The boy on the left stretched his neck like a giraffe, posing his body on tiptoes, looking strenuous and strenuous.Seeing him being so active, Heimdall handed over the letter with a smile on his face.

The boy froze for a moment, "Show me?"

Heimdall nodded, "Would it be an honor for you to read it for me." The audience around were so enthusiastic.

The boy immediately took the letter happily, cleared his throat carefully, raised his head and chest, and read clearly, "Dear Mr. Heimdal Strulusson, the organizing committee is honored to inform you of the 52nd The Sugar Mouse Underage Wizard Grand Prix will officially start on December 12. This competition will still follow the previous schedule to provide a 1-day buffer period (November 10-November 11). On November 20, the competition venue will be Competitors are open. The organizing committee will not interfere in any matters of any contestants within ten days from the 11th to the 30th. As long as they do not violate the rules of the competition schedule, the contestants can freely enter and exit the venue. This competition is expected to last for one and a half months, and the specific progress will be determined by the start of the competition. The future schedule of the event will be decided..." There were several pages in total, and the boy's thirsty mouth was relieved after he drank a large glass of honey and lemon juice.

The summary of the five-page stationery is as follows. At the beginning, the overall arrangement of the event is read; followed by the specific categories of competition events, and the timetable for each event; and then some nouns for the above-mentioned event timetable The corresponding explanation is given; at the end, a large list of contestants of this year is attached, which contains the names of the contestants, the countries, regions or teams they belong to (Heimdall signed up in the name of the experimental research laboratory, so his affiliation The column marked is Durmstrang College-Experimental Research Laboratory), and the detailed mailing address.

"Isn't today November 11th?" The boy returned the letter to Heimdall, "The competition will last for one and a half months, so you will spend your Christmas holiday this year at the competition venue." The letter read It is very clear that in order to prevent unnecessary troubles, once the game officially starts, unless there are special reasons of force majeure, the players must wait for the game to be completed before going home.Of course, if the game ends early, they will naturally be able to go home early.

"Tomorrow will be the 20th!" The "experienced" fat boy suddenly jumped up, slapping the table and kicking the chairs, bluffing so much that others were shocked and glared at him.The fat boy turned a blind eye and looked at Heimdall: "The ten-day buffer period of each session is very important. There are many things to do in these ten days, such as whether you plan to participate in individual events in the name of an individual, or in the name of a team. For the team competition, it must be decided within ten days and the organizing committee must be notified the day before the start of the competition, otherwise it will be abstention. This is what my sister said."

Immediately the boys hissed at him, "It's all in those letters, we heard them all just now."

"That's not the point!" The fat boy clamored excitedly to the surroundings, just like Professor York's upper body, and the freshmen were terrified into silence, their eyes widened in horror.

"What's important, what's the point..." A weak question emerged from the crowd, and this student's desire for knowledge was relatively strong.

"Good question!" The fat boy's eyes lit up, and he continued the conversation with great interest: "Individual competitions have individual competitions, and team competitions have the excitement of team competitions. According to the 260-year history of Sugar Mouse A conclusion..." Lin Li let out a big gasp on purpose, but didn't show the "period".

The surrounding crowd was excited, wishing to slap this girl to death, without such a tantalizing person.

The fat boy said happily: "The team competition is definitely better than the individual competition, and it is more difficult." The words fell, but found that there was not much response, and he hurriedly added, "You have all heard the letter just now, sugar The team competition of the Mouse Contest is different. Players from the same region cannot register as a group. For example, if Heimdall and I want to participate in the team competition, then we must be separated and split into two different teams. The idea of ​​the Sugar Mouse Team Competition is to strengthen the communication and interaction between people, if everything is arranged at the beginning, then there is no fun.”

"Wait, I have a question." Luke suddenly raised his hand and said, "I understand what you mean, but don't strangers become familiar after communicating with each other for a long time? Lang's friends, if I go to the competition with these friends, can't we avoid it and form a team?"

The fat boy looked at him and said without changing his face: "If you and your friends decide to go to the competition, why?"

Luke didn't even think about it, and said directly: "It's fun, I've heard of the Sugar Mouse Grand Prix since I was very young, it's good to go and see it with my own eyes."

"The organizing committee won't ignore it." The fat boy suddenly said in a serious tone beyond his age, "Your idea is actually very simple, and it is this kind of idea that is the consistent concept of Sugar Mouse 260. No Fancy names, no huge bonuses, no trophies that are too heavy for children to lift. Fun is the key. This is what my sister said.” The children who were already in deep thought were blown away by his last sentence. It's really a shame to break the power directly.

The list provided was specially distributed for players who are interested in participating in the team competition to choose teammates. Heimdall picked up the list and scanned it from beginning to end, his eyes were almost dazzled.At the same time, some names on the list seemed to be painted with soot and suddenly darkened. This is not an individual imagination. Many names turned gray one after another.

Heimdall woke up. Could it be that the players whose names have been darkened are the players who have already formed a team?

"Look at the back of the list!" A boy suddenly shouted.

Heimdall immediately turned over the letter paper, black characters appeared in rows on the originally blank paper, and the sad names on the front appeared one by one, with [Abstain] written at the end of each name.

The fat boy's explanation sounded at the right time: "This is the punishment. As I said just now, people from the same area are not allowed to form a group. These people must want to take advantage of the loopholes. The organizing committee of the Sugar Mouse Contest has organized 51 contests, and it is by no means vegetarian. If a certain phenomenon exceeds expectations, it will definitely be eliminated. Don’t worry about them, these people are destined to miss the team competition. The next step is the key. The ten days seem to be enough time, but in fact it is very long. The team competition The composition process is a gambling process, if you are lucky, you can get one or two capable people, and if you are unlucky, you can only consider yourself unlucky."

"Why must it hang on the tree of the team competition? I think Heimdall can sign up for the individual competition." Different voices began to appear in the crowd.Many students echoed.

Heimdall said: "According to the information provided in the letter, the individual competition does not conflict with the team competition." His remarks immediately sparked a new round of discussion.

Luke took Heimdall with his elbow, "I can't see that you have a big heart."

Heimdall glanced at him, raised his eyebrows and said, "The more you sow, the more you will reap."

Luke gave a thumbs up.

The fat boy asked Heimdall if there was any individual competition that Heimdall was interested in signing up for.Heimdall shook his head and said that he hadn't thought about it, after all, he just received the letter.

"I think you can participate in the broomstick speed competition. You fly very well." The boy who spoke is the tail of the flying class. Anyone who flies better than him can participate in international competitions in his eyes.

Although Heimdall can ride a broom, he still takes every flying lesson honestly.According to the classroom performance records made by the professor of this class on weekdays, his grades are above average, not very fast, and the key is to be steady.In the eyes of professionals, it is more difficult to be stable than fast. The speed of flying is not only related to the rider, but also related to the quality of the broom itself, that is, there is a certain amount of external force.Stability is different, purely technical work, all depends on personal operation.Once the broomstick goes to the sky, the current environment determines everything, irresistible things are around and wait for an opportunity, and it is hard to say when an accident will happen.Therefore, the rider's judgment, operating level, and response to various emergencies will determine whether the broomstick is safe and appropriate in the air, and it is not impossible to make it bad and fall to pieces.

The flying professor actually admires Heimdall's style of riding a broom, but he is a professor of the school, so he can't act emotionally, so he can only set his grades at the upper-middle level regrettably, but in his heart he hopes that he can show some momentum and increase his speed. Also mention it together.It is easy to be fast when it is stable, but it is not necessarily very stable when it is fast.

"I think you should sign up for an individual competition, maybe it can help the team competition. You can't be greedy for too many individual competitions, it's better to specialize in one. This is what my sister said." The fat boy looked at Heimdall carefully. Looking at him, I would like to ask, "Do you mean to participate in the team competition?"

have.Heimdall admitted that he had this idea. He glanced at the densely packed list. Gambling is only possible if you choose a target, and it won't help if you don't bet.At the same time, he also knows that he can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. The problem is that he can't even understand what tofu looks like.

At dinner time, Heimdall sat down on the long table and took out the list to read carefully. Naturally, the enthusiastic students of the same grade gathered around again. own business.Luke looked up and saw that Leon was getting closer, so he consciously gave up the empty seat on Heimdall's right and sat elsewhere.

Leon sat down on the long table. His appearance made some children still show a little fear, but it was completely different from the fear of snakes and scorpions at the beginning.Gossip is terrible, made by the ignorant, and can only be seen through if you really understand it.

"Busy people, come, come, take a break." Heimdall took out his mistress spirit, which had disappeared for a long time, and slickly served wine and tea for Master Blueleg.

Leon followed his tricks, stretched out his hands and opened his mouth like a gentleman, and ate all the food that a certain waiter brought him without changing his face.

Heimdall could see that he was really tired, otherwise he would never have cooperated so easily.The start time of the major competitions is getting closer and closer, and the competition about potions is also among them.The head of the Potions Research Office simply used Leon as a god-man, and asked him to cooperate with coaching the players who were about to compete. The game syndrome was causing trouble again and again, so it was naturally more difficult than usual.

Leon once revealed to Heimdall that even if he was so poor that he had to live on relief money in the future, he would never become a teacher.

Heimdall felt sorry for Leon. If he hadn't filled out the application for admission late and missed the registration time for the competition, the head of the Potions Research Office would most likely have made an exception for Leon to participate in the competition.The Potion Research Laboratory is one of the most fruitless research laboratories in recent years. Although it has the most staff among all the research laboratories, it is always difficult to do anything.Even Professor Roy Laurent, the nominal tutor of the laboratory, is also shameless, and will be teased by his peers wherever he goes.

"How about your game? How are you preparing?" Leon rubbed the bridge of his nose and said weakly.

Heimdall checked the list in Yang's hand, "I'm considering whether to choose stud or mahjong..."

Leon frowned inexplicably, and was about to ask something when a letter suddenly floated down from above his head and landed in front of Heimdall.The arrival of the letter caused all the surrounding first graders to stop their work and pay attention, and they all curiously guessed the content of the letter.

A sharp-eyed boy's face suddenly changed: "It's a roaring letter!" His shout made the others startled. How could there be a roaring letter at this time?

Heimdall looked at the crimson letter in his hand and was speechless for a while. This was the first time he received a Howler letter.In order not to disturb others, he took out his wand and cast a silence spell around his body. The smooth speed and gestures when he released the magic surprised the first grade children, and they looked at him differently.Certain subjective biases are slowly disappearing unconsciously.

The children around could only see his movements, saw the red letter paper turned into a paper mouth moving up and down, but couldn't hear the slightest sound.After a while, the letter automatically fell apart, but there was no negative expression on Heimdall's face, it just seemed a little...surprised.

After all, they are not very familiar with each other, and none of the students dare to directly ask about their privacy, and they all hold back uncomfortablely.

"What did you say in the letter?" In the end, it was Leon who asked everyone's aspirations, and at that moment, the image of Master Blueleg grew a lot in the minds of the first graders.

Heimdall took out another ordinary letter that was bundled and mailed together with the roaring letter. What was written on the letter was exactly what the roaring letter said.

"Mr Klaus from Liechtenstein offered me an olive branch and invited me to join his team."

The first graders got excited all of a sudden. They received the list in the morning and the invitation letter in the evening.What a shame, the children thought proudly.But... this Klaus is too different, he actually uses shouting letters to attract people's attention, too creative, and too idle, what if it backfires?

"Promise him!" The fat boy made a voice, sonorous and forceful.As if feeling that it was not enough, he jumped up and emphasized again: "You must agree!"

"Jones, you are so excited." A friend around him tugged at his sleeve.

The fat boy turned a deaf ear to him and said loudly excitedly: "According to the composition of the team competition winners in previous years, more than 70% of the winning teams are from Liechtenstein, a country that only produces sugar rat champions. So promise him! Good start That's half the battle!"

His round face was flushed red, and the fat all over his body was trembling, which showed how agitated he was.Heimdall felt moved, and wanted to say some emotional words to express his gratitude, but he was punctured tightly.

"That's what my sister said."

Many first-year students were choked by his "finishing touch" and almost didn't catch their breath and turned over directly.As a matter of course, poor Mr. Jones will inevitably be mobbed and attacked, and the long table is full of applause...

"This year's first grade is really noisy." At a certain table, a certain brother frowned and said.

The other brother who was facing him put his hands on the table and propped his chin, looking lazy, and looked straight at the noisy group: "Really? I think they are cute." This brother expressed a difference He raised the corner of his mouth, "Kids should be like this, what's the fun in being rigid like an adult?!"


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