The competition is still going on, and each event is fiercely competing for the ranking order.After getting up every morning, you can see the latest round of rankings appearing on the huge report card in front of the windmill gate.That scene was the same as the release of the college entrance examination rankings, some happy and some sad, and this ranking is not the kind of gritting your teeth and stamping your feet to get through it once, it is a chronic poison, detoxified once every 24 hours, it will make your liver and gallbladder painful. And can't stop.

Heimdall would look at the rankings every day after breakfast, regardless of whether he had a match the day before, the next day was always a routine.On days when there is no competition, he will watch other people's competitions, and after half a month, he has gained a lot, which made him feel that the word "genius" no longer seems to be a special term.In the Sugar Rat Grand Prix, talent has become a common phenomenon, leaving the field he is familiar with, other contestants are very honored to be regarded as such by him.For example, the broomstick maintenance and repair competition that Heimdall has been paying attention to for a few days.This project is very unpopular, few people pay attention to it, and the number of viewers who are willing to buy tickets to watch it is pitifully small, there are no more than ten people in half a month.

But because of its unpopularity, lack of attention, and lack of attention, the status of the players participating in the competition in Heimdall's heart has been rising steadily with each preliminaries.In the desolate game scene, a cute boy with a very clean temperament and appearance always occupies the first row of seats. His unreserved and simple reaction made the players both moved and happy.And what I didn't expect was that the boy didn't do it by accident, he had to come almost every game, so that later, when the players participating in the event couldn't find him in the audience seats, they would feel inexplicably frustrated.

Although this event has the support of a loyal audience such as Heimdall, it still cannot conceal the embarrassment of the sparse traffic in front of the gate.The reason is mainly because maintenance and repair work is far less eye-catching than the passionate Quidditch competition.Just like people always pay more attention to new brooms than old brooms.

The major broom production companies all over the world have their own maintenance teams, which are generally set up as after-sales service departments. They are completely different from the production of broomsticks, and the remuneration of the maintenance departments is generally low.Heimdall has read reports in this regard. It was once disclosed by the media that the annual salary of an ordinary after-sales maintenance personnel of the Nimbus Athletic Broom Company in the UK is only 10% higher than the wizard relief fund set up in the country. As of right now, a year's share of the dole that a Squib can get doesn't even afford a vintage Nimbus 20 from the 60s.

These are the two extremes brought by the broomstick to the wizarding world-star players with a million-dollar annual salary, or low-level employees who are so poor that they have nothing to lose.

Fortunately, this is just a sugar mouse contest, a competition for young wizards to cultivate their hobbies, and it is not mixed with utilitarianism.Otherwise, it is hard to say whether this competition can recruit participants.It is said that the Broomstick International Grand Prix does not set up this event. It seems that there was a long time ago, and it has not appeared again in the past 100 years.

The longer I've been around sugar rats, the clearer the message is that it's different and unique.The projects set up by the Sugar Mouse International Grand Prix have always been novel and unique. It has never followed the old ways, will not pretend to be arty, and will not blindly follow the mainstream.Anyone with a little brain knows how to avoid it but resolutely does not flinch, just like the theme of the broomstick this time.

The Broomstick International Juvenile Wizards Grand Prix kicked off on December [-]th. Listening to the descriptions of the audience who entered the sugar mouse competition area to watch the game in the past two days, it was a match that was comparable to any Quidditch World Cup finals. Grand opening. Although the "crash" is embarrassing, it can be avoided if it is properly prevented.But the Sugar Mouse Organizing Committee did not do this. The competition still started as planned, and the theme was still the result of the lottery drawn a year ago: flying broomsticks.The result can be imagined.The masters against the sky responded to the call and went vigorously. For the gold-plated trophy held once every four years, they fought to the death, and there was more than one mountain on their heads: for the Quidditch school team, for the school, for the country, For sponsors, for themselves...

Even so, although the international broomstick competition took away more places, it failed to keep the chairman of the International Quidditch Federation from leaving.The old man who held the International Broomstick Competition in one hand finally gave up on it this year. The reason is intriguing. There were rumors before that Chairman Mustafa had publicly accused the founding spirit of the International Broomstick Competition. The competition made him feel boring. He had strongly urged the organizing committee to change the current strategy and bring back the wonderful competition that was loved by underage wizards... As a result, Musta sent sugar mice.

In the past half month, Heimdall has seen him several times with his own eyes. His actions are very casual. Sometimes he is a sideline referee in speed competitions, sometimes he distributes manuscript papers in design competitions, and sometimes he is in raw material research and development competitions. He helped carry the wood, and sometimes went to the noisy auditorium to assist the security personnel to maintain the order of the scene and so on.Few recognized him, despite his eye-catching red referee robe and the glittering title badge on his chest.It was hard for people to convince themselves that such a cheerful, cheerful and friendly little old man could be the world-famous Hassan Mustafa.

After seeing with his own eyes these days, Heimdall somewhat understood why he left the International Broomstick Competition.

"Sir, I'm missing a bucket of varnish from my toolbox!"

Following the yell, Heimdall in the audience saw an old man in red robe with gray hair and a light mouth, nimbly carrying a bucket of varnish and running towards the yelling children. At this moment, the sixth round of the maintenance and repair competition was being held on the field preliminaries.This is where Chairman Mustafa is now.

When the final bell rang, the round was declared over.

Heimdall was about to leave through the auditorium door key as he had done several times before, when someone stopped him in English.Many players are no longer as busy as before, but gather around the fence in front of the auditorium and wave to him.

"Thank you for coming to my games every time!" A boy in a light gray robe yelled while lying on the railing.

His words immediately stirred up waves.

"Whoever said he came to see you, he obviously came to see me!"

"No, it's me, he must have come to see me!"

"Nonsense, it's me!"


The contestants quarreled on the sidelines over an unfounded conclusion, until a girl who looked older than them came out to persuade them, and the children reluctantly shut up.This freckled girl with beautiful long dark blonde hair seemed to be very prestigious among the contestants, and no one objected to her words.

The freckled girl looked up at Heimdall, and said calmly: "If they have caused you trouble, I am here to apologize on their behalf." Her English has a strong accent, which Heimdall seems to have known before. That's the way Mr. Vail speaks English.

Heimdall immediately said he didn't mind, and the girl returned him a friendly smile.

"I'm Ulie Moore, may I have your name?"

Heimdall walked back to the fence in front of the auditorium, and stretched out his right hand: "Heimdall Strulusson, nice to meet you."

A head suddenly squeezed into Heimdall's field of vision: "I am also very happy." After saying that, he looked over eagerly.At the same time, another head popped up, and then a third, and a fourth, and a fifth, and a sixth... until they surrounded them.

"Sorry, because you come to almost every game, they are a little too excited." Uli Moore said helplessly.

"Are you here to watch the game or to compete?" a boy suddenly asked.

Another boy snorted immediately: "Nonsense! Didn't you see him wearing a school uniform! Of course he is a contestant!"

The boy who asked the question quit: "Who said the audience can't wear school uniforms? I've seen non-participants in school uniforms!"

"Then tell me which school you saw?"

Wu Li sighed: "Okay, stop arguing, don't let Sturlusson see the joke."

The two boys suddenly fell silent and looked at Heimdall at the same time. Seeing that he looked normal, they grinned to themselves, and one of them hooked his shoulders with him very familiarly: "Hey, I thought you were very good when I first saw you, but now It seems that my temper and personality are very suitable for me, do you have a boyfriend? If not, think about me?"

Heimdall saw him talking nonsense at a young age, with a YD expression on his face. When he was amused, he looked back and forth critically on purpose, then lowered his eyelids and curled his lips: "It's too tender for my appetite. Let's talk about it in the next life." .”

The uninvited boy stepped back three steps, made a pained appearance as if he had been shocked by an electric shock, lowered his head, pressed his chest, and wailed to the sky: "God, why is this?" Pulling his head away, he raised his "trembling" hand, and raised his voice dramatically: "You must wait for me in your next life!"

This pattern sounded very "refreshing", and the hairs on Heimdall's back invariably stood at attention and took a rest.


December [-] at [-]:[-] pm

"Go-go-go-go-Heimdall-go-go-go-go-Sturlusson-ooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo does Durmstrang[-]m- — come on — we love you forever ——”

Heimdall really wanted to find a piece of tofu and kill him.

He didn't reveal the meaning of the competition. When he was asked when he left the maintenance competition, he just answered casually. He never thought that these unscrupulous guys would really keep it in mind and put it into action. 21 kids from all over the world wearing school uniforms and gowns of different colors and styles formed a huge cheerleading team (the spelling is right?!), and the reason why they are called "big" is because these 21 people Their voices were so loud that as long as they yelled, the other sounds in the venue could only be reduced to background music.

The referee on the sidelines had whistled no less than ten times to ask them to control their emotions, but to no avail, they would correct it at the time, and it didn't take long for them to germinate again.

"Beep————————" Referee No. 11 with blue veins on his forehead blew his whistle. He raised an index finger towards the auditorium, and the audience suddenly fell silent. Then he held it high with his left hand. With his wand stuck to his throat, he couldn't bear it and gave an ultimatum: [This is the last warning, if I hear another scream of demeanor that shouldn't appear, I'll pack you up and feed you Dragon! ] There was no sound in the arena, and after the warning that resounded through the sky passed, the audience heard the sound of their next breath.

[Next,] the voice of the head judge of the broomstick speed competition sounded at the right time: [I left you a little homework after the sixth round yesterday. Report to the sideline record referee. After that, everyone will disband on the spot and regroup here at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning. At that time, it will be the official competition of the seventh round of preliminaries. ] "Ah? Then today's trip will be in vain!" There were complaints in the auditorium, most of which came from an unscrupulous group.

[Tomorrow's broomstick speed race will not charge additional tickets, and I can guarantee here that everyone will feel that it is worth the money. 】The chief referee's voice always appeared so timely.

The complaints died away quickly.

Heimdall murmured to himself while reporting his answer to the recording referee. Hearing that the chief referee meant to let them fight each other in public with broomsticks, right? !furious...

"Hey—Handsome guy from Durmstrang——" A certain unscrupulous group began to act unscrupulously again. "Nine o'clock tomorrow morning—Come on—"

Heimdall was terrified: No way, you will come tomorrow? !

An unscrupulous group is an unscrupulous group. They didn't notice the entangled thoughts of others at all, and they dispersed one by one, laughing and laughing. Without them, the whole world returned to peace. The referees all showed similar expressions of relief. The contestants smiled wryly and shook their heads again and again in a gesture of helplessness.

It’s okay. People who like to disassemble broomsticks are not ordinary people. At this time, Heimdall suddenly felt that he was on a thief boat and couldn’t get off. The scary thing is that he took the initiative to row over to get closer to this thief boat. .

A certain boy came to ask for credit full of ambition: "How about it, are you touched?"

Heimdall said blankly: "I have a lot of feelings."

"Then you see, shouldn't we get closer to each other?" The self-recommended boyfriend plan resurfaced.

Heimdall squinted at him for a long time after hearing this, but the latter was able to remain unmoved under his sharp eyes, he really was a brazen guy.

"Let me introduce someone to you." Heimdall said suddenly.

The shameless man's eyes lit up: "Where is the beauty?"

Look, the wolf came out with a hang of its tail.

"It's a pretty Durmstrang beauty named Orville, and I think you'd be a hit."

The shameless man was so excited that he looked up to the sky and howled several times.

"Wait!" The Shameless seemed to have come to his senses suddenly: "Does Durmstrang have girls?"

"Are you ignorant?" The old god Heimdall was talking nonsense on the ground: "Let me ask you, what is Durmstrang's full name?"

"Durmstrang Academy."

"That's right, a junior college, not a junior college for boys, why doesn't it admit girls."

The shameless man suddenly realized, grabbed Heimdall's sleeve, and approached, "How beautiful?"

Heimdall narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, and then replied: "Many people of the opposite sex are obsessed with it." This is not a lie, Duncan has indeed had many girlfriends, and he even has a densely memorized roster at hand.

The shameless man suddenly lowered his eyebrows and said, "Forget it."

Now it was Heimdall who pulled his sleeves: "Why did you change your mind again?"

"That kind of girl can't afford to climb high, it's better to be realistic." Before Heimdall could say anything, he said energetically again: "So you see how good we are, we are about the same age, there is no generation gap, we have the same interests and hobbies, and we have the same interests. I really can't finish the language, how about it, if you don't have a boyfriend, you can consider me as the first candidate?"

Heimdall raised his eyebrows in confusion: "May I ask, when did you become the first candidate?" This person's definition of "reality" has a big problem.

The shameless man covered his lips with his hands, pretending to be surprised and coquettishly: "I hate it, we have already met in the next life, why should I be the first in this life?"

Heimdall turned around and left. The shameless man saw that it was broken, and quickly reached out to grab him: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's just a joke, it's really just a joke, don't be angry, I apologize."

Heimdall stood still suddenly, and the rambling voice rushed into his ears from far to near, as if deliberately for him to hear, with a strange tone but a loud voice: "The young people nowadays are really chattering in public, becoming How tidy, Mr. Orville, you must be mistaken, how could our lovely Rig be so uneducated!"

"When you get older, your eyes don't work well, and blurred vision is common."

The Shameless man let go of his hand in surprise when he heard the words, but at the same time he was puzzled, there were too many things he couldn't understand...

Heimdall turned his head and looked straight at the place where the voice came from, during which the pretentious conversation did not stop.

"Oh, Mr. Orville, is there something wrong with my eyesight? Why does that Lalacha look so much like Rigg? Didn't you hear that Rigg played in this stadium? Could it be Rigg?"

"Isn't it! It's almost like twins!"

What appeared in front of Heimdall were the four brothers who were said to be coming to watch his finals. Bernick and Duncan sang one another in a serious manner, and Edmund leaned on the wall with joy. The only one of the four seemed relatively normal. Victor must be the one, provided that if the strong smile in his eyes can be ignored.

As soon as Heimdall moved, the other side said: "Don't move!" Duncan stroked his chin, with a cold look of refusing to be thousands of miles away: "Tell me, who are you?"

Heimdall turned his head to the other side and rolled his eyes, then turned back and ignored any warnings, striding over.

Seeing this, Duncan and Bernick couldn't help showing joy in their eyes, and they both opened their chests and waited for him to embrace him. Heimdall smiled brightly, and rushed over with spring breeze—turned around them and ran directly to the rear.The four arms flew into the air, embarrassingly frozen in the middle and became a sculpture.

"Hello, Edmund." Heimdall hugged the leader of the cheerleading group, and the latter hugged him back with joy.

After leaving Edmund, Heimdall hugged Victor instead, "Hello, Victor."

Victor grabbed his shoulders and kissed the top of his head.

Heimdall looked up and saw that the corner of his mouth was also smiling.

"Did the friendly match go well?" Heimdall guessed that this might be the reason for his good mood.

Victor replied in a nonchalant tone: "In the end, we lost three games in a row."

Heimdall's eyes widened in disbelief: "Losing three games in a row?" It sounded unbelievable. "Are you all right?" he asked immediately worriedly.

Victor smiled and rested his chin on his head: "It's okay."

"When are you going to hug him?" Bernick had been jealous for a long time, rushed over and hooked Heimdall's neck and declared his sovereignty loudly: "I am his elder, we are blood relatives, if you want to hug, you should hug me!"

Duncan snorted, unwilling to be outdone, joined in the cuddling battle and "fighted" with Bernick.

A certain shameless person who has been left alone has been neglected, how can he be willing to leave in the face of such a situation? !

Victor stretched out his hand to pat Heimdall's cheek, and pointed, "Is that your friend?"

Heimdall narrowed his eyes, by the way, what is this guy's name?I don't seem to know...

As soon as the shameless man heard this, he squeezed over and said excitedly, "Are you Mr. Victor Krum?"

"I am." Victor replied frankly, this kind of thing has long been commonplace for him.

"My pleasure!"

Victor smiled and said nothing more.

The shameless man was eager to complete the user information, and quickly said: "I am Heimdall's boyfriend..."

The surrounding voices suddenly stopped dramatically.

Heimdall kicked up without changing his expression.

The shameless man rolled on the ground with his ankles in his arms, howled exaggeratedly, and continued in a strange way, " the next life."

Edmund couldn't hold back the sudden smile: "This market is too popular, and the next life has already been booked out."

Heimdall was so embarrassed that he couldn't say anything. He kept imitating in his mind to use all kinds of black magic he knew to make that brazen suffer. , the small part that can make people suffer from spasms of the five internal organs without causing death on the spot.

Victor suddenly raised his chin with his hand and looked into his eyes: "Willful abuse of magic will be punished, regardless of whether it is black magic or not."

Heimdall looked up and fell back, trying to see his entire face, to see if he was joking, or if he really meant something else.

Victor didn't give him a chance, and turned his face away while stroking his hair.

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