HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 310 Interview

On the top floor of the house of the Wizards Union, that is, on the sixth floor above the ground, there is a terrace for parking carriages.When Heimdall sat in the carriage and looked down at the building through the window from the air, he found that the large-scale terrace was smoky gray, like the color of a concrete floor, and there were irregularly squatting semicircles protruding outwards. The glass dome, from a distance, looks like a large stainless steel plate with several marbles of different sizes.

I don't know whether it was out of fear of strangers or well-trained, but after the bloodmaned pegasus fell to the ground, it cooperated abnormally. The staff in charge of leading the horse pointed it out, and it went to one of the empty temporary stables by itself—— The manger held the unrefined lemma oats soaked in distilled spirits mixed with water.

Bloodmane was unbelievably honest and well-behaved. Heimdall, who was sitting in the carriage, stuck his head out of the window and looked forward a few times, and found that it was walking rhythmically, with its head raised high, looking smug, Majestic, like a general returning from victory on the battlefield.

Heimdall vaguely understood why the blood mane suddenly became "civilized", and immediately couldn't laugh or cry, this guy is really good at putting on a show, really like his master, he must have his horse.

There were many carriages parked on the terrace, some were occupied, some were not, and there were various kinds of Pegasus horses. Some of them were fat and strong, and their wings were so bright that Heimdall couldn't help but marvel.

Maybe these Pegasus horses aroused Bloodmane's comparison psychology?

A beautiful jade-colored Pegasus horse suddenly looked over, and the pace of Bloodmane's steps was much slower than before, and it walked in front of the horse for half a minute.

Heimdall muttered a few words in his heart.

He needs to show a certificate when leaving the terrace. Heimdall took out the one-time pass attached to the letter from the International Wizengamot. The three wizards on duty searched carefully and checked his ID card again and again. Let him into the elevator - the only way to get inside the building from the terrace is through the elevator.

With the experience of the difficulty of entering the door during the last court trial, Heimdall was already fully prepared, and he was extremely cooperative with their request. Probably because he was so cooperative, the three guards on duty skipped many inspection items instead. , otherwise it may be delayed even longer.

Temporary personnel like Heimdall are forced to go through these tedious routine searches. If it is the internal personnel of the Wizarding Union, it will not be so complicated at all, and even the inspections are symbolic.

He met an old acquaintance outside the elevator door. It was the guard on duty who chatted with him in the witness preparation room. The black robe of the International Wizengamot Special Police Unit made the guard look even colder. Heimdall nodded briefly at the moment, turned and gestured for him to follow.

Heimdall didn't dare to talk nonsense, so he followed quickly. Now it's the scheduled interview time, and he hasn't met the interviewer yet. Does this count as being late?

Heimdall felt a little apprehensive.

The elevator is set in the center of the floor, with the elevator as the boundary, the office area on the left and the court hall on the right.

The guard led him into the office area and knocked on the door of the office with the sign of "Supervision and Investigation".The office outside was empty, and the messy paper files covered the entire room like a blanket, and Heimdall was struggling between the files.

In sharp contrast to the outside, the office suite inside is small but neat and bright. Two wizards in purple robes are sitting behind the desks. Heimdall saw one of the wizards facing his chest. With the golden "W" embroidered, I couldn't help but lift up my spirits, stand in awe, and desperately remind myself to be calm.

"Thank you, Mr. Monfert." The other with his back to them turned around and smiled at the guard.

He also has a gold "W" on his chest.

The guard nodded, and closed the door behind his back when he left. It was so cool that he didn't say a word during the process.

"Mr. Heimdall Strulusson? I am Rabat Fasi."

This middle-aged wizard has auburn hair without any hair oil on it. Heimdall has seen many male wizards who like to put things on their hair, but this one doesn't, so his hairstyle looks very natural. There will be no shiny oil left on the hands, and there will be no strong scent.

His English pronunciation is very standard, but not fluent.

Heimdall shook the hand he offered, "It's an honor."

The wizard sitting across from Fassi raised his eyes to glance at Heimdall quickly, then lowered his head very quickly, and continued to dance the quill in his hand.

"Please sit down." Fassi pointed to the chair next to him.

"Thank you."

"We have seen the report card and intention statement you sent... By the way, do you want something to drink?"

Heimdall glanced at the teapot on the table, "Oh, no, thank you." The smell wafting from that teapot was too weird.

"Okay." Fasi didn't force him, and took out a document with a yellow note on it from the stack of documents next to him, and opened it.

Heimdall guessed that it might be the summary of the International Wizengamot's investigation of him.

"Your second-year school year total was first in your grade," Fassi said.

"Yes, but I added an ancient rune to my total score. My classmates in the same grade haven't taken this course yet."

"I know, but minus this course, your overall grade is still ranked first."

"I didn't pay attention to this, maybe my achievements in charms and black magic contributed a lot to it." Heimdall said calmly.

Fasi smiled, "Yes, I can see it."

Heimdall kept his mouth shut and remained silent. It is very necessary to properly show off one's strengths when applying for a job. Heimdall regards the pre-examination interview as a job application. There is no need to be blindly humble here. Excessive modesty will expose Your lack of self-confidence may also make the other party feel that you are impetuous and unsteady, which is commonly known as pride, and the scale must be grasped well.

Fassi said again, "Tell me why you want to take the International Wizengamot exam."

Heimdall thought that this question might be asked face-to-face again, and he praised the application intention by citing classics. It seems that people don't believe it. In fact, he thinks it is too stereotyped from his own point of view. , lack of human touch, and the conception is also very empty.

Even if you don't want to be honest, it's okay, as it is now, people know more details than him, and he doesn't know if he makes a fool of himself.

"At first it was for the robes," Heimdall said.

Fassi was puzzled, "A robe?"

"I worked as a clerk in Diagon Alley, England for a while, and I saw the robes worn by the judges of the Wizengamot in England. Well, I thought it looked good at the time." He touched his nose a little embarrassedly.

One of the indispensable elements of worship is uniforms. Just like many little boys worship soldiers or policemen, Heimdall especially worshiped judges in his previous life. I can't help but shine my eyes.

Fassi calmly suppressed the upturned corners of his mouth, and the wizard sitting across from him who was busy writing suddenly stopped writing and looked up at Heimdall, his eyes full of surprise.

"It was later discovered that staff at the International Wizengamo were allowed to work part-time."

Fassi couldn't help exchanging glances with his colleague, the latter frowned and continued writing at his desk, Fassi turned his head and said with a smile, "If you become the presiding judge, that is, a judge, you can't work part-time. "

Heimdall was taken aback when he heard this, "Isn't the judge internally promoted?" The appointment of the presiding judge is frozen to the outside world, not to mention the junior trainees he wants to obtain, the official trainees do not have this qualification, let alone the airborne troops. possible.

Faxi laughed after hearing this, "You don't have any pursuit at all."

Heimdall is embarrassing, what a terrible situation this is. Generally, employers want to recruit people with aspirations.

"I think the pursuit should also be practical." After a long while, Heimdall uttered these words with difficulty.

"Do you know what the junior trainees mainly do with us?"

Heimdall couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief that Fasi didn't dwell on the topic just now.

"I know." Heimdall nodded. "It's all desk work." That is, the tedious work of organizing files and the like.

The desk work of the International Wizengamot is too much and complicated. In other words, once you get stuck, you won’t have time to do other things, let alone try a case.

"That is to say, you are willing to do desk work for the rest of your life?" Faxi's words are a bit intriguing.

Heimdall didn't make a sound at first, but smiled after a while, "For me now, the definition of 'a lifetime' is too early."


After receiving the reply "We will send you the official examination notice the day after tomorrow", Heimdall left the supervision and inspection office with a sigh of relief.

The door closed behind him.

"How is it?" Fasi looked at the opposite colleague.

The judge dropped the quill, "Let them take the test together."

"Take the exam together?" Fasi hesitated for a moment and said, "Sturlusson applied for the junior trainee exam, you let him take the exam with those wizards who applied for the apprenticeship exam?"

Is it a bit too bullying?

"Since when did you know how to love others?" The sorcerer raised the corner of his mouth mockingly.

Fassi remained silent, disapproving of this decision in his heart.

"We don't need any junior trainees at all now. There was a historical premise in setting up this position. After the war, the International Wizengamot temporarily added a junior trainee to command more wizards due to the serious shortage of manpower. , Now it’s the end of the 40th century, and Muggles have started to process documents with instruments that can calculate themselves, and our place is no longer the Supreme Court in the [-]s.”

Fassi sighed, "We should have canceled the recruitment of junior trainees a long time ago."

His colleague snorted, "This is not the only thing we 'should' have done."

In fact, the International Wizengamot has not recruited junior trainees in recent years. Wizards who want to work in the Supreme Court generally need to have work experience. They were transferred from other departments of the federation, and even the trainee exams were frozen before last year, because the International Wizengamot did not require personnel transfers before last year.

And the junior trainee is just like its name, not even a reserve. To put it bluntly, it is a wage earner. Generally, wizards with a little background or smarter will not waste their time on it. If you have this energy, it is better to find a way to enter the country. The Ministry of Magic is fighting!

Faxi understood a little bit, "Do you think that kid is purely for fun? The rich young master has nothing to do to be curious about something new? When he gets tired of playing, he will pat his ass and leave?"

The Supreme Court has encountered a similar situation before, and has learned such a lesson. After successfully entering, the junior trainees are used as stepping stones, and they go around for work experience as if they are having fun. Before they can react, they apply for transfer. Yes, the Supreme Court at that time was firmly placed together.

"This question is so fluent, you must have thought about it too, right?" His colleague asked unhurriedly.

Fassi coughed unnaturally.

The background of this Heimdall Sturlusson is there, and no one can't help but take it for granted.

"If he doesn't pass the exam this time, it means that he is not capable enough, and it has nothing to do with us, so the speculation about him will be invalid. If he is lucky enough to pass the exam, I won't let him easily mix work experience... "His colleague leaned over, grabbed the paper in front of him that had been scribbled and altered, put it aside as if throwing trash, and said flatly: "There is a saying that Lu Yao knows the horsepower."


Heimdall was absent-minded while waiting for the elevator. As soon as the elevator door opened, he walked in without thinking. When the elevator door closed, he didn't see the strange look of the guard.

By the time he realized it, the elevator had already descended, and by the time he remembered which floor he was on, the elevator had already reached the sixth basement floor.

He was the only one left in the elevator at this time.

Right now it's neither the rush hour nor the off-duty time, so wizards are less likely to take the elevator.

The elevator doors closed slowly and started to go up. Heimdall hurriedly pressed the button for the top floor—he finally remembered.

The elevator stopped on the second basement floor. When the door opened, a person walked in. Heimdall and the person were stunned at the same time.

Heimdall nodded with him, and the man pressed the button for the third floor with a straight face.

The person who walked into the elevator was Chairman Garcia of the Wizarding Education Council.

Heimdall murmured in his heart that it would be great if he could meet the Bangor chairman of the Examination Management Committee, but unfortunately there is no "if" in reality.

"Hello." After the elevator doors closed, Heimdall broke the slightly awkward silence.

"Hmm." Chairman Garcia glanced at him, paused for a moment before saying, "Did the interview go well?"

Heimdall was surprised.

His undisguised surprise made Chairman Garcia feel inexplicably happy, and even had the desire to talk, "I am a chairman and an official, and there are still sources of information for this." It sounded a little proud, and it seemed to be showing off .

Heimdall nodded in a teachable manner, never expecting him to pay so much attention to himself.

At this time, Chairman Garcia might also have thought of this point, and couldn't help being a little embarrassed, and the complacency on his face also faded a lot.

Heimdall immediately said, "The interviewer told me to wait for the exam notice the day after tomorrow."

Chairman Garcia's face paled a little, and he felt a lot more comfortable in his heart. Well, this kid is quite clever, and he knows how to set a step for him.

"I'm just a little worried about the content of the exam..." came the light voice.

After Garcia heard this, he immediately looked towards Heimdall, and found that he didn't look at him at all, the words just now seemed to be talking to himself.

After a brief silence, it was Heimdall who broke it first.

"I saw an article you wrote for the "History Decoded" magazine on whether there is an inevitable connection between the two goblin rebellions in the [-]th and [-]th centuries when I was buying a book in Blue Kapok."

Garcia held back for a moment, then couldn't help but said, "Have you read it?"


"How about it?"

"It's very novel and refreshing." It's not the same as the textbook's point of view.Heimdall did not dare to say the latter sentence, because the person in front of him is also one of the editors of the history of magic textbook currently used by the German school, and he wrote the foreword.

"My articles are top notch."

"That's what I thought at the time."

Garcia was immediately elated, and he talked endlessly about the ins and outs of his writing the article, and Heimdall noticed that he was proud of his profound knowledge, especially his outstanding achievements in the study of the history of magic.

When the elevator stopped, Chairman Garcia suddenly stopped talking, and looked at Heimdall with some complicated eyes.

"You want to talk to me, Mr. Stulusson? Flatter me first, and then find a way to pry my mouth open to get the news you want when I get carried away?"

Heimdall lowered his face and did not speak, that is, he did not deny it.

The elevator doors closed again, but Garcia did not go out.

Heimdall raised his head to face him, "Your observation ability is very strong."

"But the reaction speed is not fast enough." Garcia self-sarcasm.

"It's already very fast." Heimdall pointed out calmly.

Then none of them spoke again.

When he reached the top terrace, Heimdall had just stepped out of the elevator door when he heard a voice from behind, "The examination papers for the junior trainees were once published in the internal publication of the International Wizengamot, the New Year's supplement six years ago, Blue Kapok You can find them. My suggestion is that you'd better take a look at the test papers of the trainee exams, maybe you will gain something unexpected."

Heimdall turned around abruptly, and Garcia in the elevator looked straight at him, then twitched the corners of his mouth, "Mr. Strulusson, as a child, you are so unlovable! I don't wish you success in the exam!"

The elevator doors closed before their eyes.

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