HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 394 Mermaid in Action

Snow picked it up to have a look, and then handed it to his brother who was equally curious. Rommel put the white ball with irregular gray spots under his nose and sniffed it. He smelled a strong fishy smell. It was also mixed with other indescribable pungent smells, which were not very pleasant anyway.

Heimdall only gave a general description of the situation at the time in the letter, but Rommel was not clear about the specifics.

"What is this mermaid ball made of?" Rommel asked.

"I don't know, and Leon can't analyze it either. This ball has gone beyond the inherent concept of potion science, and it may be a unique technology of mermaids." Heimdall shrugged, "Everything is at the stage of speculation at present, and I plan to get close to mermaids. , Try to see if you can ask the recipe of the meatballs. In fact, I have been communicating with their patrol officers during this time.

"In order to facilitate communication, I went to the Wenrenju quill pen store before Christmas and ordered a large stack of high-quality waterproof letter paper. It is said that it is a special product for the holidays of the store. I can't buy it at all, and it cost me a lot. Jin Gallon..."

As he spoke, he showed a sad expression of incomparable heartache but helplessness.

Rommel changed his sitting position and used his palm to cover the corners of his mouth that could not help but understand. Of course he understood what Heimdall meant, so he pushed the boat along, "If the next conversation can convince me, I will use Strulusson In the name of the family patriarch, you are allowed to withdraw the corresponding fees from the family public treasury," he said jokingly, "the amount is limited and will not wait until it is out of date."

Heimdall's eyes lit up. He said this just to report to the public account. He immediately puffed up his chest and raised his head in his seat, with a fearless expression for the party and the people.

"The reason why I told you this is to ask if there was a similar phenomenon of atavism in our ancestors?" Heimdall said.

Our family... sounds very pleasing to the ear.

Rommel leaned back slightly, leaned his back on the back of the chair, raised his legs, and folded his hands on his legs, "As far as I know, no."

Heimdall was stunned for a moment, and asked puzzledly, "Isn't there any?"

"Why do you think there will be?"

Heimdall scratched his head, "I thought there would be a certain chance, for example, if one of the parents is Lusalka, then the child born would inherit a certain lineage, and there might be atavism someday in the future."

Rommel shook his head, "You underestimate wizards too much."

"What do you mean?"

Rommel sat up straight and leaned forward, "Do you think Yolf seems to have the possibility of returning to his ancestors?"

This is the first time that Rommel has mentioned Jolf in front of Heimdall in a more formal way. There is no grievance in the words, everything is so natural, as if he said the words naturally.

Heimdall was also unambiguous, and said decisively, "No."

"Jolph's mother is a pure Lusalka. According to your theory, shouldn't he have the possibility of returning to his ancestors?"

Heimdall seemed to understand something, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"I still say the same thing, you underestimate wizards too much." Rommel took a sip of tea calmly, while Heimdall on the opposite side unconsciously clasped his hands, waiting for his next words.

In the end, I don’t know if he was deliberately teasing him, or if he really didn’t want to talk about it anymore. Rommel seemed to be addicted to drinking tea, sipping it carefully with a cup, and there was no intention of continuing at all.

Heimdall's face was downcast, and his eyebrows drooped. Snow thought it was amused when he saw that he was not as "cruel-hearted" as his elder brother. He continued, "What Rommel means is that the child born of a mixed race of wizards and non-wizards Eighty-nine out of ten will only be wizards, and the other [-], [-]% or less will be non-wizard races. And the atavism you mentioned is almost impossible to exist, whether it was originally a wizard, and later turned into a non-wizard, or was originally a non-wizard. A wizard, the chances of returning to one's ancestors and becoming a wizard one day are extremely slim."

"It's even lower than the chance of having a squib." Rommel added unhurriedly.

Heimdall rubbed his nose, "You mean that there is no such precedent in our family, that is to say, seeking an explanation from the blood will not work."

"Insignificant does not mean there is no." Rommel laughed.

Heimdall was dazed, "Is it there or not?"

"Because of bloodlines, I really didn't find it. To tell you the truth, after I received your letter, I checked it out," Rommel said. "I found some other clues."

"What is it?" Heimdall asked hurriedly.

"The original records have been destroyed. I found a few words from other materials and pieced them together. It probably means that two or three hundred years ago, there was a clansman in the family who loved to study potions. I found a raw material for medicine that can prompt him to return to his ancestors..."

"What are the raw materials?" Heimdall asked nervously.

Rommel spread his hands, "I don't know, I told you, the original records have been destroyed."

"Which type of material did you find it from?"

"I was interrupted by you before I finished speaking just now." Rommel smiled.

Heimdall bowed his head in shame.

Rommel laughed and continued, "He later tried to use this raw material to make potions for other clansmen to take, but all failed without exception. I just learned from a person who tried this potion. I found it in the recording fragments."

Heimdall wrinkled into a steamed bun face, "That is to say, even if you eat the potion, you may not be able to return to your ancestors?"

"That's what it means. In fact, how much of the Lusalka lineage our family has inherited, and whether everyone has inherited the same lineage, no one can tell clearly." Rommel looked disapproving. "As I said before, the blood of wizards has a strong ability to annex, and can assimilate a race and wipe out a race, and our civilization can also subtly influence a race with almost no civilization at all, which led to the final demise of Lusalka. There are many, and one of them is that they choose to marry wizards."

Heimdall was silent for a moment, "I understand a little bit, it actually means something like the controversial half-blood wizard."

The expression on Rommel's face is somewhat meaningful, "Generally speaking, wizards are quite xenophobic. We are blindly confident in our own strength, and believe that other races cannot be compared with us at all. We despise Muggles and Muggle-born wizards. All life forms other than muggles and wizards are included in the ranks of animals that drink blood. Because of this, the pursuit of so-called pure blood becomes more and more morbid.

"Has there been no Muggle blood in the Malfoy family since ancient times? Is the Black family really pure? The ancestors of our family hid all the information about the ancestor who returned to their ancestors completely by accident, and why? ? We're all kidding ourselves."

Heimdall was speechless, and felt a little uncomfortable. This topic was too profound, and he didn't know how to answer it.

Rommel comforted him in turn, "Don't be nervous, I'm not blaming you for looking for trouble, but I just want to remind you that maybe no one in our family will welcome you to trace the root cause, especially those elders. If you don't mention it, you have some scruples, but you already have a premonition of this."

Heimdall said softly: "No matter what, I still don't want to give up." Director Strulusson also has his own pursuit and persistence.

"Of course, you are studying the magical mermaid balls, aren't you?" Rommel raised his eyebrows and pinched his face.

Heimdall was refreshed when he heard this, "That's right, I'm just researching mermaid balls, for... for improving potion science."

Rommel laughed heartily, and the other two men also laughed. Heimdall patted his head in embarrassment. It is really shameless to say that. Everyone here knows how miserable his Potions scores are.

Rommel said to Heimdall: "Then go and study it, Chief Strulusson. If there is anything that needs to be mentioned, as long as it is within Dad's ability."

Heimdall nodded happily.


At another place at the same time, in the headmaster's office of Hogwarts, Dumbledore and the four headmasters gathered together. The atmosphere here was far less relaxed and cheerful than that of the Three Broomsticks, or perhaps the opposite.

Early this morning, Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft and Witchcraft, received a message. After that, he hurried to the lake. In order to verify the news, he had to reject the invitation from the Ministry of Magic. In other words, the old professor does not feel sorry for this at all. All the hypocrisy and hypocrisy he has experienced in his life can be compiled into a brand new textbook. chat with the mermaid in the lake.

That's right, it was Cocos, the mermaid leader in the Hogwarts lake, who sent him a message and asked for a meeting.

"Battle?" The dean of Gryffindor, Professor McGonagall, almost jumped out of his chair in surprise.

"Yeah, it's about time, it's almost winter time, isn't it?" Dumbledore was as unhurried as ever, and his composure was one of the components of his powerful appeal.

Even Professor Snape, who has always had no "centripetal force", hung up his lips. Of course, this is not good news for the school.

"They will be the same this year as before? I thought you had already communicated with them." Snape looked at Dumbledore puzzled.

The other two deans who were also caught off guard by the news looked at Dumbledore in unison.

"I thought so too." Dumbledore pondered for a moment, then sighed helplessly, "Obviously, mermaids have different values ​​and views on things from ours, just like this time, they agreed to lend their territory as a Triwizard Tournament The venue for the second game, but this does not mean that they will stop the original plan, the battle before the winter will still start, and it will not change because of the addition of a wizard game this year."

The mermaids in the lake of Hogwarts will have an armed conflict with another large group of water monsters in the lake almost every winter. The mermaids will conduct large-scale foraging before the arrival of autumn. All these preparations are to fight a beautiful victory before the midwinter, so as to regain more lost ground and have a comfortable winter.

When the freezing winter comes, the animals in the lake will reduce their activities, and it will be too late to start the war at that time.

The mermaid's purpose is to regain the territory occupied by the water demon, and the water demon's purpose is to keep the benefits that have been swallowed. Both parties are for the benefit of their own groups.Anyway, there are good reasons to go to war.Coupled with the fact that the water demons have multiplied too fast in recent years, the increase in their numbers has made them more urgent to expand their territories. The mermaids, who are far behind them in terms of numbers and reproduction, have become the best targets.

If the water demons continue to reproduce so recklessly, if the mermaids continue to tolerate it like this, sooner or later, this lake will become the world of water demons, and by that time, the freshwater mermaids will completely disappear in this lake.

Even though the mermaid leader Cocos reached an agreement with Dumbledore this year, agreeing to lend a part of the territory to use as the arena, but in the mermaid's point of view, the due battle will not be changed or postponed, and magical animals with high IQs generally have unique abilities that cannot be underestimated. Strong self-esteem, this belief in self-improvement will never change for the sake of human beings.

"Maybe...we can send someone to help them." Ms. Sprout blushed without anyone saying that.

This proposal is unrealistic. First, because of the many restrictions of the Fantastic Beasts Protection Act, human beings should not get involved in disputes in the natural world. After all, mermaids and water monsters are both aboriginals in the lake. It is far from the point where wizards intervene; the second is because this group of mermaids will definitely not agree. If they have to help them, they will not only not appreciate it, but will feel that their self-esteem has been hurt, and they may be irritated, causing unnecessary harm. Trouble.

In short, for the current host, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft and Witchcraft, this matter is quite tricky.

"What did the Ministry of Magic say?" Professor Flitwick felt that once the British Ministry of Magic knew about it, they would definitely not let it go and just wait for death.

Seemingly understanding what the Charms professor was thinking, Dumbledore said, "I haven't told the Ministry of Magic yet."

"What else will the Ministry of Magic do? According to Fudge's thoughts, they will definitely send someone to 'clean' the lake to clean up the lake immediately. Maybe there won't even be a fish to be found by then." Snape said through his nose. Squeezed out a cold snort.

Everyone was silent, but they still affirmed Snape's sharp point of view.

The British Ministry of Magic has unprecedented enthusiasm and attention for regaining the right to host the Triwizard Tournament after many years. It is estimated that not only Fudge, but other officials will definitely agree to such a once-and-for-all approach.

"Fortunately, the second project will not be held until the end of February. We still have time, and so does the mermaid." Dumbledore absently patted the armrest of the chair, then raised a silver eyebrow, and joked, "I hope the mermaid This time they can win a big victory, so I won't pray for Merlin to protect them, and I guess they won't appreciate it either."

The four deans couldn't help but looked at each other.

"Maybe our warriors can't find clues from the golden egg on the day of the second match, and we won't have to make a fool of ourselves in front of the other two schools." Snape's face flashed Strange expression, seemingly a little gloating.

The few present here actually understood what he meant, after all, everyone is an old colleague.

Professor McGonagall gave him a sideways glance.

Professor Sprout curled his lips, muttering in his mouth.

As for Professor Flitwick... he had to pretend to be intermittently deaf.

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