HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 298 Report

Mr. Hat stood in front of the window, looked down at the fainted person on the ground, and was speechless for a while.

...it looks like he hasn't done anything yet.

I squatted down and checked quickly, and found that the person on the ground had a cloudy and heavy breath, and his face was very ugly. It seemed that his physical condition was not good.After thinking for a moment, Mr. Hat took out a small bottle from his pocket, uncorked the stopper, and swiped the mouth of the bottle under Fleming's nose. A trace of white smoke was inhaled into the nasal cavity along with his breath.

Mr. Hat skillfully and quickly blocked the mouth of the bottle without letting the smoke leak out.

Fleming opened his eyes, his pupils dilated and his gaze straightened.

"Can you hear me?" Mr. Hat's voice sounded oddly like damp tape.

Can't hear the original tone at all.

Fleming paused for a long time before slowly turning to Mr. Hat. His eyeballs seemed to be fixed by something, his head was slightly tilted, and his straight eyes remained unchanged.

It can be seen that at this moment, the mind of the person lying on the ground is not clear, and his awakening comes from the compulsion of external forces.

And that's exactly what Mr. Hat wants to see.

If he wants to figure out what this person is going to do and whether he will hinder or threaten his protected object, the easiest way is of course to look directly at his thoughts.

Only by figuring out the ins and outs can we judge what to do next and how to do it.

"Just do whatever Chairman Sturluson tells you to do. Don't make up your own mind, let alone kill people casually."

Before leaving, the boss asked repeatedly.

Although he has always believed that killing people is the most immediate way to curb everything, but is he such an arbitrary person?I took care of it over and over again.

Thinking of this, Mr. Hat felt a little aggrieved.

Glancing at the "blind" on the ground, Mr. Hat decided to make a quick decision, turned around, and looked into his eyes...

Fleming opened his eyes abruptly. The room was pitch black. The chandelier on the ceiling was covered with cobwebs. The faint light shone into the room through the glass windows. The cobwebs reflected a cold, silver-white light. The metal bars of the army's makeshift prison overlapped.

The chandelier is like a cage wrapped by a fence, and the bugs trapped inside are doing their last struggle before dying.

Sharp fear erupted in my heart.

Fleming sat up abruptly, and looked around helplessly—this extremely small house was full of rubbish.After gasping for a few breaths, Fleming slowly calmed down. He touched his forehead and found a piece of cold dampness with his hands, and the clothes on his body were already soaked in sweat.

He had just had a nightmare, something so long ago that he thought he had forgotten.

It was the first time in his life that he assisted the Aurors in arresting the black wizard. It was also the first time in his life that he deeply realized that there are people out there, and that his Auror partner died on the street, and that black wizard was easily killed. Let the partner's life be lost along with the blood gurgling from the neck.

It is not a magic that kills with one blow. The evil dark wizards will never be generous and merciful to let the enemy taste the slightest pleasure. They will only make the opponent slowly realize that life is irretrievable, and suffer in the torment of helplessly waiting for death to come die.

"Lloyd, I'm getting colder..."

Before his death, his partner struggled to open his eyelids and uttered the last sentence with difficulty, his body slowly became stiff and cold on the concrete floor.

The wet clothes were stuck to the skin, and the fear and cold swept over him. Fleming's teeth began to chatter involuntarily, making tiny rattling noises, which sounded like drums in his ears.

Fleming didn't even have the courage to take another look at any news about the fugitive. He didn't even want to take another look at the crooked table, crouching in a corner of the room like a fearful beast, far away from the table.

Yes, he remembered.

He's no match for a dark wizard, he's no match for You-Know-Who's followers, he's no Auror.

I don't know how long it took, Fleming got rid of the shackles of fear a little bit, and his mind became active. Merlin gave him a chance, and he had to grab at least one of them.

If you can't catch Sirius, then there is only one last way.

Report to the British Ministry of Magic.

He decides to compromise with Jin Gallon, he needs money.


Leaving Fleming's cubicle, we rewind the clock a few hours.

The location is still in Kapok Ancient Town.

When the hotel with the most luxurious facilities in this town appeared in sight, Heimdall suddenly stopped moving.

Victor looked at him puzzled.

"Victor, is that guy across the road Jack? McLaren Jack of Sekmet Storm?"

Victor glanced at him, "It should be." Then he asked him, "What's wrong?"

"Today's physical examination is a group activity, right?" Heimdall continued to walk forward while holding his hand. "I've seen quite a few celebrities in the Quidditch world just now." Then he suddenly became excited again. "It's amazing, those are big stars, you actually line up with the big stars for the physical examination!"

Victor smiled helplessly, "I'm sorry, it's not what you think."

Heimdall's eyes were full of doubts.

"Our physical examination today is at our own expense." Victor told him. "The Quidditch League spends a sum of money every year for the physical examination of the aces of the top-ranked teams in the league. Don't forget, I am currently playing for the Basteto Vulcan team."

The Vulcan team has fallen from the first line. In other words, let alone the top ten, it is already considered a second-tier team in terms of ranking.

"Hurry up, hurry up." Heimdall grabbed Victor and ran forward. He thought that this inspection was paid by the public to slow down. If so, he still has to race against time.

As soon as they stepped into the lobby, they were stopped by a tall and tall wizard. Heimdall, the wizard who blocked them, looked very familiar - bean green wizard robe.

The bean green wizard robe looked at them expressionlessly, and Heimdall looked back expressionlessly.

The corners of the eyebrows of the bean green wizard robe twitched almost invisibly, but Heimdall still kept his gaze fixed.

The bean green wizard robe coughed unnaturally, and Heimdall told him "I wish you health" seemingly concerned, and the bean green wizard robe choked.

Victor held back a smile and took out the access certificate issued by the chairman of the International Quidditch League. After taking the bean green wizard robe, he was relieved, stepped sideways, and let them pass.

Different from the last time, this time the hotel has been taken over by the alliance, and no matter where you go, it is quietly empty. If you don’t see people shaking in the temporarily surrounded waiting area after going upstairs, Heimdall You'd think it's a haunted house.

Their arrival immediately attracted the attention of the people over there.

Victor didn't lead him to the waiting area. He went upstairs and took a few steps to the right. There was a round mini rest area near the window, with a low-back fabric sofa and big flowers. Parrot tulips are in full bloom on the backrest, and the cushion is light water red, which gives people a bright and warm feeling surrounded by severe cold.

"We'll wait here."

Victor pulled Heimdall to sit down.

"Do you want something to drink?"

Heimdall immediately asked, "Do you want money?"

"The alliance has contracted this place, and the money for the tea is also included in it."

Heimdall said calmly, "Then what are you waiting for?"

Victor laughed.

Even so, Heimdall didn't ask for a bunch of things viciously, but just ordered a cup of the most expensive tea here, and poured some of the most expensive liquor here in the tea.

Heimdall drank a few sips of tea, wondering if the most expensive hotel in this hotel was tricky. The tea was really not good, but he poured it down very seriously.

They were sitting right where they could see some of the situation in the waiting area.

Heimdall couldn't help asking, "Didn't you say it was going to be late? Isn't it your turn yet?"

"She made an appointment with me at this time." Victor didn't care much.

Heimdall saw the people over there looking here again, "The ones sitting there are all the aces of the first team, right?"

Of course, Victor also noticed those frequent visits, and said indifferently: "Today is a centralized examination, and several world-class doctors have been invited. As long as the alliance is notified every year for a physical examination, no matter where you live at the time Whether the field is free, the aces of each team will come."

Because this also represents your high-end status in the alliance, a symbol of strength.

Heimdall thought for a while and said hesitantly: "Since this is an internal activity of the first-tier Quidditch League team, why can we come?" Self-funded and public-funded are generally not put together.

"Because the doctor in charge of us is difficult to serve." Victor laughed.

He used the relationship of the head coach to contact the lady to ask her for a medical examination. He didn't have much hope for the result, because he had heard that the league spent a lot of money this year to ask her to check the players' health. Known for her many eccentricities, it took a long time to finalize the checkups for league players this time, which meant that she even had to screen out those who were pleasing to the eye.

Unexpectedly, what the head coach brought back was good news. The head coach, who usually doesn’t have a second expression, always looked incredulously surprised when talking to him. The lady was willing to check them and chose the location in the Kapok Ancient Town.

According to her, she doesn't like to go to other strange places. The ancient town of Kapok is very quiet, and she likes it.

You know, for her alone, other internationally renowned doctors had to give up their favorite places and come to this barren place. Several of them didn't know that there was a wizard village called Kapok in the world before.

No way, who made them inferior to others.

The power to decide is always in the hands of the strong.

"Mr Krum, Mr Sturluson."

Heimdall looked over in surprise when he heard the words, that female doctor actually ran out to "call her number"? !

He wasn't the only one who was surprised, those eyes that seemed to be paying attention were all focused in an instant.

Victor didn't show the slightest difference, stood up and said to him, "Let's go."

Heimdall quickly put down his glass.

When passing the waiting area, Heimdall saw the ace of Puddlemere United sitting on the sofa, and Barry Ryan, who is currently playing in Ireland, was standing at the other end. Otherwise, Draco could get a Ryan's autograph.

The moment Puddlemere United's ace saw him, there was a look of shock in his eyes, but he quickly calmed down and nodded to him in a friendly manner.

Heimdall felt that the way he glanced at Victor contained almost undetectable negative emotions, so he subconsciously didn't want to have more communication with this person.

Judging from the current situation, Victor and him can't fight each other at all, and they can't even be called competition.

Barry Ryan gave Heimdall a much better impression. Although he looked at them with puzzled eyes like everyone else, his eyes were clear and calm. With a kind of introverted caution in the face of strong newcomers.

No wonder wizards in England can't help but be proud when they mention him even if they choose to stay in Ireland.

Seeing this masked secret doctor again—ah, she is no longer a secret doctor, she already has a license, otherwise the league would not have asked her to give players a check-up with great fanfare.

In short, when he saw her again, Heimdall didn't know how to react. He didn't like to see doctors very much. It's not a good thing to see doctors often. In his previous life, he often dealt with doctors.

There is always some reluctance in my heart.

"The door is there, but I will not refund the consultation fee." The masked woman was still so aggressive.

Heimdall admired her sharp observation.

Victor spent a lot of money, although I don't know how many Galleons will be spent to invite her, but judging by the wealth of the alliance, it must be a lot.

"Don't you want to check? I want a full set!" Heimdall sat down on the chair in front of her, as if trying to wear the bottom of the chair.

"Grow taller." After all, Jiang is old and hot, and the female doctor blocked his counterattack with three strikes.

Heimdall was defeated all of a sudden, and he couldn't help answering all kinds of questions raised by the doctor honestly, even a little submissive. This is an old problem left over from the previous life. He dare not lie in front of the doctor. Only by cooperating with the treatment can he be saved.

After their conversation came to an end, Heimdall asked, "Doctor, do you think my body is okay?"

The female doctor smiled, because she couldn't see the expression clearly because her face was covered, but her eyes were narrowed, and the wrinkles around the eyes deepened.

"As long as you continue to follow the method I taught you, it will not be a problem to live another seven or eighty years."

"Seven to 80 years?" Victor, who had been making the scenery board next to him, snorted.

"Isn't that enough?" The female doctor glanced at him indifferently.

"Enough is enough!" Heimdall nodded his head.

Seven or eighty years, I didn't even dare to think about it in my previous life, people can't be too greedy.

"How is the external medicine I gave you last time? Is there any left?" The female doctor seemed to be casual.

"I've been using it all the time." The volume of the answer seemed to be a little lower than the original voice.

"How's the effect?"

Heimdall showed a rather tangled expression, "...haven't had a chance to know the effect yet."

The female doctor laughed again, "That medicine has the function of strengthening the body, I didn't mean..."

Heimdall was embarrassed, and seemed to have misunderstood it.

"I think it's good. I was not used to it at first, but it's just like that after using it." Heimdall suddenly thought of something, and said with bright eyes, "Your medicine really works. After using it for a while, I feel that my appetite is getting worse." It's getting better and better, and I'm eating more than before. Didn't you say that I've grown a lot taller? Look, "I rolled up my sleeves, revealing a large part of my arms, and pinched them with my hands. "Look, it's much stronger than before!"

I eat a lot because I am in the period of growth and development, and I grow fast because it is just in the golden period of body growth. As long as the nutrition keeps up, plus proper exercise, not too picky eaters, and a normal life schedule, the boy will grow stronger and stronger That's as it should be.

Seeing him elated and eloquent, the female doctor held back several times when she wanted to speak.

Heimdall's examination came to an end, and the female doctor reminded him that since he is now a mental worker, if he has to stay up all night, he should light some of her special incense in the room, although as a doctor, staying up late This behavior is highly frowned upon.

Heimdall obediently listened to the doctor's orders.

Next it was Victor's turn to check, and the boyfriend asked a very constructive and profound question——

"When can I have sex with him?"

When Heimdall heard that the buttons of his robes were buttoned wrongly.

Victor gave him a gentle smile, "Honey, don't get excited." The smile that filled his eyes was disgusting no matter how you looked at it.

Heimdall raised his hand to show that he was actually quite sure.

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