HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 417 Hero Appears Jun 1 Shot

If possible, Xiao Bayan really wanted to use his own pliers to shave Panglock into a bald man. After a few slashes as if to vent his anger, he found that his shaving speed was not as fast as the growth rate of Panglock's hair, so he had to cut it on the spot. give up.

Xiao Ba remembers very clearly, what he said to this guy back then was: "Help, find someone, help."

Why did it bring itself to the horned horse?

It’s not that Little Eight Eyes looks down on unicorns... In fact, it just doesn’t like unicorns, especially the aloof and arrogant posture of unicorns. Why do the animals in the Forbidden Forest give way to them?Respect them?Love them?

Is it because they are white?Xiao Ba, who was covered in jet black, thought sourly.

This Panglock didn't look for anyone, but he found the unicorn it didn't like, Xiaoba's anger fluttered in the wind.

In the process of fleeing for their lives, the dolls who unfortunately lost their arms and legs were all discarded. They were thrown on the ground at random, and jumped off Panglock's head, intending to find reinforcements by themselves.

Of course, Little Eight Eyes never thought of going back to Eight Eyes' lair for help. As a member of Eight Eyes, it is very clear about Eight Eyes Spider's demeanor. Scolded, ridiculed by the same kind.

In fact, Ponlock was complained a bit unjustly. Of course, it would not go to humans to rescue soldiers. Ponlock was naturally afraid of humans, and it was Heimdall, not humans, who made him let down his guard.The backing that Ponlock is looking for is the strong it recognizes, that is, this group of male unicorns.

Pang Locke, who was dancing to the unicorns, didn't notice Xiao Ba's actions, and Xiao Ba landed smoothly on a raised tree root.

Ponlock's screaming was not useless. Although most male unicorns showed indifference and indifference to Ponlock's request, the pure and compassionate female unicorns couldn't bear it.

The young unicorn mother who raised the golden baby was even more preoccupied. When she heard that the golden-haired boy was besieged by a group of ferocious werewolves, she couldn't help neighing.

Iron gray eyes, which had been silent all this time, glanced at it, and the unicorn mother gave it a pleading look. The iron gray eyes remained motionless, and the unicorn mother stuck out her tongue helplessly, licked and bounced around her feet. , carefree baby.

Then, he raised his head again and looked into iron gray eyes.

At this time, an adult silver male unicorn came from the side and hissed sharply at the unicorn mother.

The unicorn mother lowered her head in fear, looking very disappointed.

To be honest, Panglock was also very disappointed. He knew all kinds of reactions of the unicorn, and he didn't need to answer.

If it had known earlier, it should have gone directly to the centaurs, because the territory of the unicorns was closer than that of the centaurs, and it liked the peaceful unicorns more than the lonely, arrogant and violent centaurs.

At this moment, Pang Locke was very frustrated.

The iron gray eyes suddenly raised their heads, and the other male unicorns all looked in the direction it was looking up because of its abrupt actions. After a while, there was the sound of rustling leaves, from far to near, from top to bottom , all the unicorns, including the female unicorns, all turned pale with fright and stood ready.

Iron Gray Eyes stood there without fear. The other male unicorns crowded around it and leaned slightly behind to form a tight line of defense. Behind them were their wives and children.

The sound of clattering quickly continued to the front of the eyes. To the surprise of the unicorns, it was a human being holding a small mirror who came out of the thick ink.

Dressed in a standard wizard robe, with brown hair and brown eyes, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, his facial features were tense, and he looked very anxious.

Panglock screamed and disappeared the moment he saw the person coming.

When this person suddenly saw a group of unicorns ready to go, he was only slightly taken aback, his expression remained unchanged, his eyes skipped over the group of rare beasts, and he directly chose to ignore them, holding up the mirror in his hand to the left and right, making a judgment call. After finishing the next starting direction, the man suddenly raised his head.

The male unicorn got a little nervous at this move.

"Rig! Rig!" The man called out to the mirror several times.

After a while, his disappointed sigh was in the air.

The unicorns were in a trance.

"Weiwei... Weiwei..."

Putting the mirror into his pocket, Victor, who was about to transform himself, suddenly heard the call, and was immediately overjoyed.

Xiao Ba stepped on the bodies of the self-proclaimed pure and pure unicorns one after another, bouncing over unusually.

Victor looked around hopefully, but couldn't find the figure he longed to see.

"Weiwei, Rig, werewolf." Little Bayan jumped all the way into Victor's hands.

Victor's heart was shaken, the thing he was most afraid of happened, he couldn't help but said anxiously, "Take me there!"

At this time, the iron gray eyes suddenly neighed, Victor hurriedly turned his head, and stared at this incomparably handsome unicorn for a moment.

"...You want to lead me the way?" Victor hesitated.

Iron gray eyes raised his head, his drooping mane fluttered like a cloud of smoke, the answer was self-evident.

"Thank you." Victor restrained himself and bowed to it.

Iron Gray Eyes called back, and a unicorn came forward and stopped in front of Victor.

Victor shook his head, "No, you can just run."

The iron-gray eyes, which were always calm, fluctuated slightly, and then let out a sharp cry, raising their hooves and leading the horse, followed by more than half of the male unicorns.

A group of unicorns rushed forward, faster than lightning, light and vigorous, shining with unparalleled light, like shooting stars gliding across the night sky, fleeting in the blink of an eye.

Victor turned into the air, and the remaining unicorns were amazed.

After all, Little Eight Eyes is a child with a temperament. The moment he was taken into the sky by the golden eagle, he shouted happily, "Feifei, Feifei!"

The hairy Pang Locke hid in the dark with a salivating face, watching the golden eagle fly away from his vision intently.


The death icicles, without a doubt, are of course black magic, and it is the kind with particularly powerful mana.

In fact, with Heimdall's current level, he can't meet the level requirements for casting Death Icicles at all. No matter what kind of magic, the best way to start is to cast instantly, and the best result is to hit every shot.

In order to successfully manipulate this magic, he worked hard to find water sources, and spent a lot of time building resonance with the river. Fortunately, the first trick worked well, and the unlucky werewolf became a guinea pig for his experiment, and was instantly frozen.

At the same time, Heimdall felt that what hit the werewolf was not only magic, but also his strength.

It is quite a strenuous task to manipulate spells that do not match one's own level.

Ordinary magic is better. Anything with a black prefix will not only cause the caster to lose energy quickly, but if it is not done well, it will also go mad, which is magic backlash.

In addition to its powerful attack power and invincible lethality, black magic also has unpredictable sequelae-it will constantly encourage and manipulate the wizard's mind, make him fall into madness, easily lose himself in front of the powerful spell power, and finally fall into Under the "manipulation" of black magic, he became a slave to magic, thus blurring his conscience, forgetting morality, and becoming insane.

They are Pandora's Box, with the key of "possessing all talents", tempting Epimetheus one after another who are not strong-willed.

Heimdall is an ordinary person, so he is naturally obsessed with Pandora's beauty, but he does not forget to always warn himself to keep in mind Prometheus' advice. Another interpretation of the word beauty is "disaster".

After casting several death icicles in succession and freezing a few ronin popsicles one after another, Heimdall took advantage of the gap between the next wave of attacks to inhale and exhale deeply, hoping to promote metabolism and reduce the burden on his body. He obviously felt physical strength Gradually failing, this calamity is really annoying, and he is about to feel a sense of crisis of "exhausting and dying".

The vivid ice sculptures on the field showed that this magic was indeed beyond Heimdall's current ability.

The death icicle, as the name suggests, freezes and dies, one move kills.

But Heimdall can be [-]% sure that the werewolf in the icicle is still alive, at least there are signs of life.Just because of his "overreaching his own capabilities", he fulfilled the hope of these werewolves.

Ironically, there was nothing he could do about it.

Subconsciously, Heimdall saw the werewolves as wizards of the Animagus, and when the full moon passed, they would be them again.


When the ice shark came back, it became a little uncontrollable. Just now, it rushed straight at him. Heimdall clenched his teeth and forced it away from his eyes.

The ice shark was bounced away by an invisible force, stagnated in mid-air, plunged headlong into the icy water, swam around Heimdall, and resurfaced, but this time its lurking time was several times longer than before. Every time is long.

The anxiety in Heimdall's heart screamed, making him shudder. He knew that if he didn't do anything, the ice shark would bite him before the werewolf did anything to him.

It was completely different from the dilemma on Heimdall's side. The fight on the other side of the toffee was hearty and enjoyable. The werewolves gradually realized that it was a hard idea and it was not easy to chew on it. Instead, they began to fight in groups. To trap it, let it not care about other things.

The cunning werewolves quickly focused their attacks on Heimdall, who was relatively easy to bully.

Although werewolves have lost their human minds, they still have feelings for their own kind in their hearts. No matter how they attack, they will avoid those frozen werewolves.

Facing the persistent attacks of werewolves again and again, Heimdall had to muster up his energy and release the ice shark. Although this old man became more and more malicious and troublesome, he was currently relying on his survival.

When the ice shark swam back this time, Heimdall suddenly held his breath, and took a slight step backwards, actually wanting to run away.

The werewolf behind the ice shark was not completely frozen like before. Its lower body was motionless, but it was shaking violently above its shoulders. It seemed to be struggling hard, but also seemed to be unbearable from the cold. pain of.

Shaking in its pain, the other werewolves all slowed down and looked at it in horror.

However, no sympathy is seen in their eyes.

Didn't freeze according to your own ideas?What does this mean, Heimdall clearly realized that this magic is not working.

The ice shark escaped from the shackles of the ice passage and headed towards him. Heimdall was quite alert, but he was still bitten by the ice shark, whistling along his left side, and fell into the water.

Heimdall felt as if the blood in his body was frozen, and the left half of his body was as stiff as a stone. He tried to raise his hand, but his left hand fell lifelessly by his side.

The ice shark jumped up and down in the water, and its lifeless eyes changed, making no effort to hide its ferocity and urgency.

Heimdall suddenly thought of the allusion of killing one thousand enemies and harming eight hundred, and he gritted his teeth with hatred.

He doesn't want to be a negative example!

The ice shark jumped up, baring its fangs.

A white line broke through the water, firmly grasping the tail fin of the ice shark, spreading straight up along its snow-covered torso surrounded by white mist, and then suddenly turned its direction under Heimdall's command, and slammed down hard. Imprisoned on the ice passage, the ice shark fell heavily on the ground without any resistance, and its crystal clear body was shaken with cracks all over it.

Although created by a spell, this magical shark is very close to the real shark, and its life force is inseparable from water.

This fall has made it fall apart, and if it doesn't return to the water, it will fall apart and disappear.

The ferocious eyes of the ice shark dimmed, and slowly returned to the original rigidity. It was just a second before Heimdall regained control, it looked at Heimdall with such a moment of unwillingness and resentment.

Heimdall mobilized the ice channel without changing his expression, quickly froze a werewolf who had already bullied him, and then controlled the ice shark back into the water.

As for the sudden humanity revealed in the scene just now, he very rationally attributed it to the insanity caused by physical exhaustion.


"The last one!" Heimdall roared with all his strength.

The werewolf solidified into a statue under his hands.

Heimdall staggered, but he didn't dare to be negligent, took a few deep breaths to make adjustments, and mustered up his energy to let the ice shark "free".

Flakes of ice crystals vanished on the water.

"Hurry up..." Heimdall raised his left arm that hadn't recovered, and waved to the bloody toffee, "Let's get out of here quickly." Before the words fell, the first frozen icicle came out There was a crisp cracking sound from the inside out.

Heimdall couldn't help turning blue, and with his heavy legs, he climbed onto Toffee's back, yelling, "Run!"

Toffee rushed out.

In the next second, the sound of cracking was like lit firecrackers, crackling, crackling, one after another.


Toffee just stopped running not far away.

"Why..." Heimdall covered his mouth, leaned over and whispered, "What's wrong?"

Toffee looked back at him.

Heimdall reacted immediately and slid off its back, "Is there a werewolf nearby?"

Toffee didn't say a word, and quickly jumped into the grass next to it, which was as tall as a person, and the cat stood up holding its breath.

Heimdall couldn't hold back the upturned corners of his mouth, and while telling himself not to be sentimental, he couldn't help but wonder if Toffee chose to avoid rather than attack directly out of caring for himself.

He was exhausted from the battle just now, and he still has shortness of breath and stiff muscles.

There was a rustling sound, and Heimdall just wanted to shrink back again, but immediately realized that doing so would make a sound, so he lay stiffly in the grass.

"...You actually accepted that old lunatic's wolfbane potion?"

The voice suddenly sounded, and the anger made the voice hoarse.

Heimdall couldn't help being taken aback. After careful identification, he felt that the voice was very strange, and his sense of vigilance urged him to hide in place and not move.

A pair of boots stepped into the grass in front of them, and reflected in Heimdall's eyes through the not-too-thick stalks and leaves.

It looks like a pair of dark riding boots. The toe is not as pointed as traditional riding boots. What is more conspicuous is the rear of the boots, which is wrapped in a layer of dull metal. The uppers are covered with bulging knot patterns, long and The hem of his black wizard robe covered most of the boots.

No one responded to the question, but Heimdall heard another rustle of grass being squeezed, and the riding boots in front of him did not move.

"Greyback has always considered you his closest companion, and you're going to be Dumbledore's dog?"

The voice of questioning sounded again, louder than before.

Still no response.

"... Soon, our time is coming." The voice sounded again, followed by a series of crazy laughter, permeated with a frenzy that Heimdall couldn't understand. "The moment you think about day and night is at your fingertips, the Dark Lord is invincible!"

Dark Lord?The Dark Lord... the Dark Lord!Heimdall was dumbfounded.

Could this riding boot be some kind of Death Eater?No, isn't this the safest Hogwarts in the UK?

Heimdall was a little puzzled.

This time, there was a rustling sound from the side that had never said a word.

Excited?Is it moving?Is it stunned?Or horror?If it weren't for the current situation, he would definitely make up for it.

NND, whether you are a Death Eater or a Life Eater, leave now, I would rather face a vicious werewolf than get entangled with a cult member who talks about gods and gods.

Perhaps Merlin heard his prayer, and Riding Boots dropped a few more words of demagoguery, then turned and left.

Heimdall waited for a while, and just about to move, the toffee next to him bit his hand in a hurry.

Heimdall's blood was spilled on the spot, and the entire palm was pierced by the chimera's sharp teeth.

Before he could cry out in pain, Heimdall, who was baring his teeth in pain, heard a wolf howl from above. He quickly turned over and sat up, pulled out his wand, and looked straight up.

The large grass swayed for a while, a wolf's head loomed behind the sparse stems and leaves, and Heimdall choked for breath.

The werewolf didn't move, and there was a dead silence in his eyes that should be full of murderous intent. He just looked at him for a while, and then disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Heimdall collapsed all of a sudden, his clothes were drenched with sweat.

There was another howl of wolves, and Heimdall stood up with tears streaming down his face, and when he raised his eyes, he met a pair of bloodthirsty eyes.

Toffee roared and rushed over.

Then a black shadow flashed in front of his eyes, under Heimdall's astonished eyes, the eight-eyed prince who had arrived late fought with the werewolf who rushed straight at the other end.

As it turned out, they were rounded.

Before Heimdall could respond, the beast's heavy breathing sounded behind him, like the wind from hell, making his hair tremble.

Heimdall turned around numbly, and a werewolf roughly pushed aside the bushes and stretched out its claws towards him.

This claw was inevitable, and Heimdall knew there was no way out, so he gritted his teeth and aimed his wand at its stinking mouth.

Even if you die, you have to drag it along with you.

At the critical moment, a pair of sharp tungsten-black eagle claws descended from the sky, easily piercing through the werewolf's flesh. The werewolf screamed and shook his hands vigorously, a large amount of blood spread on the torn flesh, spraying violently, splashing crimson everywhere.

The golden eagle, it's Victor...

After recovering his life, Heimdall's legs went limp and he sat on the ground slumped. He immediately realized that it was not time to rest. He was about to move when the top of his head sank, and something landed on his head with a "snap".

"Xiaoba, Weiwei, help, Lige!" Xiaoba appeared like a hero.

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