HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 358 You Don't Like My Son's Cat

When Heimdall and Victor stepped into the hotel lobby, they saw the captain of the Bulgarian team sitting on the sofa in the lobby, his wife was missing, and he was accompanied by the little lover. For some reason, both of them were a little sad.Heimdall learned from Victor that this lover is young, just turned 17 this year, and is a new force in the ranks of mistresses.The captain is over 30 years old and has a five-year-old son.

According to the front desk staff who has been watching to prevent people from getting emotionally out of control, the lady went back to the room after they left the hotel, and returned to the captain's room. Try to find a place to live.

It seems that the lady is not a submissive person. In this deep mountain, dense forest, and dark place, where is there any other hotel? The person in charge of the hotel asked them to sleep in the lobby overnight, otherwise they would really have to go out and embrace nature.

What are they going to do?This is not about Heimdall, Victor and the captain nodded, and Heimdall followed her boyfriend into the restaurant.

Compared with the gloomy and gloomy atmosphere in the lobby, the atmosphere here is relaxed and happy. Most of the Bulgarian team players are spread out in couples in the surrounding booths. The Irish team without their wives becomes an isolated island with a lonely face. They sat around a large table they themselves put together from smaller tables in the center of the restaurant.

"Teacher! Teacher!" someone shouted on the isolated island.

Heimdall followed the prestige, and the three bachelors happily waved to him.

"Teacher, come here." The heavy-backed bachelor stretched out his hand and shoved hard. The Irish team members next door were caught off guard and almost turned into compressed biscuits.

The second bachelor shamelessly pointed to the empty seat and said, "I specially reserved a seat for the teacher."

The faces of the Irish team members who were covered by biscuits were so gloomy that they could squeeze out water. Shamelessness is the guiding ideology of the Bulgarian team.

Seeing that Heimdall seemed hesitant, the three bachelors simply pulled him over, sat down Heimdall on the bench very courteously, and flatteredly asked for credit, "Teacher, look how much we miss you."

Heimdall looked at Victor dully, what's going on?Shouldn't he be staying and flying with his boyfriend in a couple's booth?Why does Mao want to sit on the island of bachelors?

Victor couldn't help but laugh, just approached, the three bachelors all chased him away, "Go, go, family members are not welcome here."

"I also have family members." Heimdall raised his hand.

"Teacher, how could you betray us!" The three bachelors were heartbroken.

"Actually, I've been running on the road of betrayal since the very beginning, and you guys insisted on driving me in the opposite direction." After Heimdall said earnestly, he patted the shoulder of the big bachelor, stood up and left the island of bachelors.

The bachelors and fake bachelors on an isolated island watched them hold hands and walked into the couple booth with resentful eyes.


[stand up!stand up! ]

Early the next morning, Heimdall was woken up by the pod cat. He sat up and found that the side was empty. He touched it with his hand and found it was cold.

"When did Victor get up?"

[It's almost noon, when did you wake up?You big slob! ] Pod whips him with its tail.

"I didn't go to bed until dawn, so I insisted that I was normal, and it was Victor who was abnormal." Heimdall grumbled and got out of bed, dressed, and washed quickly.

His stomach growled when he left the room, and Heimdall closed the door behind his back.

"Where's the toffee? Why isn't it in the room?"

[Brought to dinner by your boyfriend.A hungry Chimera is scary. ]

Heimdall wiped his sweat, secretly thinking that he must pay attention in the future, must pay attention.

Something slid past in front of him, Heimdall blinked his eyes and followed the thing.

[What it is? ] Terrible, this cat actually has other unexplored fields.

"...probably a vacuum cleaner."

[Vacuum cleaner? ]

"It looks similar in appearance."

[Why use it, what kind of vacuum cleaner? ]

"As the name suggests, it's for cleaning." Heimdall noticed that the thing that looked like a vacuum cleaner suddenly stopped moving, so he walked over curiously and squatted down to do research. "This is the first time I've seen a vacuum cleaner in the wizarding world... Well, it's really wireless. Why didn't it move suddenly?" Heimdall judged that the suction head, pole and dust bag of the vacuum cleaner were all in one, and it looked very strange. Like the upright vacuum cleaners that American people love to use.

He had only seen it on TV before, and people in Eurasia generally use horizontal posture.

"This should be considered a magic tool, right? I don't know how it was made. What is the principle of magic? How to make it?" The head of the experimental research room got excited all of a sudden. He touched the body of the vacuum cleaner with his hands, and then found There are two mung bean-sized lights on the arc-shaped suction head, and there are two words on both sides of the lights, which are "death" and "alive". At this moment, the light on the side of "death" is flashing green.

die?live?Heimdall looked at it for a long time without saying a word.

It was the first time for the pods to even see the vacuum cleaner, and it took time to digest new things, so they kept silent.

"How about I buy one too?" Heimdall rarely had the urge to spend.

[Where are you going to use it? ]

"School, dormitories and research rooms are fine."

[If you do, you and this thing will be enemies of all Durmstrang house-elves. ]


Heimdall tried his best to restrain the urge to forcibly dismantle the magic vacuum cleaner, suddenly there was a sense of oppression around him, he turned his head and saw that it was Toffee, and the Toffee who had leaned over at some point was also facing the quiet, flashing green light in front of him. The thing looked around curiously.

Noticing that there were bloody marks around its mouth, Heimdall took out a handkerchief and wiped it.

[I'm hungry. ] pod representation.

Heimdall also felt that squatting here and commenting on a vacuum cleaner was a bit of a thing, so he stood up, walked around the vacuum cleaner and walked to the stairs, followed by the pod.

When one person and one cat walked to the stairs, they looked back and saw Toffee was still beating on the vacuum cleaner. They probably thought it was boring because the thing didn’t respond. The last paw was very heavy, and the vacuum cleaner roared like an engine. After hitting "wake up", there were two bang bang bang bangs, as if preparing, and then rushed forward.

As expected of a wild Chimera, Toffee is invincible with its reflexes. It quickly pounced to the side, and at the same time it landed, its tail was swished high...

The poor vacuum cleaner let out a "scream" and collapsed, and black smoke came out from the big black hole smashed by the tail of the toffee.

Toffee froze, it didn't expect Rumble to be so careless.

Heimdall rushed out like an arrow, picked up the toffee, rolled up the pods, and rushed downstairs with lightning speed.


In the lobby, there were no longer the two people who were sitting in a troubled city. Could it be that the captain of the Bulgarian team finally decided to abandon his wife and son and elope with his mistress?

No way?

He really worried too much, as soon as he entered the restaurant, he saw Mr. Captain, the difference is that the wife who accompanied him today was the wife of the main house. As for the charming Mood for Love, Heimdall searched around but couldn't find it.

The PK between the main room and the outside room ends with the victory of the main room, but it does not mean the result is optimistic. Once some things start, it is difficult to stop the horse from the brink. There may be three wives, four wives, five wives, six wives... N wives follow As a result, when the trust is exhausted in repeated betrayals, love becomes a blank check. Now the key depends on the spiritual pursuit of the wife.

Heimdall sighed twice in his heart, and then he heard someone call his name. Victor waved to him at a table, and ran over in three steps at a time. After seeing the food on the table, he was not polite. , Just take it and eat it.

"What time did you wake up?" Heimdall asked Victor.

"It's about seven o'clock."

"Just slept for more than three hours?!"

"I'm used to it." Victor didn't care.

"Don't act recklessly just because you are young, you will suffer when you get old." Heimdall puffed his cheeks. "Besides, people who often don't get enough sleep are prone to aging and their memory will also decline. Be careful that I will despise you in the future and push you to find other handsome young men."

Victor smiled and nodded, "Understood."

"Don't take it seriously, I'm serious." Heimdall said forcefully.

Victor straightened his face, and said again that he understood. Heimdall was very satisfied this time.

Heimdall saw that no one was paying attention, so he leaned over and whispered like a thief, "Just now Toffee accidentally drilled a hole in a vacuum cleaner..."


"It's not very big, it's about that much." Heimdall circled his fingers to the size of a Galleon.

Victor looked at the "Golden Galleon", and just about to speak, "Golden Galleon" expanded into "Ping-Pong", and then "Ping-Pong" quickly became "Tennis", and "Tennis" became "Big Tennis" apple"……

Victor was silent for a moment, "How big is that hole?"

Heimdall gritted his teeth, expanded the apple in a circle, and stopped moving.

Victor looked at the shape more, "It's not small."

"It's okay." Heimdall said modestly.

Victor couldn't help laughing.

"The people in the hotel won't find out that I did it, right?" Heimdall said anxiously.

"Isn't it made of toffee?"

"What Toffee did is definitely my fault." Besides, Toffee couldn't offer Jin Jialong compensation.

Heimdall looked worried.

"It's okay." Victor reassured him.

"I hope." Heimdall pursed his lips and continued to eat.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Victor Krum and Mr. Heimdall Strulusson?" A man in a black robe with well-manicured hair stood by the table, his cold eyes revealed Somewhat sharp and shrewd, he seems like a difficult person to get along with.

Heimdall and Victor looked at each other and nodded.

The man showed a professional and empty smile, "I'm Barty Crouch from the British Ministry of Magic, can I ask you a few questions about yesterday's attack?"

Although they were speaking politely and with a smile on their faces, their eyes and aura could not be ignored. Victor and Heimdall were thinking about more than just a few minor problems at the same time, right?

This Mr. Crouch was very persistent, and after a night, he actually chased here directly.

"Wait, I don't agree!" The coach of the Bulgarian team ran over to stop Crouch. "My team members are not prisoners, you have no right to do this."

"On the contrary, I have this right. This is England, and the British Ministry of Magic has the final say." Crouch said. "Please invite all your team members to the restaurant."

"Why?" The Bulgarian coach was furious at his defiantness.

Crouch was unmoved, still polite and tough, "Please cooperate, finish the question early and end early."

The coach turned around and ran away, but he didn't look for the players. Many players were in this restaurant. He didn't intend to remind Crouch.The coach decided to go to the minister. Crouch would be the director if he was killed. He didn't believe that Crouch dared to be so arrogant in the face of the Bulgarian minister.

On Crouch's side, the questioning had already begun. This man hated procrastination and pursued maximizing work efficiency.

Crouch took out a notebook and a quill, spread the notebook on the table, and then erected the quill, so that the black feather hung straight and straight on the paper.

After that, he took out his pocket watch and checked the time with the clock in the restaurant.

Although Heimdall did not know this Mr. Crouch, he had heard some rumors about him. It is said that he used to be the director of the Law Enforcement Department. Now it seems that he must have worked very hard in that position. The series of actions are quite similar to the behavior of the teachers of the International Magic Police Force who are teaching themselves. The teachers often subconsciously take out their pocket watches to check the time with other clocks.

"Then let's start with Mr. Stulusson." As soon as Crouch finished speaking, the quill began to rustle.

"Did you raise a Chimera-like beast?" Crouch glanced at the words on the notebook.


"Did you bring England?"

"Brought it, but didn't take it to the campsite."

Crouch frowned, "But some witnesses said they saw a Chimera in the camping area of ​​the players."

"That's fake." Heimdall said seriously.




"You don't know about Transfiguration, do you?" Heimdall asked.

"Of course I..." Crouch coughed, and he really lost his composure just now.

"That's it. I polymorphed the pods into Chimeras and scared them away."

"Pods?" Crouch couldn't help parroting it.

Heimdall picked Pod up and lifted it to the table, "Dear Pod, say hello to Mr. Crouch."

Pod bared his teeth at Crouch, and his small fangs looked particularly bright and sharp.

Crouch changed his sitting position uncomfortably, "But we found the body of a Death Eater at the scene. After inspection, it was confirmed that the Death Eater died of evil black magic."

British wizards generally believe that black magic is evil, not evil...it means it is not black magic.

Heimdall nodded.

"Don't you want to explain?" Crouch said in a deep voice.

Just as Victor was about to speak, Heimdall squeezed his palm and signaled him to wait a while.

As Crouch pressed forward, Heimdall smiled, "I have the right to remain silent. All questions will be discussed after my guardian arrives."

Crouch was taken aback.

"What's the matter, Mr. Crouch, you don't like my son's cat either?"

Looking at it from that angle, it really looked like he was tortured to extract a confession from the pod cat standing in front of Heimdall.

Heimdall couldn't help laughing when he heard the unique unhurried and sarcasm tone. The three people present turned their heads at the same time and saw Rommel Strulusson in the Bulgarian Minister of Magic and Accompanied by the coach of the national team, they strode here.

Barty Claus raised his eyebrows, seemingly indifferent, but his aura was less calm than before, and he felt more depressed.

For Merlin, something is getting in the way, and Crouch complained fiercely in his heart.

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