HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 450 Unprepared

Although the last project of the Triwizard Tournament is today, the students of Hogwarts are still busy from the morning, running to the classroom to attend classes, it seems that there is no difference from usual.

It's a pleasant thing to watch other students rushing about with sad faces. The German school students sat in a corner of the auditorium, whispering and commenting on the fat and thin girls who kept appearing on the stage.I plan to take a closer look now, as it is hard to find this shop after passing this village.

They also used tricks to rent the right to use a Muggle camera for a day from the reluctant Colin Creevey of Gryffindor, in order to take pictures with the girl they like.Several of them worry about not having enough time for the camera because they have too many favorite girls.

It is a great honor to be selected as a player in the Triwizard Tournament, and the parents of the players have the opportunity to watch the game in person.Victor got up very early today.Although he usually goes to bed early and gets up early, he has a regular schedule, but he has never tossed and turned before dawn like today.

Heimdall said nothing, pretending to be ignorant, knowing in his heart that he was actually looking forward to meeting his parents.

During breakfast, Karkaroff and Victor explained a few words, Victor nodded silently, quickly settled the things on the plate and sat aside watching Heimdall.

When the inexplicable Heimdall ate the plate, he stood up suddenly, and Heimdall blinked.

"My parents are here." After finishing speaking, he pulled Heimdall up, and then grabbed him and strode across the auditorium, towards the reception room.

Although the auditorium was no more noisy than before, it was still full of people.They received many attention gifts along the way.

"Why are you dragging me? I'm not a contestant!" Heimdall whispered.

"You are also my family, so I also want to greet you." Victor said as a matter of course.

This is one of the traditions of the Triwizard Tournament. Parents are brought here so that the contestants have the opportunity to greet their family members before the game. The family members will naturally send the most kind and appropriate blessings.

"So you treat me as your parent, what am I yours? Uncle? Uncle?" Heimdall was beaming.

Victor glanced at him expressionlessly, and Heimdall lowered his eyebrows and remained silent.

They pushed open the door of the reception room, and Cedric and Fleur had already met their family members, talking softly and intently.

Without the slightest surprise, he saw Sirius.

Sirius and the Weasleys were invited to Hogwarts as Harry's family, and they were talking eagerly.When Victor and Heimdall entered, the eager atmosphere in Harry's corner stagnated a little.The Weasleys and Harry sensed Sirius' absent-mindedness.

Victor's parents sat in the corner across from them. Victor's mother stared at her son with twinkling eyes, so excited that she couldn't bear to blink; Victor's father forced a smile at Heimdall, and it was obvious that This was the best Victor's father could do.

Heimdall raised his lips and nodded to him.

They talked in Bulgarian until their topic got out of the scope of the family. Victor switched to German. Victor's mother responded quickly and glanced at Heimdall who knew nothing about their conversation. , and spoke German together.Victor's father tightened his mouth and did not say another word.

Heimdall tried to talk to him, but he pretended not to hear him at first, and under the force of his wife's gaze, he said a few insincere words.

The corners of Victor's raised mouth quickly collapsed, which Heimdall didn't want to see.He was looking forward to meeting his parents, and he brought himself here just to make the relationship better. Unfortunately, his father maintained the original view and still did not let Victor get his wish. Victor's disappointment can be imagined.

"Hello." To Heimdall's surprise, Sirius suddenly left the corner and smiled at them across the reception room.

Victor's parents stood up immediately, and Victor made introductions for both parties.

Victor's mother immediately showed a clear expression, and glanced at Heimdall, who smiled, showing no other emotions.Victor's father looked at Sirius blankly, as if he didn't quite understand why this man came.

Sirius looked away from his face with some embarrassment, and then said, "Can I borrow Rigg for a few minutes? Everyone wants to talk to him."

For a moment, Victor was grateful to Sirius for his unnecessary effort.Today it was because of his lack of consideration, he shouldn't have brought Lila here hastily, because he believed from the bottom of his heart that everyone would be a family sooner or later.

Accompanied by Sirius, Heimdall came to the other side of the room, and the Weasleys greeted him warmly.The Weasleys, Bill and Percy, they're all here.It's a pity that Charlie missed the last event of the Triwizard Tournament because he couldn't come to work.However, he previously participated in the first event as one of the dragon trainers, and he spoke highly of Harry's game.

The handsome Bill is still unique in his attire. Heimdall always thinks that he is the coolest British wizard he knows. If there is no Victor, maybe he will fall in love with him.

Bill thought the evaluation would at least get an "E" (exceeded expectations), and his eyes narrowed with a smile.

Molly had never been used to the elder son's attire, so she shook her head helplessly and smiled.

Because of their standing angles, Heimdall and Harry noticed that Fleur, who was crossing across the street, was always squinting here. She was sure that she was not looking at herself and Harry, and her eyes were not fixed on the two middle-aged uncles. The only ones left were Bill and Percy.

After further observation, it was found that it was Bill who was superior in appearance.

The two teenagers looked at each other, Harry was more amazed at Fleur's gaze, and Heimdall affirmed Fleur's gaze.

Unaware - at least on the surface - Bill suggested that Harry take them on a tour. He had been away from Hogwarts for several years; Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were eager to try; Passing through the door and scanning the hall, a look of nostalgia appeared on his face.

Hogwarts leaves everyone with very different memories, but their deep feelings for this school are the same.

A group of people called friends and went out, and Victor took his parents to the lake to see his school's three-masted ship; Fleur, her parents, and sister set off after Harry and the others.

Gabriel quickly ran to Heimdall who fell last, grabbed his sleeve and asked, "Who is that man with the earring? Harry Potter's brother?"

Heimdall noticed that Fleur was hesitant to speak, and tried to make himself look like he didn't care, but his eyes looked this way uncontrollably.

"He's Bill Weasley, brother of Ron Weasley."

Gabriel nodded, "Who is Ron Weasley?"

"...I think your sister should know."

Gabriel said "oh", turned around and ran away, turned back after a while, and said to Heimdall: "July [-]th is my birthday." Then she really ran away.

Heimdall turned his head in a dumbfounded manner, meeting Sirius' eyes.

Sirius winked and said, "Girlfriend?"

Heimdall smiled and shook his head, "Victor will kill me."

Sirius immediately fell silent.

"Is his father..."

"Well, I don't like me." Heimdall thought he could see it, and Mr. Krum's attitude was quite obvious.

"You don't have to please him."

After a long time, Heimdall heard Sirius muttering this sentence, and couldn't help but curl the corners of his mouth.

Heimdall didn’t hang out with them all the time, their feelings for Hogwarts made them resonate in language, and Heimdall couldn’t get into it. When they came to the Black Lake to visit Durmstrang’s three Heimdall took the opportunity to say goodbye to them when they got off the mast.

"I'll reserve a seat for you. Come over tonight and we'll wait for the results together." Sirius said to Heimdall.

Heimdall agreed with a smile, and then waved goodbye to the enthusiastic Weasleys.

By the way, I would also like to congratulate Percy on his confirmed promotion in the second half of the year. I heard that he is going well in the Ministry of Magic. His boss is very impressed with his diligent work attitude, and it seems that he has the intention of directional cultivation.If this development continues, he may break the record held by Snow and become the youngest chief of staff in the history of the British Ministry of Magic.

The Weasleys were very satisfied with their son's promising future, especially Molly, who was always worried about the family's livelihood, laughed from ear to ear amid Heimdall's compliments.

On the contrary, the person involved, Percy, was extremely calm, with a smile on his face but not too much, and there was already a shadow of stability and sophistication on his body.

Heimdall thought to himself that this guy would surely be successful in the future.


Thunderous applause and applause erupted in the direction of the Quidditch pitch. The players have already entered the field?

Heimdall tore his hair angrily.

"If I miss Victor's appearance because of this, I will go to Beauxbatons to make a report and expose your faults! Let those girls who believe your sweet words recognize your true colors!"

Accompanied by a deafening roar, a group of six people hurriedly disembarked from the boat and jumped onto the shore, and ran towards the castle in a panic. Heimdall reacted abruptly when the accompanying pod cat reminded him, and hurriedly turned to Kui. Geekball Stadium.The five senior brothers followed behind in desperation, knowing that they had made a mistake, they kept silent and made the mistake.

Heimdall, who was running at the front, was very annoyed. Before taking an afternoon nap in the common room, he reminded them to remember to wake him up. He had lost confidence in his pocket watch, which was always on strike.As a result, these guys also forgot the time, if Heimdall hadn't woken up in time...

[If I knew it earlier, I would have let you call me! ] Heimdall was annoyed at why he was looking far away.

[I'm not an alarm clock. ] Pods always look so grim.

And these five guys were dressing up like pussies in the room, and he woke up, and they were still arguing about the style of their hair.I don't even remember what I said.

Heimdall stood at the door with a dark complexion, really wanting to have Avada for each of them.

The five senior brothers knew they were wrong, and looked at the back of Heimdall's head pitifully.

The current Heimdall is a cat whose tail has been stepped on, and his face will be bloody when he scratches it. They dare not touch the mold.

Among them, the "sensitive and fragile" brother took out his pocket watch to check the time, and sighed in his heart. At this point, it would be eight or nine times out of ten that the contestants would enter the arena.

The senior brothers flirted with each other, and distanced themselves from the person in front of them with fearful faces...

Seeing the majestic maze surrounded by six-meter-high hedges approaching, Heimdall suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong? Forgot something?" asked a brother who was closest to him.

"No..." Heimdall hesitated. He looked at the road leading to the auditorium, and then at the passage leading in another direction, with a struggling face, as if he was struggling.

Finally he made up his mind and gritted his teeth, "Go first, I'll come later." After speaking, he turned around and ran in another direction.

Pod cats are not far behind.

The brothers were amazed, "Rig?"

"I'll be here later!" Heimdall didn't look back.

【Are you sure you saw Alastor Moody and Raifson? ] Heimdall asked repeatedly.

Pod was annoyed by his question and simply didn't respond.

"Damn! What does this have to do with me! Impulse is the devil! What the hell am I doing so meddling in my own business!!! Could it be that my natal God is Maria Lei Feng!!!" Heimdall vomited to himself No, he growled and growled, but he kept on stepping, chasing the direction pointed by the pod cat and groping cautiously.


They were talking outside a hedgerow wall surrounded by dense fog at the top of a dark cloud, with Raphson's head slightly lowered to see clearly, and Moody's back to them.With the help of the pod cat, Heimdall moved forward little by little under the cover of a row of protruding hedges, slowly approaching the target.

Their voices gradually became clearer.

"...You heard my words clearly, no matter what, we must hold on to the Triwizard Cup and make sure Harry Potter gets the trophy..." The voice came intermittently, with ulterior motives.

Heimdall was taken aback, this Moody really has a problem, what is he going to do? !Heimdall no longer believed that Moody's purpose was simply to help the students of this school cheat, and Raifson's obedience was very wrong.

Is he being controlled?At this moment, Heimdall thought of many magics with similar effects, including the "Imperius Curse" that was considered unforgivable no matter where in the world.

[Can't go any further, it's easy to startle the snake. ]

Tracking, eavesdropping, and eavesdropping work is too technical. If it weren't for the tireless reminder from the pod cat, Heimdall felt that he might have been exposed long ago.The only good thing is that Moody seems to be very confident about the surrounding environment, and he didn't cast any anti-eavesdropping magic.

Their voices suddenly dropped. Heimdall was still hesitant to let Pod go and listen, but when he was hesitating, the conversation over there stopped abruptly.Under the guidance of Moody, Raifson quickly turned around, and got into the cracked tall hedge without knowing where he was going.

The tall hedge made the sound of leaves hitting the ground, and the dark green branches were like octopus tentacles, slowly piling up beside the cracked gap, squeezing towards the center...

Moody limped over, then stopped abruptly, and snapped, "Get out!"

Heimdall held his breath nervously, realizing that it was too late to retreat.

[I'll lure him away! 】Heimdall couldn't stop it, and watched the pod cat rush out like an arrow off the string as bait.

Moody, who raised his wand and prepared to fight, stopped when he found out that it was the pod cat. The sneer on his face was more like a mockery, and he didn't take the pod cat in his eyes at all.

"I know it's you, I can see you."

This nonsensical but confident statement made Heimdall feel cold. By the way, the magic eye, the magic eye that makes everything invisible, he actually forgot. He just laughed at Moody self-righteously for not being cautious enough. The least cautious is himself!

Heimdall put away his wand decisively.

A white falcon rushed into Moody's field of vision, and Moody's movements visibly paused.

The pod cat took advantage of its unpreparedness and jumped up to attack Moody's face with its claws. The white falcon rushed down and made another layer for Moody, who was screaming in pain. Moody didn't have time to cover the other half of his face.The strength advantage of the raptor was immediately manifested. The bright blue magic eyes were torn apart by the sharp claws of the white falcon, crackling like lightning, and the focus frequently made mistakes. The convulsions seemed to be very painful.

No matter how much he pulled the belt that kept fixing the magic eye, Bai Falcon regretfully gave up attacking the target.

【quick!There's still a gap here that hasn't been filled! 】The pod cat accurately found the hedge that Moody had cast a spell on just now, and burrowed into it after shouting.

Moody, who was in a panic, went crazy and cast magic at the white falcon in the air. The heart-piercing pain interfered with him, causing him to lose his level, and the magic was blindly released, and he didn't even touch a single feather of the white falcon. .

The white hawk clenched its wings in the air and slid sideways into the narrowing gaps in the hedge with stunning aerial stance, throwing Moody's growl out of the maze.

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