HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 320 Registration

This is the second time that Heimdall has entered the supervision and investigation office. The overwhelming document papers he saw last time no longer exist, and the tables and chairs all show their original appearance.Heimdall discovered that the floor of the office outside was actually covered with a layer of deep red felt carpet, and a few English abbreviations of the International Wizengamot floated irregularly on the surface. These letters swam around like fish. When someone Come over and avoid flexibly.

Rabat Fassi sat on a chair, smiled and beckoned him to sit anywhere when he came in.

Heimdall was sure he wasn't late, but he was the last to arrive, and the other seven trainees were already sitting in the office.

Are they just waiting for him?Heimdall rubbed his nose and sat down on a chair near the door.

The only woman among the seven sneered when she saw Heimdall who pushed the door open.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start." Fassi picked up a document from his hand.

The eight people couldn't help but cheer up, especially the seven trainees, who stared at Faxi with all their attention, full of hope and anxiety about the first step they were about to take. They all had their own plans, and it seemed that they would be assigned today. Which office to go to, everything is difficult at the beginning, and the starting point is often the key to winning a thousand miles.

The first to be named was the witch, and Heimdall finally knew her name, Adeleia Firing.

Her male colleagues are not surprised by this, and her excellence is obvious to all.Under the envious eyes of others, Miss Feilin was assigned to the filing office.

Although Heimdall has read the relevant materials of IW, he does not know as much as them, the internal staff of the Wizarding Union. "Profoundly" tells outsiders which office in IW has more power and which office has a bright future.

From the unconcealable envy and jealousy on the faces of the six men, it can be deduced that the case filing office must not be idle, and where the capable ones are assigned, it means that the real "dragon pool and tiger den".

Afterwards, the six men were also assigned by roll call. Some went to the Judgment Supervision Office, some went to the Research Office, and some stayed in the Supervision and Investigation Office as Fassi's subordinates.

From the performance of these people, it can be seen that this assignment should not be too unexpected for them, that is, it should not be lower than the bottom line of their hope. At least everyone seems to be quite relaxed, and there is a sense of relief. a feeling of.

Heimdall was not on the assignment list. He knew this, because he was only a junior trainee and was not included in the files. In addition, he had not yet graduated, and the materials were still kept by Durmstrang College.But knowing is knowing, and personal experience is another matter, and Heimdall felt as if he was excluded.

Fassi finished assigning the personnel, and said some scene words, encouraging and admonishing. Except for Heimdall, who has never been involved in the society, everyone else has work experience in the Wizarding Union. I don’t know if I didn’t hear it, anyway, they all have an idealistic expression of "I am for everyone, and everyone is for me".

"Okay, let's go to your own office." Fasi stood up and said to Heimdall, "Come with me."

They left the supervision and inspection office one after the other.

Several trainees immediately whispered to each other, and one trainee couldn't bear it and ran out. After a while, he turned back and told his colleagues mysteriously, "The chief office is on duty."

Everyone else was surprised "Ah!", and then put forward their own opinions on the result.

Miss Feilin, who had been standing aside with her chest folded and didn't join the discussion, snorted coldly and left the office.


Today's rotating chief handed Heimdall a cup of coconut water. Heimdall was flattered and hurriedly took it with both hands.

Judge Sgroy chuckled, and sat across from him with his own coconut dew, "Don't be nervous."

Heimdall wanted to say that he was not nervous, but he felt very uncomfortable being stared at by a group of grandparents after a long time.

"I have snacks here." A grandfather looked down and rummaged through the boxes.

"No, no, no." Despite Heimdall's repeated emphasis, the old man still put a pack of licorice magic wands in front of him.

"Thank you." Heimdall accepted the biscuit, hesitated, and said, "...Judge Gironde."

Gironde's gray eyebrows stretched out, and he said strangely to the other grandparents: "This kid has a really good memory!"

The grandparents gathered around and asked Heimdall to identify him. Heimdall carefully identified the person. Except for a few stumbles, there was basically no major mistake, almost all of them were correct.

The grandparents were even rarer, watching Heimdall as if they were staring at some mascot.

Heimdall lowered his head and pretended to be introverted, gnawing on the licorice magic wand—the kindness is hard to stop, drinking coconut dew—the kindness is hard to turn off, being surrounded by crowds—still the kindness is hard to turn down, tears streaming down his heart: what am I? What are you here for?

One morning was spent in snacks and onlookers.

When it was time for lunch, Heimdall rubbed his belly, hesitating whether to go out for dinner, as there seemed to be no room for other things.

The rest time of each office of IW is different, and it increases or decreases according to the busyness of each department. The rest time of the rotating chief office is the best on the sixth floor, three hours from 11:2 to [-]:[-], so many judges in this office eat After dinner, I will go out to visit, or go back to the office to take a nap.

Judge Sgroy asked Heimdall if he wanted to eat together before he went out. Heimdall thought that instead of sitting all the time, he might as well walk and digest.As soon as he walked out of the office area, he saw Chairman Cardiff Bangor of the Examination Management Committee step out of the elevator door and strode towards him. Chairman Bangor's eyes lit up when he saw him.

"Sturlusson, I just wanted to come and have lunch with you." Bangor said with a smile.

Sgroy, Gironde and other judges exchanged polite greetings with Bangor, and then entered the elevator together.

The staff restaurant of the Wizarding Federation is on the ground floor, a very spacious rectangular room similar to a large conference hall, with letters painted on the head of the International Wizarding Federation composed of various languages, and column reliefs on the walls. The capitals of the columnar reliefs extend upwards and gather in the center of the ceiling like waves. A large chandelier hangs at the gathering place, illuminating the whole room brightly.

Each column relief is carved with a wizard. The wizard is tall and straight, and the witch is graceful. Each image is different and lifelike, representing the various components of the Wizards Union.

Heimdall found the image of a wizard representing the International Wizengamot on the relief of the first pillar on the east wall. Unlike most wizards who hold a wand in their hands or have a faint smile on their face, they look peaceful and peaceful.The wizard image of the International Wizengamot holds a balance in both hands, his lips are pursed into a straight line, his eyes are looking straight ahead, his face is solemn and solemn, and his expression is carved so vividly that it is daunting.

Several judges did not sit with them after they entered the restaurant. Heimdall noticed that they were chatting and laughing with the wizards of the International Committee for the Treatment of Magical Injuries and Sickness, and then sat together.

Bangor took Heimdall to sit at a small round table. Heimdall declined several good-looking staple foods recommended by him, and ordered a pot of tea. Under Bangor's puzzled inquiry, Heimdall simply Tell him about the "distress" he encountered in the morning, and Bangor laughed when he heard it.

His laughter made the people around him look sideways.

"Don't worry, those old guys are just a novelty, and they will be fine after a while." Bangor raised his fork and rolled up the noodles. "The last junior trainee was recruited six years ago, and the history of underage wizards like you is dusty."

Heimdall comforted himself, saying that rare things are valuable, which means that he is a "rare creature" in IW...

"You don't blame me for not contacting you all the time, do you?" Bangor suddenly put down his fork and looked at him seriously.

"You always have to avoid suspicion." Heimdall said his opinion. If he really wanted to completely distance himself from himself, he wouldn't come to him for lunch on the first day of work.

Bangor smiled, didn't show too much reaction to Heimdall's answer, grabbed the fork and continued to roll the noodles and eat.

Heimdall talked about several history books he bought at Lihen Bookstore in the UK, "Restore the Truth" said that Chairman Pierre Bonacourd had a relationship with Liechtenstein before he was elected as the first chairman of the International Federation of Wizards. The Minister of Magic is friendly, and the book also quotes a letter that is said to be written by the chairman to the Minister of Magic. The book also says that the troll is just a fuse. The two of them have different ideas. The Minister of Magic of Liechtenstein wants Bona Chairman Kudd sought the greatest benefits for Liechtenstein, but Chairman Bonacoud did not agree, which led to their breakup, and later Liechtenstein's refusal to join the Wizarding Union. But the answer given in "Exploring the Elements of History" is just the opposite."

Bangor said, "What does it say in the History of Magic textbook you are using now?"

"There is no clear explanation, but the literal meaning should be biased toward the former."

Bangor didn't take it seriously, "Bonacourde was the first chairman and a great man who ushered in a new era. Of course, future generations can only say good things, and even if it's not good, they will give 'reasonable' explanations..."

Someone let out a loud sneer.

Bangor, who was eating noodles, rolled his eyes. Heimdall looked back and saw Chairman Garcia of the Education Committee, sitting at the small round table behind them.

"A layman's arbitrariness!" Garcia said flatly.

Bangor immediately countered, "Oh, I forgot, you wrote the history of magic textbooks, of course you can say whatever you want, even if you say that the troll incident does not exist, these children will of course believe it."

Garcia quit and shook off the white handkerchief in his hand vigorously.

For a little disagreement, the two old men fought and quarreled happily.

Heimdall actively persuaded the fight at the beginning, but there was no effect. Later, the people next to him took him aside and taught him that it is useless to persuade him to fight, and it is wise to watch onlookers.


Later, it was Garcia who called a timeout first. He had to enter the office early in the afternoon because there was an important meeting, and Bangor yelled brazenly behind him: "You can't do it, you are defeated!"

Garcia's leaving footsteps stopped, and it took a lot of effort to restrain the urge to turn around, and walked out of the restaurant with stiff steps.

Bangor Happy took Heimdall out of the staff cafeteria and went to take the elevator.

I ran into those seven trainees at the elevator door. Perhaps the same experience prompted them to hug each other, and they could be seen together no matter where they were.

Like Bangor, the top leader of the department, even if ordinary employees have never spoken to him, they still know that face.The seven trainees immediately greeted them, and Bangor nodded with a smile.

The six men were all very friendly, and even greeted Heimdall, but that Miss Filming stayed out of the way, always squinting at people, looking very aloof, as if she became warmer with Heimdall It's a mess.

Heimdall secretly wondered if she didn't like him.

Heimdall doesn’t ask for favors from others, nor does he demand friendship from others, and he doesn’t find it strange that others don’t like him—even if he doesn’t do anything, sometimes seeing someone who doesn’t like him is as good as falling in love with someone suddenly There is logic to follow. Likes and dislikes are all instinctive reactions of people, and it is very difficult to control them.

The lunch break of the Examination Management Committee is two hours. Heimdall thought that the rest time of Chairman Bangor should not be delayed, so he declined the invitation to visit the Education Committee. It was only the first day of his visit, so it is better to keep his own place. Let's talk about it later.

He stopped in front of the notice board at the entrance of the office area. IW staff would always glance at the notice board when they passed by, and the latest news would be rolled out on it. Heimdall had noticed this notice board before, just to seize the opportunity Let's take a look, he happens to have a lot of time right now, so he excitedly leans over to have a look.

The above releases are all the latest trends of various departments and offices. There are many professional terms and many simplified expressions that he can't understand. When the meeting was held, I secretly wrote it down.

Back in the rotating chairman's office, none of the judges came back, but Judge Gironde came back earlier than him and was sitting behind his desk reading a newspaper.

Heimdall sat down behind his desk, a small table next to a flower stand in the corner.To be honest, his appearance destroyed the layout of this office. Originally, everyone's desks were neatly arranged, and the placement of closets and corner cabinets also followed the law of desks, but he and his small desk were abruptly slanted. Going out for a piece seems a bit redundant.

Heimdall's small table was empty, with a bottle of ink, a standard quill pen, and a stack of blank paper. He sat on the chair for a while, staring at the flower stand in front of him in a trance, and after a while stood up.

Girondt found Heimdall standing next to him.

"what happened?"

"Is there anything I can do?" Heimdall said hopefully.

"Yes." Gironde nodded.

Heimdall's eyes lit up.

"Go get me a cup of coconut water." Gironde held up his empty teacup.

Heimdall took the cup in disappointment, and Girondt looked at his back with a smile. Heimdall suddenly thought of a question before taking a few steps, and turned around, "That's Judge Sgroy's drink." It's not public tea. , is self-contained.

"That's why I told you to pour it," said Gironde.

After drinking the coconut dew "poured" by Heimdall, Gironde threw a bunch of keys to Heimdall, "Go out and turn left, there is a small gray-black door between our office and research room, if you are really bored, Just go there and have a look."

Heimdall took the key with both hands.

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