
Daisy, who came out of the front hall with the child in her arms, was taken aback by his agitation, while Yona in her arms laughed heartlessly, holding the doll Heimdall gave her and waving it with her little hand, yelling shouted.

Probably in Miss Krum's mind, Heimdall could be equated with a rag doll.

Heimdall stopped in a hurry and turned around apologetically, "I'm sorry Daisy."

"What happened? Why the rush?" Daisy shook her head.

"...to the bathroom." Heimdall's reason was very convincing, Daisy chuckled and waved her hand.

"Go, go, go!"

Unwilling to be lonely, the little doll yelled "Ahhh", her voice was very sharp, showing a little anxiety.

Heimdall stepped forward to hold her little fleshy hand, "Not now, I will play with you next time."

Heimdall originally wanted to say wait a while, but he gave up after thinking about it. If he is not sure what can be done, he should not let his temper lie, so as not to develop the habit of breaking his promise, which will have a bad influence on the children.

"You go, leave her alone." Daisy held her daughter's hand and muttered, and little Yona's puffy little face, which was about to cry, gradually smiled.

Daisy winked at Heimdall, and Heimdall stepped back quietly, and quickly walked into the front hall.

After exchanging pleasantries with Mrs. Kroom, Heimdall went upstairs and met Victor head-on within a few steps.

"You're back?!" Heimdall said in surprise. "Didn't you say that you might not be able to come back today?" I remember taking special care of myself in the morning.

"There is a game tomorrow, let's come back early today to rest and relax." Victor looked at him and said. "Why the rush? What's going on?"

Heimdall thought to himself that he knew about it anyway, so he didn't hide it, and told his plan to Co.

Victor pursed his lips, "You're worrying too much, it's okay." He was a little concerned about Heimdall's ignorance.

Heimdall shook his head resolutely, "I'm not thinking about you, I'm thinking about your family."

One thing more is worse than one thing less. Although Ke works for others, the remuneration he gets is not directly proportional to the results of his labor. He himself is also ignorant of the meaning of this operation. He seems to understand nothing. Perhaps the intelligence organization just looks I want to take advantage of him, but his motives are not pure.

Victor didn't say anything after hearing this, and he didn't insist anymore.

"Just in time, you're back, I have something to ask you." Heimdall took Victor's hand and walked quickly into the room, opened the door of the closet and searched while digging, "Do you know the school How to set up that kind of defensive magic?"

Victor was puzzled at first, but he figured it out right away.

"That kind of magic is not something ordinary wizards can do. No matter our school or Hogwarts, those magics have been improved and perfected by generations of wizards, and they have the scale and powerful effect they have today."

"Of course I know this... here, I found it!" Heimdall straightened up holding a roll of parchment. "I have self-knowledge, and the effect is similar. The most important thing is to be able to block Apparation and Apparition."

"What's that?" Victor looked at the parchment in his hand.

"The methods of casting defensive magic that are usually copied down, and some were found from the Hogwarts library," Heimdall raised his eyebrows exaggeratedly at this point. "The other part was found from their restricted area." Then he held the parchment in his arms and said with a vigilant expression. "Don't ask me how I got here, I'm a tight-lipped person."

Do people with tight mouths yell that they have tight mouths?Vic laughed.

Seeing two big birds landing on the treetops at first glance, the smaller white bird screamed, perhaps harshly, and there was some tension in the ears for no reason, and Ke looked up at them uneasily.

The white bird called a few more times, Ke was very puzzled, his face was full of confusion, and he raised his eyes to look at it naively.The cry stopped. If you observe closely, you will find a very humane smile in Shiratori's eyes.

The golden eagle flapped its broad wings, and the white falcon turned to look at it, and then flapped its wings.

Heimdall gave up his form and came to the earth.

Ke's mouth opened wide, and soon, Mantou's face lit up, and his eyes began to shine again.

"Just in case, I would like to set up some defensive magic in your home, do you agree?" Ke nodded blankly, Heimdall was not sure if he understood, and continued, "Some spells may require my boyfriend's assistance, Can I take him with me?" Heimdall looked at Ke eagerly, and Ke looked back eagerly, then nodded.

Finding that he was still a bit overwhelmed, Heimdall had no choice but to ask again, "Can you apparate?"

Ke shook his head, looking a little lonely.

Heimdall guessed the same way, eight or nine times out of ten he flies over in form every day.

"My boyfriend and I will go with you in avatar, do you think it's okay?"

Ke suddenly realized and nodded vigorously.

Heimdall smiled and said, "You lead the way."

Ke's home is on the side of a wide road, and a luxuriant larch is planted in front of the house.Heimdall looked at the surrounding environment, and the houses were not particularly closely connected. Although the exterior walls of each house were painted with colorful paint, there were faint signs of decay, and the road under their feet was not smooth enough. The fences or small gates are mottled and old.Except for the pine tree in front of the house, there are no other trees around. Sofia's urban greening is world-renowned.

All this shows a message that the economic strength and living standard of the residents in this block are not ideal.

Victor stood under the pine tree and looked up. The rows of windows made his eyes widen. He and Heimdall whispered, "His house is quite big."

Heimdall definitely has more knowledge about this than the master, "One or a few of the windows."

They followed Ke into the old-fashioned double iron doors at the entrance, and walked up the dusty stairs. On the way, Heimdall grabbed the cast-iron black escalator at the corner of the stairs, and the escalator was pushed away by him with a click. Go out, if Victor hadn't reacted quickly and hugged him, he would have fallen downstairs with the piece of metal.

Heimdall blinked in shock, and looked at Victor.

Ke Da, who was walking in front, ran down in a hurry, "You, you didn't, didn't..."

"It's all right," Heimdall pointed to the broken cast iron that was still groaning, and asked in a low voice after looking around, "You won't ask me for compensation, will you?"

Ke was driven nervous by him, and the two wished to destroy the escalator immediately.

Victor watched from the side, amused, and said, "Hurry up and leave while there is no one around."

"Yes, yes, quick!" Heimdall nodded seriously.

Ke ran up in a panic, Heimdall followed closely behind, and Victor, who couldn't help but laugh, cut off.

There was a scream of "ah" in front of him, and Victor ran up in three steps at a time, and saw Ke Zheng after screaming, and a man wearing a fancy T-shirt and jeans with a big hole on each knee. The boy with gaudy colored hair and a row of skull studs on his ears stared wide-eyed.

The boy was the first to come back to his senses, "I was scared to death, why are you yelling all of a sudden?!"

Ke's face was flushed red—he felt guilty, and he pursed his mouth and said nothing.

The young man seemed to be no stranger to Ke's stuffy gourd reaction, and he didn't ask too many questions when he saw him like this. When he turned his eyes, his eyes fell on Heimdall and Victor behind him.

He narrowed his eyes.Heimdall has been paying attention to the boy's behavior. Although he has paid great attention to concealing it, it is difficult to change a person's subconscious behavior.

Heimdall silently raised the vigilance factor in his heart.

"Your friend?" The earring boy smiled at Heimdall and Victor with a familiar look. "Ke and I are neighbors. Since we are friends of Ke, we often come to play when we have time." Then he walked towards the stairs.

When passing by Heimdall, Heimdall glanced at his facial features calmly, his eyebrows were delicate—unfortunately covered by the colorful colors all over his body, his eyes were crooked, like a person who loves to laugh, Gives a feeling of wanting to get close.

Heimdall is now very grateful that he and Victor changed out of the wizard robes when they came out. As soon as Ko entered Sofia, he found a place where no one was around and put away the robes.

The boy came as suddenly as he came, and walked away cleanly.

Heimdall didn't ask until he entered the room, "Was that person a wizard just now?"

"No, he's a Muggle." Coe said with certainty. "In noodles, bakery worker, work." A very envious tone.

"How much does the bakery pay?"

"Well, you can also take, take home the bread that can't be sold."

Heimdall suddenly turned around and grabbed the master's lapel, buried his face in his chest and rubbed it. Victor was dumbfounded by his actions.

Ke asked puzzled, "You, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I'm repenting for the vegetables I once wasted." Heimdall looked serious.

Co blinked blankly.

While the two of them were talking, Victor looked at Co's room. Just like what Heimdall said just now, there was not only one house in this house, and Coo only occupied one or two of the windows—there was a small window. The door leads to another room, and the furnishing of that room is not yet known.

The furnishings in the house are very simple, with a single bed, a bedside table, two chairs, a rectangular table, and an old-fashioned radio on the table. There is no wardrobe in the house, only a shelf like a clothes rack is placed against the wall. A few loose Muggle dresses hung on a rack.

Victor noticed that on the other end of the hanger was a long dress covered with a cloth curtain. From the appearance, it should be a robe inside. Unlike the casual Muggle clothes, this robe was carefully wrapped, from top to bottom. The package is very tight, which shows how much the owner of the clothes values ​​it.

Anyone with long eyes can see that Ke's life is not easy. Victor turned his eyes and saw Heimdall talking to Ke. Explain it to him.

Under Heimdall's insistence, Ke, who was worried, still went to the convenience store to pick up the night shift as usual.

When sending him out, Heimdall said: "We will set up magic here, don't worry about me emptying your house, right?"

"Move, evacuate? Why, why?"

Heimdall laughed, "It's fine if you don't understand, just kidding."

"You can, you can go next door, next door to play..." Ke thought for a while and said.

"Why? I don't know your neighbors."

"Just, just now, that, that..." Ke is an honest man. "He, he said you can, you can go, go and play."

"Did he just say that?" Heimdall shrugged. "I don't understand Bulgarian, in fact I didn't understand a word he said."

Ke looked regretful, the big stupid man didn't realize that he and Heimdall had been talking in German.

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't be late, will you deduct money if you are late?!"

Co nodded.

"Then hurry up! Don't leave any excuse for the boss to deduct money!"

Perhaps Heimdall's expression was very similar to that, Ko ran away, looking at the back, he seemed a little panicked.

Heimdall stood by the window and looked out. Through the thick pine branches, the scene in the distance was vague. The lighting in this room is not very ideal. The key lies in the location. The window of the room is just facing the pine tree outside.

It blocked the light and also blocked the scenery, although the scenery outside was lackluster.

Although life is difficult, Kobe knows the joy of life and has a childlike innocence.Ke placed a few miniature potted plants on the window sill, with some flowers and plants planted in them, which are cheap but easy to work with.Ke also used colorful candy paper to cover the wall beside the bed, like a decorative wall. The surface of the candy paper is like tinfoil with a little reflection, and when the light shines on it, it turns into colorful clusters of purple and red.

Thinking about myself in my previous life, I raised a potted elm tree, and it seemed that I didn’t survive the first winter. After the beginning of spring, some green buds burst out, but they just couldn’t grow. In summer, the potted plants of others are full of green, no matter how bad they are, they are also radish tassels. Well, as far as his pot is still going to die, the pot of elm will still be like that until he dies.Elms are harder than life.

He used to collect things too, but instead of candy wrappers, he used empty soda cans and plastic bottles, and exchanged them for money when he collected a certain amount.Although the money exchanged is sometimes not enough to take a bus, it is better than throwing it away for nothing.

Thinking of this, Heimdall couldn't help but sigh, the past is like smoke, but it seems like yesterday.

"It's very convenient to live in the urban area." Heimdall suppressed the spontaneous emotion about the past.

Victor felt what he was thinking just now, and his eyes were straight. Seeing him pretending to be nonchalant, he didn't ask, hugged him from behind, lowered his head slightly, and rubbed his cheeks intimately by his ear. At the same time, his eyes Like him, he looked out the window.

"There's no way around it. Wizards generally don't want to live too close to Muggles." Victor said to the point.

Living too close to Muggles is easy to discover all kinds of extraordinary clues, which will bring unnecessary trouble to the wizarding world.No one wants to destroy the balance that has been maintained for thousands of years, wizards don't want to, and Muggles who have been kept in the dark must be even more unwilling.

"I know you like woods, we can start looking for settlements from this direction in the future." Heimdall said.

Victor remained silent for a while, and after a while, he bit Heimdall's ear and said, "This is what you said, I heard everything, and you have no chance to go back on your word."

Heimdall, who looked ahead, laughed.

After a while, he patted the master's hand, "Honey, there is still business waiting for us."

The current atmosphere made the master grunt reluctantly, and then reluctantly let go of Heimdall.

"Don't worry, you will get what you want no matter what." Heimdall muttered and took out the parchment.

"What did you say?" Victor asked, grabbing his chin.

Heimdall shook his head, but smiled silently.

"Ke!" The stud-eared boy walked into the convenience store where business was slow, and Ke behind the cashier raised his head and smiled innocently.

"This is for you." The studded boy put a paper bag on the cash register.

Ke saw it and shook his head, "No, no, I can't accept, accept..."

There are several loaves in the paper bag.

"It's all left over from the sale, I still have it here," the studded boy raised the other bag as a gesture. "I can't eat so much, what a waste to throw away."

When he heard that he was going to throw it away, Ke hesitated.

"Ke." The studded boy rubbed his nose, hesitated for a while, and asked as if making up his mind, "Who were those two people just now? Are you friends?" After finishing speaking, he looked carefully at Ke's expression.

Ke was stunned by the question, staring blankly, he didn't know how to answer, he didn't even think about the question.

The studded boy observed his expression, "Aren't you a friend?"

"He, he is... yes, yes," Ke Ling had an idea. "He's from Ke, the teacher of Ke!"

The stud-eared boy blinked several times in surprise, hesitant to speak.

"Yes, it's Ke's boss, teacher!" Ke seemed to nod with certainty.

"What did he teach you?" The stud-eared boy felt an obsession to break the casserole and ask the end.

Ke groaned for a long time, "...what, I can teach you everything." It's really hard for him to be so quick-witted.

teach everything?The earring boy was silent for a moment, then smiled, "I'm sorry, I'm just curious, nothing else." He turned his head and glanced in the direction of the warehouse, where the snobby owner of the convenience store was checking accounts.

"I'm leaving, I won't disturb your work anymore, be careful, don't make the boss angry again." The studded boy waved his hand and left the convenience store.

The stud-eared boy walked out of the convenience store and walked slowly on the dark street for a while, with colorful neon lights flickering all over his body, the stud-eared boy turned into an alley calmly, and then accelerated his pace suddenly.I ran for more than a hundred meters in this dark alley with no street lights, and stopped at the entrance with three small steps in front of a door.

The studded boy cat knocked on the door, knocked six times, and the door opened.The young man looked around, pushed the door open and entered.

The inside of the door was dim, and four people sat around an unstable table. A three-headed candelabra was placed in the center of the table, and only the topmost candle was lit.

As soon as the earring boy entered, the four of them immediately looked at him. Three men and one woman were all as young as the earring boy.Judging from the appearance alone, the oldest one is no more than twenty or so. Wearing T-shirts, shirts, and jeans, he looks no different from ordinary Muggle youths.

Among them, the boy who seemed to be the oldest couldn't help standing up. Like the boy with stud earrings, his ears were full of beautiful things, and he also wore a shiny nose ring inlaid with fake diamonds on his nose.

"How is it?" asked the nose ring boss.

"I didn't ask anything." The studded boy shook his head.

"What's so polite with that idiot?" The only girl had an afro on her head, her eye circles were painted like a panda's, her lips were painted black and purple, as if she had been poisoned, and she didn't spare even ten nails. It was pitch black, and the contrasting face was pale and bloodless.

The girl with the afro had undisguised contempt when talking about Ke, and her demeanor was arrogant for no reason, giving people a sense of ignorance of current affairs and frivolity.

The earring boy didn't make a sound, the nose ring boss glanced at the girl, the girl pursed her mouth in grievance, and stopped talking.

The other two boys, who had never said a word, glanced at each other, and did not express their opinions like the girls did.

"I don't think those two people have anything to do with us. We should pretend that we don't know anything, and do whatever we want," said the earring boy. "I thought about it carefully, and I shouldn't have admitted my mistake. That is indeed Victor Krum. Think about it, the Quidditch idol in the wizarding world is completely different from us. It makes no sense to come suddenly Can't get through with us."

That is to say, they are too worrying? !The other four fell silent for a moment.

The earring boy said again: "It is actually very easy for those saints to manipulate us. We are weak. If they really plan to make things difficult for us now, do we still have a chance to sit here and analyze the situation?"

These words made sense, and the four of them gradually calmed down.

The girl with the afro muttered discouragedly, "When will this kind of life end? I don't mind being a Muggle, but I don't want to be like a mouse hiding in a hole all day long."

For a while, the atmosphere was a little stagnant.

Their grandparents were all followers of Grindelwald, some were saints, some were not. In the later period of the Great War, their grandparents did a great feat that was scolded by both camps at the same time after the event was completed. Former Africans were informants or traitors—they had their share of credit for the early end of the war.Up to now, their grandparents and fathers are no longer alive, and they are all gone, but the descendants have to inherit the sins of their predecessors and live a life of hiding everywhere like street rats.

They are not welcome in the wizarding world.

For these teenagers, they are not afraid of the police force, they are afraid of the faithful saints who will replace Grindelwald to punish traitors and avenge their revenge.

"Keep staring at Ke." The boss of the nose ring ordered the earring boy. "Even if they are as arrogant as saints, they must admit that the overall situation is settled, and this is no longer the era of Grindelwald. Ko is different from us. His grandfather is Denaghi, who is very popular among the saints. They need This is to strengthen people's hearts. Didn't they abandon Ke at the beginning because Ke's situation could not be used by them. You guessed that Ke was learning magic from that blond man. If it is true, if science has reached something that the saints judged impossible to learn, just imagine Good-for-nothing people are suddenly useful, and the saints are going from bad to worse... I guess they'll come to you sooner or later."

"Ah? That subject?" The earring boy couldn't help but panic.

The nose ring boss patted him on the shoulder, "Didn't he have a teacher, and now the department is covered by someone."

The girl with the afro suddenly said: "Should we also find someone to cover us? Why can that idiot find someone but we can't... Why are you looking at me like that?" looking at myself.

The studded boy quickly turned his gaze away, and muttered, "It's too scary, she can speak human language."

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