HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 439 The First Demonstration

They parted ways in Brussels.

Leon decided to take this opportunity to visit his relatives who had lived in Belgium for a long time; Victor wanted to go to the local museums and art galleries to find the outstanding achievements of ancient humans; Heimdall went to Bruges alone.

In spring, everything in Bruges is revived, the warm sun is in the sky, the river is glowing with golden brilliance, and the civilization that has been deposited for centuries is disturbed by the footsteps of modern tourists.

This time, Heimdall did not enter from the reception hall last time, and the broken elevator took him underground.It is said that only when you walk through the hall and go underground can you really enter the gate of the magic institution, otherwise you are just here for tourism, so you can get a rough look.

The official gate of the magic institution is much shabby than expected. The flowers on the wooden pillars are rotten, the paintings on the walls are mottled, and the ground under your feet is uneven. One of your feet may have stepped on a hollow. If it wasn't for Heimdall's fast pace, he might have collapsed with the wooden slats.

Compared with the resplendent and magnificent reception hall upstairs, it is really a different place, which makes it hard to believe that they are actually the upper and lower floors of the same institution.Magical institutions also care about flashy images.It is estimated that those wizards who were dazzled by the wealth of the hall became more and more determined to squeeze their heads here before stepping into the basement.

Eyes full of gold are sometimes more inspiring than empty outlooks.

Heimdall had a close encounter with the river troll he had glimpsed last time, and he handed the agency's letter to the gatekeeper.The man stretched out his withered palm, which looked like a leather skeleton holding the letter.

The janitor's face was hidden in the shadow of the cloak and hat, and it was impossible to see the features, let alone guess his mood at the moment by his expression.

Heimdall waited quietly for a moment. The river monster was like a hill, blocking the front gate. Its eyes were fixed on Heimdall, like a cat aiming at a mouse, which made people shudder.

Its ferocity has not been erased by acquired training, it has only learned to suppress it.

Heimdall could feel its undisguised ferocious aura, as well as the eagerness brought about by the culling order that may appear next. The gatekeeper only needs one order, and it will definitely tear itself to pieces in the first place , Heimdall had no doubts about that.

The gatekeeper handed back the letter, and Heimdall touched his hand when receiving the letter. Heimdall was startled by the metal-like cold touch.

After receiving the letter without changing his expression, the regretful river troll moved out of the way, and the door ahead slowly opened for him.


Solger came earlier, and he was extremely active in this magic demonstration, even more active than when he spoke on behalf of the freshmen at the entrance ceremony in Heideggerach.

The escort looked at a concave pond on the floor and said nothing.

They have been here for more than three hours with no success, and the magic organization has sent three groups of people to inquire about their situation and when they plan to start the show, but Solger prevaricates them with various reasons.

What Master Solger was thinking and what plans he had, the accompanying personnel were not very clear.Because Solger behaved so secretive to everyone this time, the accompanying staff who didn't know what was going on had to wait patiently together.Anyway, he was there as a companion, and it was his job to accompany him to pass the time.

The door of the preparation room opened and closed, and the accompanying staff were so dull that they no longer paid attention to why the door opened.

When the door opened again, Master Solger suddenly stood up, seemingly agitated.

The accompanying staff followed his gaze and suddenly understood something. The person who opened the door was Heimdall Strulusson.

"Rig!" Master Solger walked over with a smile on his face.

The other party was obviously taken aback, then smiled shortly, and said "What a coincidence", his attitude was not warm, but he was not rude.

As if seeing a relative he hadn't seen for a long time, Master Solger held the other's hand and chattered.

The entourage couldn't help wondering, is it possible that Master Solger is planning to change the line of being close to the people to save the country?

After all, everyone in the Sturlusson family knew that he especially wanted to catch up with Patriarch Sturlusson.


"Are you alone?" Solger smiled kindly, and in order to show his concern, he looked behind Heimdall in a serious manner.

"It's just me." Heimdall tried to take his hand back several times but failed.

He also imitated Solger and looked behind the other party, nodding and smiling at the escort who met for the second time, the latter looked surprised, probably did not expect him to remember himself.

"Uncle Rommel didn't send anyone to follow you?" Solger seemed worried, as if Heimdall was in a dragon's den.

Heimdall shrugged, "I know the way."

The smile on Solger's face faded a little, and the accompanying staff wanted to laugh a little, and hurriedly turned their faces away, and when they turned back, they returned to their original flattering look.

Heimdall managed to get his hand back.

"Mr. Sturluson?" The staff pushed the door open and called.

The two Stulussons in the room turned their heads at the same time.

The staff member cast his eyes on Heimdall, "Are you ready?" After receiving Heimdall's affirmative answer, he looked at Solger again.

Without waiting for him to speak, Soljaer said, "I'm with him."

The staff member nodded without saying anything, "Come with me, both of you."


The magic display of magic institutions needs to pass a hurdle, that is, there is a minimum standard line, just like the high school entrance examination has a minimum admission score line, if your magic display does not even meet the minimum standard line, at least in this magic, you There will be no second chance to be shown.

If you want to show the same kind of magic again, yes, please fill in the application form again.

And the application of the magic institution has a cooling time like game skills, and the CD lasts for three years.What is the concept of three years?The day lily has been replaced with cucumber.

The world is so big, and the waves wash away the sand, the most scarce thing is the talents who go forward and succeed.

Originally, he was a little confident in his mastery of spells, and when he helped write the new version of the textbook, he was highly praised by the chairman of the examination management committee, so he couldn't help but feel a little smug.But after admiring the high-quality graphics of the senior experts, the proud little bubbles that had just bulged disappeared with a "pop".

Those who are proud of such a picture will feel ashamed if they have a little sense of shame.

Heimdall was very glad that he insisted on his own opinion and took the usual path last time. If he really listened to what Golden said, he would regret for life if he didn't seize the rare opportunity to visit and study magic.

So he was careful when he applied for the magic exhibition after visiting and studying. He handled the six magic places carefully, and didn't dare to fill in all of them. Most of the declarations were insignificant and small magic.He needs to use pawns to test and evaluate how deep the water is, so he has a bottom line in his heart.

Although I feel that I have "wasted" a few application places, it is a pity.


The location of the magic show is no different from the room where the magic map is viewed. Even the chandelier above the head is made from the same mold. The rooms here may all be the same standard room.

The legendary evaluation experts are not the three-headed and six-armed, blue-faced and long-toothed experts. There are four people in total, two men and two women.

One of the two male experts was an acquaintance, the director in charge of magic study tours.I haven't seen you for a while, and I seem to have gained weight again. Even though I am an evaluation expert, I still hold a pack of snacks in my hand and chew continuously.

When he saw Heimdall coming in, his expression remained unchanged, as if he didn't know him, Heimdall was not surprised by his actions.

Solger's expression was a bit intriguing.

The reincarnated brother was annoyed.

I didn't expect that fat man who didn't know good and bad at the beginning was also an expert. Thinking of his contemptuous attitude that day, Master Solger's chest was tight, and there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes. All smoked.

This magic show was just the two of them. Coincidentally, both of them were Strulusson. Perhaps such a situation is rare, and it was rare for several experts to gossip.

During the whispering, except for the fat director, the other three all pretended to be nonchalant and aimed at Solger without exception.

Especially the two female experts.

It can be seen that beautiful things are easy to attract the attention of others, and this has nothing to do with IQ. Between beauty and ugliness, people always tend to prefer the former.

Of course, there is still a distance between Heimdall and Ugly, and sometimes he is very grateful to Merlin for giving him a good skin.

But if his appearance is put together with the reincarnated brother, he must be the one to be compared.Heimdall has already seen it. He knows how good Yolf's color is. He can't care about the quality of the skin with someone who has been dead for centuries.

Before the show, we still need to exchange pleasantries, that is, to ask about the general situation. In fact, these things are all written in the materials, and it’s just a process.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that female experts have a better impression of Solger, with more nonsense, and the treatment here at Heimdall is much worse and more stereotyped.

Heimdall felt a little amused, it was the first time he was treated coldly because of his inferior appearance.

On the other hand, Solger raised his eyebrows and exhaled, his chin never dropped when he lifted it up, his eyebrows were beaming, his face was rosy, and his eyes unconsciously tilted towards Heimdall.

It's a pity that Heimdall didn't pay attention to him, and Master Solger's "squint bombing" failed to achieve the intended effect.

Solger had already arrived earlier than him, and the notification of customs declaration was earlier than he received, so the magic display was naturally ahead of him.

Solger and Heimdall seemed to give in modestly. The accompanying staff felt that his young master was really not very good at dealing with the world. The timing of the show was arranged by the magic organization. It is useless for him to be hypocritical here. , people and experts will not treat you differently just because you promote virtue.

Indeed, experts felt he was wasting his time.

"Is Solger Strulusson here?" The other experts didn't speak, and the fat director was the first to get impatient.

Solger quickly turned around and strode forward to meet him.


The first magic that Soljell demonstrated was getting bigger quickly.

He followed the instructions and walked into a large circle in the middle of the room. This large circle seemed to be drawn with chalk, and there were sparse chalk dust around the circle.

A chair appeared in the circle out of nowhere.

The four experts observed the situation in the circle from different angles.

Solger pulled out his wand very handsomely, and he recited the spell very clearly and loudly. In addition, he has a good voice. In short, the whole process is pleasing to the eye.

It seems that what a beautiful person can do is understood, even if his performance is very bad, not to mention Solger's performance is not bad, on the contrary, his magic effect is very good.The magnifying spell is very smooth.

At least Heimdall thinks so, even though he feels a little uncomfortable with this pretentious clan brother.But a good magician is a good one, the facts are in front of you.

An expert is worthy of being an expert, and he is not an expert in the general sense if he can do magic evaluation work in a magic institution.

In the eyes of Heimdall, the magic is very good, but in the eyes of those few, it may be nothing. The two female experts were expressionless, and they no longer had the unsteady look of being crazy about sex just now.

Several experts exchanged glances with each other and told Solger to continue with the next item.

Solger, who was still complacent about his good performance just now, was at a loss. He didn't dare to neglect his hands and continued to his next item.His next display of magic is Quick Imprisonment, followed by Quick Collapse...

After showing today's three magics non-stop, Solger let out a sigh of relief, saying that he was not nervous would be a lie, but he was still very satisfied with his performance.It is worthwhile for him to practice hard day and night these days. Thinking of this, Solger turned his eyes to Heimdall, his gaze had a deep meaning, with a little provocative meaning in it.

Heimdall was a little hesitant just now, but looking at him now confirmed his guess.The three magics he showed today happened to be included in the textbook when he wrote the textbook last time.

Master Solger is trying to hide from himself.

The new textbook he participated in the compilation last time has not been promoted globally, and most countries still firmly resist black magic.Magic schools around the world can't teach children this blatantly. Only small magic schools in corners that don't pay attention can be introduced without any worries, so there are quite limited ways for Heimdall's reputation to spread.

It's not as famous as he made posters for Xingyun Broom Company.

Dad’s Heideggerck didn’t use this version of the new textbook. It’s not that Rommel didn’t want to use the textbook that his son participated in the compilation. Heideggerach’s school history is too short, the foundation is too thin, and there is no so-called school history and cultural accumulation. It can be said that if you do things too unconventional, it is easy to become a target of public criticism, which is not conducive to the sustainable development of the school.

At the regular international meeting of the Wizarding Union, the voice of resisting black magic has remained high for more than a hundred years.The fighting spirit of the anti-black magic fighters became more and more courageous as they frustrated, and the spirit of Ryoma.

For various reasons, Rommel reluctantly vetoed the teaching material update proposal at the staff meeting and continued to use the old version.

However, Dad still bought a set and put it on the bookshelf in the office. Next to this set of textbooks is the "Great Treasure of Potions" by Jekob, a master of Potions. Such an arrangement made Heimdall feel embarrassed for no reason. .Snow has one too.I heard that the Great Elder also bought a set... Judging by Solger's appearance, could it be that he borrowed it from the Great Elder?

Heimdall didn't think he would buy books about himself.

The four experts each occupied one side and wrote down their judgments in the notebook. After the four nodded to each other, Heimdall showed it next.

Soljere stepped out of the circle, and he stepped in.

Heimdall will also show three spells today, one is the boom explosion that he likes to use very much, the second is the movement spell, and the third is the summoning spell.

The first two are for testing the waters, and the third is the highlight of today, and it is also a magic that I am more concerned about.

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