HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 262 Uncle, Dad, and Grandma

The Krum family and the Stulusson family and relatives met at the entrance of the cafeteria, and then went separate ways.

Lucius and Osam go on a campus tour, with Draco as a guide.

Lucius and Otsum graduated from the same magic school and both worked in the British Ministry of Magic.Their Minister of Magic is a suspicious wizard all day long, and he loves to worry that others will gang up behind him and want to rebel.The two acted very cautiously in the ministry, and they were both self-sacrificing and self-sufficient people. They decided to take this opportunity to speak freely, complain about the frequent personnel changes in the ministry, and catch Fuji's pigtails.

Draco didn't know what the two adults were thinking. He was excited and proud to lead his father in the Durmstrang College in a foreign country, and his walking became brisk.

The Krums are going to take a stroll through the trophy window, with Victor and Bernick leading the way.

Daisy wanted to stay with her natal family and chat, so she followed Rommel and Snow to the No. [-] Greenhouse led by Heimdall.

As soon as she entered the door, Daisy was completely fascinated.

Greenhouse No. [-] is the smallest of all the greenhouses in the German school, but it is the one with the most complete facilities. There are whirling green shades, overflowing fragrance of flowers, colorful fallen flowers, and gentle animals... German school There are no female students, if there are any, this place must be the most frequented place for girls.

The last time the girls from Beauxbatons were here they were here all day.

Heimdall also has his own reasons for liking Greenhouse No. [-]. At first, he was not conquered by flowers and plants.This greenhouse has a glass wall that is very different. The glass wall to the right of the Yangxiao Tianmadi Waterfall fountain in the center of the greenhouse is covered with large and small circular wooden grilles, and each circular grill has another embedded one. At first glance, the hollow diamond-shaped squares look like "Brother Kong Fang" of different specifications densely covering the wall.This is a large part of the reason why Heimdall fell in love with this place at first sight, and then it became a must-see place for daily dating.

Today, the benches next to the hot spring were removed and replaced with groups of tea seats for people to rest. The black cast iron is matched with grass green and mustard yellow woven cushions, surrounded by green shadows, and the flowers and trees are sparse. It looks fresh and pleasant. Tourists flock to and fro.

Four of the five groups of seats have been occupied. Daisy rushed to sit down in two steps in three steps, while another lady stopped behind the chair and left in embarrassment.

Rommel shook his head, then sat down, and Snow and Heimdall also sat down.

The tea was delivered quickly, Heimdall ordered herbal tea, and Mr. Follett's herbal tea made him fond of it.

The tea and snacks served by the German school today are the famous emerald series of green kapok, which has a strong flavor of late spring. Although it is in the snow-covered Durmstrang Mountains, it seems to be wandering in the refreshing greenery of early summer.

The wizards who have tasted it are full of praise, and today's sales are estimated to make the boss's mouth crooked.

"It's really nice here. I didn't know there was such a good place in Durmstrang." Daisy put down the glass while complaining about her son's carelessness, and let out a comfortable breath.

"We can't blame him. Bernick didn't fall in love at school." Rommel said slowly.

Heimdall drank his tea in silence.

Daisy suddenly smiled.

"How are you doing there?" Rommel turned to his brother.

Snow shook his head: "I have already handed in my resignation letter. Mr. Bagman told me to do some research, and handed it over to the minister as soon as I left."

Rommel was well aware of Fudge's way of doing things, "That is, it didn't work out." He said an affirmative sentence.

Snow shrugged his shoulders, as if he was resigned.

"What's going on? Why did Snow resign?" Daisy had never heard of this before.

Heimdall also expressed concern, Snow loves Quidditch so much, why didn't he stop doing it?

"I asked him to resign. I think Britain may not be peaceful in the future." Rommel cut to the chase. "Some time ago, the Minister of Magic of Iceland revealed to me that he intends to retire. He also told me that the current director of the Department of Magical Sports and Sports has Ansheng at home. He has decided to resign and go home to 'self-cultivate the family'. He also approved it. Let me recommend it. A candidate." At this point, he bowed his head and took a sip of tea, put down his cup and continued, "Our family has not been involved in the Icelandic Ministry of Magic for many years, and the current minister still has a little bit of ties to our family. It will be very troublesome to intervene after he retires."

Heimdall agrees with this point. Once the emperor and courtiers, the successor Minister of Magic will definitely promote his cronies, and those who are close to the former staff will be left out in the cold and will not be reused.

"Who is the successor to the head of the Magical Sports Department elected by the Icelandic Ministry of Magic?" Daisy asked.

"It's hard to say. I heard that there is a lot of competition and everyone has a chance."

"It looks like the current minister wants to make a big deal out of it."

Rommel nodded, "Give Snowden a place."

In a blink of an eye, Heimdall suddenly understood, "Your ultimate goal is to allow Snow to successfully run for the post of Minister of Magic of Iceland one day?"

Snow looked at Heimdall in surprise, he never expected that he could follow the clues and see through it so quickly.

Rommel didn't seem surprised, he touched his son's head with a pleasant smile, and his expression showed a look of relief.

Daisy saw it and nodded in her heart.

Every time she thought of the high profile of the Kroner family, she felt as if she had eaten a fly. It seemed that Anar's succession was a certainty.Usually speaking, I don't know how to leave some leeway for myself, but those people in the family who are full and supporting themselves still like him, and they talk about everything.

Rommel is not dead yet!

Daisy has always disliked Kroner and his grandson Anar, just because she couldn't understand their behavior. The only person she wanted to make friends with was the unfavored son Hoffman, and his wife was also very interesting.

I just don't know what Rommel thinks specifically, and whether he has any intention to let Rieg...

In a daze, Daisy heard Rommel's voice: "... intends to... buy the manor..."

Daisy suddenly came back to her senses, staring and said, "Margaret's manor is for sale? How can it be done! It is the property left to Lige, and it cannot be moved!"

"The local Muggle government has sent several groups of people to discuss this matter. The assistant told me that they have raised the price by another third. The intention to buy is very sincere."

Daisy still shook her head: "I don't think it's good to sell it rashly."

"I thought so too at first." Rommel frowned slightly.

Many wizards have a natural sense of rejection towards Muggles. Selling their own things to Muggles will cause lumps in their hearts. Although the house was originally built by Muggles, they will subconsciously disapprove of the things they own flowing into the Muggle world. .

"This is Rigg's property, ask him what he means." Snow said as a bystander.

A man and a woman looked at Heimdall at the same time.

Heimdall said: "Why did the local government buy the manor? What are you planning to use after buying it?"

"It is said that it will be converted into a museum to promote local tourism." Rommel said. "I also visited that manor back then. The facilities are very complete, and there is a small racecourse. My assistant said that the Muggle scholars who studied ancient architecture spent a whole day in the manor, and the sun was about to go down. Still unwilling to leave, he was very obsessed, and said a lot of technical terms that he didn't understand, anyway, it meant that he was extremely respected and rare."

"The house is really mine already?" Heimdall said uncertainly after a moment of silence.

All three adults nodded.

"Then sell it."

The Sturluson brothers smiled, said nothing, and respected his decision.

Daisy persuaded him unwillingly: "Are you willing? That house is very valuable!"

It is said that the manor used to cost a lot of money every year just to repair it, and the gains outweighed the losses, so it was still handed over to the local government to make overall arrangements.

"It can still be used in exchange for currency, but the house is dead. I will definitely not live in it in the future. It would be a waste to put it there." Small farmers in Heimdall are used to it, and they don't have the foresight of the upper bourgeoisie. He was more at ease in the bank.

Daisy was speechless.

Heimdall hesitated again, "I just feel sorry for your eldest sister." He couldn't say grandma, and he felt that it was impolite to call her Margaret directly, so he was still vague after thinking about it.

Daisy smiled, her gaze was exceptionally soft, and the slight discomfort in her heart disappeared immediately.

"Since it is entrusted to you, it is up to you to decide whether to stay or not. Margaret was a self-willed person who did her own way when she was alive. Even if she is still alive, she will not blame you."

Heimdall nodded, not paying attention to Daisy's mood swings. After pondering for a moment, he said, "It's safer to sell it earlier, otherwise the house will be turned over with potholes, which will easily attract the attention of local residents."

"There are already such problems," Rommel said. "One of the representatives sent by the Muggle government to communicate was a garden expert. After walking around the house, he said strangely that they rarely saw moles there. Why are there so many holes in and around the manor, and there are many plants? The root system of the plant was gnawed away. My assistant felt that it was not good, so he gave up continuing to pretend to be false, and came to inform me to make an idea as soon as possible."

Goblins like to go to the wizard's yard to dig holes and eat crops, turning the yard into a mess.Since taking over the management of the house, Rommel will regularly send assistants and house elves to repair and clean or communicate with local residents. Over time, the goblins are recruited.

A courtyard with goblins will reveal that there are wizards living in this house. Ordinary people don't know the existence of the wizarding world, so things become complicated.

"So no goblin came to the door?" Heimdall felt strange, Margaret was not a Squib.

"The house was bought by Margaret's husband before his death, and there was no chance to live in it," Rommel said.

Heimdall asked curiously, "What kind of person is her husband?"

"A profiteer!" Daisy said decisively.

Heimdall saw that she didn't want to talk more, and the other two also lacked interest, so they touched their noses and didn't ask any more questions.

After talking about a bunch of serious topics, Daisy started to gossip, grabbed Heimdall and said excitedly, "Have you ever seen that girl?"

Heimdall looked at her puzzled.

"It's Delacour." Daisy said hurriedly.

Heimdall was stunned, "Yes, Beauxbaton came to the school to cheer with the cheerleaders during the competition."

"What a beautiful girl." Daisy sighed.

Heimdall nodded. Delacour is indeed beautiful. In terms of facial features, she is the most outstanding girl among all the girls Heimdall has seen so far. Although Anita Slivan is also very charming, but Delacour Apart from being beautiful, Er Sheng possessed a charming charm that attracted all the attention inadvertently.

This allure is very lethal to men.

But Heimdall didn't make a fuss. If he hadn't met Duncan's aunt, he might have been as shocked by Fleur Delacour as the boys in the school.

Daisy continued: "I saw her running to talk to Bernick, thinking that our son was finally missed by someone, and also by such a beautiful girl. Vidin and I were so excited, but... "Speaking of this, I sighed regretfully.

"Does she only talk to Bernick?" Heimdall seemed to be carelessly lowering his head and drawing circles on the teacup wall.

Daisy patted his hand: "She also talked to Victor, but your boyfriend didn't respond very much." Sighed again. "A waste of money, such a beautiful girl, she doesn't know how to be sympathetic, she doesn't know what to do, what a piece of wood!"

Heimdall raised his eyes abruptly, the displeasure in his eyes was obvious, he obviously didn't agree with Daisy's conclusion, and wanted to defend Victor.

Seeing that Daisy's eyes were full of playfulness, she immediately lowered her head in embarrassment and continued to draw circles.

Daisy laughed.

The two men on the opposite side looked at each other amidst laughter, one elongated his face, and the other shook his head and smiled wryly.

Daisy still had a smile on her lips. Before coming here, Anna once complained that seeing Rigg get along with her son, she always felt that Rigg was quite passive. It gave her the feeling that Victor was hot on the head, and she was guessing while worrying. Rigg likes Victor far less than Victor likes him, so he feels uneasy and can't let go.

Daisy understands Anna very well. She also has only Bernick as a baby bump. No matter how her son is good, the problem must be on the other party. Mothers are inherently arbitrary and selfish.

Now it seems that it's not that Rigg is passive, and it's not that he doesn't like Victor enough, Rieg just doesn't show it.

Who said that talking about love all day is the expression of true feelings and the testimony of love!

Daisy thought about it, and decided to talk to Anna after going back later.

Daisy nudged Heimdall's arm with her elbow, and said with a smile, "How about that Miss Slivan? I've heard about it..." leaving behind a series of weird drawls.

Heimdall said uncomfortably: "It's nothing, you don't want to see the wind and the rain."

"That's what Mademoiselle Delacour is."

Heimdall didn't know why.

Daisy leaned into his ear and said: "Just now in the cafeteria, Delacour was elated with what Bernick and Prodi said in a few words. I know my son in my heart. I think Anna is very fond of Delacour Maybe I didn't like her. I would talk to her at first, but then I stopped talking completely. I have been with this sister-in-law for so many years, and I still have a certain understanding of her personality. She is actually a relatively conservative person. Maybe she thinks that virtue Lacour's behavior today was too frivolous and sloppy, and he rushed to strike up a conversation but didn't know how to measure it, so he was a little displeased, but Prodi didn't take it easy, and kept praising her, Anna's face was a little uncomfortable .”

Maybe Victor's father still hopes deep in his heart that his son can marry a girl and go home to have children!

Heimdall felt a little depressed in his heart.

"I've heard that Mademoiselle Delacour is not a very articulate person."

Daisy smiled faintly, "I heard that the eyes grew in the wrong place. I don't know why, but they went up to the top of the head."

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