HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 348 Entering the Camp

Mrs. Weasley's vegetable patty is a must. Whenever Heimdall thinks about life in England, Weasley's patty always has a place in his memory.Molly, Mrs. Weasley, is a careful woman. She remembered Heimdall's food preferences, so she made the meatloaf that Heimdall had been dreaming of that night, and put two pieces on his plate when it was out of the pan. , except for him and Harry, everyone else was only treated with a piece of meat pie.

When Heimdall saw the delicious meatloaf, he couldn't help moving his index finger and his eyes lit up.Molly was very happy, and Heimdall's vivid performance made her more happy than her beautiful words.

Molly took a plate and sat down. Her seat was not the one that Heimdall thought was vacant. The first seat to the right of Mr. Weasley's main seat was always vacant, but Molly didn't sit there.

Heimdall glanced at the vacant seat next door in bewilderment. Will there be someone coming later?

Molly suddenly put down the knife and fork in her hand, and everyone looked at her. Mr. Weasley called her, but she ignored her, her face was gloomy, she went straight to the stairs, and shouted, "Siris? Blake, I give you two choices, either come down to eat, or get out of my house!"

The chattering kitchen just now fell into silence. Everyone looked at Heimdall after looking at each other. Heimdall was taken aback by their cautious gaze, and blinked for no reason.

"Mr. Black is here too?" I had no choice but to find something to say.

Everyone nodded indiscriminately, but they didn't know what to say, and they were a little embarrassed for a while.

Percy unconsciously poked the contents of the plate with a fork. After deliberating for a long time, he finally decided to take action. He turned to Heimdall and said, "I'm currently working in the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters."

Heimdall snorted, but didn't respond.

"Being assigned to the accident reversal team." Percy continued to try to change the subject. Mr. Weasley understood his son's behavior and was very relieved. His third son was very dull, and he had no awareness of this at all. These days What he has felt most since then is that Percy has become more and more mature.

Heimdall completely understood now, so he followed Percy's train of thought and said, "I heard that fresh graduates are rarely assigned to this department. That's great, Percy."

Percy blushed slightly, "Thank you Mr. Dalton for taking care of me." If Osam Dalton hadn't intervened and asked him to go from the Department of International Magical Cooperation, he might be in the Department of Magical Cooperation now Newcomers with no background are usually not taken seriously when they work in a certain office.

Heimdall shouted in his heart, "That's right, that's it." He also experienced this feeling of smallness and bewilderment at the International Wizengamot, and he felt the same way.

Although he didn't understand why Heimdall nodded vigorously while looking at him with twinkling eyes, what Percy cared about right now was that the topic change should be successful, right?

Success was success, but there was really no need to change the topic. Sirius Black came down from the stairs under Molly's cold stare, and the topic turned back again, and the embarrassment index in the air continued to rise.

Sirius took the vacant seat to Heimdall's left.

Everyone at the dinner table was busy picking up the plates with their heads down, as if under the spell of amnesia, they forgot all the chatting with each other just now, and no one took the lead to say something to ease the atmosphere. Tangtangshuishui stimulated the liquid, but was rejected by Molly.

This kind of silence lasted for a while, and the old and young Weasleys couldn't hold their breath. Quietness is not the tradition of their family's dinner table. Several young Weasleys looked at Sirius with pained faces. Mr. Weasley also participated in the children, Molly glared at Sirius angrily, and Sirius frowned inexplicably.

Molly hated iron for being weak, so she raised her foot and kicked it.

Heimdall shuddered, and the piece of meat on the fork flew out and fell into the soup plate, splashing the soup all over his face.

"Sorry, honey, I..." Molly was so ashamed that she kicked the wrong kick.

"It's all right." Heimdall waved his hand.

A napkin was handed to him, and Heimdall took it after thanking him. Sirius hummed, seemingly very mature and deep, but in a blink of an eye he realized that Heimdall wiped it carelessly and it was over, so he grabbed the napkin and looked at him without thinking. Wiping his face vigorously, Heimdall snorted, but Sirius didn't pay attention, and continued to wipe off the dirty soup for him.

When Sirius put down the napkin, Heimdall rubbed his face and said thank you, without mentioning that he almost wiped off a layer of skin on himself.

Mrs. Weasley was overjoyed, and seemingly casually said, "Rig can sleep in Ron's room at night, so you have lived in it too."

Heimdall nodded.

Sirius had an unnatural expression on his face, and Molly pretended not to see it.

"Mom, I can't sleep three people in my room." As always, Ron couldn't understand his mother's good intentions.

Ron had donated the room to Harry and Sirius before, and he was sent by his mother to squeeze with his second brother Charlie.

Harry immediately said, "Oh, I'm fine, I can go and...and..."

"Harry can sleep with me," Percy added.

"That's a good idea, thank you Percy, good boy." Molly praised her third son without hesitation.

Now that the matter has developed to this point, no matter how dull Heimdall is, he can see the general idea. They do everything possible to create a space for him and Mr. Black to be alone.Of course Sirius is not an idiot, but it's a pity that this is a shabby house, he couldn't help himself, and he had to bow his head under the eaves. Sirius glanced at the boy next to him, but he didn't find any sign of disapproval or rejection, and gradually calmed down. .


Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny may have followed Heimdall upstairs and entered Ron's room based on the children's desire to join in the fun. As soon as Ron entered his room, he yelled at the ceiling: "Little pig! Why are you running around again!"

Heimdall looked closely, and found a very small gray bird flying around under the ceiling, which seemed to be very excited, and its size was probably smaller than the palm of an adult.

"That's Ron's owl pig." Harry introduced Heimdall.

Ron pointed at his owl and yelled, and the piglet was still jumping up and down. When Sirius came to the door, the piglet rushed over and circled Sirius, as if intimate.

Sirius laughed, he seemed to like little pigs too.

"That owl was given to Ron by Mr. Black." Ginny further explained the current situation. "I came up with the name." Ginny didn't forget to show off at the end.

"It originally had a name, but after Ginny called it Piggy, it only recognized that name." Ron was extremely annoyed, which showed that he didn't like the name "Little Pig".

Although the miniature owl does not look very good-looking, it is small and exquisite, lively and cute.

"It's an apt name," Heimdall said.

Ron scowled in displeasure.

"I told him the same, but he couldn't listen." Harry and Heimdall whispered.

Of course Ron couldn't listen, he always wanted an owl like Harry's Hedwig, beautiful, smart, loyal and clever, it was Ron's ideal owl.But when it comes to messengers, what Ron wants most is not an owl. The owl can only be ranked second. His favorite is Olar of Heimdall, which is beautiful and cool. Boys usually choose the latter. In Ron's view, Olar is a model of cool.

"This is the first time I've seen such a small owl, it should be a rare species?" Heimdall said while observing.

"Probably." Ron was not very interested, and then asked, "Where is your Olar? Why didn't you bring it together?" Fortunately, he repeatedly emphasized in his letter that he would bring Olar to England together.

Heimdall took out his pocket watch and looked at it: "It's almost there."

"What is it?" Ron was puzzled.

"Can you open the window?" Heimdall said.

"Of course." Ron nodded.

Heimdall opened the window and looked into the blue-black night sky. Others gathered around him without knowing why, and looked up and down with him.

"What are you looking at?" Ron asked.

"Wait." Heimdall paused for a moment, pointing to a certain direction in the night sky, "Here we come!"

Everyone followed his instructions, and in the distant sky, there seemed to be a vague black dot moving here. Ron squinted his eyes for a while, and shouted excitedly, "It's Olar!"

Ron actively moved the simple floor-to-ceiling bird stand in the room to the window. Olar folded his wings slightly in mid-air, turned sideways, and glided into the window in a very beautiful posture. He flapped his wings twice and landed on the on the bird stand.

Ron is star-eyed, so handsome, and he can't put it down to caress Olar's wings. Olar is very docile, and Ron is happier. The neglected piglet is stimulated and flies over to peck him vigorously with his beak. Ron was pecked and complained.

"Thank you." Heimdall took the letter from it with familiarity, Olar would rub his head against Heimdall's cheek, and Heimdall would kiss its head.

Sirius looked at the big guy with no sense of beauty at all, and said casually, "What the hell is this?"

Although I know this is unintentional, Olar is Heimdall's first pet. He has been with him for many years. He is docile, quiet and smart. Thousands of miles is no problem. In a sense, Olar's status is higher than pods and toffee, so the word "ghost thing" deeply stimulated Heimdall's nerves.

Heimdall felt a little uncomfortable, and his attitude became a little colder.

Sirius didn't notice this, and was just wondering why he didn't answer his own question. Harry looked anxious and added, "This is Rigg's messenger, Olar, and Olar is Queen Falcon."

At this time, Ron got rid of the piggy's attack and squeezed back, "Did it fly directly from Durmstrang?"

"No." Heimdall said proudly, "It first went to Finland to deliver a letter to my father, and then flew directly from Finland."

"Take a good rest, take a good rest." Ron was more anxious than Heimdall, "I forgot to ask my mother to prepare food for it."

"I've got them all." Heimdall pointed to his luggage.

Ron didn't leave his room until Molly came up to put the children to bed, and the little pig kept going up and down in another room to protest Ron's partiality, which made Hyde, who lived with him, Wei became less and less fond of this ADHD child.


Heimdall woke up in the middle of the night, opened his eyes in a daze, the first thing he saw was a blurred wall in the darkness, he was stunned for a moment before he remembered where he was, and was about to turn over and stretch , I heard someone talking behind me, and because the voice was deliberately kept low, Heimdall continued to face the wall sideways without moving.

It seemed that Mr. Black and Harry were talking, and they could vaguely hear discussions such as "scars", "pain", and "horrible nightmares". Heimdall was not very interested in their conversation, and he didn't let himself listen any longer , The drowsiness hit again, he closed his eyes and continued to sleep, I don’t know how long it took, those whispers disappeared, Heimdall turned over and opened his sleepy eyes, a face hung directly above, Heimdall stared wide-eyed .

The owner of the face - Sirius Black said: "It's time, it's time to get up."

Heimdall nodded without saying a word.

Sirius twitched the corners of his mouth unnaturally, and left the room.

Heimdall sat up and let out a long breath: I was scared to death.

It was still dark outside, and it was still some time before dawn. Mr. Weasley said that they needed to walk a long way to find the Portkey, because this Quidditch match was going to entertain wizards from all over the world, so they had to be as close as possible to the wizards. Melon's travel time is staggered to avoid unnecessary trouble.

"The sooner you start, the sooner you arrive." Mr. Weasley was naturally optimistic.

Everyone is required to dress close to Muggles, not to wear wizard robes, and you can do whatever you want after arriving at the destination, but you can't do this on the way, of course, this is also to avoid attracting attention on the way.

"Bill, Charlie, and Percy can sleep until noon!!!" Ron's three older brothers all have Apparation licenses, and they can reach the arena in the blink of an eye, unlike them who have to travel all night to find the portkey. Ron feels uncomfortable fair.

Heimdall felt that he was a big loser. He had already passed the Apparition exam, but he hadn't got his license yet. The Icelandic Ministry of Magic only issued a license once a year. Whether you took the exam at the beginning of the year or at the end of the year, the time for obtaining the license was the same. at the beginning of the year.

As soon as the certificate was handed out, it was known whether it was there. Heimdall couldn't produce the certificate, so he had to hike with him.

Under the persuasion of the Weasleys, Heimdall left the toffee at home, Crookshanks was also left by Hermione, and Pod refused to be a left-behind cat. There must be a way to go by myself, so I didn't insist.Toffee stood at the door of the dark courtyard, watching them pitifully, looking abandoned, Heimdall told himself not to be soft-hearted, and he didn't dare to turn back when he went far.

After Sirius died at the end of the line, he could actually stay and sleep until noon, but he didn't. Sirius didn't sleep much all night. He thought he was excited because of the Quidditch World Cup. Of course he didn't. Will admit that because of a new "roommate" suddenly recognize the bed.

Thinking of the dreams and pain that Harry had told him, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. He wanted to stay with Harry as much as possible, he couldn't let the nightmare of James and Lily happen to Harry again, he couldn't lose Harry, Sirius seemed preoccupied since he left the house.

The forest road under our feet is getting brighter and brighter. The moon hanging on the treetops has long disappeared. The sun is regaining its dominance of the sky during the day at an extremely fast speed. The chill before dawn is gradually dissipating. It's choking enough, even though it's summer, the temperature at night is still very low.

"Hurry up children, we need to find the Portkey before dawn." Mr. Weasley urged turning his head back from time to time, holding his pocket watch in his hand all the time.

This journey is not smooth, there are bumps up and down, and there is a rocky mountain to climb. The slippery grass under the feet often makes people slip and fall, and everyone is out of breath.

After finally reaching the destination, Mr. Weasley just took a breath when he heard someone shouting not far away, "Hey! Arthur!" Two men, one old and one young, walked towards here, and the older man held his hands There is also a broken boot in the bag.

"Amos!" Mr. Weasley laughed and waved to them.

When the two walked up to them, Mr. Weasley shook hands with Amos warmly and introduced to everyone, "This is my friend Amos Diggory, who works in the Department of Magical Beast Regulation and Control at the Ministry of Magic. , this handsome boy is his son Cedric Diggory, I think everyone should know him?"

Except for Heimdall and Sirius, everyone else showed a lack of enthusiasm, especially the twins, who looked indifferent.

what happened?Just wondering, Heimdall heard Sirius whisper to him: "Gryffindor lost to Hufflepuff in the House Cup last year, and Cedric Diggory is Hufflepuff's Seeker."

The name of Harry Potter immediately attracted Mr. Diggory, but this gentleman was so biased that people couldn't laugh or cry. He used that loss to analyze his son's Seeker skills better than Harry's in public. Cedric was blushing, and a group of Gryffindors looked more and more unkind.

Heimdall and Sirius bit their ears, "Do you not mind?"


"Aren't you Gryffindor?" I heard that I have always been proud of it.

Sirius stared, "I'm an adult, can I be as narrow-minded as a child?"

Heimdall looked away, but Sirius covered his head, preventing him from turning his head, "What do you mean by that expression?" Sirius said in a bad tone.

Heimdall pursed his mouth and said nothing. It was self-evident what he meant. Sirius pinched his cheeks with both hands, making Heimdall scream. The movement naturally attracted the attention of others. Sirius reacted abruptly, as if he was eager to get rid of something, he let go and took a big step away.

Of course, Cedric saw that a group of Gryffindors didn't seem to like him, so he turned to Heimdall.

"Remember me?" Cedric said.

Heimdall rubbed his face and said, "Do you remember me?"

"Heimdall Strulusson, remember right?"

"Cedric Diggory, is the wand still working?"

The two smiled at each other.


I came to a wilderness through the Portkey, walked a little further, separated from Diggory and his son, and went through the registration formalities in the hands of a Muggle. Something went wrong. Fortunately, Mr. Weasley was always vigilant, no matter what Well, they've finally found their place.

Mr. Weasley was very satisfied with the place he got. It was next to a field, and the surrounding area was very open. A small sign was nailed to the ground. The sign said "Weasley", which was similar to a house number.

Sirius was not very satisfied with this location, feeling that it was too remote.

They have seen the exaggerated decorations of other tents along the way. Some have gardens and fountains in front of the tents, and some peacocks are tied. What is even more exaggerated is that there are wizards who even use silk and lace. I heard that they helped them The Muggle administrator who went through the formalities had already taken many forgetting spells. Judging from the situation, anyone with a little bit of intelligence could not help being suspicious. The administrator did not have a mental breakdown, and his psychological quality was already quite good.

Mr. Weasley was not surprised, "When we get together, we always find ways to show that we are different."

Heimdall suddenly felt a little regretful, he should have brought the toffee, it must be the most different.

To avoid arousing the suspicion of the Muggle administrators, they had to set up the tents by hand, that is, without magic.

Mr. Weasley wanted to rely on Harry, but unfortunately, although Harry has lived in the Muggle world for more than ten years, his uncle and aunt never thought of taking him out camping. Nevertheless, Harry and Hermione still studied the tent carefully. , set where to lay piles, and their clumsy operation finally made Heimdall unable to stand it anymore, and he volunteered to raise his hand, "I used to sell wizard tents, so I can build them."

Everyone retreated cleverly when they heard that. Only Mr. Weasley, holding a hammer, enthusiastically asked for help, but the more he helped, the more Heimdall had to ask him to take a break.

Amidst the exclamation and praise of everyone, a not-so-small dark green tent with silver filigree stripes was quickly set up. Mr. Weasley said before that this tent was borrowed, and it seems that his friend is quite rich Yes, Heimdall judged that this tent was worth a lot just by its unique and exquisite shape.

Everyone rushed into the tent, and the children of the Weasley family let out screams of surprise. They were a little worried that Bill, Charlie, and Percy would not be able to live there. It is divided into two floors, and it is about the same size as the luxury tent of the Klaus family where Heimdall lived in the sugar mouse contest.

Sirius nodded seemingly calmly, "It's been piled up in the kitchen and hasn't been used for many years, and it looks okay."

Tents from the rich Black family?Then there is nothing surprising about it.


Mr. Weasley yearned for the Muggle way of camping, his expression was full of eagerness, "We're going to use matches to light a pile of dry wood," he happily took out a pack of matches and waved them in front of everyone, "and then use those Cooking water and rice with firewood, I've seen Muggles do it before, if Muggles can do it, why can't we?"

No one wanted to contradict Mr. Weasley at this point.

Heimdall, Ron, and Hermione were assigned to get water from the taps marked on the Muggle map, and Mr. Weasley suggested to Sirius, "Why don't you go with them?" His nagging affected him, subconsciously creating a space for the father and son to get along with each other.

Sirius was about to agree, but quickly changed his mind, and casually glanced at Harry who was studying the tent setup: "No, I got up early in the morning, this journey is really exhausting, I want to rest for a while, I am no longer Young man."

Naturally, Mr. Weasley didn't understand what he was thinking, so he laughed it off, and the three children walked out of the tent with the water bottle in hand.

They shuttled among the tents of all countries and saw all kinds of weird tents. When they walked through a row of tents covered with thick clover, Ron and Hermione were pulled by an Irish classmate, and they After exchanging greetings, the tents around them are very eye-catching, as if they were specially made to highlight that they are Irish, and the eyes of the people watching are full of green. When the Irish classmate aggressively questioned which side they support, someone made a surprise not far away shouted, "Mr. Strulusson?!"

Heimdall looked back and saw two boys wearing Bulgarian flag caps running towards them. The Irish children nearby felt like they were facing a formidable enemy. Ron and Hermione's Irish classmate Seamo Finnigan also looked unhappy.

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