That afternoon, in the common room, Professor Kattenen suddenly said to Heimdall: "Are you free tonight? I invite you to dinner."

Heimdall asked, "Is it just me?" Hesitantly looked at Victor beside him, this one was No.1.

Comrade No.1 didn't even move his eyelids.

"I invite you in my personal name, Felix Katenen, and it has nothing to do with Durmstrang." Katenen smiled.

Heimdall still didn't quite understand. He scratched his head and didn't answer yes, but he didn't say no.

The so-called not getting paid for nothing, he is ashamed to eat others for free.

"Who said that?! You have contributed a lot." Katenen withdrew his smile and said seriously: "The information you revealed to me is very important to me, and I am grateful to you from the bottom of my heart."

Heimdall was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that Professor Kattenin was referring to the disappearance of the arrest warrant?

It looks like this should be the case, but... Heimdall is even more embarrassed. It's not that he downgraded Professor Katenin's arrest warrant, but he just talked about it.

Professor Katenen turned a blind eye to his hesitation, and said, "How about it, do me a favor, Mr. Strulusson."

"Don't dare to dare," Heimdall shook his head hastily, pondered for a moment and then smiled, "Okay, then I will have the cheek to admit your favor."

"That's right!" Katenin smiled.

"I want to eat meat." Heimdall pointed out seriously, since he wants to invite, of course it must be according to his own wishes.

Katenen said with a smile: "No problem, even if you want to eat people, I will find a way to get it for you."

Heimdall was taken aback, "Professor, please cherish life!"

"You are double standards, the life of an animal is not life?"

"...but they were already meat when I ate them."

"I can also get you people who are already meat—"

"Professor, let's change the subject, shall we?" Heimdall screamed suddenly, with a look of horror on his face.

Katenin couldn't help laughing.

Victor dropped the newspaper in his hand amusedly: "I'm going out tonight too."

"What's the matter?" Heimdall asked.

"Someone wants to see me, at Hogsmeade." At least that's what the card said, Victor thought.

Heimdall nodded. He never asked about Victor's career. Yes, he naturally included these things related to Victor's work.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, the three left Hogwarts and parted ways in Hogsmeade.

Under the leadership of Professor Katenen, Heimdall diverted to Edinburgh. Victor felt that Professor Katenen's treat this time was a bit labor-intensive. Maybe the purpose was not pure, or there might be other secrets.

However, Victor believed that Katenen would not hurt Rieger. After thinking for a moment, he turned and walked towards the Three Broomsticks.


Rommel raised his cup and took a sip of tea. There was a person sitting across from him. He continued to drink without changing his face, without any intention of greeting.

Victor didn't expect him to greet him at all, so he picked up the teapot to fill himself up, and picked up the newspaper that Rommel had read earlier. Although he had read this newspaper in the morning, the loser He couldn't lose, he wanted to see who could lose his temper first.

After all, Rommel did not confront him so naively. Mr. Chairman doesn't have so much time to waste.

"I came to ask you how Rigg is doing recently." Rommel cut to the chase.

"Hasn't he been writing to you?" Victor put down the newspaper.

Rommel said indifferently: "You also accepted his safety letter, don't you know how I feel?"

Victor was speechless.

That's right, Rieger has always reported good news but not bad news. Hello, hello, hello everyone throughout the story. I wish I could say "world peace, long live magic" at the end.Let's say he was perfunctory, he talked at length about how good his life was, and his words were so sincere that those who read this letter were embarrassed to doubt his intentions.

But after reading it, you will be dumbfounded, because you will find that he actually didn't say anything.

I really don't know how this style of letter writing came about.

"What happened?" Rommel said. "My intuition tells me that he's hiding something eight or nine times out of ten."

"Your intelligence system won't be able to find out? Spending money but not getting something useful? This is not like your style of Rommel!" Victor made no secret of his contempt for his hypocrisy.

"No matter how much money you spend, you can't get the first-hand experience. Why bother?" Rommel was unmoved.

"So you came to me?" Victor spread his hands, "Unfortunately, I promised not to tell you."

Rommel's eyes narrowed slightly with Victor's beaming eyebrows and the look of you making love to me.

Rommel leaned on the back of the chair, his body was slightly tilted, his right elbow was erected to support the armrest, he put the back of his hand against his cheek, and he looked into the distance, as if he was thinking about something, but he didn't seem to think about anything.

Rommel Sturluson is not someone who gives up easily, maybe something is brewing, and Victor can't help but become alert.

After a while, Rommel, who seemed to be solidified into a statue, moved. He sat up straight, his posture was still relaxed, and his expression did not change. The only thing that changed was his palm, which was holding a photo album.

Rommel erected the notebook, facing Victor's gaze as if reflecting a movie, and turned the pages leisurely.

Victor's indifference began to become vulnerable with the vivid photos. His attention seemed to be glued to it, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't turn away from it.

These photos are all of Rigg, without exception.

…Little Rigg was sitting on a chair, and Snow stuffed a Cornell elf doll from beside him. Rigg squinted at the elf doll in a tutu skirt, his eyes were dull, suspicion and dislike.

The photographer captured this witty scene. It can be said that the photos displayed in this photo book are all so-called failures that have not been properly posed.

Victor couldn't bear it anymore, and stretched out his hand to grab it. Rommel pulled his hand away, and Victor missed it.

Victor raised his eyes, and saw Rommel waving the photo album in his hand, with a hateful smile on his face after a successful trick.

"You can talk now."

Let's not care about how the master struggled later, how he struggled, let's turn our attention to Edinburgh and see the situation in Heimdall.


The winter in Edinburgh is very cold and the days are very short. When they arrived at their destination, it was as dark as night.

Heimdall is not unaccustomed, but has a sense of intimacy, because Durmstrang always grows longer than the day.

Stepping on the quaint streets paved with small tiles, passing through rows of mottled buildings that have accumulated history, the small windows on both sides of the street are flickering with candlelight, and the dim light shines through the windows, illuminating the shadows of people on the street flickering, the street The depths are hidden in the darkness, and there is a trace of alienation in the silence.

They stopped before a pair of grim-faced brick-red statues.

Behind the statue is a Gothic doorway. The piers and capitals on both sides of the doorway are exquisitely carved, as gorgeous as these ancient buildings but vicissitudes of life.

Professor Katenin rang the lanyard bell set on the doorpost. After the bell rang three times, the huge and heavy door creaked and closed again with a bang.

Heimdall inside the door felt the vibration from the ground the moment the door was closed, followed by a breathless silence.

Katenin led him forward in a long passage, and in the echo of this passage, the walls gradually approached with his steps, but the ceiling became higher and higher.Faint candlelight sprinkled from the top, and the grotesque reliefs on the wall were full of spirits in their world, and each pair of lifelike eyes showed a bit of creepy sharpness.

When Heimdall thought that this road would never end, Katenen in front of him suddenly stretched out his hand and opened the door at the end, and the voices of people rushed in. Heimdall couldn't adapt to the sudden openness for a while, The darkness behind them was silent for a long time.

Katenen took him by the hand and walked into the room. Most of the wizards present ignored him. Only the innermost corner changed. There were four men sitting there, all of whom were as gray as Professor Katenen. old guy.

One of the wizards who was smoking a big pipe turned around and said with a smile, "Here we come."

Another wizard in a leather cloak stood up and waved at Kattenin, scolding with a smile, "This old guy, he said he was going to be the last one to come."

Although the remaining two did not speak, there were faint smiles on their faces.

"It's the uncle who paid the money, what's the matter with you waiting, I don't want to pay for it myself." Katenen walked over without shame.

The four old fellows ignored Katenen's provocation. Instead, they all looked at Heimdall behind him. Heimdall was uncomfortable seeing them, so he nodded and smiled, thinking, Professor Katenen It will really save money, five people's birthdays invite together...

They sat down at a small round table. There were several bottles of Flame whiskey on the table. One bottle was already empty. There were various candies and nuts piled up beside the bottle, and there were piles of candy wrappers and fruit shells. It seemed that they had been waiting for a while. up.

Katenin turned a blind eye, picked up the empty glass and poured himself a glass of wine.

The four old guys stared at Heimdall without blinking, as if they were looking at some rare and exotic beast. Heimdall's hairs stood on end when they saw them, and he carefully pulled Katenin's wizard robe with his hands, letting him Quickly link up the past and the next.

Katenen was taken aback by Heimdall, and then scanned around, seemingly suddenly realizing, "Oh, this is Heimdall Strulusson, you should get to know him yourself." Then he said to Heimdall: "Don't be polite to them, these old bastards never know how to write politely."

"Every time I hear him say that others are rude, I feel empty." One of the duo who hadn't spoken just now shook his head and sighed.

This person's grizzled brown hair is neatly combed, and he is sprayed with a good-smelling perfume. The clothes are very bright, the color of the robe is bright, and the fabric is printed with abstract patterns. The strange thing is that the sleeves are extremely inconsistent with the exquisite workmanship. Too long, like singing a big show.

After observation, Heimdall understood why his sleeves were long. This man's hands never touched other things directly, and no matter what he took, he always separated it with his sleeves, which might be a bit of a clean freak.

The pipe-smoking wizard laughed, "Felix, why don't you introduce us, bragging yourself is better than listening to others, right?" Turning to look at the other three.

"That makes sense." The leather cloak nodded in agreement.

Katenin put down his wine glass, laughing and laughing, "A group of shameless people insist on being reserved."

The leather cloak shushed him.

Katenen pointed at him immediately, and said to Heimdall: "Nikolai Yezhov, his biggest hobby is collecting all kinds of cloaks. He is a pervert with cloaks."

The leather cloak, that is, Yezhov's face collapsed in an instant.

Katenen pointed to the pipe-smoking wizard again, "Xiehu Shagari, he has no personal characteristics, but he likes to smoke."

Shajali, who had a round nose and a dark complexion, immediately sprayed smoke on Katenin's face.

Katenen waved away the smoke that was lingering in front of his eyes, and continued calmly, "The peacock who likes to dress up is called Luc Junker, and he is originally from France, you understand."

Junker snorted loudly to show his dissatisfaction.

Finally, Katenen looked at the one who had never said a word, "The taciturn man who loves nuts is called Nero Golden."

Golden, who was peeling peanuts, paused for a moment, but didn't respond. He threw the peeled peanut kernels into his mouth, and reached out to take another one.

Heimdall said "Long Admired" four times in a row. Merlin can learn from this. His words definitely do not contain any exaggeration. He really has admired his name, but he is on the wanted list.

These few are all big villains with great reputations, and they are at the top of the most wanted list and have a long history, otherwise they would not have left a deep impression on him.

Especially the last Nero Golden, a student of Durmstrang, whose name is well known.

In the Muggle world, there is an internationally renowned and controversial tyrant, Nero, who is the last emperor of the Julia-Claude dynasty of the ancient Roman Empire.

There are also famous people named Nero in the wizarding world, but there are two Nero who are famous in the wizarding world.The former one died in the [-]th century and wrote more than a hundred books. His lifelong goal is to spread advanced astronomy to all parts of the world.

The latter one is the Nero Golden in front of him. He used to be a professor of charms in Durmstrang. He resigned and left school in a hurry at the end of the war. On the streets of foreign countries, some people say that he is domineering in a certain country, and the answers are varied.

Merely being Durmstrang's professor of Charms does not make him famous all over the world. The key is that he has a very famous student. This student once publicly thanked Nero Golden for his teaching and made him Benefited a lot, and successfully created a large number of ghost troops that made the Europa continent fearful at that time.

That's right, that famous student was named Gellert Grindelwald, and the bright light of life publicly respected by Grindelwald was Nero Golden. The borderline-crazed police forces of various countries that Waugh tortured have no longer followed the rules and confessed leniently, but let you reincarnate on the spot.

From this point of view, being missed by students is not a good thing, and being full of peaches and plums is a crime that cannot be hurt.

When Heimdall was carefully observing Golden, Golden's eyes were blank for a moment, and then he raised his head and looked around, as if he was trying to think about something. Although this change was inexplicable, it made him look like a Emotional human beings.

His eyes swept to Katenen, and he stared suddenly, "When did you come?"

Heimdall was dumbfounded.

Katenen calmly picked up the cup and took a sip, "I've been here for a while."

The other three are also doing what they should, as if they are used to it.

"Who is this brat?" Golden glared at Heimdall.

"Heimdall Strulusson," Katenin replied.

"Oh, that's him." Golden nodded, and then frowned again, "By the way, I'm going back to class," he said, taking out his pocket watch and looking at it, surprised, "That's all! After finishing speaking, he was about to rush out, but Shajiali and Ye Ruofu skillfully pulled him back to his seat.

Junker grabbed a handful of nuts and stuffed them into his hand, "There's no rush for class, you eat these first."

Golden sat in a daze, then quietly peeled the nuts, his expression returning to the original indifference.

It turned out that piles of nuts were prepared for him, and those shells were also his masterpiece.

"Professor?" Heimdall went to see Katenen.

Katenen whispered in his ear: "Don't worry, he was tortured three times by his students with Cruciatus. Although he was lucky and didn't go crazy, his mind would be abnormal occasionally, and he was basically the same as ordinary people."

Shocked, Heimdall hesitated, "... Grindelwald?"

"It's all over." Katenin smiled at him, avoiding the important ones.

After a moment of silence, Heimdall said, "How old is Professor Golden?"

The scariest thing was that judging from his appearance, his face was full of red, and he was full of energy, even more energetic than Katenin.

"Just remember one thing, he is immortal!" Katenen said firmly.

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