HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 315 Gifts

Being able to receive the admission notice from the International Wizengamot before Christmas, the previous hard work has paid off, and Heimdall regards it as an early Christmas gift.Although the self-hypnosis is quite successful, there will still be some pimples in my heart, so since I received the letter, I have been smiling all day long, in a very happy mood, and I show my teeth when I rush at others. It's right to laugh.

The Italian students who had been at odds with them were also entertained by his smiling face. His smile was as bright as the sun, but it made them shiver several times. Since then, they have detoured away when they saw him.

Carlo and other friends gave a thumbs up, praising his smile as more effective than the stinky liquid sprayed by small stones in the Gobstone game.

Heimdall felt quite innocent, he was really happy.

Those Italian students were not upright, so they looked crooked when they saw other people's shadows. They always thought that Heimdall was plotting some kind of conspiracy, and all of them were a little paranoid about being persecuted.

It’s the time to thank God again every year. I don’t know what other people think. Anyway, every Christmas, Heimdall would like to thank Heavenly Father and Son and the Virgin Mary, because we can have a holiday again.Before he was reborn, he was an atheist. After his rebirth, he showed a little awe, but it was not up to the standards of a believer.

But this year was different. He even wanted to pray in the church, and asked Victor if there were any rules when he entered the church, but he changed his mind after hearing a few words. Victor asked him why he changed his mind, and he answered confidently , "I didn't pray to God to let Him bless me to pass the exam, so I didn't have to fulfill my vow." It is quite natural to apply the saying of vow fulfillment, which is often used in Buddhism, to other people's heavenly father.

Victor laughed and laughed, but he didn't correct him. The wizard didn't believe it.

The International Wizengamot also celebrates Christmas and New Years, so the registration date indicated on the notice is in January. Heimdall happily went back to the dormitory to pack his luggage after completing the phased tests of all subjects. up.

Victor's Christmas arrangements are almost the same as last year. This year there is an extra team party. Before that, he will go back to Bulgaria to reunite with his family. He has not been back since he left home during the summer vacation.

On the first day of the holiday, Heimdall saw off his boyfriend at school, and they also agreed to celebrate the New Year together like last year. Before getting into the carriage, Victor hugged Heimdall for a long time, until the docile Siberian horse Tianma began to stomp its hooves impatiently before letting go reluctantly.

Afterwards, Heimdall went to the ancient town of Kapok, and exchanged blessings with the mother and daughter Pepper at Tong Kapok Store, and exchanged Christmas gifts in advance.Before Mrs. Pepper had time to stop, Little Pepper opened the present in front of them, then screamed with joy under her mother's disapproving gaze, rushed forward and hugged Heimdall vigorously.

"Thank you Big Boss! I like it very much!"

Heimdall gave her a flying broom with a unique shape. It feels smooth and light, and the paint is very bright and bright. In short, it is a broom that is very popular with little girls. It is said that this broom is the best seller in the same series. .

Little Pepper couldn't put it down, he kept playing with it in his hand, and couldn't bear to let it go.

Mrs. Pepper was a little worried, she was afraid that Heimdall would spend too much money.

"I'm not afraid to tell you that it doesn't cost a single Nat." Heimdall smiled frankly.

This broom was discussed by Heimdall from Xingyun Company before, and Xingyun Company provided him with two new brooms for free every year. As one of the spokespersons of Xingyun, Heimdall often received their product catalogs and read them carefully. After they sent the latest catalog, he wrote a letter to discuss with them and hoped to change one of them——to the colorful moon frog series specially designed for girls in the hands of Pepper Pepper. As a result, Xingyun Company gave away three at a time. They did not deduct his quota and gave away one more, which made Heimdall very embarrassed and wrote an expressive reply letter to express his gratitude.

Little Pepper held up the broom and said triumphantly, "I'm going to show the monkeys, I have a broom too!"

Heimdall laughed and said, "His parents also bought one for him?"

"His mother is so stingy, why..." Little Pepper covered her mouth with her hand, because Mrs. Pepper gave her a look, Little Pepper let go of her hand and stuck out her tongue, and said, "Big Badfoot bought it for him, don't you?" I know how proud he is, isn’t it just a halo, what’s so great about it.”

Mrs. Pepper looked at Heimdall in embarrassment. Although Little Pepper was experienced, she was not an adult after all, and she didn't think deeply about many things, so she had no scruples when speaking. Mrs. Pepper was hesitating whether to find a reason to let her daughter When he shut up, Little Pepper opened his big round eyes, looked at Heimdall and said, "Did Big Badfoot give Big Boss a gift? He is Big Boss' father, right?"

Mrs. Pepper cried inwardly. Just as she was about to scold her daughter, Heimdall suddenly pinched Little Pepper's nose with her fingers, "It's been so long, why are you still screaming like a big bad foot? I don't know the name of the big bad foot ?"

Little Pepper rubbed his nose and took a step away, complaining dissatisfiedly, "I know! Sirius Black!"

"Then what's my name?" Heimdall asked again.

Little Pepper blinked, "Heimdall Strulusson."

"Then it's over." Heimdall shrugged.

"Oh..." Little Pepper touched his head: "Your surnames are different."

"Mr Black is indeed my biological father, but my father is not him," Heimdall said.

Pepper was at a loss, his eyes filled with question marks.

Heimdall didn't explain anything, turned his head to meet Mrs. Pepper's slightly disturbed eyes, and took the lead in changing the subject.


When Lucius managed to get home from the pleasure party held by the officials of the Ministry of Magic on the pretext of Christmas, he saw Sirius Black sitting on the sofa in the living room with a stiff face, his wife Narcissa beside him Accompanied, two former family members occupy each side, one clasped his hands and stared unconsciously at the patterns on the wall, the other looked down at the teacup in his hand in silence, but, Black’s eyes were filled with impatience, and Narcissa’s eyes What is cold.

The air in the room was suffocatingly frozen.

Lucius mused about this scene for a while.

To be honest, Black is not suitable for the decoration style of his home at all, even if he just sits there, he looks so out of place - covered in tacky, Mr. Malfoy feels that his taste has been challenged like never before. It's quite proud of repelling each other.

His wife gave him a gentle smile, and Lucius smiled and sat beside her.

Sirius coughed.

Lucius pretended to have just seen him, showing a surprised expression: "I really didn't expect that you would be willing to come."

"If possible, I don't want to step here in my life." Sirius muttered impatiently, frowning. "Leave my godson at home alone..."

"Are you saying that I should invite Mr. Harry Potter along? Unfortunately, I have no friendship with Mr. James Potter." Lucius tightened his jaw, and then smirked. "So there is no obligation to clean up for him, including taking care of his children."

Sirius stood up all of a sudden, under the dark black hair was a pair of eyes burning with anger, Lucius suddenly became excited, he missed this confrontation, with a kind of childish expectation.

Narcissa shook his hand, and he suddenly came back to his senses, oh, yes, now is not the time to act impulsively.

"If you didn't return my letters frequently, do you think I would love to come to this place!" Sirius' eyes hardened with anger.

"That was originally the money of the Black family. You have inherited the property of the Black family. Don't you think it's ridiculous? Take your own money and pay back your own money!" Narcissa put down the glass with a "snap", seemingly unable to bear it any longer. opening.

The drawing room, almost the size of Westminster Hall, fell dramatically silent.

Sirius was still standing there abruptly, and if looks could kill, Lucius thought, he had seen Merlin several times.

There was a voice from outside the hall, and Lucius immediately recognized that it was Draco's voice. Although he couldn't hear what he was saying, the voice was jumping fast, and he seemed very happy.

After a while, the son came in, followed by another person.

Sirius sat down, picked up the glass he hadn't touched since he entered the door, and pretended to be drinking, but his eyes flicked in a certain direction.

Lucius wanted to laugh, but he tried his best not to, and instead smiled warmly at his son and nephew.

Unexpectedly, he would see Sirius Black again in Malfoy Manor, Heimdall quickly digested his surprise, sent Christmas blessings to his uncle and aunt, then nodded to Sirius, and said with a little distance: " Hello, Mr. Black."

The level of intimacy Heimdall chose made Sirius heave a sigh of relief. To be honest, even after so long, he still didn't know how to face it. Wondering whether he should analyze what this kind of mother-in-law's mood represented, he resolutely covered them up.

Look, how affectionate he was with the Malfoys, how much fun they talked about, a scene that reminded him of the Blacks he didn't want to think of, the disgustingly noble oldest Blacks.

Sirius tried hard to keep himself out of it, his eyes became aggressive with deliberate resentment, with a coldness that would surprise him even if he saw it.

Draco, who had been watching Sirius secretly out of curiosity, couldn't help being taken aback. Why did he look at Rigg with that look?While Draco was incomprehensible, he also planted the seeds of incomprehension in his heart. He believed that Sirius Black had no right to hate his cousin.It is simply unreasonable!

Draco hoped that his cousin didn't notice the terrible look, and pretended to listen to his cousin, and he was relieved that the latter seemed to be concentrating on talking to his father.

"I heard that you were speechless when you passed the examination as a junior trainee." Lucius praised his nephew's "amazing move".

Heimdall touched his nose in embarrassment. He had once again seen the Malfoy family's exaggerated defense skills.

"It's just a part-time job, not even a trainee."

"Honey, just ask your uncle to boast a few words. He has read the news from the day he heard the news to the present." It was rare that Narcissa occasionally teased her husband.

"Won't Mr. Sturluson spend Christmas with you?" Draco said suddenly.

"Why did you remember to ask this?" Heimdall laughed, Draco didn't care much about this.

"I just wanted to ask." Draco raised his eyebrows, pretending to be unhappy. "Why, can't you ask?"

"Well, tomorrow will come, either morning or afternoon." Heimdall shrugged.

Draco said again, "Aren't you going back to Iceland? I didn't know that there are many people in your family until I went back with you last time. Don't you want to get together?"

"I've never heard of a reunion. It seems that everyone lives in their own way. Besides, I'm not a serious Sturluson." At the end, Heimdall laughed at himself.

"You are the son of the head of the Sturluson family, why are you not a serious Sturluson!" Draco's voice couldn't help but a little higher.

Heimdall raised his eyebrows in confusion, feeling that his cousin has been acting weird since just now, always asking questions that he wouldn't normally ask, what's wrong with him?

Just when Heimdall was wondering, Sirius Black stood up abruptly, the cup in his hand clattered on the coaster, almost rolled down and fell to the ground.

He put the teacup on the tea table with a blank expression, his movements were very rude, and he looked more like throwing it away.

All the people on the sofa looked up at him blankly, Sirius' expression became a little gloomy, and he squeezed out a word through his teeth, "I'm leaving!"

Lucius was taken aback for a moment, and immediately stood up.

Heimdall also stood up, and raised his voice to stop Sirius who had strode out.

Sirius paused for a moment and stopped.

Heimdall walked over quickly, took out a fist-sized box and a flat rectangular box from his pocket, held them up to Sirius, smiled, and said, "Merry Christmas."

Sirius froze, lowered his head and stared at the two things for a while, then said dryly, "For me?"

"Not all of them are for you. This rectangular box is for Mr. Potter. This is the new portable broomstick maintenance box released by Nimbus this year. I remember his broom is Nimbus 2000."

"The Nimbus 2000 is in the past, and Mr. Potter has switched to using the Firebolt." Draco interjected indifferently, with a bit of yin and yang.

Heimdall was a little embarrassed when he heard this... But just as he moved his arm, Sirius snatched it away.

"Thank you, and on behalf of Harry, thank you for the gift."

"You're welcome."

Sirius suddenly turned his head away, as if he didn't want to look at Heimdall again, and his tone became sharp because of the sudden impatience.

"Damn Malfoy, why are you standing there, I said I'm leaving! Is this the way you take pride in hospitality?"

Heimdall heard the sharpness, and saw the irritability in his eyes—although Heimdall didn't understand why, for a moment, he thought he said or did something that made him angry, but there was no disgust, Heimdall Mudar found no similar negative emotions in his eyes.

Lucius was irritated by his eyes and words, but he didn't want to get angry in front of the children, especially in front of his nephew.

"I was rude, so please." Lucius walked out with a cold face.


Sirius, who returned to Grimmauld Place, rudely opened a door in the foyer as if driven by something, and rushed down the narrow stone steps. Obviously, he made too much noise, and those portraits Started screaming like hell.

The scream startled Harry and Lupine. They were playing wizard chess in the living room on the second floor. They couldn't help being startled when they heard the harsh sound, and then they both showed helpless smiles.

"I said can't you keep your voice down?" Lupine shouted.

no answer.

Harry and Lupine exchanged glances before leaving the second floor to find the door to the basement open.

Lupine tried calling again, but Sirius still couldn't hear the answer.

The two decided to go down and see what happened.

As a result, as soon as they stepped into the dark kitchen, they heard Sirius roar, "...you useless piece of trash! I put it here!"

Then Kreacher's hoarse voice said, "You burned it."

"Burn?" Sirius' voice suddenly distorted. "How could it be burned?" He seemed to be talking to himself, with a trance of wanting to prove it.

Kreacher pondered for a while, and the uncomfortable old voice sounded again, "Kreacher was going to send the broom according to your order, but you rushed over and threw the broom into the fireplace."

After a while, Sirius sat on a chair tired and depressed, muttering curses.

"damn it……"

Yes, he remembered, he had indeed set fire to it—the Firebolt that he had intended to send as a gift, after he had discovered that the kid had no shortage of broomsticks.

Harry was still a little bewildered.

Lupine understood, "Have you seen Rigg?"

Sirius stared at the flames in the fireplace absently, without saying a word.

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