HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 281 Encountered again

Solger, who fled back to the room, leaned against the door panel for a while with lingering fear, and then slowly walked back to the desk and sat down, staring at the scenery outside the window without focus for a while, when his eyes wandered back to the textbooks spread out on the desk The corner of his mouth curled up in a bitter arc.

He also deserves to be blamed!

Recently, he misses the old days more and more. The past of the unknown Soljaer, the reincarnation status gave him a lot, and made him lose even more.

The friends around him no longer confided in him, and his peers looked at him from a distance with scrutiny and suspicion. Most of the adults flattered or talked behind his back, and even the elders who obeyed him did it for his "identity". obedience.

The reincarnation of Jolf Strulusson?

If others don't know, doesn't he himself know who he is?

He can deal with all these, because he has long been mentally prepared, and he has thought through thousands of consequences before resolutely walking into a situation full of hypocrisy.

His performance so far has been perfect, with no missteps.

Only the Great Elder, who seemed to have the same attitude before and after, made him feel really uncomfortable.

After learning that he was the reincarnation of Jolf Strulusson, the Great Elder's attitude has never changed. Thank God, he survived the initial hidden anger and suspicion. Everyone else affirmed his new identity.

But why, why is he becoming more and more restless in front of the Great Elder, and every time he looks at him, there will be a feeling of wanting to disappear from his eyes immediately.The performance of the Great Elder was obviously as kind and gentle as before, but the occasional flash of light that seemed to see everything in his eyes made him feel chills, and every time he thought something was wrong, but nothing happened, he was still reincarnated, Everyone still praised him and flattered him.Illusion, he told himself over and over again, it was all an illusion.Even so, the chill in my heart still didn't show any signs of diminishing, but instead increased day by day.

This repeated speculation and hesitation exhausted him physically and mentally.

But he will never back down, he understands that only those who have withstood the test can reap the rewards.

He has already enjoyed the incomparable sense of superiority brought by reincarnation, as well as the pleasure of looking down on all living beings from above. The wonderful feeling is growing, and sometimes he even feels that he is actually Jolf Strulusson.

He can't go back to the beginning, and he doesn't want to go back. Even if he dies, he must confirm the name of Yolf's reincarnation!

Solger, who was heartless, once again strengthened his belief in going forward, picked up the book and forced himself to memorize the content of the book over and over again, while at the same time, Lange downstairs was already sitting in the tea room leisurely tasting tea.

"What are the movements of those elders these days?"

The house-elf replied, "Still looking into the meeting of Elder Bjorn and Elder Katherina that day."

"What did they find out?" Lange asked indifferently.

"Preliminarily learned that the content of the meeting is about reincarnation."

"After checking for so many days, it's still just these? I don't think they can beat Rommel at all."

The house-elf dared not speak.

"This matter should calm down. It has been going on for so long and it has completely exceeded expectations. The elders are really old. They always like to worry about it. You can arrange it and let these elders calm down."


"How can I find a reason to appease you?" Lange thought for a while, and said, "Let those clansmen who 'accidentally' say that they leaked the party secrets 'accidentally' say that this party is reincarnation from beginning to end." In the denunciation meeting of the story, Bjorn scolded Solgel at the meeting...how to make it up is up to you." Lang suddenly smiled. "Anyway, our Elder Bjorn's reputation is already there, so he shouldn't mind taking the blame. I think he will be happy to take the blame on him."

"Yes Master."

"By the way, help me book tickets for the Vulcan game the day after tomorrow."

The elf hesitated.

"What's wrong?" Lang asked lightly.

The house elf suddenly became excited, "The day after tomorrow is the engagement banquet of the next head of the Klaus family. When you received the invitation, you said you would go there in person."

"Rommel had some conflicts with them because of a child in their family. I originally planned to go to see the situation and sing a blush to ease the relationship between the two families, but now I have changed my mind."

As for why it was changed, Lange did not say.

Even if he didn't understand, the little elf still kept quiet. It's not his job to ask questions, his job is to execute them.

Langer suddenly thought, "Is the Heimdall information you collected last time still there?"

"It's always on your desk."

Lange picked up the teacup and said, "Rommel is really lucky. Does he mean that he has done it unintentionally?"

The house-elf remained silent.

"If he wasn't Jolf's reincarnation, I might like him a little more."

Who is this "he," the house-elf wondered?Master Solger?Or...Master Heimdall?


After lunch, Heimdall found that Victor still had no intention of going to the arena, so he couldn't help asking curiously, "Aren't you Quidditch players very particular about entering the arena in advance?"

"It's okay, I have a sense of proportion." Victor seemed to be under no pressure.

There was a Puddlemere United game this morning. Draco went out early in the morning to cheer for his national team. Heimdall asked Hina to follow him. It is better to have a house-elf to take care of him than to run around alone. Going would be reassuring, although it wasn't the first time Draco had gone out alone.

Heimdall thought about it and decided to leave early.

Leaving Luoyue mansion, he went to the door key distribution center familiarly.

When Victor looked back again with an excuse, Heimdall squeezed his hand, looked straight ahead and said, "Don't worry, if that wizard really wants to do something to me, I might not be here long ago."

Victor froze for a moment, staring at Heimdall nervously, "You already found out?"

"I discovered it the day after I moved into Luoyue mansion." Heimdall laughed heartlessly. "At first I thought I was nervous, but it turned out that someone was indeed following behind, but they kept hanging at a close distance, so I asked Hina..."

"What did she say?" Victor asked hurriedly.

"She said she couldn't speak."

Victor frowned, "Does that mean she knows?"

Heimdall laughed, "The so-called 'can't speak' is actually a code between us. If you can't speak, it means there is no danger." Speaking of this, he sighed. "Xina is my house elf after all. Others have no right to use her at all, and those who can use her...Since they all choose to pretend to be deaf and dumb to me, thinking it is good for me, why should I do that What about the person who poked the window paper!"

Victor smiled silently and patted his head.

Adults are like this. Once something happens, the first step is to hide it from the children and try their best to whitewash the peace.

"Wait," Victor suddenly thought, "What you just said is true, how do you know that wizard is so powerful?"

Heimdall sighed, thinking he had been fooled, "Can you not be so sharp?"

Victor smiled silently, but his eyes were firm.

Heimdall surrendered, "Since Xina confirmed that there was no danger, I ran to talk to him curiously..." The following words could hardly be heard, because Victor's face suddenly became ugly.

Victor was as pleasant as he could be, though it was hard, "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything..." Seeing that Victor's face had turned black, he shook his head hastily. "Really did nothing!"

Victor rubbed the bridge of his nose, "How on earth did you talk to him?"

"I didn't want to talk to him at that time, I just couldn't help leaning over to have a look, but no matter how I walked, the wizard kept a basic distance." Heimdall smiled embarrassedly. "So I asked Hina to lead the way. I wanted to go the other way and run behind him to try..."

"The result?" Victor's eyebrows twitched.

"It turned out that we met face to face."

Heimdall was squatting next to a trash can and stretching his head, and the wizard appeared next to him silently. If it wasn't for Hina's scream of "ah", he would still be looking around in a daze.

I feel ashamed every time I think about it.

He and the wizard looked at each other for a long time, as if neither of them planned to say anything.

Heimdall didn't know what the wizard thought, but he seemed to have lost even the most basic thoughts of striking up a conversation.

Dressed in black from head to toe, Heimdall felt remorseful for the wizard's taste in dress. He looked like a killer, and it was absolutely impossible to say that Heimdall had no idea.

It's too reckless, he scolded himself in his heart and at the same time became a bit more vigilant, he should cultivate some sense of crisis.It's true that I've lived a leisurely life and I'm used to it at ease. Just now, when my mind got hot, I didn't think about it at all.

How do people who can't even see their five senses communicate?Heimdall swallowed, and pretended not to know anything.

He seemed to stand up calmly, but the wizard suddenly moved, causing Heimdall to shrug his shoulders in shock. When he realized that he had only moved a small step, his face immediately twitched, which was very embarrassing.

As a house elf, Hina felt that the black-robed wizard might be stealing some fun, and wanted to take the opportunity to tease her master—after all, house elves are delicate and fragile creatures.

Heimdall was so embarrassed that he was about to run away with his head in his arms, but he turned back after running a few steps away.

Hina thinks that the wizard must be very surprised. Although the five sense organs are unknown, mental activities are not only shown on the face, body language and other aspects are also involved.

Hina was also curious about what her master was going to say, so seeing Heimdall three steps away, she asked cautiously, "Did you use Apparation just now?"

The black robe wizard did not speak.

Heimdall didn't care either, he didn't expect this person to answer at all, but when he thought of just now sneaking out of nowhere, but he couldn't figure out what was going on, he felt itchy in his heart. He couldn't stop himself from saying this.

Seeing that this person did not respond as expected, Heimdall was relieved to give up. It might be someone's bottom line, so naturally he refused to tell others easily.

Heimdall didn't care about the wizard's next reaction at all, he nodded to him with peace of mind, turned around and left, his steps seemed to be quite light, and his expression was quite peaceful.

The black-robed wizard was dumbfounded—Xina figured it out on her own.

Victor grabbed Heimdall's shoulders after listening to him, and seriously criticized and educated him. Seeing that Heimdall's attitude was more sincere and he admitted his mistakes more simply, he nodded in satisfaction.

"You must think twice before acting." The boyfriend is still not very relieved.

Heimdall nodded his head, "Well, let's go later." He kept thinking about it.

"What are you thinking about?" Victor couldn't help asking curiously, all in a daze.

Heimdall's expression was tangled, "According to the magic principle of apparition..."

As soon as the conversation started, Victor couldn't help laughing out loud.

After arriving at the venue, he and his boyfriend separated from each other. At the entrance of the auditorium, we ran into an elated Draco. Without asking, he knew that Puddlemere United won a big victory. After all, he lived in the UK for several years. I have a lot of affection for that country, so I also became happy.

It would be great to have someone to share the joy with, it seems to be more exciting than being happy alone. Draco saw that his cousin didn't become a chicken stomach due to the previous shock, so he secretly made up his mind to wait for a while. Krum must work hard when he is on the court, and repay his cousin's "love house and black".

The two cousins ​​were in a good mood and followed the seat number. As soon as Draco sat down, the person next to him felt the movement around him and glanced back. When he saw that face, Heimdall's face immediately changed. Broken down, the boss is not happy.

Why did I run into him again! ! !

Of course, you can't drive your cousin to sit next to the old man. This kind of behavior of "dead friends don't die poor people" is unacceptable, at least you can't do it to your family members.

Heimdall sat down expressionlessly.

"You're late." The old man seemed quite unhappy.

"I only watch the Basteto Vulcans."

The old man frowned, "Didn't you say you're not a Vulcan fan?"

Heimdall said lifelessly: "I am training myself to become a fan."

The old man curled his lips, and after getting along with him a few times, he found out Heimdall's tone a little bit, and he didn't have a good impression of himself, so he always put on a bad face to let himself retreat in spite of difficulties.

Lange smiled secretly, although the child's way of waiting for work with ease is good, but it is a bit naive.

Not everything in this world can go well.

Heimdall is also thinking, doesn't this old man dislike him very much, why does he come here again and again to "dislike him"?Could it be that his attitude wasn't bad enough?Isn't it obvious enough?

Elder Lange had never had any contact with Heimdall in private. What he saw was the side of Heimdall he was willing to show him. Naturally, part of what Lange learned came from the collected information. Heimdall who gave him a good look.

Elder Lange didn't even know that Heimdall didn't want to get close to him at all, nor did he want to shorten the distance between the two of them, or have a close relationship at first sight or something, he didn't want to, so he deliberately magnified his own negativity Emotions, if you want the other party to be interested, you will be discouraged, and you don't want the other party to not accept the move.

Heimdall never forgot and did not dare to forget. The way the old man looked at him when they met for the first time that day, although it was too fast to be grasped, what flashed in his eyes was an unquestionable murderous look.

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