HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 363 The Shabby Goblet of Fire

Gryffindor racked his brains to create pressure on himself, but the Slytherin table was full of excitement.

The students of Durmstrang found that this table was the least crowded. They all sat down and it was still free, and it was not crowded at all. Therefore, they were very satisfied with their choice and their moods were high.

The Slytherin students really wanted to say something to them, but because they couldn't understand the words, they could only look at Draco eagerly, and Draco was too busy chatting with his cousin to care about them at all.Asking for others is better than asking for yourself. The students of Slytherin even talked to the students of Durmstrang with gestures. Although they were a little silly, they were sincere.Fortunately, although not all the students from the German school who came here are fluent in English, they are not too big-eyed. When Karkaroff selected the students, he took the language barrier into consideration. The child who was originally not good at English During the summer vacation, I also consciously asked the teacher to make up for it. In short, the exchange went smoothly.

Student Carlo is like a fish in water. Everything about Hogwarts is a novel exclamation point to him. He has always been full of mysterious question marks about this school, holding a small notebook and writing non-stop.Carlo's problems emerged endlessly, just like the combo skills with special effects. The Slytherin students on the opposite side were kept in a frozen state by him, only the mouth was not affected by the combo effects and could move freely.

Draco poured tea and water for Heimdall excitedly, "This pumpkin juice tastes very good, and it's very comfortable to drink hot."

Heimdall, who was taking off his cloak, laughed dumbly. He wanted to eat popsicles, but he brought a hot drink. Master Malfoy is Master Malfoy.After all, Heimdall couldn't bear to reject his enthusiastic cousin, so he took the pumpkin juice and downed more than half of it in one gulp. This should work. Sure enough, Master Malfoy smiled.

"Is it good to drink?"

"Well, it tastes good." The sweat just wiped off by Victor broke out again.

Without further ado, Heimdall turned to Victor. Now it was his boyfriend's turn to laugh dumbfoundedly. He took out his handkerchief and wiped it!

Just as the Durmstrang representative team stood up one after another to take off their cloaks, someone walked into the gate of the auditorium carrying a treasure box inlaid with gold and jade. down.

Heimdall immediately recognized the person carrying the suitcase—Barty Crouch, and behind him were three Ministry of Magic officials who were as well-dressed and unsmiling as him.

At this time, everyone saw a mahogany shelf more than half a person tall beside the rostrum. Barty Crouch stepped forward and carefully placed the jeweled box on the shelf.

The students in the auditorium were talking about the box.

Crouch and Dumbledore behind the rostrum whispered a few words, and slowly took two steps back.

Dumbledore began to explain the rules and precautions of this Triwizard Tournament. At the beginning, he naturally traced the history of the Triwizard Tournament.This period of history was finished in Dumbledore's mouth in a few words. At the beginning, Principal Karkaroff talked for half an hour, and Durmstrang's students couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion.

The students of Durmstrang have already got a general understanding of the rules and precautions. This time, we will listen to the specific details. The summary is as follows: Only students over 17 years old are allowed to sign up; this year's Triwizard Tournament will continue to follow the tradition , each of the three schools selected a warrior as a representative, and the three warriors competed in three magic events; after the wand inspection ceremony passed, the first event was held on November 11, and the second event was held on February 24 of the following year. Held on June 2st, and the third event on June 24 of the following year; the prize money for the winner is one thousand Galleons.

Before the explanation was over, there was another noisy discussion in the auditorium, especially the rule of over 17 years old, which made the students who did not meet the standard extremely dissatisfied.

The sound of "Quiet" suddenly exploded, and the students were like thunder, and they kept silent like cicadas.

Under Dumbledore's slightly stern gaze, the students who shouted the loudest just now lowered their heads.

Dumbledore smiled slightly, turned around and exchanged glances with Crouch who was waiting on the side, then pulled out his wand and knocked on the box, the jewelry box spread out petal after petal like a blooming flower, a simple braving A big wooden cup with blue fire suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Dumbledore carefully picked up the wooden cup, Crouch quickly removed the jewelry box that had been laid flat, and Dumbledore put the wooden cup back on the shelf.

"Goblet of Fire!" Dumbledore introduced loudly.

The students were amazed that the shabbyness of the cup was beyond their imagination.

Dumbledore also introduced the identity of Barty Crouch and the previous efforts he and his colleagues had made for the Triwizard Tournament.

When Heimdall stared at a large plate of chicken legs with green eyes, Dumbledore finally delivered the last stanza of his speech.

"Students who meet the criteria and want to sign up are requested to write their schools and names neatly on the parchment within 24 hours and put them into the Goblet of Fire. The Goblet of Fire will announce the selected entries tomorrow night, which is the eve of Halloween." For the convenience of registration, the Goblet of Fire will be placed in the front hall, and in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I will draw an age-restricted circle around the Goblet of Fire. Students under the age of 17 cannot pass. It’s not that I don’t trust you , I know exactly how much the Triwizard Tournament is a temptation to minors."

The last bit of luck was also wiped out, and there was a wail of mourning in the auditorium.

"I also want to remind everyone, don't take the Triwizard Tournament as a child's play, because from the moment you are selected, the Goblet of Fire has formed a binding magic with you. Once you are selected, the result cannot be changed. Wait There are only two ways for you, to complete all the competition events, or..." Dumbledore stopped meaningfully.

There was silence in the auditorium, and many students swallowed their throats in silence.

"So, kids, be sure to think twice before you act."


After dinner.

Heimdall stood cautiously outside the age group, looked up at the tall wooden cup with blue light shining high on the shelf, couldn't figure out why the box outside was made of jewels, but the cup inside was tattered. It doesn't even have a single flower, and it's estimated that when it's not angry, it won't even be picked up on the ground.

Victor hugged him from behind and blew into his ear, "What are you looking at?"

Heimdall scratched his ear, "The Triwizard Tournament is only held once every five years. Even if the next one is held as scheduled, I won't be able to see it. Let me take a few more glances now as a souvenir."

Victor laughed.

"When will you sign up?" Heimdall asked.

"Why are you sure I will sign up?" Victor raised his eyebrows.

"The principal expects a lot from you, and he will be sad if you don't sign up." Heimdall believed that Karkaroff would cry.

"What about you?"

"... I heard that nine deaths and one injury are quite dangerous."

Victor stroked Heimdall's hair.

"If you work hard, you only get a thousand Galleons. If you're not the winner, you don't even have Galleons." Heimdall was particularly touched by this.

Victor couldn't help but shook his head, it turned out he was struggling with this.

"Rig..." Someone called out hesitantly.

Heimdall looked back, Ron, Harry, and Granger were standing not far away looking at him.

"Hi!" He smiled at the three of them.

The three of them glanced at each other, and finally Ron came up and said, "I have something to trouble you..." Just now, his mind became hot, and he was so busy looking at Fleur Delacour that he forgot his idol and friends. Ron was annoyed Wanting to bang his head against the wall, he must hurry up to make up for the loss.

Ron looked back in embarrassment, and following his gaze, Heimdall saw a group of Gryffindor students hiding by the door of the auditorium, holding papers, pens, notebooks and other school supplies in their hands, each with two eyes Brilliantly looking here to explore the brain.

As soon as their eyes met, the Gryffindors swarmed over and waited three steps away with joy. At a glance, women accounted for the majority, and there were a few Hufflepuffs behind them. Strange and Ravenclaw.

Heimdall understands, where to bother them, it should be to trouble Victor.

"I went to see Draco, he said he has something for me, see you on the boat later." Heimdall took a step back, he never competed with fans.

Victor took the cloak in his hand naturally, "I'll take your cloak back, don't make it too late, come back early."

"Well, I see." Heimdall pouted at Victor's face, then turned and walked towards the marble stairs.

A crowd of Hogwarts fans looked at each other in blank dismay, probably the pair acted too generously and acted like no one else, and they were embarrassed as a group of onlookers.

"Rig!" Ron and Harry shouted, watching Heimdall's back.

Heimdall turned around with a question mark on his face.

The two looked at each other, but they didn't know what to say. They shook their heads in embarrassment and said "good night" vaguely.

Heimdall also said "good night" to them, scratched his head in puzzlement when he turned around, and continued to walk forward.

Draco brought a lot of things to Heimdall, and searched them several times back and forth, always suddenly remembering what he didn't take, and hurried back to look for it, and finally got better with the help of Miss Pansy Parkinson , although Miss Parkinson doesn't know much about tidying up than Draco, but she is more organized than him, and she won't forget things.

Looking at the huge pile of items piled up at the stairs, Heimdall was speechless for a while. Could it be that he moved the entire store?Draco happily picked up one thing after another to show off. It can be seen that Draco is still very happy and satisfied with this trip to a foreign country. Say good things.

After getting along with this guy for a long time, Heimdall summed up some experience. It is Master Malfoy's personal style to speak irony. As long as you understand the bad things in reverse, you will find that it is actually quite good to be friends with this guy.

In the end, the house elves from Hogwarts helped to move the big pile of things back to the three-masted ship. Draco held Heimdall and refused to let go. It seemed that there were still a lot of things to say, and Heimdall reminded him that they There is still a year to get along, and the reluctant cousin suddenly realized, shook his hands, and said "BYEBYE" to him happily.

Heimdall couldn't help but laugh, this guy is really realistic.

After returning to the ship, I found that everyone was still awake. I arrived at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft on the first day, saw the famous Hogwarts Castle, experienced the welcome dinner, witnessed the Goblet of Fire, and met a lot of British people. Children, it is inevitable to be a little excited.

They chattered and expressed their opinions about what they saw and heard today in the common room on the ship, until the headmaster came to drive them away with a frown, and then reluctantly went back to sleep.

Heimdall and Victor shared a room, a decision that no one objected to.

The house elf delivered the things Draco gave them directly to their room. After a quick shower, Heimdall climbed into bed and took apart these things one by one to play with. When playing the ball, I looked and looked at the only small window in the room. The rippling water reflected from the lake surface shone on the crystal ball, and a graceful white mist emerged from the crystal, and the mist gradually turned into a flickering cloud. Splashes, sparkling waves...

When Victor came out of the shower, Heimdall was lying on the bed very quietly. When he approached, he found that he had fallen asleep, and he was still holding the fluorescent crystal ball in his hand.

Victor took the crystal ball in his hand and carefully checked it. After making sure it was all right, he put it on the low cabinet next to the bed, tucked the quilt for Heimdall, lay down on the bed and turned off the light on the low cabinet. In the darkness, there was a hazy ball of light Like a layer of thin film wrapped around the crystal ball, the faint white mist slowly surges in the ball like flowing clouds. This light is warm and comfortable, long and gentle, and has a strange power to calm people's hearts.

Victor hugged Heimdall, closed his eyes, and fell asleep to the sound of the waves hitting the shore with his headrest.


The next day, the alarm clock rang and was pressed again, and the owner of the alarm clock turned over and continued to sleep.

Victor had gotten used to this for a long time. After getting dressed and washed, he came out and saw that the person on the bed was still motionless.

Shaking his head helplessly, he was about to walk over to drag him up when there was a thud-like knock on the door. Victor opened the door, and Toffee and Bean Pod came in aggressively.

[Sure enough!Yesterday, she vowed to take us out to play!you lied! ] Bean Pod greeted Toffee with a meow, and the two animals rushed towards the double bed like two off-string arrows. Like an earthquake.

"Okay, okay, I'm up!" Heimdall yelled and sat up and lifted the quilt, only to see a cat and a Chimera hanging on his body doing evil.

Heimdall grabbed the bean pod with his left hand, picked up the toffee with his right hand, jumped off the bed, and laughed arrogantly like a demon king in the world, "Ha! Ha! Ha! It's hard to fly in the hands of this king." Head down to the bathroom. "Punish you to take a shower with me."

The pod and the toffee struggled violently. Most animals on land were naturally afraid of water. Chimeras tended to be fire-oriented, and the pod was no different from cats in some essence.

When one person and two animals came out of the bathroom, Toffee remained calm, but Pod looked like a dying flower.

While Victor brushes Heimdall's hair and Heimdall combs Toffee's hair, Carlo knocks on their door.

"How about going out for a walk?" Carlo's eyes lit up, eager to try.

Victor and Heimdall looked at each other, then nodded at the same time.

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