything in front of him. The earnestness with the small flames in his eyes almost caught up with Carlo's.At this moment, the little fat man is deserting the elective class of "Magic Seeds You Don't Know", stomping his feet lightly on the bottom of the table, gearing up quietly, always ready to run when the bell rings.

Heimdall's red rope was connected to the soldiers at the very edge. He didn't cut the red rope, but pulled his wand upwards like a drawstring on a cloth bag, and all the red ropes on the chessboard tightened in unison.Except for the black queen, which is the base point, which remains unchanged, the other chess pieces show different seemingly uncomfortable reactions.From the perspective of an onlooker, Heimdall is like a performer of a wire puppet (string puppet). The magic wand and red string in his hand are the controllers that manipulate the puppet to "live".

However, Heimdall's pulling action was not just for the actors to put on a pose before they appeared on the stage. It was not to ignite the atmosphere. Unfortunately, few people noticed this. In that action just now.

Papoulias is different from other bystanders watching the excitement, he always pays attention to Heimdall's every move.Although Kane is also paying attention, the focus of their attention is completely different.Kane looks at everything in front of him with a critical eye, and he is prejudiced, so what he sees is not objective, and his first impression of Heimdall's various methods is to disapprove.Papoulias was already intimidated by the "casting the net" at the beginning. If he was still a little complacent at that time, now he treats it cautiously with the spirit of learning and seeking advice, and he is eager to understand his own works. There are no deficiencies, so the vision is relatively objective, and the state of mind is relatively peaceful.

He was the fourth person after Benson, Lacarlini Jr., and Victor to realize the profound meaning behind Heimdall's inconspicuous pulling action.

The red string forces the pieces to react, energizing them from within.Applied on the broomstick, the red string is equivalent to a kind of "curse", and the various reactions of the chess pieces themselves after being invaded by the "curse" are the grade of the anti-curse varnish on the broomstick and whether it is painted properly, that is, the ability of the chess pieces to "live" to what extent.

From the pulling reaction just now, it can be seen that the half board of white chess pieces is not "live" evenly enough. Papoulias seems to be suspected of cutting corners in the production process, and only played seven chess pieces: queen, rook, bishop, and knight. worked hard.As the key to success or failure, the king is too stable, strictly speaking, mentally depressed, which forms a strong contrast with the overactiveness of the queen, and the "inaction" of the king will greatly affect the visual effect of the Wizard Chess match. Deadly for an onslaught of wizard chess games.If this set of chess pieces were to participate in the bidding as a game wizard chess piece, this item alone would be directly excluded from the preliminary selection.A row of 7 soldiers behaved differently, some were lively and some were dull...

The colorful quills flew up, recording Heimdall's judgments one by one.

Papoulias stared anxiously at Heimdall's face, but the expressionless Heimdall did not leave him the slightest trace that could be seen through.

Kane frowned impatiently. He didn't understand the truth more and more, he felt that Heimdall was playing tricks, just to draw people's attention away from the detection technology and blur the focus.Moreover, the atmosphere here made him very unhappy. These people belonged to the Lige gang. He couldn't find a sense of identity here. He felt that everyone looked at him with unkind eyes. He didn't understand why the senior brother insisted on coming here.He raised his eyes to look at the revered sixth-grade brother, but saw that the latter's eyes were completely on Sturlusson, and he didn't notice himself, so his heart sank.He reached into his pocket and touched the edge of the book with his fingers. The expression on his face relaxed, and the irritability in his heart suddenly eased.

[It's okay,] he said to Benzi in his heart. 【I don't care if I have them or not, because you will always be with me. 】Heimdall muttered "You mustn't move", the wand lightly passed over fifteen chess pieces one after another, and the red string wrapped around the chess piece he named was suddenly hidden, leaving only the chessboard on the right The pawn on the edge and the red rope on it, everyone can only see a red rope spit out from the tip of the wand, connected to this pawn, and then extended to connect to the opposite black queen.

"Queen." Heimdall gave orders to the pieces, but did not say how to move.

The Black Queen, who was sitting on a high-backed chair with her face lowered all the time, suddenly raised her eyes to look ahead, and moved straight to the front left of the soldier.

"Soldier." Heimdall said again.

The slightly dull soldier was silent for a while, and Heimdall pulled the red rope. It was shocked suddenly, and it seemed a little dazed. It was not until Heimdall gave the second command that it "saw" the queen in the front left. Holding the flail, he walked towards the queen.

Papoulias blushed, and the "obedience" of the black queen set off the "rebellion" of the soldiers.

Everyone on the earth knows that plasticine can't smash agate, but don't worry, this game is called wizard chess, and everything is possible.

When the flail fell on the black queen, Heimdall manipulated the red rope to make the queen "explode".His main purpose of letting the soldiers attack the queen is not to see how it turns decay into magic, but to see how it recovers weapons.The bad thing about some wizard chess is that the chess pieces can't get back what belongs to them, such as weapons, horses, seats, bases, etc... These things have become disposable cups. When it is its turn to attack, it is helpless, and the result is often that the game of chess cannot go on.

However, there are also wizards who like to play this kind of "one-time desperate chess". The tactic they pursue is to take the opponent's king under the premise that each chess piece can only attack once.This kind of move seems a bit whimsical, and has been criticized by many wizard chess researchers, and is not recognized by the international wizard chess organization, but its fans continue to grow.Chess pieces are just for playing. The wizards feel that their mission will be fulfilled if they are entertaining.

Closer to home.

Everyone's expressions couldn't help changing. After the queen "exploded", there was no scene of debris flying all over the sky as they had imagined, and there was no scene of crashing collapse. This black queen is more dramatic than those barbaric scenes that people are used to seeing.It covered its chest with one hand and its forehead with the other hand. It struggled on the seat for a while with a look of unbearable pain, and let out one or two dying "moans". Dropped down, fell limply on the chair and lost "consciousness".

Facing the "death of the queen" full of stage drama atmosphere, the onlookers shook their heads amusedly. They looked at Heimdall one by one, and Heimdall shrugged: "It's a queen, and it's demeaning to dismember it. .”

And the thrown flail stuck to the queen's high-backed chair. Heimdall had already placed a chronograph next to the chessboard to record the recovery time. There are international standards for the recovery time of weapons in wizard chess. Heimdall decided to follow this Make judgments based on the standards given by the International Wizards Chess Organization.

The appearance of the wizard chess detection timer is similar to that of an ordinary alarm clock, but there are two movable marks on its dial, one is the shape of the chess piece, and the other is the corresponding time of the chess piece.At this moment, a mark on the dial flipped to the column of "Soldier", and the corresponding time was rapidly accumulating millisecond by millisecond.

After 3.67 seconds, the soldier took back his flail and walked back to the original position - the world standard stipulates that no response for more than 0.36 seconds is rubbish. Although there is a big gap of [-] seconds from the best, this soldier at least passed.

Papoulias heaved a sigh of relief; Heimdall also heaved a sigh of relief, and he, the person who tested it, has a sense of substitution.

While Heimdall was recording the results, Lacarlini looked at the black queen with bright eyes, and Duncan, who was just turning his eyes, bumped into it with a hungry look, and couldn't help but feel cold.

On the other hand, Kane looked envious and affirmed his goal even more. If he became the head of the laboratory, these treasures would be his own.What he doesn't know is that the Black Queen is not the property of the laboratory, there is no such thing on the financial list, even if he succeeds in replacing it, he will not get the Black Queen.

In the following period, excluding the first time, the black queen "died" 15 times one after another, making the audience sweat for it. At the same time, Heimdall tested the sensitivity of each chess piece.

The result of the large-scale investigation in the first step is almost the same. The king is quite satisfactory and there is no bright spot at all; the queen is too active, but the recovery time of the weapon exceeds five seconds; the rooks and bishops have different degrees of directional errors. The horizontal movement was correct, the vertical movement made a mistake, and it moved one square more than expected. A bishop moved diagonally and jumped in the wrong direction. Fortunately, it made up for it and jumped back by itself; , it split its own soldiers—soldiers—between it and the Black Queen in half, and the weapon recovery time was close to the best 0.36 seconds.

The inspection is not over yet. If you comment on the half of the chess pieces now, you will probably get a comment such as "live and kicking".

Papoulias covered his face in frustration, and slapped himself on the forehead with a small book in annoyance.

Benson still looked interested. Failure to meet the standard does not mean that he is useless. He is very interested in Papoulias' production ideas.

Little La Carlini had a dull expression on his face. He didn't have much thought about whether Papoulias' works were good or bad. He was willing to stand here and join in the fun like a commoner just to give someone face.

"Let's see how your pieces behave in a passive situation." Under Heimdall's control, the red string on the chessboard changed to what it was at the beginning again, starting from the soldier on the right again.

With the black queen now on the attacking side, Heimdall calls out the soldiers.The peaceful expression of the Black Queen suddenly changed. Several bystanders rubbed their eyes, then looked intently, and found that the Black Queen did indeed have a serious expression on her face.The black queen drove her throne and gradually approached the soldiers. The soldiers' heads were dangling as always, but at this moment they seemed to be trembling under the queen's aura.

Everyone began to guess what the queen's weapon was, because they didn't see any weapon worn by the black queen. Could it be that they smashed a chair?

The queen stopped right in front of the soldiers. When she stood up, her waist was straight, and her long hair poured down like a waterfall, with an incredible soft texture--Little La Carlini's eyes became brighter--The queen's face Turning slightly, squinting at the soldier, as if condescendingly staring at an ant at his feet, the soldier's head twitched convulsively.

Everyone felt that something disappeared in a flash, and the soldiers on the way turned into two halves. Only then did everyone see clearly the Queen's weapon, a long and thin whip.All the men couldn't help but tremble, this is not a queen, it is clearly a queen.

Before everyone finished expressing their emotions, a new situation appeared on the chessboard, and the magical effect of the magic plasticine began to work, that is, self-repair after being destroyed by external forces-the next second, the soldier stood up intact.

According to the rules of Wizard Chess, even if the pawn stood up, it would be useless, and it was judged that the soldier had already been eaten.But the black queen on the board ignored this and swiped her whip a second time, cutting the soldier in half horizontally, and then the soldier stood up again.The Black Queen whipped the whip for the third time.

It's not that the black queen went crazy along with it, but that the wizard chess is of such a nature that they faithfully execute the instructions on the board-clear all enemies.As long as the master does not intervene, the black queen will continue to whip the soldiers until she is permanently immortal.

"It's really interesting," Heimdall told Papoulias, though not up to par.

"Are you mocking me?" Papoulias is now like a frightened bird, seeing how flawed his work is.

"I think you have created a new possibility." Heimdall's praise was recognized by Benson, and Papoulias gradually regained some confidence.

At this time, when Duncan suddenly said "Wow", the black queen flogged the corpse several times to no avail when they were talking. When the soldier stood up unscathed for the tenth time, the black queen turned around and pulled out a sword from behind the throne ——It turns out that it still has a back move——to continue its bloody punishment, and it seems that it never tires of it.

The men feel a little stomachache.

Heimdall's wand finally hit the Black Queen's head, and everyone heaved a sigh of relief when the queen's trial was declared over.

The soldier on the opposite side was reborn again and stood up bravely and resolutely. Everyone thought, you might as well die.

"This queen is too violent." Duncan shook his shoulders exaggeratedly.

"Actually, it's two. My white queen hasn't appeared yet." Heimdall looked triumphant.

"Is this set of test chess for sale?" Lacarlini finally couldn't hold back his desire to own them.

"Not for sale." Heimdall said without hesitation.

Kane became nervous when he heard that, of course he couldn't sell it!He hasn't used it yet!

Little Lacarlini was silent for a moment, "You can set the conditions as you like."

Heimdall also imitated him and remained silent for a moment: "If you can get a letter of authorization from Principal Vasilyevich, ordering me to resell the chess pieces to you, then we can negotiate the price."

Victor thought too hard, not only pointing out the origin of the chess piece, but at the same time condemning it as hopeless... The master nodded in satisfaction.

Feeling that he was being teased, little La Carlini looked a little unsightly. Of course, Director Strulusson would not try to coax him to turn his anger into joy, and turned around to continue the next test.

After the black chess was finished, the white chess was played. The process was basically the same as the black chess. The appearance of the white queen became the focus of everyone's attention, but the test itself was ignored. Anyway, as long as Mr. Sturluson remembered what he was doing, it would be fine.

The white queen in a long dress carved from white agate is more elegant than the black queen, but less bold, but after it was started, everyone didn't think so.The White Queen's weapons are machetes and maces, yes, you read that right, maces.When it held up the mace and smashed the other party into a pile of plasticine, everyone was deeply shocked by the sense of the picture that violated harmony but greatly highlighted the impact.

The black queen and the white queen have different weapons, and their attack methods are destined to be different, but the will to fight to wipe out the opponent is unified.Another point is also very uniform, they will abandon their weapons when shooting the enemy king, and directly move to the back seat to smash.

After removing the white queen, Heimdall began to place pieces to prepare the plasticines to kill each other. This was the last step in his detection of wizard chess.In fact, Heimdall had conceived a lot about the detection of wizard chess, but unfortunately it never came true, mainly because of the Italian who was still coveting his chess pieces.

Kane couldn't sit still for a long time. He said to his sixth grade brother: "I still have testing items."

The senior brother nodded, found the right time to say goodbye to Heimdall, and said some flattery words that Kane heard were completely irrelevant, Kane whispered beside him, "It's not really that good, he's just a better test tool... "

The smiling face of the sixth-grade brother froze, and he patted Kane's shoulder without showing any traces. Kane felt that the place where he patted was a little painful, so he raised his head in confusion, but saw that the senior brother was still smiling, and a trace of uneasiness appeared just now. subsided.

"I praise him out of sincerity," said the brother. "His test is wonderful. I have never heard of many small details, including from you. I believe you are seeing it for the first time."

Kane lowered his head and seemed to be introspecting, but in fact he just curled his lips. He believed that he could bring back the favorable situation.He reached out to touch the book that could make him feel calm again. Grindelwald's information records on Wizard Chess were only a few words, and he believed that he could bridge the gap from the project he was good at.

Kane believes that the project he is good at is the wand with the most records in the book, and he wants to let Stulusson fail on the wand.

They walked to the door, pushed it open, and bumped into a group of people who were about to enter.

Everyone looked at each other for a moment, and then smiled absent-mindedly with the corners of their mouths at each other.

The sixth grade brother pulled Kane out of the way. The head of the broomstick research room was not polite at all, nodded slightly, and walked in with his people with their heads held high.

"Sturlusson!" The chief of the room arrived before his voice came, and his voice echoed for three days. "I brought all our works." He waved his hand, and immediately the low-browed junior room members stepped forward and placed the brooms on the ground one by one.

"Give me a full set!" The head of the room ordered boldly, and chose a luxurious set meal without hesitation. "So do they!" He was referring to the little bastards who went up below, and the room staff who were named looked around one by one, with uncomfortable expressions on their faces.The head of the room said again, "Don't be polite to me, I will pay for all expenses alone!"

"I won't be polite to you, we don't know each other well." Heimdall nodded calmly, choking the head of the room.

"Then let's start quickly!" The room chief of the broomstick is always impatient.

"First come, first served, let's line up." Heimdall was unmoved.

"Which bastard is in front!" He looked fierce.

Papoulias didn't know whether he should say anything, wouldn't he be a "bastard" if he agreed?

Heimdall raised his eyebrows, "If you want me to hurry up, just pay more."

"No problem!" Today, the head of the office is so old-fashioned, the problem of face is bigger than God.

Heimdall also gave him a rush work list, preparing for a while to test wizard chess and broomsticks together.

The two at the door hadn't left yet, the sixth grade brother was aroused and said to Kane: "I will stay for a while."

Kane froze and walked away.

The senior brother looked at his back, shook his head in a good-tempered manner, and closed the open door.

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