Hollingworth pushed open the door of the office and saw two old men in police force uniforms laughing and laughing about a certain topic. The frivolous laughter echoed in the big office after get off work hours was solemn, rigorous, and just deviated from the IW. Voice.

Judge Hollingworth had an extremely unfriendly expression on his face. If there was warmth in his eyes, the two old men must have burned to death at this moment.They ate his biscuits and drank his tea, and what he couldn't bear more than anything was when one of the old men sat in his chair with his feet up on the neat oak desk where everything was neatly arranged.

The parchment piled up in the corner of the tabletop tomorrow will play a vital role in the regular meeting of the International Confederation of Wizards, reduced to a footrest under the dirty leather shoes; the ink bottle is in danger due to the occupation of legs and feet His favorite crab-shell blue quill was lying on the carpet in front of the desk, and there seemed to be a few short fluffs that looked exactly the same color as the quill floating on the corner of the desk...

Hollingworth was ignited with a bang, just like the moment a blazing flame was thrown into a fireplace.

Hollingworth walked over quickly, threw the bag in his hand heavily on the desk, his two feet quickly retracted in shock, and fell back to the ground smoothly.

The gray-haired old man with upturned feet stared and said, "What are you doing!"

Hollingworth didn't change his face, "It's a pity. You should have fallen from the chair in a very indecent posture and groaned on the ground. Maybe this can make me feel a little better."

The gray-haired old man nodded understandingly, showing no sign of anger, but said to another old man who kept snickering with sympathy: "Prison visitation syndrome, he will come here every time."

The snickering old man agrees with this statement very much. He has chocolate-colored curly hair that is gradually dipped in snow white, which looks especially like a chocolate cake sprinkled with coconut flour and icing sugar——Heimdall thought so in his heart when he saw the old man for the first time evaluate.

"How is our future pillar doing today?" the gray-haired old man asked enthusiastically.

"I have always disagreed with your proposal. It is still early for Sturluson. Even after today, even if his performance is not satisfactory, I still will not change my original point of view."

The gray-haired old man's eyes lit up. He never expected Hollingworth to praise others frankly. It is quite rare for this harsh young judge to say such things.

"He's sixteen, I'm sixteen..." Hollingworth interrupted the curly-haired old man's grunt.


The curly-haired old man shrugged kindly, "When I was 15 years old, I stopped those crazy dark wizards from throwing curses on Muggles on the battlefield."

"Even babies had wands in their hands more than 50 years ago." Hollingworth calmly pointed out the difference between the wartime and the present, and scoffed at his boasting.

"At least he doesn't have weak legs, which shows that the prospects are very promising." The gray-haired old man was still very excited about Hollingworth's "subtle" praise.

Thinking of the international police force's full cooperation with the International Wizengamot's plan, Hollingworth breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Because of what happened to him in England, you said you would stimulate him while the iron is hot, lest he be caught by that black man." The devil is subtle, I can tell you clearly, after my observation, Sturlusson's original intention remains unchanged, at least in the next ten years, he wants to be a judge very much, and he will unswervingly stand on the side of justice to pass Fighting evil for any chance of climbing the ladder."

Of course, Hollingworth would not let Heimdall reveal even a slight expression of his mental activities. This boy has not yet learned the habit of keeping calm even when facing his own people.It is a virtue to be prepared for a rainy day, and Hollingsworth felt compelled to keep an eye on his actions.

Hollingsworth affirmed Heimdall's goal, and he had a panoramic view of the gnashing of teeth that he repeatedly wanted to put himself on the soles of his shoes.

The saddest thing in the world is when your boss knows you're going to kick his ass and pour tea in his face from the cup, but you're adamant that he doesn't know anything about it.

"I don't know what you are anxious about." Hollingworth felt that these old guys in the international police force had impetuosity that did not match their age.

The two old men straightened their eyes immediately, as if they were shocked by his words.

"It's you who are in a hurry!" the curly-haired old man growled in disbelief.

The gray-haired old man stood up angrily, and waved his old fist threateningly. The vitex medal on his chest flashed a dull light with his movements.

"Who repeatedly emphasized that this is a difficult thing and asked us to find a way to solve it?!"

Naturally, Hollingworth will not weaken the momentum of the International Wizengamot at this time, "Does tricky and urgent mean the same thing? I am now beginning to wonder how the efficiency of the International Wizengamot's case handling is guaranteed. If you always It’s such a righteous carelessness in the details.”

Three men stared at each other in the empty office.

After a while, the curly-haired old man chose to take a step back and said, "Anyway, this matter can't be rushed."

"I'm glad you noticed that," said Hollingworth dryly.

"We are teaching him as a future pillar of the police force. You can rest assured that there will be nothing less to teach." The gray-haired old man grabbed a biscuit and stuffed it into his mouth, vaguely said, "If possible, we I want to keep him in the international police force, and I spent a lot of effort to cultivate talents, but the talents are not for us." Not everyone has the grace to make wedding clothes for others, and the old man once again seized the opportunity to promote their greatness.

"I'm hoping to add a class to him," Hollingworth said, resisting the urge to snatch his biscuit back, ignoring the callused smugness in passing. "Considering that he will face some unusual environments in the future, bloodthirsty bats (vampires); large canines (werewolves) who have broken off their chains; Need to be vigilant at all times, these situations will be faced by him alone one day in the future, and my colleagues and I cannot follow him and wipe his ass."

The gray-haired old man and the curly-haired old man exchanged glances, "He needs a siren that works all the time."

Hollingworth smiled lightly, "I believe you can solve it easily."

"Of course, it's very easy." The two old men were extremely confident.

After this short conversation, Heimdall's coursework in the police force has increased, but he doesn't know it yet.


The blue, purple, and orange in the sky gradually turned into a rich indigo after mixing together. At this time, the temperature dropped slightly, and the natural life in the woods no longer had the hustle and bustle of a few hours ago, and it was the curtain call of the day again.The dappled sunlight cast through the gaps in the leaves is like melted mango ice cream, fading the sharp outlines on the soil.

There are still about 300 to [-] meters away from the Rhodope Manor. Victor saw Heimdall walking along the path and waving to him in the warm tones of the sunset. A smile immediately appeared on his face. , Stride forward.

"Welcome home." Heimdall raised his head to welcome his boyfriend's kiss.

Victor let himself be surrounded by thick warmth, and stared intently at Heimdall who grabbed his palm. Behind him was verdant greenery, and their home was hidden deep in the greenery—to be precise His own home, but it is enough, at least half of the picture he dreamed of has been realized at the moment, and he sincerely hopes that this is not an illusion caused by excessive expectations.

"Is there something on my face?" Heimdall found his boyfriend looking at him with an intriguing expression.

He raised Victor's right arm as usual so that his own could go through and hook, and Victor's brow twitched, fleetingly, the smile on his face undiminished.Heimdall turned his eyes towards the woods seemingly inadvertently. Coincidentally, the bushes there made unnatural rustling sounds. Heimdall put down his arms calmly, looked at the bushes in surprise, and took the opportunity to walk to the forest. Victor left.

The rustling sound never appeared again, and it was like a hallucination for a short time.

"Perhaps a critter in the woods," Victor said.

Heimdall turned his head and took his left hand, and they walked towards the manor.

"Are you happy that I came to pick you up?" Heimdall said.

"Of course," Victor closed his eyes exaggeratedly, making a trembling appearance. "I was shaking with excitement."

Heimdall laughed twice, "To be honest, it wasn't my idea, but your grandmother seems to think I should do this..." The corners of his mouth twisted at this point. "Like a considerate wife."

As the time he lived in the Rhodope Manor accumulated, Heimdall had more and more reasons to believe that Mrs. Kroom had found some new kind of fun and never tired of it.The old lady finally seemed to realize that no matter what she did, she could not change the status quo—maybe after a long period of ideological struggle—witnessing the resistance of her grandson, the increasingly rigid family relationship, and all efforts were in vain, so she decided to retreat. The second is to "transform" Heimdall into a certain model she wants to see, a model she recognizes.

"You don't have to..." Victor hinted, and he naturally saw his grandmother's actions. The reason why he didn't do anything was because he believed that his grandmother's small actions would not affect Rieger.

"No, no, why not?!" Heimdall said enthusiastically. "I think it's quite interesting. It seems that it's easier to please her than I thought. She didn't speak ill of each other, and she didn't change one thing behind the scenes in front of you. I'm glad she's the same. "It's actually very easy to create a gap between two people, as long as they are suspicious of each other.

"I don't think grandma would be happy if she knew what you think." Victor couldn't help laughing.

Maybe the old lady is complacent about the smooth implementation of her plan and brought a lot of troubles to Rigg.

"As a filial descendant, I should try my best to satisfy all the wishes of the old man. When she is happy, I can rest assured that everyone is really happy." Heimdall nodded seriously.

Viktor laughed and gnawed heavily on his cheek, and Heimdall stretched out his arms, very manly wrapping around the shoulders of Viktor, who was taller and stronger than himself.Although the posture was rather awkward and the arms seemed a bit short, Heimdall was relieved that he managed to maintain his face. It would be a tragedy if his boyfriend stuck his chest out like a sausage.

Victor's "little bird is like a man" is attached to Heimdall...

The bushes behind him rustled unnaturally again, and Heimdall stopped and looked back, but still found nothing.


After they entered the Rhodope Manor, they temporarily separated. Victor turned to say hello to his family first, and Heimdall went directly upstairs to his room.

Take off the gown, and inside is a simple round neck short-sleeved T-shirt.Although the climate in the mountains is pleasant, it still cannot completely resist the summer heat that invades bit by bit.The wizard's robe is not stuffy to wear, and if conditions permit, it can be warm in winter and cool in summer, but the sudden release from it still makes Heimdall sigh comfortably.

Shaking the two arms exposed to the air, he walked towards the writing desk.

Unconsciously fiddled with the quill on the table, and then closed the book that was spread out. There was a bump in his calf, and Heimdall picked up the bun that was biting his trouser leg, and opened the drawer to take out some new flavors. The spider biscuits are fed to Olar who is squatting on the bird stand integrated with the writing desk. Olar has just woken up from a dream full of delicious spider meals.

Heimdall patted its head, and Olar rubbed Heimdall's palm comfortably, then stretched his wings, as if he wanted to remind him of something.Heimdall looked out of the window in the direction where its head turned, and was surprised to find a few owls parked on the tall tree branches outside, staring at the long-unopened window.

Heimdall did not open the window immediately, but took a step back. He had a similar experience before, and to be honest, it was not a beautiful process worth recalling.He put the bun on the ground, moved the things on the desk into the drawer, then opened the door of the closet on the wall opposite the window sill, and pulled out the armchair of the built-in dresser, letting Olar fly onto the back of the chair .

Looking around, he reconfirmed that Toffee, Xiaoba and Doudouye hadn’t come back outside, and there was nothing on the writing desk. He ran to the window and opened it, then ran back quickly, and stood with the bun and Olar. together.

The messengers flapped their wings on the branches, scrambling towards the narrow window, their wings collided, and the sharp owls came and went, with obvious displeasure and warning, glaring at each other almost at the same time, the crowding process The feathers that fell off from the middle of the night fluttered down on the windowsill, the ground, and the writing table.

When everything calmed down, Heimdall walked over to pick up the letters from the ground and the writing table, and naturally took out his wand to clean up the feathers dropped by the messenger. When he turned around, the house elf who was in charge of taking care of him in the Krum family opened his eyes. Two blister eyes, looking at him tearfully.

"Is Master Rig dissatisfied with nuts? Does nuts make Master Rig unhappy?" He pulled his ears hard while shouting hoarsely.

It started again.Heimdall sighed helplessly, a sensitive, fragile and hysterical house elf.


After finally getting rid of the endless self-doubt of the house-elf, under the unremitting efforts of Heimdall, he finally believed in the words of encouragement from Master Rig, and once again successfully established that "he is a very conscientious and satisfied master. the confidence of the house-elf.

Hope this confidence building lasts longer.He suddenly remembered hearing Hermione Granger's new ideas about house-elves on the Hogwarts campus. It seemed that she wanted to promote some plan, if this plan could make house-elves' naturally narrow Nerves widened, he felt he would support Granger to change things.

Heimdall squeezed his neck tiredly, knocked three times on his boyfriend's door with the letter he just received, and then pushed it away.

Although Victor quickly put on his clothes, Heimdall paused by the door, then walked quickly.

Victor turned around, saw the expression on his face, and smiled helplessly.

Heimdall glanced at the bedside table beside him, and saw a chunky medicine bottle and a jar of apricot-yellow ointment that hadn't been closed in time. The air was filled with a faint smell of mixed herbs.This taste is very close to that of ordinary topical medicines, which can explain the reason for his abrupt expression when he touched his arm outside just now.

Heimdall raised his eyebrows, held up the letter in his hand, and said pointedly: "I seem to have interfered with something."

"I welcome you to interfere with me at any time." Victor laughed.

"Using sweet words to blur the focus, although traditional, has always had miraculous effects, but unfortunately it doesn't work for me now."

Of course Victor heard him implying that he had seen it at that moment just now, and no matter how he concealed it now, it would be useless.

"I got a little injury during practice today." Victor tried his best to understate it.

"What is the 'minor injury' that requires two different medicines to be used in rotation?" Heimdall stepped forward and picked up the ointment and looked at it.

Victor knew that he would never give up if he didn't make it clear, so he hesitated, "Well... today we are trying to practice a difficult new formation, and everyone may not be familiar with the new formation, so..."

Heimdall looked at him with a very patient look - he knew that Victor had a lot of training recently.That serious little appearance reminded Victor of the way Honeydukes' boss wanted others to buy more of his candy but insisted on acting like he didn't care.

"I didn't notice the rampaging Quaffle, and by the time I did, um, it had fallen off the broom... two broken ribs as a result," and then pointed to the right arm. "And this isn't very good either."

Heimdall shuddered when he heard the broken bone, but it turned out that he was quite happy, so he couldn't help but feel a little baffled, did he hit his head when he fell?

"Your injury..." Heimdall dared not touch him now, for fear of breaking something.

"The doctor hired by our team is very good at dealing with this kind of injury. My bones are fine. Don't worry, this is not a magic injury. It will recover quickly." Instead, Victor comforted Heimdall.

If the situation is really as optimistic as he said, two different medicines need to be applied in rotation?

Heimdall didn't expose him, looked at the two externally applied medicines, and said, "Did you just apply medicine?"

Victor nodded, and grabbed Heimdall's hand that was always hiding away.

"Isn't it finished painting?" He was in a hurry to get dressed as soon as he came in, so he must have not finished painting. "Take off your clothes, and I'll paint it for you."

Victor wanted to refuse, but Heimdall's eyes were extremely firm, so he took off his long-sleeved coat in desperation.

Standing behind him, Heimdall sighed. The scars on his body were shocking. Although these scrapes, bruises and bumps were nothing to the wizard's healing potion, they were so brightly displayed in front of his eyes...

Heimdall silently applied the ointment for him, and then gently massaged it, allowing the ointment to penetrate into every wound on the skin.

"Rig." Victor suddenly broke the silence.


"Don't tell my dad about my injury."

"How do you think—" Heimdall pretended to be surprised, looking offended.

"You will say it." Victor said firmly. "In order to build a good relationship with him, you will use everything you can, including 'betraying' me. Isn't it?" Victor turned his head, the smile on his face made Heimdall's cheeks blush.

"Sometimes I really feel like you've put an amplifying spell in my head." Heimdall muttered angrily.

"That's because I'm observant, baby."

"Oh, is that true? The last time I was tired of calling me in front of Plov, and even moved my hands and feet. Didn't you notice his expression at that time? I think he almost had a cerebral palsy."

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