HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 332 Old comrades and young people

Gradually, Duncan and Bernick were also attracted by Heimdall's description. Although Heimdall still couldn't tell a story, the novelty of the content made up for some shortcomings of the monotonous and boring words.

"I read it in a book before, but I didn't expect ghosts to appear!" Bernick has always been interested in unimaginable things, so it's no wonder he and Luna got together.

Bernick immediately decided that he must remember to write this into the letter next time he communicated with Luna.

"Where is the venue for this European Asylum Cup?" Duncan asked.

Heimdall immediately took out a world atlas. This atlas was bought in London before entering school. Although he has never used it, he always keeps it in his pocket every time he goes out. He also knows that it is nothing It's just for peace of mind.

He flipped the atlas to the Central European section. "In the Czech Republic."

Victor suddenly took a look at the atlas in his hand, "It's pretty close."

"What's so close?" Heimdall was puzzled.

"I'm going back to the headquarters of the Vulcan team in two days."

The headquarters of Basteto Vulcan is located in Frankfurt, Germany. Heimdall took back the map and looked at the gap between the two places on it for a long time. He was speechless, not only across cities but also across borders. How close is it?

As if seeing his disapproval, Victor reminded him softly, "One apparation is over."

Heimdall laughed dryly, and he considered the problem from the perspective of a Muggle again.

"When are you going to Frankfurt?" Heimdall asked.

"There is no specific time limit, just get this done before the start of the next qualifier."

"The third game of the Asylum Cup is the day after tomorrow."

"Understood." Victor nodded with a smile.

"That means you are free tomorrow?" Bernick looked at his cousin.

"What is it?" Victor said.

"Seeing that we are about to graduate, we old comrades of the school team want to get together and have fun, have a friendly match with the 'young people' of the school team, and step on their tails that have been raised higher and higher recently You probably don't know that this group of new recruits played against Beauxbatons last week. I didn't go that day, and it is said that they won very well."

Duncan sighed old-fashionedly, took up Bernick's topic and continued: "Young people are too impatient, but after winning such a game, they actually went to Mumian Ancient Town to hold a celebration party. I went to inquire about it afterwards. Only then did I realize that none of Beauxbaton's main players on the court that day, maybe they were watching our school team's joke behind their backs!"

"Okay, no problem." Victor nodded and agreed without saying a word.

Even if they are about to leave the school, the dignity of being a member of the German school team cannot allow others to despise and shake them anyway.

Bernick smiled at Heimdall, "You will go with Victor then."

"I'm going too?" Heimdall was a little surprised. This is an internal problem of the school team, and it's not easy for outsiders to interfere with him.

"Of course, everyone has said that if the princess doesn't go, how can the dragon be motivated." Duncan laughed after finishing speaking.

Heimdall and Victor both turned black.

"Don't mind, those guys don't mean anything malicious." Bernik was afraid of Heimdall thinking.

Heimdall pretended to be fierce and grinned, "I don't mind, you're all going to get out anyway!"

Unexpectedly, Duncan and Bernick were stunned all of a sudden, tongue-tied, looking at Heimdall in disbelief.

"How did Rigg become like this? Rieg was so small and soft back then, where did my lovely Rieg go!" Duncan suddenly cried exaggeratedly.

"According to the universal law of human growth, and excluding factors such as congenital inheritance and acquired diseases, I can't be small and soft forever... When did I become soft? It's not that I don't grow bones!"

Heimdall suddenly thought of a question, "Duncan, what are your plans after graduation?"

Duncan pretended to wipe away the non-existent tears, and said, seemingly moved, "You finally remembered to ask?"

"I asked before, but you said you didn't know."

"...Actually, I still don't know." Duncan hesitated. "Probably I will go for a therapist's license. I think it's good to be a therapist."

"Duncan's family is a family of therapists, a family of doctors," Bernick said.

Heimdall asked, "Didn't your father go into politics?"

"He works for the French Magical Injury Treatment Committee, let's say he's in politics."

Heimdall knew about this organization—the International Committee for the Treatment of Magical Injuries and Sickness. It is somewhat similar to the Red Cross in the Muggle world. It is one of the many departments of the Wizarding Federation. A branch that fits the national conditions of the country is established.

The famous British St. Mungo's is actually under the jurisdiction of this committee, but the British Ministry of Magic is the best among all the member states of the Wizarding Union, so the magical injury hospital in the British wizarding world can have its own name and title , a unique system of handling affairs, you can decide everything by yourself, to put it nicely, "the general will not be subject to military orders abroad".

"What about you?" Heimdall looked at Bernick again.

"Nine times out of ten, I will go to a specialized training institution to study herbology. Now I don't have to worry about my future, although I really wanted to be a trainer of magical animals."

"...I'm sorry." Victor couldn't help but speak.

Bernick raised his eyebrows, and then proudly said to Heimdall: "Look, how useful this is, if you need to complain to him directly in the future, he will definitely help you without thinking and trying to help under the pressure of guilt and pressure." I figured everything out."

Victor turned his face away with a half-smile.

Heimdall couldn't help but lip-synced Bernick, "youareevil"

Bernick said in desperation, "I am the cousin of the evil dragon! It should be!"


After class the next afternoon, as soon as Heimdall walked out of the classroom, he saw his boyfriend standing in the corridor smiling at him.

"Where are you going?" Carlo asked curiously.

This school year, he and Heimdall took an elective course derived from the Protection of Magical Creatures class—monster studies. This course mainly teaches everyone to recognize and understand all kinds of strange and magical animals that will not be introduced in textbooks. , including those that do not exist in the eyes of the world, and animals that originally belonged to the wizarding world that survived in the Muggle world.

All in all, in Heimdall's view, this is a very interesting class worth learning.

Heimdall briefly talked to him, and immediately aroused Carlo's desire to join in the fun, yelling that he would also follow to "stomp on young people".

"Aren't you planning to go to Mumian Ancient Town with Lian?"

Carlo waved his hand nonchalantly, "Everything has priorities, and the ancient town of Kapok is there every day."

Then, the three of them went to the Quidditch pitch together.

Heimdall saw a lot of unfamiliar faces. Most of the school team members he was familiar with were in the same grade as Victor, and there were a few sixth graders. The rest of the newcomers hadn't seen much.As the "family member" of the former ace of the school team, the senior circle he socializes with is naturally Victor's circle. Of course, Victor's circle is the main force of the school team at that time. Achievements are divided into different levels.

Victor's presence at the scene was still very impressive. No matter young comrades or old comrades, everyone cheered and applauded in unison, just like welcoming a general returning in triumph.

But after a while, a situation with clear barriers appeared.

The old players, especially the seventh graders, formed one group; the younger ones, especially the new ace, formed another group, and the rest were the sixth graders sandwiched between the two circles.

The veteran players in the seventh grade have not shown their faces in the school team since they started their last year. What impressed me the most is that Duncan once ran to the court for a walk when he had nothing to do, but was blocked by a newcomer who was guarding the goal at the time. Outside, the rookie warned him with righteous words that no one else could enter or leave the Durmstrang school team at will.

Although Duncan said it in a joking tone at the time, and Bernick and Victor didn't take it to heart, Heimdall didn't like it no matter what he heard.

Perhaps because he is not in the seventh grade, as the date of leaving school approaches, graduates will involuntarily show a kind of open-mindedness and tolerance to everything about their alma mater, even connivance. He is not a graduate, so he does not feel this subtle mood.

However, the reality is that in front of the [-]th graders who are about to graduate, today's school team is so immature.

Bernick's concerns are not unreasonable, it's a bit like there are no tigers and monkeys calling themselves kings in the mountains...

In fact, in Heimdall's opinion, as long as they suffer a few defeats, they will definitely mature, but he also knows that this suggestion will drive Principal Karkaroff crazy.

Carlo hid in the corner and waved his quill excitedly. Heimdall realized that he should ignore him for a while, and this guy's "inspiration" broke out.

"How do you feel about being in the past?" Heimdall elbowed Victor.

"A group of bastards who don't know the sky and the earth!"

This is not what Victor said, but one of Bernick's partners, a member of the former Chaser trio, this brother has a straight temper, Heimdall is not very familiar with him, but he has experienced it through the "charm" of his language.

"Bernik, when are we going to do it? I can't wait!" A sturdy posture ready to do a big fight.

Heimdall thought what he said sounded like a bandit was going out to rob? !

So, Bernick raised his voice, "How about it? How about starting now?"

The old comrades all took Bernick's order as a guideline for action, and the young people all went to see their captain (alternate)—unfortunately, the captain could not become a regular until Bernick got his diploma.

The alternate captain nodded, and the young people took action.

"Your words don't work." Bernick's old partner teased him with a smile.

Bernick smiled indifferently.

The back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and the front waves died on the beach?

Just as Heimdall was about to pretend to be deep, Brother Sturdy came over and patted him on the shoulder, "Sturlusson."

Heimdall turned around, "What..."

He was enthusiastically smacked on the cheeks twice, once on one side, and his voice was clear and loud. Heimdall guessed that the senior brother did it on purpose, but at this moment he just finished speaking: "...something?"

All the old comrades were stunned, and the sturdy brother looked up to the sky and laughed, "I have wanted to do this for a long time! I finally got a chance before graduation and let me succeed!" Winking triumphantly at Victor, look at the meaning, It seems to say "Look, even if you watch closely, I still kissed you."

Heimdall noticed that the corners of the seemingly calm Victor's brows were twitching.

The old comrades exploded now, and everyone went to the cattle again, howling, and even suggested to the tough brother to win love with a knife.

"No!" Brother Sturdy didn't even think about it, he shook his head again and again, and looked at Heimdall with disgust, "I like plump women, this kind of dry and shriveled ones are not acceptable!"

Duncan nodded vigorously, seemingly resonating.

Heimdall yelled viciously twice, exaggeratingly instructing his boyfriend to beat someone up.

When all the old comrades were laughing, the young comrades who had changed into the practice uniforms gathered around and looked at each other. Although each of them swallowed their anger and used it as a background board, the atmosphere of no barriers and family like made them Very envious.

There was no suspense in the following practice games, basically it was an exhibition game for the animals. If the seniors from the seventh grade came to practice their hands occasionally, every game was a tie with the new generation of the school team, which indirectly cultivated the young people. Therefore, according to the outline set in the previous meeting between Bernick and the old players, their task today is to curb the self-confidence that was accidentally raised too high by them.

After Victor rode his broom to the sky, he barely moved. Instead, the opponent's Seeker was driven all over the field.Three balls are flying around the field, let them go east and never go west, the balls are controlled like your own hands and feet, the old players have completely seized the initiative, and the new generation is forced to sweat profusely , embarrassed.

The young people who raised their tails after just one victory finally realized what the Durmstrang Quidditch school team is.

The Golden Snitch hadn't appeared yet, and the new generation was the first to admit defeat.

But the old comrades were playing to their heart's content, and the side that conceded the defeat all flew out of the field in a dispirited manner, and they remained on the field roaring happily.

At this time, Carlo in the auditorium stopped writing and closed the notebook with satisfaction.

"I'm leaving." He turned his head and greeted Heimdall, meaning to go back to sort out the news materials.

Heimdall nodded, but when he looked up, he sat down again and asked with his eyes. Carlo replied very artistically, "I feel a gust of wind blowing toward my face."

A group of new generations of the school team surrounded them, including grades one, two, three, four, and five.

"Sturlusson." A fifth-grade senior sat down next to Heimdall familiarly.

"Hello," Heimdall said.

"Are you familiar with the seventh graders on the varsity team?"


"You like Quidditch so much?"

"I don't like it at all."

The fifth grader was not discouraged, "But you still came."

"I won't come again after the seventh-grade seniors graduate."

The fifth grade senior finally choked.

"...I saw you were kissed just now, does that mean I can do it too?"

Heimdall frowned unrecognizably, and then let himself look at his face seriously, and saw a bit of malice from his expression—different from the hostility of the seventh-grade brothers.

Heimdall looked at the expressions of the others again. The fourth and fifth graders were a little gloating, as if they were happy with the status quo. The first, second, and third graders were all left behind, and had no intention of participating. They seemed to be using actions to tell Heimdall, we are small and weak, we are forced to help.

very good.Heimdall nodded to them, and they immediately expressed relief.

Heimdall turned to face the fifth-grade provocateur, stared at him for a few seconds, and when the other party avoided his gaze unnaturally, he said, "Are you Mr. Jose Rodriguez?"

The fifth-grade brother froze for a moment, then smiled awkwardly, "You know me?"

"Has the vomiting of your cattail velvet been cured? If not, don't give it bezoar again. It doesn't work at all. You should ask Professor Latirie. Neither you nor your pets are safe. You shouldn't take medicine indiscriminately when you feel uncomfortable."

Mr. Rodriguez opened his mouth in surprise.

Heimdall said again, "Transfiguration is indeed difficult to master, but you should not escape theoretical knowledge. The free operation of magic is based on the accumulation of theory. Herbology is a very useful course. I sincerely recommend you Don't skip classes anymore. Yes, ancient runes are indeed boring, but unfortunately, it is a compulsory course in our school. You must at least keep it above the pass line, or you will not be able to graduate. It is admirable to you Astronomy and Care of Magical Creatures are great, I hope you keep up the good work. Oh, Potions, yes, it's such a pain in the ass, believe me, I hate it too, but it can't be helped, whether we No matter how much you complain about it, it's always going to show up along the way. You know, I've been having some reading fun on History of Magic lately, and it's been quite a bit of progress for me, I hope you One day, you can also get unexpected gains from it.”

Now not only Rodriguez was completely dumbfounded, but the other people present also became dumbfounded.

Heimdall said slowly, "By the way, what was the result of the last quiz on Charms?"

Rodriguez swallowed mechanically, and looked at Heimdall silently for a while.

Heimdall smiled softly, "What about black magic?"

Rodriguez's eyes were red, and he covered his face with sobs and hurried away.

No one spoke for a while, until——

"What a sentimental person." Heimdall looked at his back and murmured with emotion.

When the people around heard it, they couldn't help shivering. You looked at me and I looked at you. They lowered their heads and scattered like birds and beasts silently.

Heimdall let out a long breath.

Carlo looked at him like he was an alien.

The little fat man's pursuit finally gained the upper hand, he couldn't hold it back even after he endured it, and said strangely, "How do you know such details? You can see it all at a glance?"

"By the way, is it Dementionment?" Carlo suddenly thought of this possibility, and suddenly felt that he was quite smart.

"How is it possible? You think I know everything!" Heimdall doesn't think he is a soul-destroying wizard. He is a complete novice in this field. He only knows how to do it in theory, but he doesn't know whether it can be successful in practice.He also believes that soul-hunting is equivalent to a moral bottom line for wizards, and there is no need to cross it casually.

"That is how the matter?!"

"It's a coincidence that this Mr. Rodriguez has a good friend who happens to be one of my assistants in the laboratory, and both of my assistants use words to suppress their nervousness and pass the time. The school is so big, the social circle of the students is limited, and what they say is all about people and things around them, and the area of ​​the research room is also limited. I soak in these "anecdotes" almost every day. Among them, if you listen to it a lot, you will naturally remember it, and if you remember it, you can easily associate it with the description.”

Having said that, Heimdall shrugged, "That's it."

Turning around and seeing Carlo writing furiously, he couldn't help but sigh, "Is this worth writing down too?"

Carlo nodded firmly, and said ferociously, "I'd rather kill a hundred by mistake than let one go!"

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