Snow arrived at the old mansion before Christmas Eve, and Neil was with him. Heimdall felt something was wrong when he was happy. Didn't she just go back for Christmas?

Miss Veronica Krum raised her head, and stretched out her left hand in great trembling. The gemstone ring on her ring finger suddenly shone brightly—the golden ring was set with a huge ruby, which almost sparkled. Heimdall's eyes.

Rommel's first reaction after seeing it was vulgarity. In a blink of an eye, seeing his son staring at the ruby ​​gold ring intently, he couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Obviously, Neil understood Heimdall's preferences very well, so she said with a smile: "I heard you said that Muggles will definitely prepare wedding rings when they get married. How about it? This is very important, right?" Go for a wink.

Heimdall nodded in admiration, "Yeah, it's weighty..." He suddenly realized, "Did you just mention the wedding ring?" He stared at Neil dumbfounded.

"That's right, sister, I married myself off!" Neil said proudly.

"Bernick calls you sister, so to Rieger, you are like an aunt." Snow reminded her seemingly inadvertently.

Neil bared her teeth and screamed, "No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak!" She looked as if she wanted to fight Snow desperately.

After finally waiting for her to calm down, Heimdall was able to pick up the topic just now.

"Who did you marry? Snow?" The two had been alone for many years, did they finally catch fire?

Snow narrowed his eyes and looked at him dangerously, even Neil was shocked.

"My vision is not that bad! That kind of boring man!"

Snow pouted, his upbringing told him to restrain himself and not to be as knowledgeable as that woman.

Neil raised her chin, "Sister, I am now the minister's wife."

Heimdall was taken aback, "Which minister?"

"Minister of Magic of Bulgaria."

That skinny man?Heimdall was extremely surprised. He had seen the face of that minister in a Bulgarian newspaper. He had an ordinary appearance but sharp eyes. Leading cadres who leave room for others.

However, this does not prevent him from becoming a good minister. The Bulgarian wizards have a benign impression of their ministers. At least he is better than some people who only know how to exploit but refuse to operate.

"Isn't he young?" Heimdall couldn't figure it out. He had met several of Neil's boyfriends before, and they were either handsome or handsome. At worst, he was a strong and powerful man, and they were all young men. The minister looked far from the standard line.

"Younger than Rommel." Neil waved her hand indifferently, drawing a golden light in the air with her fingers.

Heimdall guessed that she must have liked the weighty ring.

Rommel rolled his eyes, "Thank you for remembering my age."

Heimdall still didn't understand, "Aren't you celebrating the holiday with Mr. Minister?"

"He wants to accompany his daughter, so I won't join in the fun."

Heimdall hesitated for a moment, but Neil smiled and said, "It's okay, we signed a prenuptial agreement when we got married, I know what I'm doing, don't worry." Then she kissed Heimdall hard on the face .

"Honey, you didn't even tell me Merry Christmas."

Heimdall smiled and said, "Merry Christmas!"

The four had a happy Christmas in the old house, but the house was very big, even with the addition of toffee and pods, it still seemed a little deserted.

Neil thought of a way. She asked Rommel to call out all the house elves working in the old house, that is, to keep them from being invisible, so that it seemed lively.

Rommel despised her whims, but after a struggle, the house-elves were brought out when they got together for Christmas Eve at night.

The elves all looked grateful. Generally speaking, house-elves were not allowed to have holidays, especially without the permission of their masters, they were not even allowed to have the idea of ​​a holiday.

With Heimdall's tacit consent, Hina prepared a Christmas gift for Dodoma, and Dodoma also prepared one for Hina, and the two house-elves exchanged their gifts like thieves.This was the first time that Heimdall saw the two of them flirting with each other, and found it very interesting.

Cheese stood in the line of house-elves without squinting. No wonder there is a house-elf for every kind of master. Cheese's way of acting is very similar to that of Snow.

After Hina finished giving her boyfriend's gift, she took out another one and handed it to Chee. Cheese was surprised, her big caramel-colored eyes widened, and Hina said, "The owner and Hina chose this together."

Cheese seemed to accept the gift calmly, but his hands trembled a little when receiving the gift.

Heimdall on the dining table was dealing with a plate of marble-colored cakes. He raised his fork and poked it down. The cake cut into the shape of sugar cubes suddenly transformed into an "Alps".

The snow-white frosting, the mango pudding-colored mountain, and the chocolate-colored foot of the mountain—majestic and spectacular.

Neil raised her head and said with great nostalgia, "Cheese hasn't been this excited for a long time."

After the Christmas dinner, they sat on the sofa in front of the fireplace drinking tea and gossiping, mainly because Snow asked Heimdall about IW junior trainees, and Heimdall told his initial impression of IW After a while, he talked about the headmaster's Pegasus kicking Judge Hollingworth's Pegasus to the ground, and also expressed his worries by the way.

Neil laughed out loud when she heard this. Although she didn't know any Judge Hollingworth, it didn't prevent her from basing her happiness on the sorrow of strangers.

Snow also looked like he couldn't help laughing.

It is not the first time that Rommel has heard of this matter, but it is still very entertaining to say it from the mouth of the person involved. He raised his lips and said: "Hollingworth is a workaholic, and he will not set aside time to think about it. For people and things that have nothing to do with me, I don't think you will have the opportunity to work with him unless it is absolutely necessary."

He took a sip of tea and said, "Among the seven trainees who took the exam with you, there is a lady with outstanding performance in her work. She was originally a top employee and key member of the International Flyway Network Management Command Center. Not to mention her professional ability, She is also very good at managing personnel. Her boss appreciates her and plans to promote her to the deputy director of the center early next year. She will be the first female official in the history of the department, but this lady is very self-motivated and gave up. This time the promotion opportunity has been transferred to the international Wizengamot."

According to what Rommel said, the lady's boss appreciated her work ability very much, and they were already planning to give her a promotion. In other words, they didn't know that she was planning to change jobs.

"I think I know who you're talking about." He had seen the seven people on the day of Heimdall's exam, and only one of them was a woman.

Before contacting his father, Heimdall seemed to understand a little bit that the lady with outstanding work ability would be assigned to work under Judge Hollingworth in all likelihood.

"Why are you talking about this during the festival? It's a disappointment!" Neil became impatient after hearing too much.

Rommel said lightly: "What do you mean not spoiling the fun?"

Neil didn't even look at him, and said directly to Heimdall: "What is Victor thinking? Isn't he graduating soon? Why do you still want to study?"

Before Heimdall could open his mouth, Rommel snorted, "Why are you talking about such a big festival, it's a disappointment!"

As soon as Neil got angry, she wanted to yell at him, but she didn't dare to do it. Rommel was not Snow, and Miss Kroom was a bit scrupulous, but it was very uncomfortable to hold it in her throat.

Snow picked up the wizard chess on the coffee table and called Rommel to play together. After a while, the two big men began to order their chess pieces to charge forward. Candy is average.

Seeing that Nell was still staring at him, Heimdall was puzzled, "Victor is going to attend the Quidditch refereeing class, didn't he tell his family?"

"I didn't hear anything about it before." Neil shook her head. "Isn't he 17? The family wants to hold a birthday party for him, and invite relatives and friends to get together—I guess it's those relatives and friends who have daughters of the right age. In the end, he said that he has arrangements, so it's not good to change his mind temporarily. Don't mention how angry Mrs. Krum is when you hear that." Neal has always called her titular grandma "Mrs. Krum".

Neil rolled her eyes and said with an ambiguous expression, "Do you have any plans for the two of you?"

Heimdall shook his head, expressing that he didn't know. It's really been a while these days, and he didn't even get through the letter.

Neil was taken aback, "Then what other arrangements does he have?"

Heimdall thought that Mrs. Krum must think that he came to "destroy" their grandparents' relationship again.

"Didn't you ask him afterward?" Heimdall said.

"I don't have time. I've been rushing to finalize my identity these days." As a woman, Neil has no romantic illusions about getting married. As she said, she has a new body. identity, that's all.

And that was exactly what pleased her most, that she was no longer a member of the Krum family, freed from Mrs. Krum, and it didn't matter who she was.

"There's no need to go on blind dates with powerful or talented elite men anymore. Mrs. Klum is very satisfied with my husband." Neil laughed at herself.

Heimdall felt sorry for her, she was a good woman, but she didn't meet a man who knew how to appreciate her beauty.


Victor arrived in the UK on the 28th. To Heimdall's surprise, Bernick also came along. After a brief greeting, Bernick rushed to Neil aggressively.

This was the first time Heimdall had seen him so angry.

"How could you do this!" Bernick glared at Nell.

Neil touched her hair uncomfortably. In the past, it was Bernick who felt uncomfortable in front of her, but today it was really a turn of events.

"Get married quietly?! You are amazing! Sister!! Minister of Magic? Congratulations on reaching the top branch!"

"Bernik..." Neil called out weakly, her face turning blue and white.

Bernick turned a deaf ear, "Do you know how embarrassing father and mother were at that time? They learned the news of their daughter's marriage from someone else. Do you know how sad they were? Mom was almost sent to the hospital!"

"What's wrong with Daisy?" Neil's expression changed drastically, and she jumped up all of a sudden.

"Mom is pregnant and almost had a miscarriage." Bernick said coldly.

Neil was almost overwhelmed by guilt, she grabbed Bernick's sleeve and asked nervously, "How is she now?"

"It's raised at home. Dad originally wanted to go there himself, but he didn't worry about mom, so I came here."

"I, I'm going to pack my luggage!" Neil ran upstairs in a panic.

There was no sound in the living room for a moment, and everyone stared at Bernick in a daze, struggling to digest the sudden and shocking news.

Heimdall suddenly woke up. He had no idea how much tofu had been eaten by his boyfriend. He looked down and saw that Victor's hand had gone into the shirt, drawing circles restlessly on his skin.

Heimdall grabbed the hand and pulled it out. Victor calmly raised his palm and kissed the ring on the ring finger of Heimdall's left hand.

"Don't worry." Victor said softly holding Heimdall.

Heimdall curled his lips, how could he not be worried, "Is Daisy very dangerous?" He tried to keep his voice as low as possible, for fear of irritating Bernick.

Victor smiled inscrutablely, raised his eyes and glanced at Bernick who was still standing in the middle of the hall, acting very heartbroken, and said loudly, "Okay, Neil is gone, stop pretending." , who is pretending for?"

Heimdall was dumbfounded.

Both Rommel and Snow were teased by him, and the two brothers looked at each other dumbfounded.

"Fake it?" Heimdall looked at Bernick in a daze. "Daisy is okay? Not pregnant?"

"I was indeed pregnant, and I was really angry at the time, but it was not as exaggerated as a miscarriage. My mother is in good health. I just wanted to scare Nell, it was so annoying!" Bernick rubbed his nose embarrassedly.

"It's fine, curse your mother for what to do, even if it's scary, you shouldn't make fun of your mother's body," Snow complained about his actions.

"My mother told me to say that." Bernick shrugged innocently.

"Daisy never pays much attention to these things, she has a very strong vitality!" Rommel was also a little bit resentful, he really believed it just now, this mother and daughter are really not a family, and it's not that their own children are better than their own, they are so free stupid.

Afterwards, the subject changed and pointed at Victor, who was hugging Heimdall affectionately, "That person over there doesn't have eyes, does he know what politeness is? There are so many vacant seats and he insists on following him." My son squeezes."


"What are you looking at?"

Startled, Harry turned his head and saw Sirius standing next to him, not knowing when he came over.

Sirius glanced at the letter in his hand, smiled and sat across from him, "Granger? Weasley?"

Harry hesitated, then said, "It's from Rigg."

Sirius pretended he didn't respond to the name, Harry could still see the stiffness and unnaturalness in his eyes.

"You guys," Sirius changed his sitting position seemingly uncomfortable. "Are you guys this close already?"

Harry called "him" Rigg?Sirius called out to Merlin in his heart.

"We've been writing letters." Harry didn't hide it from him.

"Oh." Sirius nodded, not knowing how to continue.

"Rig wrote a lot of interesting things in the letter." Harry tried a bit, and found that the godfather showed no sign of disgust, so he continued boldly. "He wrote a few small spells popular among Durmstrang students in his letter. It looks interesting. His grades in Charms are very good. I should..."

"How do you know he's good at Charms?"

"What Ron said in his letter, Percy told him."

Sirius nodded, waited for a while, did not wait for the next sentence, coughed lightly, looked away, and said vaguely: "And then?"

"I heard that he is also very good at transfiguration, as well as ancient runes and black magic..."

Sirius' eyes suddenly changed, as if caught in some unbearable memory, with a kind of abhorrent contempt.

Harry didn't dare to go on, and at the same time regretted his "gaffe".

Lupine called Harry's name downstairs, and Harry responded loudly as if he was being pardoned, and ran downstairs. When he went downstairs, he secretly glanced back. Sirius sat motionless on the sofa, with the light behind his back. , the facial features fell into the shadows, like a statue.

After a while, Harry returned upstairs again, and saw Sirius reading the letter he had just read, and couldn't help smiling.

Harry bet Sirius had no idea what expression he was reading the letter with right now.

After a while, Harry stomped on his feet twice, Sirius was startled suddenly, Harry pretended to have just ran up, walked over and sat down as if nothing had happened.

Sirius threw the letter back to him like a hot potato, "Really, I'm so old that I can't even handle a single thing." Pretending that the letter was picked up from the ground.

Harry endured the pain for a long time before he could let himself laugh.

"Rig said in his letter that he would come to see me off at the station on the day I got back to school." And Malfoy, Harry curled his lips.

Sirius said nothing, and nodded after a while.

Harry thought he must have seen it in the letter just now.

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