HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 435 Let me solve this one first

In a blink of an eye, 10 minutes passed, Solger calmly closed the book and returned it to the staff.

Heimdall is beating his chest and feet for not having enough time, just like a student who is 1 minute before the end of the exam, occupying the exam paper, and procrastinating for every second he can write.The staff took away the parchment, but his eyes were still glued to the page he was reading just now, bewildered and reluctant, and his hands were restlessly agitated, as if he wanted to snatch it.

With such a thick stack of paper, 10 minutes is not enough.

The staff chuckled and couldn't help touching his hair. Heimdall suddenly came back to his senses, stood up abruptly, and touched his nose embarrassingly.

Golden gave him a thumbs up, this kid has a future!

Girond grinned, and Heimdall smirked too.

Although Solger despises Heimdall's lack of temperament in his heart, he still knows that this kind of disapproval cannot be expressed casually. He is afraid that if his adopted son is unhappy, he will go to the patriarch to complain and lower the patriarch's treatment of him. impression points.

Soljere really wanted to show himself in front of the patriarch—this was a secret known to the whole clan, mainly because he was too active.

It's a pity that Rommel has always been lukewarm to him, and the relationship has made no progress.This time when I came to apply for qualifications at the magic institution, the patriarch actually took the initiative to ask about this matter and even sent someone to help. Soljeer was overjoyed, thinking that his hard work had finally paid off, but he didn’t expect it to be for the adopted son who didn’t know what to do .

Master Solger is really worthless for his Uncle Rommel.

The director was still sitting in front of the cabinet, eating biscuits, his eyes flicked from Soljaer's face to Heimdall's.

Solger frowned slightly, and said first: "I want to visit Wilbert Slinka's Defense Against the Dark Arts set."

Heimdall knew of Slinka, an internationally renowned British wizard who was famously hated the Dark Arts.He edited the "Defense Against the Dark Arts Theory" used by Hogwarts fifth to seventh grades. He tirelessly studied defense against the dark arts, and it is his lifelong wish to make black magic completely disappear on the earth.

Britain's status in the wizarding world is equivalent to that of the United States in the Muggle world. It is relatively easy for wizards who are famous in the UK to step onto the international stage, and it is no problem to become the object of pursuit all over the world.In the visiting and learning classrooms of magic institutions, the magic display pictures of British wizards have always maintained a high hit rate.

For example, Albus Dumbledore, the current chairman of the Wizarding Union, once the pictures from him came out, no matter how the quality of the picture was presented, it was sold out in a blink of an eye.Of course, there is also Chairman Dumbledore's magic file in the magic institution, but it is a pity that it is no longer displayed to the public.

Solger's request was within the director's expectation, and he looked at Heimdall again.

Heimdall didn't even report the name of the person, but simply read the numbers, "0019, 0014, 0571, 1189, 1510..." After reporting five, he stopped and looked at the director hesitantly.

The director's eyes became brighter and brighter as the numbers changed. "Huh? Gone?" The high-frequency creaking sound stopped abruptly, and the eyes widened, with a look of unfinished thought.

"Is the visit also 10 minutes?" Heimdall has to pick the most important thing to appreciate if it is only 10 minutes.

"It may or may not be ten minutes." The director stuffed the gingerbread wrapper into his robe pocket.

In other words, the length of time for visiting and studying depends entirely on the mood of the director at that moment.

Heimdall was overjoyed, did he mean that he could watch it a little longer?

The director looked at him with mixed surprises, and the long-lost excitement came to his heart.Just hearing the numbers from the Youth Daily, the fat director sighed comfortably, and finally came an unusual person.

In fact, the situation of visiting and studying is just like what Solger thinks, most wizards will go straight to the topic, and looking at the index is just a formality.Starting from the small staff of the department, the director provided display pictures for wizards from all over the world in this room.The location of various pictures, the exhibitors, and other information are so precious that after decades of reading, ordinary people have become experts in appreciation.Under the rigorous selection by the magic organization, the magic release process shown in some pictures is amazing, and the director regards these pictures as treasures.

It's a pity that today's wizards don't know how to appreciate, blindly chasing fame and fortune, and even learning has become sluggish.Of course, those with a high click-through rate are not bad, but if you watch it every day and take it every day, even if you eat too much of the best food, you will feel sick.

A large number of good things have been hidden because of people's drifting. Looking at the dusty pearls, the director is heartbroken, but there is nothing he can do.

It is impossible for him to engage in sales and selling like a shop owner, so he can only let it go.

"There are so many things I want to see..." Heimdall seemed very excited, but he still restrained himself from inoculating the director first.

The director waved his hand, boldly expressing that just let the horse come over.

Happiness came so quickly, Heimdall was in a trance.

"May I ask if we can start?" Solger, who was left alone, tried to highlight his sense of existence. He was very angry that his adopted son was more popular than him, and he felt unbalanced.

The director glanced at him with meaningful eyes. Without waiting for Solger to think about it, he smiled at Heimdall and said happily, "I'll settle this one first, and then we can discuss it in the long run." Heimdall saw like-minded people.

The director didn't use a magic wand, and moved in a certain direction with his bare hands, and there was a "click" sound, and a small drawer opened in response, and a roll of parchment flew out of it, and then lightly fell into the director's hand.

Holding the parchment in his hand, the director drooped his eyelids and said weakly, "Ten minutes."

Golden didn't miss the opportunity to ridicule, the smile on his face was like a spring flower, and he winked at Gironde gossipingly, and he reacted suddenly when he realized what he had done, with a blunt expression on his face.

Gironde thought that Nero Golden was more interesting than the good-looking Master Solger.

Solger's face turned pale with anger, and he had a ruthless look of gnashing his teeth.

Knowing that the situation was not good, one of the accompanying people estimated that the young master was close to the critical point of breaking out, so he immediately went to Soljeer's ear and murmured to comfort him, finally dispelling the young master's urge to run away.

There is no doubt about the wonderfulness of Wilbert Slinka's presentation. The problem is that his illustrations are not rare. Almost all magic schools around the world have purchased his Defense Against the Dark Arts live demonstration set. This set of magic institutions It’s just that the picture quality and the incantation are clear, and the effect is no different from the ones on the market.

Heimdall once worked as a used book discount salesman in Lichen for a period of time, and Slinka's pictures were both dynamic and static.The price of magic display pictures is generally high, and the dynamic price is higher than the static price. Wizards who want to buy will wait for the new pictures to be released and the old pictures to be discounted before going to the old book area to shop for them.

Even for the discounted pictures, the price is quite considerable. The price of a high-quality single-spell picture book is equivalent to two thousand for a brand-new light wheel. The high price makes the general public discouraged.Therefore, there are many kinds of pictures on the market, and the quality of the display effect determines the price.

During that period of time, in order to increase sales, he displayed those pictures, good or bad, in public every day to attract attention and attract guests. In addition, Slinka was a celebrity wizard in the UK, and so many people came to make samples that he saw Then he was numb.

Today, seeing the picture of the "old friend" again, Heimdall is filled with emotion. Brother Slinka's tough demeanor of insisting on implementing the Defense Against the Dark Arts has not diminished.

It is worthy of being a full-motion magic file collected by a magic organization. It is as lifelike as if it was at the recording site back then. The patron saint of Slinka actually flew out of the carrying range of the parchment, circled around in front of everyone, and then gradually went out.

It was the first time for everyone to see such a high-end picture, and they couldn't help being amazed and amazed.

Scullin's set of pictures recorded a total of eight Defense Against the Dark Arts spells. These eight are his representative spells. It can be said that everyone in the wizarding world knows everyone.

After showing Scullin's picture, the director quickly put it back to its original position, without looking at Solger, and got up with agility that didn't match his fat body, and got up from the seat he was sitting on just now. Take a roll of parchment from the third drawer to the right.

Holding the parchment, he rushed to Heimdall, winked and said, "No. 1510, Akure Grimsson."

Heimdall nodded desperately, his eyes sparkled, and the director felt particularly sympathetic when he saw him like this.

Akure Grimsson was born in Iceland. He was active in the Nordic wizarding world from the end of the [-]th century to the beginning of the [-]th century. He is a world-renowned transfiguration expert.Compared with the Western European wizarding world, which is full of talents, the Nordic wizarding world has been short of human resources since ancient times. There are very few people who can reach the top of the world stage and fight against the Western European wizards. Finally, a Grimson was sent to the dead Nordic wizarding world.

In fact, Nordic wizards are not born with no ambitions, which is directly related to the orderly life attitude they advocate.Circumstances determine destiny.This makes the Nordic wizards "do not think about making progress" since they were young, and live a leisurely life guarding their own one-third of an acre of land.

The theory of transfiguration compiled by Grimsson is a fixed textbook for transfiguration courses adopted by Nordic magic schools, and it has been used since the middle of the nineteenth century.Back then, in order to practice Animagi magic, Heimdall obtained an out-of-print Grimsson-dictated Simple Animagi Transformation Tutorial.

This Icelandic senior researched all kinds of transfiguration theories thoroughly. Heimdall benefited a lot from this thin booklet, which was in the form of a question and an answer, full of fun and without any esoteric theories.

The Grimsson Transfiguration textbooks used by Heideggerak are similar to those sold on the market. When he was looking through the index just now, he found that the magic institution also collected a batch of relatively rare original transfiguration spells that had been simplified and reformed. So when he saw the director take When I saw Grimsson's picture, my heart was full of joy.

Transfiguration does not have colorful lights and shadows, and it does not need to be dazzled by waving the wand. It is crucial to make the target into what you want, and what you see is the effect.

Although Grimsson in the picture only has images of his hands and wand - his consent is required to record his face, but the clean, easy-to-knead self-confidence does not require any close-up highlights of his face. It can be seen from the amazing magic effect presented.

Now big and now small, now red and now green, now round and now square, a group of rabbits turned into anteaters in an instant...

The view of the picture now came to an end amidst the admiration of the crowd, and he is worthy of being a representative figure of the Nordic wizarding world.

Grimsson's sublime performance silenced the critical Golden.

There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. I don't know when he will reach such a state.Heimdall couldn't help but make up his mind.

Heimdall looked at the director with unsatisfied interest. The director carefully rolled up the parchment and nodded in his heart. This is the learning effect he wants to see.

"What's next?" Heimdall was no longer reserved, he found that being hypocritical with this fat director would be against himself.

"Let me tell you..." The director suddenly paused, "What did you say your name was?"

Heimdall laughed, "Sorry, I didn't introduce myself, my name is Heimdall Strulusson."

"Sturluson? Are you Nordic?"


The director suddenly smiled, and immediately changed the topic back, without the concept of greeting at all.

"Let me tell you, the other ones you chose are really good, but I think there are better ones." After confirming Heimdall's good learning attitude, the director abandoned his worries and started to do what he had always been doing. The "sell" you want to do.

"For example, for the magic of 'Thousand Arrows Piercing the Heart', you chose the picture of Monty, the father of black magic in southern Europe. Of course, Monty's performance technique is impeccable, but the flaw is that he pays too much attention to technique, which weakens the magic itself. The excitement and passion that came out.”

Heimdall heard the implication, and after a moment of hesitation, he said, "What do you mean?"

"I personally recommend Grindelwald." The director said earnestly.

Heimdall sighed inwardly, making the last struggle, "Which Grindelwald?"

The director didn't care that he asked the question knowingly, and replied calmly, "Gellert Grindelwald."

Gordon's eyebrows twitched suddenly.

Gironde pursed his lips, but still didn't say a word.

The magic organization only recognizes magic, and doesn't care what each person who entered the map has done or is doing.

Of course, Heimdall knew Grindelwald's ability, but he deliberately excluded Grindelwald when choosing a partner. Maybe he should learn the mentality of a magic institution. Magic is magic, and people are people, and the two have nothing to do with each other.

Heimdall turned to look at the two old men, they were noncommittal.Under a series of battles between heaven and man deep in his heart, Heimdall chose the director's recommendation.

When Grindelwald's domineering "Thousand Arrows Piercing the Heart" picture now illuminates the entire room, everyone has different expressions, and the murderous aura created by magic blows through the confines of the parchment. The only thing that is certain is that He is a well-deserved genius in magic.Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to face it squarely. Heimdall had mixed feelings in his heart.

Everyone's expressions became confusing under the reflection of the magic effect of light and shadow interlacing.


By the way, did we forget something, ah, I remembered, Master Solger.

After reading the picture, Solger Strulusson became an insignificant decoration forgotten in the corner. Looking at the director who was willing to rush around for the sake of his adopted son, Master Solger felt as if a hole was stuck in his throat. Flies don't swallow, and neither do they.

Compared to being left here, he was more unwilling to go away. Master Solger was always entangled.

The pretty little face became more and more distorted, revealing a bit of ferocity.

One of the escorts watched his changes calmly.To be honest, it is not that difficult to serve this young master, at least he has never been called around at will, but compared with Solger who does not know how to advance or retreat, he still wants to follow if he can.

For example... Looking at Heimdall in a blink of an eye, he sighed secretly, and he also understood that this matter was not his fault at all.

One of the accompanying personnel mourned for himself for a moment, and then began to write his stomach. After returning, he had to report the situation to his serious boss.

Although the Great Elder's request to him has always been "to satisfy as much as possible the requirements put forward by Master Solger", it is reasonable to say that he should love the Master very much, but at the same time, he is extremely in control of Solger's living environment. tight.

It's like using a super big golden cage to keep the young master in it, and the young master himself doesn't realize it.

One of the accompanying people really couldn't figure out what the Great Elder was thinking, but his greatest advantage was that he said less and did more, did what he could, and didn't make his own decisions. This was the reason why the Great Elder assigned him the job.

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