Happy Twist Yeer! ! !


The receptionist asked a few more procedural questions, then put the attached form aside, and a new application was handed to Heimdall.

"Please fill it out as soon as possible," the receptionist said to Heimdall. "You can send it by mail or in person, but you can't ask someone else to deliver it on your behalf, and the magic organization doesn't accept any courier services. With the organization as the center, apparition is not allowed within a radius of one kilometer. The time to fill out the application is Ten days, it will be invalid after the expiration date. Please hurry up."

After Heimdall took it, he asked, "I'll fill it out here and give it to you directly, do you think it's okay?"

The receptionist nodded calmly, "Yes." By the way, he pointed out where to go. "There is a writing desk in the reception hall, and pens and ink are provided on the desk."

After Heimdall thanked him, he left the office accompanied by the two elderly people.

They quickly found the writing desk that the receptionist had mentioned. In a corner of the hall, a solid rectangular desk about one meter high was built of white marble. The corners were inlaid with golden shell patterns about one finger wide. The lines were beautiful and simple. Generous.

Perhaps the overall effect will be better if there is no thick layer of dust on the countertop.

Golden stared at the marble table and circled around, and finally moved his chin closer, whispering to Heimdall, "Why is this table the same as a coffin?"

Heimdall blinked, without saying a word, took out the quill from the ink bottle, and buried himself in writing.

Gironde smiled slightly, "Have you seen many coffins?"

"When——" Golden froze suddenly, not daring to take aim at Girondt, and looked down at Heimdall filling in the information seemingly calmly.

Girond didn't care, and walked to the other side of Heimdall.

What Heimdall didn't expect was that the next two old men had a dispute over how detailed the information should be filled out.

For the first time, Golden took courage, broke through the psychological barrier, and argued with Girondt, which shows how much he values ​​Heimdall's certification in the magic institution.

Heimdall admired Nero Golden's enthusiasm for experiments and his relentless pursuit of magic.In addition, the door of the magic institution was pushed open by Golden's hand.Although Heimdall still expresses hesitation about his motives and excessive enthusiasm, as long as no stake is involved or moral standards are involved, he is willing to lower his stance and respect his teachers.

In terms of filling in the information, Golden's opinion is to catch everything, that is, to release all the capital that can be shown off.For example, once participated in the competition on behalf of a certain group; participated in the competition on behalf of an individual; won the awards.Have you ever been on the headlines of newspapers and magazines? Of course, you can make do if you are not the headlines.

Golden even proposed that the endorsement of a certain brand of broomsticks should also be included, and the year-end performance ranking should also be mentioned symbolically...etc.

Golden looked very surprised when he heard that Heimdall had only been first in class once.

Heimdall burst into tears, his heart was frustrated and his body bent forward. Sorry, that's how he is.What surprised him was that this time Professor Golden seemed to be suffering from amnesia, and he didn't use his genius student Grindelwald to compare his mediocrity.Thinking about it again, Grindelwald seems to have been kicked out for repeated improper experiments. Maybe people are dismissive of the quality of his grades, and geniuses usually don't like to take unusual paths.

Heimdall overlooked the most important point. Justice Girond was on the sidelines, so he couldn't praise a big devil in front of the supreme commander of IW.

The justice once signed ten executions, and ten loyal followers who supported Grindelwald died as a result.You must know that before that time, there had never been a precedent for the death penalty in the magic world, and no matter how vicious the criminals were, they would just sit in prison, and their crimes would not be a matter of life or death.Gironde set a precedent, which became popular and well-known, followed by fierce condemnation and controversy-that is, the so-called humanitarian supremacy.

Since then, Gironde's smooth career path has become full of ups and downs.The judge who was pushed to the cusp by everyone was suspended - at that time, no one but him dared or wanted to sign the death penalty execution papers. He ran into obstacles everywhere in his life, and his family was so poor that he couldn't open the pot. Finally, he was found in a private farm in a remote area. Regular work, raising small magical animals specially used for eating (similar to livestock and poultry, etc.), and also doing the work of a butcher who cuts meat and bones.

Gironde may have been depressed, scolded, hated, and thought of giving up.

No matter how violent the storm was at the beginning, the ups and downs, how much wind and rain, it has stood up to now.

Today, Marselan Gironde is the undisputed and powerful figure in the International Wizengamone. This is his victory and the perfect answer to his troubled past.

Never mention Grindelwald in front of Girondt, especially not to say good things about him.Gordon had no talent for sophistication, but he still had this vigilance.Although his vigilance has always been somewhat self-righteous.

As previously described, Gironde had a problem with Golden's opinion.

There is no need to hang all the gold, silver and jewelry on the body like a nouveau riche. Don't they go to check what kind of magic institution is, and just let Heimdall register his own account and let it be, and ignore it?

Girondt asked Heimdall to choose as many representative grades as possible to fill in, such as mentioning a sugar mouse on the award; there was no need to write a lot about the background, his surname fully explained the problem; in terms of teaching, even the name of the school No need, the previous receptionist has written it on the attached form.

"It's enough for you to write the head of the laboratory," Girondt said.

"Why cover it up! Those are advantages! It's not shameful!" Golden expressed his doubts, and finally seized the opportunity to curse Gironde's hypocrisy in his heart.

Gironde gave him a sideways glance, and said slowly, "I can't write."

Golden stared at the rows of narrow and shabby blank spaces on the document, and then withered.

In fact, the statements of the two old people are not wrong, they are conditioned reflexes based on their own angle and environment.

Although Golden is a scholar, it is reasonable to say that he should have the grace and magnanimity of a scholar, but he himself is a wanted criminal.Birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups. Since Golden can get along well with the group of wanted bosses, it shows that he is "conceived of evil intentions" and born rebellious. Otherwise, he would not have chosen Grindelwald as his successor.

At best, Professor Golden is a bit ignorant, and not good at talking... Maybe that's the case.

In some respects, Golden's thinking mode is the same as that of Katenen. They think that when it is time to show off, they should show off their most gorgeous side to the world, despise showing weakness, and disdain hiding one's clumsiness.

This is a representative triad behavior pattern of bullying others.

So, of course, Judge Gironde's idea would be the opposite of Golden's, there is no doubt about it.

After much deliberation, Heimdall still filled in the blank space. This not only catered to Golden's "general casting of nets", but also took Gironde's "focused fishing" into consideration.

Girondt was noncommittal about his actions, and Heimdall couldn't figure out why, so he had to give up.Anyway, he didn't want to offend the big boss.

"It turns out that you are the most hypocritical." Golden seldom cared about other people's feelings, and was always outspoken.

Heimdall hadn't cultivated his face for a day or two, and suddenly smiled leisurely, and said with a holy face: "How about fighting wits and courage with criminals in the future."

Gordon was oppressed with chest tightness and shortness of breath.

Girond patted Heimdall on the shoulder, "There is a future."

Heimdall was overjoyed, and almost expressed his loyalty to Girondt excitedly, "Thank you for the cultivation, boss." Fortunately, he held back, and immediately realized that the judge didn't mean that.


Heimdall handed the completed application form to the receptionist who was in charge of him just now. The receptionist glanced quickly and nodded at him, "We will give you an answer within 30 days."

Heimdall is speechless, a month of interrogation?The hustle and bustle of contacting here is quickly relieved, it seems that their workload is heavy.

Golden muttered softly beside him, "If you are the son of the head of the magic institution, she will definitely answer on the spot, maybe you don't even need to fill out the application form."

The satirical magic organization is following the trend, filling out such a detailed application form is actually a background check in disguise.

I don't know if the receptionist is particularly sharp. Heimdall noticed that her unchanging face seemed a little dark.

Golden can take it for granted that he can speak freely, but he can't. Heimdall still counts on many things from the magical institution, so he dilutes the awkward atmosphere by asking some questions that he already knows the answer to.

So, Golden began to deduct points for his impression of Heimdall again, hypocrisy, pretending to be stupid, asking questions knowingly... Typical IW judge disease, if he continues to grow like this, he will be the same as Gironde sooner or later.

These two are like dogs of a feather, and the "true temperament" Professor Golden always despises and despises them.

"On the application form, I saw that there is a column for visiting and studying in the process list. Can I apply for visiting and studying?" Heimdall asked the receptionist.

Golden curled his lips. His peers are friends. This old guy always thinks that his knowledge is the best in the world, so he scoffed at the so-called magic promotion activities held by magic institutions.In his opinion, these are all gimmicks made by the magic organization to promote themselves, and they are not worth mentioning.

"Yes, but you need to line up." The receptionist took out a number plate from the small basket at hand, with "1674" written on it.

Heimdall was tongue-tied, and hesitantly said, "...one thousand, 670 and three people are in front of me?"

Perhaps Heimdall's surprised look was amused, and the unsmiling receptionist curled his lips.

"There are about a dozen people in front of you, and the magic institution is not a help center for wizards."

Heimdall touched his nose in embarrassment, and took the number plate.

"If there is nothing else, the three of you can go to the reception room to rest and wait." The receptionist issued an order to evict the guests.

Heimdall got up, and the receptionist went around the desk to shake hands with each of them.When Heimdall expressed his gratitude, the receptionist suddenly came over, lowered his voice and said quickly, "Go to the third reception room."

Heimdall was startled, the receptionist had already let go of his hand, and turned around calmly.

After leaving the office, Gironde and Golden glanced at each other, and they both noticed the little trick that wasn't hidden just now.

"Where are we going next?" said Gironde.

Heimdall held the number plate: "The third reception room."


The furnishings in the third reception room are very simple, the walls are made of blue-gray wall bricks, compared with the magnificent decoration of the hall, the simplicity here is a bit shabby.Sofa chairs are scattered here and there.In the middle of the room is a rectangular table, on which there are several unpacked cups, which may have been left by the previous wave of people, and I don't know how many days they have been left there.

What surprised Heimdall was the people inside.There were not many people in the reception room, nine men, women and children, all of them were chatting and laughing around a certain chair, and the atmosphere seemed harmonious and friendly.

When Heimdall pushed the door and entered, the laughter stopped abruptly, as if the three of them were uninvited visitors. Faced with this situation, Heimdall immediately turned his head and planned to go to another reception room .

Golden didn't care about these things, he wanted to sail against the current, pushed Heimdall hard, and the door panel slammed on the wall with a bang, making a huge vibration, just like the passionate announcement before the character's debut.

Needle drop could be heard in the room, but there was no sound.

Several people inside stared, expressing their indignation at Gordon's rude behavior.

Golden sneered, pulled Heimdall and rushed in, and sat down at a place far away from the group of people.After all, he still didn't dare to be too presumptuous in front of Gironde.

After a brief silence, the group of people started to chatter again, probably shocked by Gordon's domineering, and their voices became much softer.Of course, it is also possible that you are talking about something unseemly in a whisper, such as talking about others behind their backs.

Good people being bullied.Golden raised his chin triumphantly at Heimdall, feeling that he had done something very majestic.

Heimdall smiled, glanced over there quickly, and then retracted calmly.

"Is there someone you know over there?" Gironde whispered.

Gordon raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"I still can't hide it from you." Heimdall was not surprised when the big boss saw it.

"Who? Which one? Is that the bald old man? Or that old woman who looks like a peacock?" Golden observed for a long time, and finally saw the young man in the center of the crowd like stars. "Wouldn't it be that sissy?"

Heimdall couldn't help but be jealous of his looks?

"That's him." Heimdall affirmed.

Golden was speechless, "Is that a sissy really?"

"He's Solger Sturluson," said Heimdall. "It's my family brother." (PS: It's the reincarnated brother.)

Gironde did not hide his sudden realization.

Gordon shook his head, "I haven't heard of it."

Heimdall said, "You didn't find him when you investigated my background? Impossible?" Solger is the "recognized" reincarnation of Jolf by the whole family.

"You also said that I would investigate your background. What is that Sol or something that requires me to investigate him?!" Golden expressed dissatisfaction with Heimdall's words.

Heimdall was speechless for a while, and could only praise him for being a real person.

"Aren't you going to say hello?" Golden asked, "Didn't you mean the family?"

"No, he seems to be very busy." It seemed that he was being surrounded by a group of people flattering him, so he didn't go to add icing on the cake.

Just as he was saying that, Solger over there suddenly stood up and waved to Heimdall.

Heimdall blinked blankly, as if he couldn't understand the meaning of his waving, thinking, this person is really as handsome as before, no, it should be better than before.

A little dissatisfaction flashed across Solger's face, annoyed that Heimdall didn't know how to flatter him, so he waved his hand even more reluctantly, and shouted, "Rig, come here!"

Hearing how affectionate he was calling, Heimdall put on a flattered expression.

Soljere was indifferent to his change, perhaps accustomed to it.

"This sissy is really disgusting." Gordon looked at Solger, who was aloof but also posing as a corporal, and expressed such emotion.

Gironde smiled approvingly.

No matter how Soljer waved and called, Heimdall kept shaking his head in awe. The group of people around Soljer couldn't help but glared, scolding him for not knowing good and bad. Sitting firmly on the chair, An An explained what it means to be timid and afraid of getting into trouble.

After a period of tug-of-war, Solger finally lost all patience and led the crowd to come.

Heimdall stared immediately, looking panicked and bewildered.Even so, he still didn't stand up, sat on the chair and watched the reincarnated brother stand upright and stride forward.

"Your brother likes to show off too much." Golden criticized in a low voice.

Heimdall vomited in his heart, no matter what, he is far worse than you.

Gironde thought amusedly, Strulusson (referring to Heimdall) is really bad enough.

Whoever takes the initiative loses.

The result of the tug-of-war was that Master Solger came to greet him personally.

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