At Claire's 17th birthday party, she announced her relationship with Mionier to the public, and the adults present were not very surprised.The relationship between the two has always been traceable. In the past two years, they have even been a little unscrupulous.

Grandpa Lucius has long seen that the eldest granddaughter is destined to belong to someone else, so he puts the little remaining energy on nurturing the grandson who is late.Dad Draco discovered it even earlier, and he has given Mionier a lot of embarrassment in the past few years. Today, it can be regarded as a nightmare. Dad De took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of his eyes.

Among them, Riccardo reacted most violently. The little friend was stunned at the moment when he heard the news. The little La Carlini next to him felt a little bit in his heart, thinking that the lively trio was actually hiding an unspeakable secret love triangle. Professor Carlini's mind suddenly opened up, and the sadomasochistic love was in front of his eyes, and he danced vigorously.

His son Riccardo stayed for about 1 minute, and continued to have a big appetite, which seemed to be unaffected. Professor Raccarini stopped the endless brainstorming and returned to the small talk.

After dinner, the trio gathered together.

As a friend who gets along with Mionier and Claire day and night, Riccardo was the last one to know, it seems to be a little slow, but Riccardo is not really unaware, he regards those intimacy as brotherhood, because he Didn't think about it at all.

Riccardo didn’t call Claire a “fake man” for nothing, he took it very seriously, and imagined that Claire would take a daughter-in-law back in the future, and it might be a male or female daughter-in-law; I'm sure, Riccardo feels pretty good about himself, assuming Mionier likes a man, he must be the first one to lose his virginity!

"I'm your friend, why do you keep it a secret from me?" Riccardo looked distressed.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it." Mionier said jokingly.

"How come! Although I will not respond to you, I promise that I will never discriminate against you. You are still my friend!"

Mionir had question marks all over his face, are they communicating on a spiritual level?

Claire figured it out, and Malfoy-style protection broke out, "Come on, even if Xiaomi likes men, he won't fall in love with you!"

Riccardo is not a fuel-efficient lamp, "If you don't like me, is it possible that you still like you?"

"You just fell in love with me," Claire held Mionier's hand triumphantly. "I believe that Xiaomi would rather unrealistically try to turn me into a man than feel wronged and accept you!"

Riccardo was hit knowingly by Claire's show of affection, and staggered away with his half-damaged blood.Then he ran into Frances who was talking to someone else, who kindly supported him, Riccardo grabbed Frances' little hand with his backhand, and said affectionately: "Fanny dear, you are so kind, Unlike Xiaomi and fake men..."

Frances was forced to use it as a trash can, and tried several times to withdraw her hand indiscriminately, but Riccardo just didn't realize it.

"Are you all right?" Frances asked.

"Because of Fanny's care, I'm fine."

A man's voice inserted into the room between the two, "Can you please let go of your hand?"

Riccardo let go under the sharp gaze of the other party, and Frances was relieved. The speaker was Bernick and Luna's eldest son Cornietz, and the Bernick family was also invited today.Riccardo's eyes moved back and forth between the 19-year-old Fanny and the 16-year-old Konierz. Riccardo suddenly opened his eyes this time-seeing the flashing golden Cupid's arrows hitting the two respectively, making them Hearts were connected together, Riccardo immediately choked up, turned around, covered his face and ran away.

A man and a woman looked at each other in blank dismay.

Frances couldn't explain what she wanted to explain to Konierz, but she couldn't say it at all.

Konierz still had a face paralyzed for ten years, and said to Frances seriously: "He must be jealous of you."

Frances wanted to laugh a little, "Why aren't you jealous?"

"Luca has lost his love, and Mionir has fallen in love with Claire, so his emotions are particularly vulnerable."

Frances actually laughed.

"You don't believe it? I saw it just now, when they were talking together."

Is it because you look at the pictures and make up your own brain?

Frances laughed.

——Excerpt from "The Future Begins Today"


When Claire embarked on the journey in the dream, Mionier was still awake, brooding over the questions from the book.He couldn't get an answer from Victor, so after talking to Riccardo's fireplace, he added a fee to connect to Severus's fireplace, and cheated with the Potions professor.

The Potions Professor sized him up through the Floo Network for a long time. Mionir did not dare to resist because of his guilty conscience, so the professor did not report the answer directly at the end, but listed a series of works related to potions for him to study. Stop talking nonsense, cut off the Floo network directly, and Mionir didn't even have time to get close to let the other party draw a key point.

Mionir figured out that the answers are likely to be found in these books, so after returning from the wizarding hearth distribution center, he worked hard and studied until midnight. Fortunately, he was lucky, the first book talked about the potion formula, and he was overjoyed and forced himself to read it. Keep it in mind.

He wrote in the notebook: "The 4 in the potion recipe is the flower of stinky root, and the 5 is three drops of pine resin."

The book said that the 5 in the recipe was three drops of pine tree blood. Isn't the blood of the tree just resin?

A few minutes later, the book responded, and Mionir silently complained that the book was busy, and it was not instant.

Benzi: Not satisfactory, if the full score is very high, one point will be deducted.

"Why?" Mionir refused to accept it, and obviously copied it from the book. If you have the ability, you can give that, that... Mionir turned over the cover of the blue book, glanced at the title, turned around and continued to curse in his heart. It's your ability to give "A Magical Potion Once Favored by the Secrecy Law" a bad review!

Notebook: There are five ingredients in the formula, 5 points for writing the name of the ingredients correctly, and 5 points for writing the required amount of each ingredient. You did not write the amount of the stinky root flower.

Mionir thumped the table angrily, the official Potions exam also deducted points in the same way, it was indeed his negligence.

"You remind me of another Potions teacher of mine. He was very strict, but very powerful." Mionir said with emotion.

Benzi: It’s useless to get close, the points that should be deducted should still be deducted, young man, don’t be careless, otherwise I won’t see your tomorrow.

"Yes, yes," Mionier was still thinking about the bedtime story, "What about the rest of the story? You have to keep your promise!"

Book: A long time ago, a black-hearted businessman who resold fake magic wands was envious of his neighbor’s booming broomstick rental business. He wanted to get a piece of the action no matter what. He persevered in persuading his neighbors to introduce the products in the wand shop while doing business. At first Works great...

"Wait!" Mionier quit. "Where is the Spanish wizard at the Romanian Whitsun Carnival?" Who will get the Felicia in the end?Did the Spanish thief make a fortune at the carnival?Don't dig a hole and don't fill it, dear!

Benzi: Didn’t you get the answer?

Mionir was in a daze, "I got the answer right to represent the Spanish wizard?"

Book: Thank you for your active participation in the interactive session, and I will reward you with 5 drops of Felicia. The prize will be sent out soon, please check it in time.

Mionier: "..." Fooling children?

Notebook: With the broomstick rental business booming, the wands that were simultaneously sold have problems one by one. Many rented broomsticks have been damaged to varying degrees because of fake magic wands. When I came to the door, the owner of the rental business was an honest man, and he explained the origin of the wand in a good voice after letting the customers vent.

The wizard who was deceived suddenly realized that the owner of the fake wand shop, who had been hiding outside the broom rental shop all day long, saw that something was wrong, so he turned his head and locked the door of the shop, pretending to go to the empty building. People, over time, give up. Unscrupulous businessmen always wait until this time to open their doors to do business, and cheat the next wave as if nothing happened. This goes on and on, and their reputation gets worse and worse.

The owner of the broom rental shop refused to sell fake magic wands for him. The unscrupulous businessman saw that he was not getting any benefits and hated the other party's prosperous life. He did not reflect on his own shortcomings and was used to blaming others for the problem. The good business that belonged to him, so one night, the unscrupulous businessman sneaked into the broom rental shop to steal. Valuable items in the rental shop escaped.

My question is, if you were a black-hearted businessman, how would you operate from planning to burn down the neighbor’s store to escaping? Please write down the specific operation process.

"Don't teach children to be bad!" Mionir was angry from the heart, I really quit!

Benzi: I am educating you to recognize the methods of the bad guys and avoid the tragedy from happening again.

Damn tragedy repeats itself!

Mionier stood up and turned his anger around before he calmed down. He sat back at the table and wrote with a pen: "It's late today, I'll talk about it when I think about it!"

Benzi: Yes, go to bed early, otherwise I won't see your tomorrow.

Mionnier put down his pen and put away his notebook, turned off the desk lamp and climbed into bed.

When the light on the bedside table was turned off, Claire turned over in his sleep and muttered something vaguely, but Mionnier didn't hear it clearly, and closed his eyes in the dark.


In the dream, Claire had already crossed the river. She swam there. The river was not deep and the current was not too fast. After landing, the clothes on her body dried automatically. This is the benefit of dreaming.She kept moving forward along the muddy path, but the thick fog blocked her vision. She couldn't see her surroundings clearly, so she had to grope slowly.

Then she heard the sound of horseshoes approaching from far to near. In order to avoid possible traffic accidents—she didn’t want to be injured in a dream, Claire quickly hid on the side of the road, next to a row of fences covered with dead vines. On the other side is bare cropland.

Two horses came galloping one after the other from a distance. The two horses were like sharp swords breaking through the fog. The dense fog that gave Claire a headache was kicked to pieces by the horseshoes. It made her eyes shine, and the whole world was colorful and completely new.

Claire ran forward after the two roaring horses, and she saw a person sitting on the horse. To be precise, it was not an ordinary horse, but a Pegasus.

The magical dream made her catch up with Tianma effortlessly. What she saw before crossing the river was not a mirage, but a village in front of her.After entering the village, Tianma galloped all the way to an inn and stopped. Two people in cloaks slid off the horses. They patted Tianma's neck respectively.

The two watched Pegasus fly into the sky and then entered the hotel together. Claire followed them into the store unimpeded. She hid by a pillar-although she found that she was more like a spectator in the dream She still hid involuntarily.The two stopped in front of the bar, and the man in the yellow-gray cloak gestured to the boss, who threw them a key.

The two took the keys and went straight upstairs, Claire followed carefully, and followed them when they entered the room.

They really can't see me?Claire felt both exciting and novel. She looked around the guest room quickly, and then stood in the corner in an orderly manner. At this moment, she felt a little regretful. How should she get out?

At the same time, the yellow-gray cloak lifted the cloak hat, and Claire covered her mouth.


And it's the grown millet?

Claire stared at the face of the yellow-gray cloak in disbelief, and when the black cloak also lifted the hat, Claire was stunned and tongue-tied.

that's me?

Is that me?

How could it be me?

"Let's rest today." The yellow-gray cloak said.

Black Cloak nodded.

The yellow-gray cloak took off the cloak, took out a pipe and held it to his mouth, and grinned at the black cloak. This action made Claire feel familiar.

"Eat first?" The yellow-gray cloak raised his eyebrows. "Or eat me first?"

Claire: "..." Xiaomi, what's wrong with you?

The black cloak hooked his fingers towards the yellow-gray cloak with a smile on his face.

The yellow-gray cloak immediately took down the pipe in his mouth and said triumphantly, "I knew my wife wanted to eat me most!"

The two happily entered the simple bathroom.

"Honey, we're outside now, please keep your voice down later—" was beaten.

The black cloak paused, then turned around and closed the door between the washrooms, thus blocking the winking low smile of the yellow-gray cloak.

Claire's jaw dropped to the ground outside the door.


Mionnell found that Claire was out of her mind again, and she stayed for this meal more than six times. If Mionneel hadn't taken the trouble to remind her, she would probably have washed her face with the soup plate.

"Hey!" Mionier stretched out his hand to Claire's eyes and shook it.

Claire regained her comprehension and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I'm done eating, and you seem to be done eating too, let's go."

Clare belatedly saw that she was still scooping up the empty plate with a spoon, she quickly put down the spoon and stood up hastily.

Mionir looked at the back of her head suspiciously.

"Are you yearning for spring?" Mionier said casually, not knowing what Claire thought of, and suddenly blushed.Mionir clicked his tongue, why did he have the illusion of molesting his good brother?My ancestors, he asked this question very purely.

Mionir scratched his forehead, "I'm going to the communication center to pick up the mail, will you go back first or go with me?"

"Go with you." Claire wanted to slap her mouth after she finished speaking. She clearly wanted to be alone and slowly digest the "terrible" dream. She seemed unable to refuse Mionier, and it was easy to follow him. Claire realized this Felt a bit bad.

The two came to the package mail delivery area of ​​the communication center. He asked Claire to stand outside and squeezed towards the crowded counter.After arriving at the counter, he handed out the number plate he got from the information desk, and the house elf dispatched by the company that contracted the sugar mouse mail service this year delivered his mail according to the number plate.

The whole process is fleeting, with more time spent squeezing in and out than picking up mail.

"Got it?" Claire hurried up to meet it.

"Yeah." Mionir winked, and Claire walked with him tacitly on the winding gravel road, wandering in the afternoon greenhouse full of exotic flowers and plants.

Mionier shook the package in his hand and looked at the writing on the package in wonder. The package seemed to have been soaked in water, and the writing on it had melted and blurred.

"Who sent it from?" Claire asked.

"I don't know." Mionier said as he unpacked the package. "There should be no problem. The Sugar Mouse Contest has inspection measures, and all incoming and outgoing mail must pass security checks."

Claire was relieved.

After peeling off a layer of ordinary kraft paper, there is a black square box inside, which is as big as a fist and very light.Mionnier opened the lid of the box, and Claire stood on tiptoe. Inside the box was a very small triangular glass bottle, and a white translucent liquid flowed from the bottle.

Mionier picked up the bottle and aimed it at the light, and the translucent liquid in the bottle shone brightly under the sunlight, like a concentrated rainbow in a bottle.

"What is this?" Claire was fascinated by the color of the liquid.

yeah, what is this?

The bewildered Mionnell suddenly had an idea, and turned the black box over. There was a line of small silver characters in the bottom corner of the box: Papyrus Bookstore Mionnell woke up from a dream.

Could it be... Felicity Elixir? !

According to regulations, any regular and organized competitions, exams and other activities are prohibited from using this potion. Mionir firmly believes that he will not use it, which does not mean that others think so.

He hurriedly dragged Claire to the service desk to register.


On the other side of the sea, Heimdall, who was sitting in the office, stopped the quill in his hand and took out the latest investigation materials sent by his assistant Fiona from the drawer. Na came to the side.

Heimdall put away the documents calmly and locked the drawer.

Fiona turned a blind eye to his movements and said directly, "It's time."

The two left the office and walked to the room leading to the International Wizengamot Temporary Detention Center. They wrote their names on the booklets handed over by the guards.A few ghosts in bloated armor slipped past them, causing a burst of coolness. Fiona couldn't help shrinking her neck, and the dark aura swam around Fiona's body, waiting for an opportunity—they I like the smell of young women the most.Heimdall suddenly raised his wand, and the golden magic flame burst out with continuous light. The ghost was so frightened that he retreated again and again, and disappeared behind a wall in a panic.

Heimdall said to the guards, "This is not an example."

The guard took out a handkerchief to wipe off his sweat, and said with a dry smile, "They've been a little excited recently, and there hasn't been a newcomer in the cell for a long time."

Heimdall declined to comment.

These ghosts are new thugs introduced from the secret experimental department of the International Police Force after Leeds came to power. They are not as harmful as dementors, but they are not very pleasing. Kicked out of the International Wizengamot, many judges and chiefs have complained that the ghost's pranks are a headache and an annoyance.

"Thank you, boss." Fiona whispered, rubbing her neck.

"I thought you were fearless." Heimdall teased, the little girl must have been frightened just now, otherwise she wouldn't be so passive.

"I can't do anything about these miserable things." Fiona smiled wryly.

"The information you gave me," Heimdall asked anyway. "Is it highly credible?"

"More than 90.00%." ​​Fiona said concisely.

Heimdall was silent. The investigation materials described Doha’s family history. No matter how he investigated, Doha seemed to have fallen from the sky, and he could only find traces within five years—this part was so detailed that it was blank five years ago. People are not a small problem.

To put it bluntly, there was no such person as Doha five years ago!

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