HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 343 All-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor (Rig: "

Many "gods" have been born in the wizarding world, such as Grindelwald who "conquered" Europe. To put it bluntly, the most "promising" "god" in recent years is the mysterious man in England. They have a large number of steadfast followers behind them , accept and support their beliefs, become their believers, believe and yearn for "God" to "set things right" for them, and build a more "ideal" world.

Ordinary wizards can't understand why believers are so crazy for their "gods". In the eyes of ordinary wizards, the ideal world of "gods" is full of discrimination, turmoil, terror, massacres, loss of life, and rivers of blood.

Faithful believers can't see this, or they use their "unique" way of understanding to rationalize everything. They always believe that this is the only way to move towards the "ideal world", eradicate dissidents, eliminate heresy, " The "ideal world" is "pure", and they want to fight a bloody way out of the siege of "heretics" and establish a new dynasty in the devastated homeland that has been cleared.

Believers are crazy, and their "gods" are even crazier.

There are a large number of lunatics imprisoned in wizard prisons around the world, including "believers" and "gods". Therefore, as a representative of "atheist" wizards-executive supervisors, it is easy to become the brainwashing target of these believers or gods After success, they will become their new lackeys, or new believers, brainwashing and being brainwashed, the two see-saw, the first to fall is always "atheism", resulting in the execution of the duties of the inspector is always in the empty window period soon .

The International Wizengamo desperately needs a tough worker.

Executive inspectors should not believe in "God", but they themselves must have faith. Their belief is to maintain the dignity of the law and uphold justice. All motivations were eroded by "God" unknowingly, became riddled with holes, and finally were easily destroyed and turned into nothing.

After countless repetitions of expectation and disappointment, the rotating chief office no longer sat still, and decided to train an executive inspector by himself-immune to the teachings of "God" and to the "ideal" planned by "God". The world" is indifferent, and he can be calm in the face of the madness of "believers", believes in himself, believes in real life, and is a firm atheist who will not be shaken easily.

It is also very important to be vigilant at all times when facing the murderer.

While waiting for Heimdall's answer, the chief on duty took out a square box containing all kinds of chocolates, which were as beautiful and delicate as handicrafts.

"Would you like some?" asked the Chief.

Heimdall took an oval piece with crushed nuts on the surface and stuffed it into his mouth, biting hard with his teeth a few times, the chocolate was swallowed by Zhu Bajie like a ginseng fruit.

"Excuse me..." Heimdall said.

"please say."

"Have we already been unable to send other wizards? I believe that IW still has many competent people."

The rotating chief felt happy. For the "we" in Heimdall's words, it seems that he has already regarded himself as a member of IW.

"We need a wizard who can focus on this position. Of course, other people can also try to do it, but when it comes to this kind of content that is not convenient for the public, we always advocate reducing the number of people and keeping the secrets in the hands of a small number of people. .”

"Also for the convenience of monitoring?" As soon as the words came out, Heimdall regretted it, and hurriedly said, "I'm sorry."

The rotating chief smiled tolerantly: "What you said is the truth."

The rotating chief said again, "The work of the executive inspector is very important to our international Wizengamot. In addition to monitoring the entire execution process and reviewing the execution results, there is also the need to ensure that the prison, or the local magic behind the prison The Ministry has not been obsequious to us. This job is to supervise the Ministry of Magic of various countries and prisons in various places, so we must be able to declare to the outside world that we have very good executive supervisors who are responsible for contacting them and supervising their implementation of the International Wizenga at work. Deal with them to prevent them from being whimsical for the so-called national interests. That is to say, the executive inspector also represents the image of our IW. At present, we are short of manpower and cannot deploy such a professional person. The original Those bits... are really disappointing."

At this point, the tone of the rotating chief suddenly became very gentle: "How about it, do you want to try?"

"When will it start, the training you mentioned earlier?"

"Are you willing to take over?"

Heimdall nodded, "I also said before that 'it's an honor to have this opportunity'."

After looking at him for a long time, the chief on duty told him very seriously: "Don't forget the badge you wear on your chest." Then he said with a look of anticipation: "Isn't it very spicy?"

Heimdall finally changed his face, picked up the teacup and poured cool tea into his mouth, opened his mouth and exhaled: "What's in it?"

"This is a new flavor concocted by our family's chocolate shop, with authentic Indian curry added."

"Your family chocolate shop?"

"It has been passed down for several generations, and now it is run by my son. Do you think it can be sold?"

"...Maybe you can let your son try to recommend it to young guests, who are more receptive. Of course, it's not absolute."

The rotating chief nodded immediately, "I think it's delicious." He ate a piece as he spoke, seeming to enjoy it.

Heimdall keenly captured the subtle changes on his face when the chocolate entered his mouth, so he silently thought: A child with a father is a treasure.


This afternoon, the rotating chief handed over Heimdall to Judge Hollingworth. I heard that the post of executive inspector is now concurrently held by this judge.Hollingworth's original work was very heavy, and IW didn't want to add extra burdens to him. If he got tired out, it would also affect the work of the filing office. People have become a difficult problem that needs to be solved urgently.

According to the procedure, the rotating chief office issued a study notice to Heimdall, and this notice was later sent to Fasi, and then, before the lunch time was over, the whole IW knew that the odd jobs in the rotating chief office somehow It caught Hollingworth's eyes. The vacancy in the executive office was swept out after this "big cleaning". The office announced to the public that the original executive inspector had retired and returned home. care.

Except for the heads of IW's various offices, ordinary employees don't understand that there are actually differences in the scope of work of executive inspectors. It is necessary to deal with the difficulties and non-cooperation of the Ministry of Magic of various countries from time to time, but there is only one person in the entire office who actually has access to encrypted files.

Heimdall couldn't help asking, "That is to say, apart from the work of the inspector on the surface, everything else must be kept secret? You can't tell your colleagues in the same office?"

"No." Hollingworth said blankly. "Even your father can't tell."

"I understand." Heimdall thought it was normal. His father never talked about work, and Snow didn't talk about work at home, and even Quidditch seldom mentioned. He didn't bring work and troubles home. Seems to be a tradition among the men of the Sturluson family.

As a member of the Sturluson family, he knew how to follow the tradition.

"Where are you going to take me?" Heimdall found that they had been walking along the corridor of the office area, and he had never been to these offices behind.

Just as Hollingworth was about to speak, someone caught up behind him, and the sound of high-heeled shoes hitting the floor was extraordinarily loud.

"Judge Hollingworth." The two turned around, and Miss Adeleia Firing ran up to them out of breath. Just as she was about to say something, her eyes glanced at Heimdall, her face became sour, and she looked towards Hollingworth said hesitantly, "Can I take a step to speak?"

Hollingworth narrowed his eyes, and Miss Ferring flinched involuntarily under his gaze, but she didn't change her mind.

"Stand here and don't move, don't run around, don't talk to others casually, and waste other people's time."

Heimdall nodded dumbfounded.

After warning Heimdall, Hollingworth kept a distance from Ferring.

As soon as he stood still, Fei Lin couldn't wait to say: "Am I not good enough?"

Hollingworth frowned, "Miss Ferring..."

Feilin couldn't help but rushed, "I thought you were satisfied with my work ability."

"What kind of self-confidence makes you think you can talk to your superiors like that?"

Feilin stopped his mouth in embarrassment, with anger still on his face.

"This is the decision of the above." Hollingworth said calmly.

Ferrin was silent for a moment, and squeezed out the words through his teeth, "Just because his father is Rommel Strulusson?"

Hollingworth hooked the corner of his mouth, "You know, I actually appreciate your extremes, but you have to know that extremes are not the same as ignorance."

Filling blushed immediately, clenched her fists unconsciously, and finally calmed down, she tried to use other methods, "I heard that you were an executive inspector before becoming a judge, and the International Wizengamo has The record of being directly promoted to a judge from the position of executive inspector is the highest among all offices, so I, I was in a hurry...I am very sorry, and I apologize for my attitude.”

Hollingworth said leisurely: "The records are just records. I have seen your work ability. Are you really planning to transfer to the executive office? I am reluctant to give up such a capable subordinate to the executive office."

Miss Feilin couldn't help being elated, and the anger on her face was swept away, "Thank you for your affirmation."

"I'd be happier going back to the office and going to work right away."

Felin nodded, turned around and left quickly.

It is completely different from the eager footsteps when you come, and the knocking sound brought by the high heels when you go is much calmer.

Hollingworth thought that he was not lying, and that capable subordinates should work hard.


Hollingworth was not a good chat partner, so Heimdall never asked about the destination of the trip, so when he followed Hollingworth to open the door at the end of the corridor—he knew that there was still a door at the end of the corridor. There is a door. When I saw the huge shield-shaped badge of the International Magic and Legal Police Corps hanging on the wall facing the door, I couldn't make up my mind for a while.

Okay, why are you looking for the police?Heimdall always had some inexplicable sense of resistance from ordinary people when facing the police.

A staff member at the back of the reception immediately went around the stage to greet her, and Heimdall noticed that she was wearing a formal police force uniform, completely black from head to toe, and the surface of the robe glowed with a dark purple light.

"Judge Hollingworth."

Hollingworth nodded at her, "Sorry for being late."

Obviously, they knew each other.

The lady at the reception smiled and said without any nonsense, "Please follow me."

"Can I ask where to go?" Heimdall was at a loss.

"Where it takes you to class," Hollingworth said.

"it's here?"

"it's here."

"Am I not an employee of the International Wizengamo?" Heimdall refused to be transferred without his knowledge.

"You are an employee of IW, and we arranged for you to come here for class."

"Let the police teach me a lesson?"



On the way to the class location, Hollingworth gave Heimdall a brief introduction to the internal structure of the International Magic Law Police Corps, which is mainly divided into two categories: judicial police and security police. Later, he will be responsible for teaching Heimdall It is a teacher who belongs to the Judicial Police Force.

The judicial police force of the International Magical Legal Police Corps is a complex system, some of which work exclusively for the International Wizengamot - this part of the police is called the IW Special Police Force, and their task is to protect the courts and judicial system. Normal operation, including the work of guards on duty; summoning witnesses, appraisers, and transmitting evidence materials; protecting staff in IW; protecting judges in court; detaining and detaining criminal suspects; Witnesses, service of legal documents; seizure of assets of the defendant, etc.There is another point, all prisoners who escaped from prisons in prisons around the world after being tried by IW are also hunted down by the IW special police force.

All in all, the IW Special Police Force and the International Wizengamot are inseparable and closely related.

"Is this arrangement so that I can learn more?" Heimdall thought at first that the teacher who taught him would be either a judge or a judge, but he didn't expect it to be a policeman.

"The above means to cultivate you in all aspects." Hollingworth did not deny Heimdall's statement. "Not only in terms of knowledge, but also in action."

Heimdall pursed his lips, "I suddenly became nervous."

"You're going to be dealing with a group of doers with 'ideals' and 'ambitions', and some doers can be very unfriendly and impulsive, and we want to make sure that if that happens, the executive monitor can Grasp the initiative for a while, instead of being passive all at once, becoming the target of being hijacked, becoming a bargaining condition for criminals, and what's more, being killed on the spot."

In other words, you must first be able to ensure your own safety, and the best situation is to subdue the prisoners who try to use themselves to escape from prison.

Heimdall nodded.

The staff leading the way stopped outside a door, but they didn't let them in, but walked in by themselves.

"Sturlusson, I hope you can understand that the higher authorities have great expectations of you." Hollingworth said word by word. "I have high hopes for you, too."

Heimdall looked at him in disbelief, Hollingworth looked away and cleared his throat unnaturally.

The staff member came out of the door and took out a dark robe at the same time.

Hollingworth took the robe and passed it to Heimdall.

"Put this robe on."

Heimdall took it in a daze, and unfolded it to see that it was the style of the robe of the police force.Along the way, he has already discovered that only the robes of the IW special police force have dull purple ripples, which is one of its symbols, but this robe does not have it, it is ordinary black, and there is no police badge on the chest The embroidery, buttons, piping, etc. are also black, rather than gold and bronze like the formal uniform.

"This is a student uniform. Although there is a dedicated teacher to teach you, the place where the class is held is for new students. Many students come in and out. In order to prevent you from being too conspicuous, I have specially prepared one for you."

Under Hollingworth's meticulous surveillance, Heimdall had to take off his school uniform and put on the cadet uniform of the Police Corps.

Feeling the black robe on his body, Heimdalton was full of emotions. Before he could wait for the long-awaited purple robe, he exchanged for a police uniform, and suddenly felt that he was very manly and majestic. Can't help but giggle.

Hollingworth gave him a sideways glance, Heimdall pursed his lips, and quickly suppressed the little commotion in his heart.

"Your school uniform is temporarily handed over to Ms. Winsett. Ms. Winsett knows your class schedule. As long as you leave the place where you are studying, she will bring you the school uniform. After changing your clothes, you can go out of the gate of the police headquarters. I don't want to see you wandering around in IW in this cadet uniform."

Heimdall nodded obediently.

Ms. Winsett gave Heimdall a friendly smile.

They entered an empty room with nothing but a fireplace, and Heimdall looked at the large and clean fireplace and immediately understood.

"Sturluson," said Hollingworth, handing him a small box of Floo powder. "Study well!"

Heimdall nodded and took the floo powder.

"I hope the study plan we made will work. After all, you are the first wizard in the history of the International Wizengamot to receive our own training in order to meet the needs of the position. To be honest, we have no idea whether such a course is useful. .”

Heimdall scolded in his heart, it's too unkind, there is no experimenter who is so frank with the mice, the experimenter should behave like an experimenter.

"Is it too late for me to regret it now?" Heimdall said.

"Work hard, you are excellent, and I have confidence in you." Hollingworth sent him a "good person card" without hesitation.

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