HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 365 Warrior Selection

In the foyer, the shabby cup still spared no effort to radiate its own light and heat. It should have been lit once every five years. The suspension made it unemployed for so long, and finally waited for the opportunity to recover. The blue-white flame that rose again attracted everyone. A large group of uninformed underage onlookers watched the party stop, and it was probably aggrieved that the big wooden cup had been shut down for so many years.

Heimdall was also one of the onlookers who didn't know much about the party. He couldn't help taking a few glances as he passed the hall. Hogwarts students even moved a few chairs and placed them by the wall of the hall. Many students waited early in the morning. Here, it is for the first time to witness the moment when the aspirants vote and the flames "puff and puff" sparks.

The children of Hogwarts whispered to each other and talked a lot. They seemed to be familiar with the registration status of each school. A string of unfamiliar names came out of their mouths, and then they caused exclamations from around.

Heimdall was confused, he didn't know the other students except the ones who were fixed.

When the onlookers saw Victor, their spirits perked up, and their eyes became bright, but when they found that he passed the age circle without squinting, and pulled Heimdall straight to the auditorium, the onlookers Can't help but look at each other, Krum won't sign up?Or did he report it and they didn't see it?

Heimdall also wondered, wouldn't he sign up?Didn't Principal Karkaroff communicate with him just now?Is it possible to pay attention to the timing of registration?

"When do you plan to sign up?" As soon as the two stepped into the auditorium, Heimdall looked at him curiously.

"Oh, that's right." Victor patted his forehead, let go of Heimdall three steps and ran out in two steps, and came back in a blink of an eye, grinning refreshedly at Heimdall, " Alright." Seemingly all right, he led Heimdall and continued to move forward.

"Okay?" Heimdall opened his eyes wide.

"Okay." Victor nodded very calmly, and pulled him to sit down at the end of the long Slytherin table, keeping a distance from the other British students.

"I didn't see it!" Heimdall was dissatisfied.

Victor was taken aback, "You want to see?"

Heimdall nodded, it seemed that this guy didn't take the registration seriously at all, and deceived countless people's feelings, including his Heimdall's.

"... just throwing the parchment with the school name and name written on it into the fire." Victor hesitated, he really didn't think there was anything rare about it.

"Didn't you see the photos of the Ministry of Magic officials published in the newspapers? They can keep their hands up for a long time just to vote. It's wrong for you to be so sloppy, Mr. Krum."

Viktor Khan, "That's a politician's show, for reporters to take pictures."

Heimdall slammed it down, forget it, he voted anyway, and it’s all over if he struggles, Heimdall quickly turned his attention to breakfast.

"How about I throw it again?" Victor touched his chin.

"You better stop." Heimdall shook his head. "What if the Goblet of Fire feels that your attitude is not correct enough, and you treat voting like a joke, and if you are not happy, what should you do?"

"Didn't you say that the game is dangerous, so it's not a good choice." Victor said with a smile.

"How can you be so worthless?!" Heimdall was angry. "You choose this path yourself. Since you have voted, you must always pray that you can be selected, otherwise don't vote."

"That's right, it's my fault, don't be angry." Victor still had a smile on his face, as if he was elated after being taught by Heimdall.

Heimdall, the 1-minute hero, was quickly beaten back to his original form. He held up the cup and hesitated: "I didn't mean to kill you...don't take it to heart..." He drank his drink while talking, his eyes didn't know what to do Where did you go.

Victor held Heimdall's face in his hands and smacked a few times, and then he couldn't help laughing out loud. The laughter caused the group of shy girls to scratch their hearts and lungs.


The breakfast time at Hogwarts was busy and lively. Everyone was talking about the Triwizard Tournament, the Goblet of Fire and the registration deadline tonight.

The sky above the auditorium is also very busy, with owls flying around, dutifully delivering mail.

The Durmstrang team was exceptionally quiet among the noisy crowd. The Hogwarts students found that almost all of them had arrived, and then quickly finished their breakfast. The long table in front of them had been cleared and emptied.The Slytherin students were very puzzled by their behavior at the other end of the long table. They didn't understand why they made themselves so out of place. Didn't they have a good time last night?

Looking at the Ravenclaw table, it seemed that they had a good conversation with Beauxbaton's students, but the Slytherin students looked away lonely, all melancholy.Draco also looked around and looked around, really wanting to flirt with his cousin, but unfortunately, his cousin never gave him a close-up.

When the clock reached 08:30, Hogwarts' owl delivery time was coming to an end, and the sky over the auditorium gradually returned to calm. Occasionally, one or two messengers flew over, marking the end of the morning letter delivery time.

A sharp owl suddenly pierced through the sky of the auditorium that had returned to silence, and a gray-brown flower-headed owl flew in and rushed straight towards the long table occupied by the Durmstrang representative team.

Carlo waved to his messenger White Ring, and the little flower-headed owl made a beautiful swoop and accurately dropped a blood-red slender letter box more than a foot long, with Durmstrang's shield engraved on both ends of the letter box. Emblem, opening sealed with magic putty.

With the White Ring as the outpost, the time for the Durmstrang representative team to receive letters officially opened, and all kinds of birds flew into the Hogwarts Great Hall in groups. Mailboxes, letters, and newspapers were delivered in front of them.

The black Queen Falcon Oral is particularly eye-catching among the vying messenger teams. The unhurried flying speed shows the calm demeanor of the night king. All the birds spontaneously fly a certain distance away from it, such as bats. Animals dare not fly in front of it.

The Slytherin students gradually understood why they had to sit alone at the other end. They had too many mails and needed a long table to place them. Crowding together was not conducive to the orderly progress of mail collection.

Mails of different sizes piled up in front of Heimdall to form a hill. Among the classmates, his mountain was the most towering. The students were a little stunned at first, but then they were relieved when they thought about it. sent from the room.

The guesses of the students were not wrong. In addition to the various research laboratories joining in the fun, there were also a large number of publications, among which Wizengamot's publications accounted for more than half, so that later, Heimdall had to ask Victor And other classmates help Yugong move the mountains, looking for the blood-red postbox among the mountains.

When he finally groped for the letterbox, Rian had already leaned over with a bitter face.

"How?" Heimdall asked.

Lian shook his head dismally, "More than half of the army was wiped out." The results of each subject announced on the parchment were all red.

Carlo suddenly laughed lewdly three times, and vigorously displayed the report card. Everyone took a closer look, and all of them flew at low altitude.

Shit luck! ! !The Piaohong Party, represented by Li'an, spurned them with jealousy.

Mr. Jones maintains a high degree of consistency no matter what the test results are. Easy to pass, difficult or difficult to pass, do not seek high scores, but seek to pass is the most reasonable saying that Mr. Jones advocates in learning.

Heimdall sighed more than once that this is actually a skill.

Leon has always been a calm party. He knows his grades without looking at them. He is not biased, so there must be no problem.

Heimdall peeled off the magic seal, lifted the lid of the letter box, pulled out the parchment inside, and then stayed still for a while, staring at the unopened parchment like a class enemy.

"Do you want me to take a look for you?" Victor stroked his hair sympathetically.

Heimdall shook his head and flattened the parchment. Then, the teachers and students in the auditorium heard a soul-stirring "NO" wail.


The evening banquet was held as scheduled, and the atmosphere of Halloween had permeated the whole school. Jack-o-lanterns of all sizes hung above their heads, grinning at the students below.

The Goblet of Fire has been moved to the elevated shelf next to the rostrum in front, and the blue-white fire is burning more vigorously than during the day.

The meals on the long table were as colorful as yesterday, and the children in the auditorium were chattering happily while stretching their necks to look at the Goblet of Fire.

More than half of the students in Durmstrang's representative team looked like frosted cabbages, all of them staggered and dejected, which was particularly unique in the auditorium full of laughter.

"What's the matter?" Draco cautiously asked the seemingly normal Carlo. The cousin was in a strange state, looking up and looking up for a while, his eyes couldn't focus, and he didn't know what to say in his mouth.

"We took a monthly exam before we came here, and what you see is the exam result." Carlo was not surprised.

Draco pondered for a moment, "Did Rigg not do well in the exam?"

Carlo seemed to nod deeply, "He failed three subjects."

Draco thought for a moment, "Potions? Astronomy? History of Magic?"

"It's a pity that he passed all three of these." Carlo raised the corner of his mouth. "Exploration and Controversy of Black Magic, Herbal Pathology, Arithmetic and Divination, these three courses have not been passed." The first two are elective courses.

"Herbal Pathology? What is he doing in this course?" Draco felt that just hearing the name sounded familiar.

Carlo shrugged, "His elective course schedule is quite unpopular, probably because of his personal hobbies."

Herbal Pathology is taught once a week. I heard that only four people in the school take this course, because Heimdall took this course this year and reached the minimum number of students. If there are still only three people taking this course, this course will face being banned this year. ban.

Before leaving for the UK, Durmstrang's professors rallied to attack. In the past, elective courses were only taken at the end of the school year. I never thought that they would shamelessly squeeze together with a few main courses during the monthly exam, and a group of students who were caught off guard The students are suffering unspeakably, and the saddest thing is that they have worked hard and still haven't passed.

"What if it doesn't happen?" Draco was anxious about his cousin.

"It's nothing to do. The monthly exam is not like the final exam or the end-of-year exam. There is no chance to make up the exam. You can only get a better score in the next exam, otherwise it will affect the total score at the end of the school year."

Just because there is no chance to do it all over again, those students who failed to pass the exam are mourning one by one.

When the dinner was over, the beautiful golden tableware and leftovers on the table were quickly cleaned up. Everyone took out their pocket watches to check the time, and then waited eagerly. The crowded auditorium gradually subsided.

When Dumbledore stood up, the Great Hall fell silent.

Dumbledore waved his wand, and the light source was instantly extinguished. Only the jack-o-lantern above his head was still grinning and emitting an orange gleam. At the same time, blue fire instantly filled every corner of the auditorium. They were all turned into Smurfs by the Goblet of Fire.

Dumbledore looked around, and the big wooden cup suddenly blazed up, and red flames danced in the blue and white flames.

"I think it's almost time. Wait for a while, please go to the next room through the wooden door behind the teacher's bench for the contestants whose names have been called. The first problem is waiting for you there."

Amidst the exclamations of everyone, the Goblet of Fire flashed like an explosion. Everyone closed their eyes because of the sudden dazzling light, and Dumbledore's high-pitched voice exploded in their ears like thunder——

"Warrior of Durmstrang Academy: Victor Krum!"

The thunderous applause rang out, except for Karkaroff who was so excited that he was overjoyed, no one seemed surprised, including Victor himself.

"I was chosen." He smiled at Heimdall.

Heimdall's two eyes glowed dazzlingly in the cool blue light, he stood up excitedly, hugged Victor's head and gnawed Victor's mouth forcefully twice.

Victor was all smiles on the way to the wooden door behind the teacher's bench, and he was very comfortable. The professors on the teacher's bench and the invited officials of the British Ministry of Magic couldn't help but look sideways.

Victor entered another room through that wooden door. The room was small, and the walls were covered with portraits of wizards. There was a fireplace on the wall directly opposite the door. Victor walked towards the fireplace. Durmstrang’s students always Will subconsciously get close to the fire source, even if he doesn't feel cold at the moment.

The door blocked the sound from the outside, but the room was not quiet. The men and women in the portraits looked at the competitor from Durmstrang with a little scrutiny, and flew back and forth between the portraits. whisper.

Victor let out a sneer, "When the official competition starts, everyone will know if I only grow a head but not a brain."

The chattering voices came to an abrupt and dramatic end, and the small room suddenly fell into a dead silence.

[Can you understand Gaelic? 】A chubby wizard asked hesitantly.

Victor leaned against the fireplace and said nothing, turning a deaf ear.

At this time, the second warrior opened the door and entered. It was Fleur Delacour. Fleur sent Victor a charming smile that could make all men go crazy. Victor seemed to hear the voice of the wizards in the portrait swallowing saliva , behind her, the commotion in the Great Hall flooded in, and at the same time they heard Headmaster Dumbledore shouting the name of Cedric Diggory, Hufflepuff House.

Fu Rong stood at the door and looked back.

Cedric stood up in a daze amidst the almost crazy shouts of the Hufflepuffs, and then showed a bright smile amidst Mrs. Sprout's overjoyed applause. This outstanding Hufflepuff The warriors were so ecstatic that they couldn't control themselves after they came back to their senses. The other three colleges either hugged their heads in frustration or yelled in disbelief. The scene was chaotic.

What put an end to this chaos was the appearance of the fourth name. The Goblet of Fire, which should have been extinguished, burst into flames and spit out a piece of charred parchment.

Dumbledore, who was announcing the end of the selection, had to stop speaking and subconsciously reached out to take it. After a suffocating long pause, Dumbledore looked hesitantly at the Gryffindor long table.

On the side of the Slytherin table, Heimdall followed Dumbledore's gaze, and at the end of his gaze was Harry Potter with a blank face.

"Harry Potter..." Dumbledore read the name on the fourth parchment.

The auditorium suddenly became audible.

"What's going on?" Carlo, who was holding a small book, took the lead in asking the first question on behalf of Durmstrang College.

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