HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 369 I am an Assistant

Half-discussed and half-studied the theory of black magic with Professor Flitwick for more than ten days. Professor Flitwick obtained a lot of good things that were neglected through books and notes, but Heimdall was different from this spell learner. Both of them have benefited a lot from their new understanding of the way of explaining.

Professor Flitwick speaks kindly and patiently. He won't turn his back on a question even if he is asked three times. Discussing black magic with him like a teacher and a friend feels like time flies. Professor Flitwick will not hide it. Tucked in, when encountering unclear points, he will speak up directly, and will not worry about losing his dignity in front of the students, unlike some teachers who slap their swollen faces to pretend to be fat and mislead their children.

When getting along with Professor Snape, it was a cold spell, an extraordinary feeling.

The decoration style of Slytherin House is rather dark and visual. The first impression it gives people is that it is insulated from the sun, dark, wet, and gloomy. Coupled with the gloomy face of the head of the house who is always serious and unsmiling, it is no wonder Draco, who was a student of Slytherin House, mentioned that their dean looked terrified. When Heimdall entered his office on the 15th, he consciously lowered his head and didn't dare to glance around.

Snape behind the desk looked up at him, "I thought you would hand in the paper two days early."

Heimdall immediately handed the paper to his desk, "I just want to make sure that the answers I wrote are all correct."

Snape sarcastically said, "Will it be all right after two days?" He dropped the quill in his hand, and then pulled the stack of parchment to his eyes.

Heimdall took two steps back in extreme embarrassment.

Snape paused, but without raising his eyes, he said to the parchment, "Do you think I'm scary?"

"Yes." Heimdall said honestly.

There was an imperceptible bitter smile on the corner of Snape's mouth.

"I think Potions professors are scary," Heimdall began rambling as soon as he touched his back door. "There are also professors of astronomy, history of magic, and divination..."

"Divination? Why is there one more?" Snape was in the mood to joke with him, although he still had a slate face.

"I haven't touched it before. This is the latest discovery." Heimdall said dryly while snapping his fingers back and forth.

"Mr. Sturluson, you can go."

Heimdall looked up in surprise, Snape was expressionless, "I hate nagging students, it will affect my mood to correct homework, these messy handwriting is enough to give me a headache, I need absolute Quiet."

Heimdall was finally convinced that Snape was telling him to evict him, but he didn't know that the taunt was not half as aggressive as usual.

"My paper..." Heimdall hesitated.

"Come and get it after lunch." Snape bowed his head and ignored him.

Heimdall scratched his face, turned and left.


The 18th arrived as scheduled.

The Durmstrang team did not leave in a hurry after breakfast in the auditorium. The Hogwarts students found that almost all of them had a notebook in their hands. A dozen of them were uniform, with pious eyes, muttering to themselves in the notebook. It seems that a religious organization in some place is holding some kind of weird initiation ceremony.

After a while, Professor McGonagall appeared in the auditorium with a stack of parchment in her hand. She walked slowly to the long Slytherin table, glanced at them with her lips pursed, took out her pocket watch, corrected the time, and told them Said: "The monthly exam of Transfiguration will start next. Please put all notebooks, books and other items about Transfiguration over there." Professor McGonagall pointed to the center of the long Slytherin table.

Everyone sent away notebooks and books one after another, and a few students reluctantly looked back at each step.

Professor McGonagall waited for the last student to return to his seat, and began to call his name to the name printed on the parchment paper, and the students whose names were called raised their hands to claim their papers.The representative teams belong to different grades, and it is impossible to have the same questions in the papers. It is impossible to let the lower grades do the test questions of the higher grades.

Professor McGonagall announced that the examination papers would be collected in an hour, and there was a sudden silence in the auditorium.

The Hogwarts students who stayed in the auditorium didn't dare to make any noise because of the atmosphere, and they whispered to each other what happened. Later, Beauxbaton's students answered their questions for them. It was a monthly exam.

One hour may be a long time for students outside the examination room, but for students in the examination room, it is like a razor, passing by with a buzz.

When handing in the paper, there are many expressions, including bewilderment, pain, joy, and doubt...emotions, anger, sorrow, joy, and coffee table in the world.

The Durmstrang team had just breathed calmly for 10 minutes, and Ms. Sprout arrived. The second class of herbal medicine was about to start. The students went to build a small hill for books again. One after another, the main course exams followed at intervals of 10 minutes. The students of Durmstrang experienced the ferocity of the Hogwarts professors racing against time. Durmstrang generally uses 15 minutes intervals. 15 minutes.

When all the main courses are finished, it is already dark. Except for three meals a day and solving metabolic waste and other problems, the rest of the time is spent on exams. The whole day is full of high-load mental work. The children of Durmstrang look bleak Only a few of them are still talking to themselves with blurred eyes... The following is the elective course.

The professors looked at them as if they were exhausted, gathered together to discuss it, and finally, Professor McGonagall stood up and announced that the elective course would be postponed until tomorrow. Unexpectedly, the students of Durmstrang who were staggering a second ago In the blink of an eye, they all sat upright and shouted in unison: "NO!"

Startled all the professors.

"Short-term pain is worse than long-term pain." Carlo sighed with a white face.

All the students agreed deeply.

That night, when the last elective course became a thing of the past, and the eyes of the students were filled with the crystal tears of the survivors, the veterans supported each other and staggered away from Hogwarts Castle. The auditorium devoured the food and transformed it into new brain power. Heimdall and Carlo were the two fierce generals who killed the Quartet in the meat formation.

The teachers and students of Hogwarts and some of Beauxbaton's classmates stared blankly at the scene in front of them, and saw Heimdall Strulusson gnawing on a chicken leg without any image at all, while enjoying Krum for granted. The personal care of Krum, who is also very grandpa, sometimes pointing here and sometimes pointing there, the tall and brave Krum player who is not angry and self-important in everyone's heart is reduced to an obedient massage boy. Ah, that's how impermanent it is.

The group of shy and timid female fans followed, biting their handkerchiefs and twisting their fingers, resentful.


Black No. 18 is a thing of the past, and Durmstrang's representative team is full of new vitality, just like the warming land after the severe cold has passed, all the smiles are like flowers, and the faces are full of spring.

The four contestants in the Triwizard Tournament ushered in an important preparation item before the official competition: the magic wand detection ceremony.

On the day before the test, Heimdall borrowed Victor's wand and wiped it again and again until the light was visible. Then he put down the professional cleaning cloth, took out a small can of paint the size of an ink bottle, and wiped it with a thin point. The head brush carefully applied from the head to the end.

The next day, Victor took the brand new wand to the player gathering place, waiting for the wand to be tested.

Heimdall was not a player, so he couldn't go in, and he wasn't even allowed to go up the stairs. Mr. Crouch's men stopped him at the stairway. Victor turned back immediately when he found that he didn't keep up. He smiled and waved at Victor. Waving, Victor pursed the corners of his mouth in displeasure, glanced at the Ministry of Magic official with a rigid face and no room for discussion, turned and went upstairs.

Several friends of Cedric Diggory and a blond girl from Beauxbatons who looked to be twelve or thirteen years old were also stopped together. The girl had picturesque eyebrows, facial features resembling hibiscus, fluffy and soft waist-length blond hair , and a pair of blue eyes shining with silver light, it can be imagined that it will be another disaster when he grows up.

Presumably a relative of Delacour.Except for Anita Slivan, Heimdall never took the initiative to contact the Beauxbaton students, so he didn't know the structure of their representative team.

After a while, Harry came, accompanied by Hermione Granger, several of Cedric's friends suddenly grinned at Harry, and each of them reached out and pressed the badge pinned to his chest, The words "The real Hogwarts warrior Cedric Diggory" and "Potter the Great Dung" were spun and repeated on the badge. I didn't notice this detail, but the little girl looked at the badge with a confused look, as if she didn't quite understand the specific meaning of those words.

Hermione looked furious, but pretended not to see it. It would be unwise to confront these Hufflepuff students at this time. "You're going to be late." She pushed Harry, who was as ugly as her.

Harry gave Heimdall a shy smile, and went upstairs. The Ministry of Magic officer who guarded the gate gave Harry a smile that was much more sincere than when he faced Victor and Fleur.

"Rig." A hoarse voice came, and Heimdall turned around in surprise, seeing the grizzled old man Ollivander standing not far behind him and blinking at him.

"Mr. Ollivander." Heimdall smiled.

"Hmm." Ollivander walked slowly, his dim eyes flashed with a smile, the old man looked around, puzzled, "Why are you standing here?"

"Wait..." Heimdall had an idea, leaned over and whispered, "Can I go up with you?"

Ollivander glanced at him calmly.

Heimdall said again, "As your assistant."

Ollivander smiled.

Heimdall gave a cheeky apologetic laugh, and then sternly said, "Do you think it's okay?"

"I'm just going up to test the wand." Ollivander replied in no hurry.

Heimdall took a deep breath, and said pretendingly: "It's been a long time since I saw you show off your skills, it's weird."

Ollivander grinned.

Heimdall felt that his face had been perfected.

After getting along for so many years, Ollivander still doesn't know him, "Then come with me, Assistant Sturluson."

As soon as Heimdall heard that there was a door, under the stunned gaze of Hermione and others, he followed Ollivander up with a low brow and was stopped by the dedicated Ministry of Magic officials.

"He's with me." Ollivander said calmly.

"I haven't heard..." The officer obviously didn't believe it.

"He is my assistant. The Ministry of Magic informed me to come to test the wand, but it didn't say that I can't bring an assistant."

The official hesitated, which was indeed the case, and the British Ministry of Magic did not mention anything other than Ollivander coming to Hogwarts for a wand test.

"This is Hogwarts. If Professor Dumbledore doesn't object, why would the Ministry of Magic need to do anything extra." Noticing his wavering, Ollivander went down to the next level.

The officer blocking the way frowned and let them go.

Under the confused look of Hermione and other students, Heimdall volunteered as the old man's assistant and got the qualification to go upstairs as an exception.


Accompanied by the principals, the contestants occupied each side of the room. The principals did not take this opportunity to have a long talk to enhance their friendship. As soon as Ollivander entered the room, the three principals looked at him at the same time. The second wand test was very important, but he couldn't help squinting his eyes when he found another figure behind the old man.

Based on the unexpected results of the selection of warriors by the Goblet of Fire, several principals were a little reflexively uneasy about the addition of recruits that were not within the scope of the plan.

Karkaroff heaved a sigh of relief after seeing the person coming, and Victor was a little surprised.Professor Dumbledore was still as steady as a rock, while Cedric blinked and said nothing else.Madame Maxime looked at Dumbledore puzzled.

After the initial surprise passed, Fu Rong snorted suddenly, "What's the matter? Four contestants became five again?"

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became very bad.

Dumbledore smiled helplessly, Madam Maxime's complexion changed, and she gave Fleur a very stern look. Fleur turned her eyes away in embarrassment, and raised her chin arrogantly, without any sign of regret.

Heimdall couldn't help but laugh, it was obvious that Miss Delacour was not targeting him.Heimdall squinted at Harry. Harry clenched his fists, trying to control his anger. Men who are a little bit more rational are rarely seen as well as domineering women.

No wonder Harry didn't show a fascinated expression when facing Fleur like other boys. As long as she wasn't mentally masochistic, no matter how beautiful such a girl was, the opposite sex would respect her from the bottom of her heart and stay away.

"Professor Dumbledore, let's start now." The old man Ollivander seemed to turn a blind eye to the turbulent undercurrent in front of him.

Dumbledore nodded with a smile, and turned to look at Heimdall. Heimdall looked righteous, and nodded slightly after meeting Dumbledore's gaze, "I am Mr. Ollivander's assistant." He said, from He took out a tape measure from his pocket.

assistant?Several people present couldn't help looking at each other.

Ollivander, who was taking out a tape measure in his pocket, saw what was in his hand, took it out of his pocket calmly, took his tape measure, and turned to face the four contestants.

"Who will come first?"

"Ladies first." Dumbledore made a gesture of invitation to Fleur.

Karkaroff stepped forward excitedly, glanced at Fleur and Madame Maxime who passed by him, curled his lips, and remained motionless with a rotten face.

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