HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 372 The Open Secret

"Principal! Come here!" Carlo looked around and whispered to Karkaroff who opened the way ahead.

Karkaroff, who was walking forward with great interest, turned his head, his expression full of suspicion, "How do you know?"

Carlo pointed in another direction with certainty, "Going around from this side of the castle is 3 minutes faster than going around from the other side."

The three of them, including Karkaroff, stared at Karo speechlessly.

The little fat man thought they didn't believe it, so he took out his notebook and flipped through the pages, "Really, I have calculated it before."

"Okay, okay, I trust you, don't fall over." Karkaroff turned around and went the other way.

Carol flipped through the small book as he walked, and finally brought a large page of densely packed calculation formulas to Heimdall with a happy face, "Look, I wrote it all here, right?" It's over He offered a treasure to Victor again, and he let out a long sigh of satisfaction after his personal value was fully reflected.

This midnight trip was a secret operation. After Karkaroff landed, he ordered the three students not to cast any magic, even fluorescent flashes, so as not to be discovered.

The lights of Hogwarts Castle were dark, and it was already past the lights-out time at this point.

Taking advantage of the not-so-bright moonlight, everyone sneaked around in a big circle and sneaked to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Hagrid's hut was still lit, and Beauxbaton's carriage was also brightly lit. Karkaroff stopped next to the hut, and carefully walked around the hut. The large carriage waved to the three students and took the lead to walk into the Forbidden Forest.

Carlo couldn't control his excitement, "Are we going to the Forbidden Forest?"

He wanted to go in for a long time to open his eyes, but unfortunately the caretaker Hagrid seemed kind, and he was quite firm on some issues of principle. Carlo had hinted more than once to encourage Hagrid to take him to the Forbidden Forest. Take him directly to an empty pasture near the Forbidden Forest to deal with errands—it's a pity that Mr. Jones, who hopes to record the world with his own eyes, cannot see thestrals.

Although he didn't get Hagrid's approval, Carlo didn't rush in rashly alone.Only by being alive and kicking can we witness more unexpected events. Carlo still attaches great importance to his own safety.

Karkaroff led them to shuttle in. Along the way, Karol's two eyeballs sparkled like a high-wattage light bulb, and he kept chanting "unicorns... trolls... centaurs ..." and other magical animals, I hope to be lucky enough to witness it with my own eyes.Unfortunately, things went against their wishes. Under the leadership of the principal, they did not go further. Karkaroff stood under a big tree, hesitated for a moment, and turned to the right.

After a while, the three people who followed noticed that the giant trees covering the sun were not as dense as before. Looking up at the sky, the night sky dotted with stars loomed among the branches.

Carlo was a little frustrated at once, he was walking like a wind just now, but now he is getting more and more listless.

"Dragon~~~~" Heimdall murmured deliberately behind his back.

Carlo's eyes were re-energized, and he quickly recovered. He changed the words in his mouth, "It's a dragon... It's a dragon... It's a dragon..."

Heimdall couldn't help laughing, and Victor, who was holding hands with him, also looked like he was about to smile.

When Karkaroff stopped to look left and right for the third time, the three students behind him were basically sure that the principal was lost in eight or nine out of ten.

"I seem to have been here just now." Carlo always felt that the surrounding scenery was very familiar, although these big trees all looked the same.

Heimdall still believed in Carlo's sixth sense, so he said to Karkaroff who was thinking hard: "Mr. Principal, why don't we go to the right?" It was a left turn just now.

Karkaroff looked back at them, and the three students all behaved obediently.

Karkaroff cleared his throat, "Then try it." He turned and went to the right.

The three students followed immediately.

The road on the right was much more bumpy than before. Halfway through, bushes of different heights appeared, some of which were covered with thorns. Carlo was accidentally stabbed on the back of his hand several times. Love strode forward and covered his mouth forcibly to stop the attack. Carlo must be screaming and screaming, the little fat man is afraid of pain.

After finally getting out of the thorny bushes, "Rig..." Carlo immediately handed Heimdall his hand, begging for comfort with teary eyes.

"Don't cry, don't cry." Heimdall patted his head, and blew twice on the wound on the chubby hand.

Caro pouted his mouth very much, with a look of grievance on his face.

"Who?" Hearing Karkaroff yell suddenly, the three of them couldn't help but startled. Carlo didn't care about the wound on his hand. He immediately threw away the quill and pulled out his wand like Victor and Heimdall. .

Two tall shadows emerged from the darkness... At the same time, two white light clusters were also ignited, and the eyes suddenly lit up. The four members of the German school saw Hagrid and Madame Maxime holding their wands, The two of them also looked shocked.

"Why are you here?" Almost everyone said in unison.

Then something suddenly occurred to him, Karkaroff and Madam Maxim looked away at the same time.

Up to now, exposing each other's shortcomings is useless. Once the other party is reported, they themselves will be implicated. Mrs. Maxim and Karkaroff unanimously decided to temporarily tolerate each other's cheating behavior - I really don't know how they position themselves.

The two principals looked at each other and reached a consensus during the brief eye contact.

Carlo suddenly let out a loud sneeze, and then couldn't stop the car and sneezed again and again. Heimdall took out a handkerchief and asked him to cover his nose, and gradually stopped the earth-shattering noise.

Carlo's nose is very sensitive to scents other than food. In fact, everyone present could smell the scent emanating from Hagrid's body. It was as strong as knocking over a whole bottle of perfume on him.

Hagrid stroked his beard with a simple and honest face at first, but later realized that why Carlo suddenly kept sneezing, it was obviously not the cold he thought.

Hagrid's face was a little red, but the fluorescent flashes weren't bright enough.

Karkaroff glanced at the embarrassed-looking Hagrid, raised his eyebrows, and flicked his eyes back and forth between the obviously well-dressed Hagrid and the pretendingly calm Madame Maxime, and then quickly looked away, Coughing twice unnaturally, Heimdall felt that the headmaster must be holding back very hard.

After putting away his wand, Carlo looked around for the quill that he had just thrown out in agitation, and finally saw it on the muddy ground in front of Hagrid, and hurried over to pick it up.

"Ow!" Carlo let out a cry of surprise, withdrew his hand, and hurriedly retreated, staring at the empty front in amazement.

The three of the German school followed his gaze, but there was nothing.

Karkaroff glanced at Hagrid quickly. The honest Hagrid had no time to hide his expression, squinted unnaturally, and twitched the corner of his mouth at Karkaroff.

Madame Maxime shook her head.

Karkaroff narrowed his eyes, his heart moved, his eyes became sharp, he strode forward, stretched out his hand in the void without warning, as if something was suddenly uncovered, Harry Potter's head was like Suddenly appearing in front of everyone like a conjurer, Harry, who was not prepared at all, looked at Karkaroff at a loss for a while.

Karkaroff snorted coldly, and threw away the things in his hands.

Heimdall stared intently at the brain suspended in mid-air. It was the first time he saw a magic product that could make people completely invisible. It was amazing, Heimdall admired in his heart.

Carlo rushed out to pick up the quill, and wrote it in a small book. In his opinion, this discovery was of great record value.

Hagrid opened his mouth, wanting to say something for Harry, but couldn't think of words because of his clumsy mouth.

In the end, Mrs. Maxime came forward to rescue Harry, "Time is precious, and Principal Karkaroff doesn't want to delay any longer, does he?"

Karkaroff was noncommittal, with a calm expression. Heimdall found that the occasional mumbling headmaster also had his unpredictable side, and... the headmaster had double standards as a matter of course.

With the leadership of the local snake Hagrid, the four of the German school avoided the tragedy of going around in circles. Carlo seized the time to inquire about everything about the Forbidden Forest. Hagrid gradually put aside his worries amidst the continuous questions, and warmly talked with Carlo. Discuss it.

Carlo likes to ask questions by nature, and he never refuses the answers. Anything he doesn't understand can attract his attention.

Hogwarts does not have such students and teachers. Hagrid likes all animals, but unfortunately he can't find anyone to talk about his hobbies. Most wizards can't treat all creatures equally. Although Dumbledore is tolerant, Hagrid Greg didn't want to bother him with personal matters.

Carlo doesn't necessarily like animals, but he has patience that many wizards don't have: he is willing to listen to what others have to say unconditionally. The little fat guy from the school was chatting.

Heimdall looked up, the starry sky was as if it had been magically fixed, he guessed that they might have walked for a long time, the huge Hogwarts castle was gradually soaked in darkness, and even the outline became blurred, finally in the Disappeared behind.Carlo and Hagrid's conversation is the only continuous background sound effect along the way, and it maintains great enthusiasm from beginning to end.

Harry followed Hagrid's footsteps. He no longer grabbed the lapel of his cloak. Heimdall looked from behind and saw his head floating in the air, with a large section in the middle, and his shoes and ankles followed his steps. Flickering, not interesting, at least Heimdall saw it with relish.

"Are you tired from walking?" Victor whispered to him.

As soon as Heimdall shook his head, it was like thunder from the sky exploding on the ground. There was a bang in the ears, and everyone stopped, and then quickly ran forward.Carlo bit the notebook and pen with his mouth, covered his ears with both hands, and moved forward slowly with a painful expression on his face. After finally getting used to the deafening noise, he couldn't wait to push aside the bushes and stepped over. At this moment, the others Already standing motionless in front of the bush with various expressions.

A string of scorching flames sprayed into the sky with earth-shattering roars, and Carlo couldn't help letting out a cry of surprise.

There was chaos.

A heavy and thick fence, four fire-breathing dragons tied by iron chains and leather ropes, and a large group of anxious-looking wizards running around telling each other, each of them is holding their wands tightly, yelling loudly and waving desperately in a noisy and chaotic environment He gestured with his arms and kept running back and forth around the four giant dragons. If you look closely, you can find that each of these dragon trainers has sunken eye sockets and tired faces.

Hagrid's eyes shone amazingly in the dark night. He couldn't help leaning forward, and was pulled by Mrs. Maxim who suddenly returned to his senses, but Hagrid didn't seem to notice, and continued to move forward in a daze...

Karkaroff's expression changed again and again. He looked back at Victor hesitantly, and found that the latter had a calm face. Victor's calm and introverted performance made Mr. Principal appreciate it.

Carlo covered his ears with a bitter face. The calls of these dragons were very varied and varied. When they were high pitched, they were piercing like sharp knives into their ears.

Heimdall was so excited by the scene in front of him that he didn't know what to look at first. This was the second time he saw the dragon, the first time was at the opening ceremony of Sugar Mouse. Unfortunately, there were so many people and far away that time. I made a rough idea, but it already made him very excited. After all, at that time, the time, place, people and the three blended, affected by the state of mind, people and the environment, he couldn't calm down.

The Norwegian Ridgeback at the opening ceremony of Sugar Mouse was tamed by the dragon trainer to obey. This time, it is a real "tyrannosaurus rex", which is more in line with the introduction in the book. It is huge, ferocious, violent, and surprisingly aggressive.

The flames in his body seemed to never be exhausted. Standing here for a long time, the red dragon in the middle kept throwing up its neck and spraying flames in all directions. Rather than saying that it was violent and disobedient, it might as well be that it was locked in the fence and had nothing to do. Play, of course, is more likely to be angry.

Carlo moved towards Heimdall, and he saw Krum and Rigg talking. Carlo was very curious as a warrior of the German school, what would Victor Krum do at this moment in the face of this situation? Feeling, Carlo dragged his body, moved extremely carefully, not wanting to disturb anyone, and rubbed past bit by bit...

"...Do you know them all?"

Carlo heard Victor say to Heimdall, after which Heimdall nodded.

"The red one is the Chinese Fireball Dragon, and the small green one is the Welsh Green Dragon. It's not exactly the same color as the vegetables..." Heimdall frowned and tightened his lips, as if seeing a large bowl of vegetable salad passing by.

Victor smiled, "What else?"

"The one with the blue horns should be the Swiss short-nosed dragon, and the other one with the barbed tail and a fierce face... the Hungarian Horntail?"

"Congratulations, you're right." Victor stroked Heimdall's face, leaned over and chirped for encouragement.

The topic of the two quickly turned to the dragon.

Carlo nodded desperately in the back, the quill kept dancing in his hand, so it was like this, field teaching... I have benefited a lot, I have benefited a lot.

"The blue one is the Swiss short... What is it short—" Carlo asked instinctively, and suddenly realized that something hastily closed his mouth, but it was too late.

Although their love talk didn't seem sweet at all, it still made people feel quite uncomfortable to be meddled at will. Victor Krum turned his head with a bad look on his face.

Under the gaze of deep and treacherous night eyes, Carlo closed the notebook with a snap, and turned his head, "Mr. Hagrid, wait for me!"

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