After the meeting, the fifth graders couldn't wait to look back to their parents. The Toutian Auditorium with the murder weapon on its head chattered for a while and then quickly returned to silence.The open door creaked in the whistling wind, and large snowflakes were pushed dizzily, squeezed into the crack of the door, soaked the carved floor tiles in front of the door, and turned into mottled marks.

Karkaroff breathed out in the chilly emptiness, feeling overwhelmingly lonely, and Mr. Principal couldn't help being slender again.

He gave up the decent life he had longed for and hadn't enjoyed for long—the kind of house-elf waking up in the morning; The big house—the orange roof, at Mr. Principal's insistence; the abandonment of a local restaurant known for its salamander stew that he thought he would never die—in fact, he never thought of at all when life was at stake. that restaurant.In short, Mr. Igor Karkarov thinks he has given up much, much more than he imagined.

He moved here, and put his family in the school with all his heart, Durmstrang, which was eternally frozen by ice and snow.

There's always only one kind of weather, which is kind of a bummer, isn't it?

Karkaroff had been more sentimental than ever since his return from Hogwarts.

"Mr. Principal, would you like to have a drink with us?"

Katenin's polite question broke the headmaster who was almost embraced by melancholy. Karkaroff turned his head and saw Golden and several other professors as expected.When Golden's eyes fell on him, Karkaroff flinched reflexively.

As the principal, he sincerely welcomes Golden's high-profile return. As an ordinary wizard, he sincerely declines to establish friendship with him.

Golden is not an easy person to deal with. He is self-righteous and often answers questions inexplicably.Karkaroff couldn't keep up with his rhythm, and annoyed, he increasingly rejected contact with Golden other than official business.Golden's leaping nature gives him a strong hint that he's actually an idiot.

There is another most important reason. As I said earlier, Principal Karkaroff has become more and more slender. Recently, he has never been complacent. This emotion is often reflected on his face inadvertently.

Therefore, he was annoyed as to why every time Golden would take the trouble to ask him why he had such an annoyed look on his face, so that the incomprehensible anguish made Karkaroff even more annoyed.

"Mr. Karkaroff?" Katenin waited gracefully for him to wake up from his wild thoughts.

Fifteen minutes later, Karkaroff was sitting in a bar in Kapok Town, and the person sitting opposite him was Nero Golden.

"Why are you frowning?" Gordon asked briskly.

Karkaroff pulled his face longer and bitterly like every time before, but this time, after finishing the above series of expressions, he suddenly slapped the table hard, as if exhausting all his strength, he was actually just talking more than usual A slightly higher-pitched "growl," "I told you why!"

Golden blinked blankly, then said "Oh", lowered his head and continued peeling nuts.

There was no ground shaking, no violent wind or rain, and Karkaroff collapsed in relief.

A minute later, Golden dropped the nut shell in his hand, and while holding the wine glass, he glanced up and narrowed his eyes.

A bad feeling swept over Karkaroff - he had never hated his sixth sense as much as he did now.

Amidst the headmaster's dumbfounded eyes, Golden said not seriously, "Why are you so sad?"

Katenen concealed his subtle facial expressions by gulping down his drink, as did the other professors.

Karkaroff covered his face and sobbed.

"I apologize to you on behalf of Professor Golden." Katenen, who was walking together in the ancient town of Kapok, said to Karkarov after the breakup. "That old guy's brain is not good. You must not be as knowledgeable as him. People who have been as knowledgeable as him have gone crazy."

Karkaroff's expression was a bit dull, "I think he's as knowledgeable as I am," he paused at this point, "Please forgive me, I didn't mean to offend, I think he is the one who is crazy."

Katenen patted him on the shoulder seemingly relieved, "It's very pleasant that you are so thorough."

Karkaroff didn't react at first, and when they turned from a small shop selling cheap jewelry at the end of the street to the main road, Karkaroff froze... Really?God knows, that was just a subtle counterattack!

Karkaroff felt that the situation was serious, so he grabbed Katenin's shoulder and said hastily, "Professor Golden is fine, right?" If there is a problem, then his problem will come!

"You stopped asking me." Katenin thought carefully. "The key is to look at him personally. When he thinks there is a problem, he will have a problem."

The slender principal understood it quickly, so he felt relieved, but within a few steps, he grabbed Katenen's shoulder again, and asked tearfully, "Why does Professor Golden have questions about me?"

The protagonist in the topic is on his way back to Durmstrang, and his goal is the corridor of the research room in the castle of the German school.To be honest, Golden's choice was not intentional, and his feet had already made the choice before his brain realized the result.

As soon as he arrived at the school today, he was called to attend the orientation party. After leaving the German school for many years, he hadn't had time to see this behemoth. Later, he was dragged to drink by Katenen. Now, he was finally able to choose his own direction.

He once spent sleepless nights and food research in a room in the corridor of the laboratory with a student who did not want to mention his name at all. He supported each other in anxiety and expectation, success and loneliness, shared the joy of like-mindedness, and explored unknown fields...

Golden pursed his lips, forcing himself to break away from the pleasant fragments of the past.The human brain is extremely easy to retain negative emotions such as hatred and disgust-some episodes may intensify in the next few decades, and the brain also does not hesitate to make room for happiness.Golden didn't want to recall those good things, but they always jumped out when no one was around, and this feeling became even more uncontrollable after returning to German School.

This is the reason why Golden has been reluctant to set foot on this land. He needs to warn himself with negative emotions, but deep down in his heart he still can't forget that "I don't want to mention it at all" that he once placed high hopes on and loved as his son. Name" who.

It took Golden 7 minutes to climb a winding staircase, and the soles of his shoes fell on the unique floor tiles in the corridor of the research room, which were engraved with strange-looking elven patterns-now very few wizards can recognize this is said to have been Extinct pixies.It is worth mentioning that Golden likes to wear soft-soled shoes, which are equivalent to half of the total winning prize money of the Triwizard Tournament. The sound of footsteps echoed throughout the corridor.

Golden tensed his face unhappily. In the era he was familiar with, the corridors of the research room were crowded with people at any time. How could it be so cold like now, as if he could hear the wind blowing the hem of his robe.

Today's young people, according to Golden's natural evaluation, are really inferior to each other.

Golden walked to one of the rooms he was most familiar with. The door of that research room was not closed, and bright light shone through the not-so-narrow crack in the door. After a short glance, he saw a familiar profile— —Heimdall Strulusson.

Sturlusson was not alone in the door, and the atmosphere inside the door seemed not to be harmonious.

There was a transition period before Professor Golden witnessed "not all harmony", when Heimdall and a few friends were talking about the new professor and the new elective.

The conversation took place in the cafeteria in the castle. The parents of several friends seemed to hit it off right away. They left their children behind and went straight to open up a conversation place for them. Rommel was one of them.

The four children who were abandoned by their parents without hesitation decided to fill their stomachs according to the plan and then do what they should do.

Although they were busy stuffing things into their mouths, it did not hinder their enthusiasm for conversation. The topic was pioneered by Carlo, and the little fat man always acted as the pioneer in this area.

"I decided to take Numerology as an elective," Carlo said. "I heard that goblins value this subject very much, and are willing to provide unconditionally high loans to wizards who have studied this subject."

The three friends said that this was a fantasy, and they all scoffed.

Carlo's stone was thrown, and Mr. Jones retired.

Leon's choice remained the same, except that the supplementary elective of herbalism was still the supplementary elective of herbalism, but this year he also wanted to try a course called "Fungi Cultivation", which seemed to be closely related to wizard medicine.

"I want to take courses about magical animals." Rian seemed a little hesitant when he spoke. "I heard that it's easy to find a job after graduation." Li'an was still in a state of confusion about the future. He couldn't make a targeted choice, so he had to settle for the next best thing and choose the easy option.

"You still have one school year to think about, and two chances to change your mind." Heimdall tried to use a relaxed and exaggerated tone. "During this period of time, you can watch more and learn more, maybe one day you will have a flash of inspiration."

Ryan smiled.

Noticing that they were all looking at him, Heimdall said, "I want to try astrology."

Carlo sneered, "Say something serious."

"I'm not kidding."

Carlo obviously didn't believe it, "You don't even fall in love with divination."

"I believe that astrology and astronomy have a lot to do with divination." Longlongago, human beings confuse astronomy with astrology.

"Don't they all predict the future!" Carlo said. "I would rather look at tea leaves, running water, palmistry, and crystal balls. Standing on the roof and looking up at the stars makes me feel insecure."

The little fat man has a little fear of heights, although he always denies it.Just like Heimdall has nothing to do with Potions, Carlo rejects astronomy from the bottom of his heart, which requires climbing to a high place in the middle of the night to attend classes.Moreover, the local bad weather made the astronomy teaching time very chaotic.

"It's not right to generalize, Mr. Jones, as an excellent journalist—in the future, this is not good." Heimdall said earnestly.

Afterwards, the topic shifted to gossip about the astronomy professor.This school year, the German School welcomed two new professors. In addition to Nero Golden, who took over from Black Magic, the professor of astronomy is also a new face.But the professor failed to make it to the orientation meeting, and it is said that his neighbors accused the professor's pitcher plant of swallowing his pet.

The diameter of each vase-shaped opening of the domestic potted Nepenthes that can be bought on the market is no more than ten centimeters. The pet dog that was swallowed was a khaki Abrador.The Muggle police are clearly unable to resolve such matters, and the local Ministry of Magic has now stepped in.

Their new astronomy professor was called back on the way to the school, and unfortunately missed a good self-promotion platform.

The dinner came to an end amidst talking and laughing.

Carlo, who was the first to finish his plate, wiped his mouth with a napkin, leaned into Heimdall's ear and said, "That sixth grader seems to be your assistant in the laboratory."

Heimdall looked over, and it was indeed Fallier, sitting there looking at them.Heimdall didn't look away when he looked over.Heimdall picked up the food on the plate, wiped his mouth, greeted his friends, stood up and walked towards Falier, who immediately came up to him.

He is waiting for himself.Heimdall was a little puzzled.

"You just said you were going to the laboratory later." Falier touched his nose with a smile, not sure if he was disturbing him.

Heimdall patted his arm friendly, and the two left the cafeteria together.

The corridor of the research room was very quiet. Falier, who had been silent when he was about to arrive at the research room, suddenly said, "You'd better be mentally prepared."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know what to say," Fallier scratched his hair irritably, "and I don't want to talk behind my back." Fallier held Heimdall's hands tightly like chicken feet. Yes, Heimdall found that the seniors have become more approachable this school year.

"The head of the office is the head of the office, I have confidence in you!" Falier seemed relieved after finishing speaking.

Heimdall felt melancholy, what exactly do you mean?The preface does not match the afterword, and the stream of consciousness is the most annoying thing!

But Heimdall's melancholy didn't last long, and a piercing scream echoed throughout the corridor.

"Master!" Hina appeared out of nowhere, her big blistered eyes filled with tears. Heimdall just pulled out a smile. In front of Dahl.

"Hina is so happy!"

Heimdall took out an irregular star-shaped brooch from his pocket, and he hesitated when handing it over, "I hope you can understand, this is not clothes, but a gift."

"For Hina?!" Hina's body trembled with the stammering trill, and her throat was rumbling.

Heimdall thought that Dodoma must have "brainwashed" her often, and the effect was good, and she no longer made such a fuss.

She looked at it silently for a while, then pinned the brooch on the dress, the stars on the brooch shone brightly in the slight shaking.

Hina looked down for a moment, then collapsed to the ground, clutching her cheeks.

It looks like she likes it very much.

Heimdall found that she had no intention of getting up for the time being, so he said to Farier, "Let's go there first."

Walking all the way to the door of the research room, Farier was still looking back at the ground.

Kane sat on his seat, with his feet raised high on the table, as if he was concentrating on reading something.Hearing the movement, Kane raised his head. For a moment, Heimdall thought that the person in front of him was the head of the laboratory.

Kane froze for a moment, with a big smile on his face, but he didn't feel the slightest sense of tension in his actions. He sat on the spot with his feet firmly on the spot.It wasn't until Heimdall's eyes fell on the table that Kane took his legs and sat down unhurriedly.

He stood up and walked around the desk.

"How did you come?"

Heimdall blinked his eyes, this way of asking was unexpected.

Kane seemed to be just asking casually, and his attention quickly turned to Falier, with a strange expression on his face, and his smile faded unconsciously.

"Are you willing to walk in here?!" The tone was not very polite.

Heimdall moved calmly and changed the angle, taking a panoramic view of the expressions of the two of them.

Fallier said with a blank expression: "The head of the department is back. As an assistant, I will naturally accompany him. Now I am relieved. The backbone of our laboratory has returned. This is how it was originally, and everything should be done according to the rules. Otherwise, some people can’t even find their seats anywhere.”

Kane's expression changed, and he glanced at Heimdall unnaturally, but the latter didn't respond, seemingly not understanding what Faliere was saying.

Kane's slightly fake smile brightened again.

"I thought you wouldn't come over today." Kane said to Heimdall as if trying to make up for something.

"Come whenever you want," Heimdall said.

Kane was silent for a moment, "You always do whatever you want."

Heimdall couldn't help but look at him, and he turned his face away avoiding it.

At the same time, someone pushed open the door of the experimental laboratory. It was a low-grade student. The student's eyes fell directly on Kane, and he said kindly, "Our director asked me to ask about the situation... "

"Okay!" Kane grabbed a stack of parchment on the desk, and said "excuse me" to Heimdall, without looking at Farrier, he went straight out of the research room.

The atmosphere was a little stuffy for a while.

Heimdall habitually walked behind the desk, but turned around while taking a step, and sat on the sofa in front of the screen given to him by the Great Elder. This place is usually used to entertain visitors.

"So you mean this." Heimdall said suddenly.

Fallier twitched the corners of his mouth dryly, "You are the head of the room."

"Probably few research laboratories still care about this now."

Fallier pouted, "What kind of room chief is he..."

Heimdall asked, "Could it be that I was dismissed?"

Before Fallier could answer, the door of the research room was pushed open again, and another junior who did not know him timidly glanced at them, probably not finding the person he was looking for, hesitating again and again, grabbing The hand on the door turned white, and after finally mustering up the courage, he said in a soft voice, "Is the head of the small room here?"

Head of the small room? !Heimdall glared at Farier, and Farier shrugged at him, seeming to say, "It's just like what you see."

Heimdall coughed, and the junior shrank his shoulders, as if he was about to retreat.

"The chief is not here." Heimdall smiled warmly at him.

His smile is very contagious - he practiced in front of the mirror for a long time, and fooled many women from good families into paying much more Galleons than expected - the young grades who were basking in the spring breeze found themselves a little more courageous, and asked, "He...I mean when will the head of the office come back?"

"What do you need?" Heimdall didn't answer directly.

"I, I'm from the Wizard Chess Research Office. Our head wants the head of the small room to take a look... It won't take a lot of time for the small room to grow, just go and have a look..."

Encouraged by Heimdall's smile, he managed to finish the entire sentence.

"Do you think I can do it?" Heimdall pointed to himself and introduced himself.

The juniors stared at him for a while, looking embarrassed.

Seeing this scene, Falier couldn't help but want to vomit blood.

Hina, who has been silent all this time, bit her handkerchief silently. If Dodoma hadn't asked her to follow her master's wishes—not to discredit her master because of her personal impulses, she would have been non-violent and non-cooperative with that "small room chief" Instead of serving him tea and water like now.

"Are you a member of the laboratory?" The lower grades spent about 5 minutes in an ideological struggle.

"Yes." Heimdall nodded, and at the same time guessed that this person was in the second grade in eight or nine out of ten.

"I've never seen you." The juniors were still very alert.

Heimdall said calmly, "We will definitely see each other often in the future."

"Can you do it?" The juniors were still hesitant.

"Try it and you'll know." Heimdall stood up and walked towards him.

The lower grades wondered why he blurted out, "Okay, come with me." He might not be satisfied with his "too easy to talk" and hurriedly added, "If it goes wrong, it is destroyed. Experimental product, I will report to your cell chief and ask him to fire you!"

After finishing speaking, the juniors nodded in satisfaction with themselves, the remarks were very threatening.Who knew that the other party just laughed and followed him out of the door of the research room.

"Falier? Do you want to come together?" Heimdall turned around at the door.

"Don't make up your own mind, our wizard chess research room is not a bar." The lower grades taught a serious lesson.

"Oh, sorry, I'll keep an eye on that later."

The younger grade who was pampered and forgot about his timidity nodded deeply, and walked forward with his head held high - he found a feeling that he had not been able to find from the back and forth just now.

Golden waited for Heimdall to walk away before flashing out from behind the pillar, ignoring the surprised stare of Farrier who came out to close the door, and smiled at the fading back, "This kid is as 'stupid' as ever. .”

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