HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 244 The Competition in the Ice and Snow

"The latest news is that Suarez has abstained." Carlo said to several friends at the dinner table.

Everyone present was taken aback.

"They have all made it to the semi-finals, and if they fight harder, they might win the final!" Draco was furious.

From Master Malfoy's point of view, his school is not weak, but just unlucky, so he has always been worried about Hogwarts' failure to make the top four.The outside world also unanimously believed that the Suarez School of Magic defeated Hungary because of great luck. Therefore, Draco did not have a good impression of this school that occupied the semi-finals by luck alone.

"Luck doesn't come just by saying it," Caro said. "The league suspended the game a while ago because of the broom problem, and the schedule of Suarez and Heideggerak had to be postponed day by day. According to this situation, the two schools may have reached some kind of agreement in private."

Draco was still outraged.

Leon said: "It is clear at a glance which of the two teams is strong and which is weak. Suarez is also sober, knowing that he came up by luck and entered the semi-finals-this is their last stop in the Youth Cup."

"They're the biggest dark horses in this tournament," Ryan said.

"Who said that the biggest dark horse should be Heideggerak." Heimdall shook his head while chewing.

All the people around him looked at him for a moment.

"What's wrong?" Heimdall was at a loss.

"I don't know why, although the facts are true, but it is not convincing when you say it out of your mouth." As in the past, the analysis emperor is always played by Carlo.

Heimdall was speechless for a moment, and then pretended to be ignorant: "What is Heideggrak? I haven't heard of it."

The others suddenly laughed.

"Hey, which side are you cheering for in the final?" Carlo asked.

Heimdall gave him a blank look: "Is there still a need to ask this question?"

"Why can't you ask! This question is very realistic. It depends on your position, whether you are on the side of your alma mater or the side of your family."

Heimdall realized that he had no sense of substitution at all, so he shook his head: "I have already expressed my position with my father, of course I have to stand on the side of my alma mater, even if Heideggerak is related to the family? I am in Durmster Lang Junior College, I am a student here."

"Good boy! Good boy!" Carlo patted his head with a "kind" expression.

"Go!" Heimdall refused him to take advantage of himself.

"When our school played against Gadronbo, all the Italian students in the school went to cheer for Gadronbo," Ryan suddenly lowered his voice when he said this. "It's the leader led by La Carlini. Go, what the hell! Show off your power in school, but turn out to be a person who eats inside and outside."

"La Carlini?" Draco was confused.

"Children, don't ask too much, it's not a good thing." Rian put a plate of raspberry cake in front of Draco, and Draco was dumbfounded by him.

"I'll explain to you later." Heimdall smiled at his cousin.

Satisfied, Draco picked up a small spoon and started to eat bit by bit.

"That is to say, there are only two games left in the European Division, a championship final and a final for the third place?" Heimdall said.

"There is no third place final. It seems that Liechtenstein is the third place." Carlo broke the news for the second time.

Everyone was surprised for the second time.

"Why?" Ryan exclaimed. "Is Liechtenstein up to something again?"

Take a look at the impression left by the Liechtenstein School of Magic on the students of the German School.Heimdall shook his head secretly.

"I want to think so too, but unfortunately not." Carlo sighed regretfully. "Also because Suarez abstained."

Everyone's faces became weird.

"They forfeited two games? The third place is handed over to others?" Heimdall asked in surprise.

"Look, how thorough they are." Carlo curled his lips mockingly. "I doubt very much that even if the game had been fairly flat, without what happened with Liechtenstein, without a postponement, no matter which team was drawn, they would have forfeited."

Suarez's "knowledge of current affairs" is really ironic.

"It's really cheap Liechtenstein!" Lian complained.

"I think it's pretty good. The venue for the third-place finals is also our school. It's out of sight and out of sight. I probably won't have many chances to see them again in the future." As the so-called matter has nothing to do with himself, Carlo is more open-minded.

"Anyway, it's also a third place. The top three, who can win the trophy, why is Liechtenstein? Even Gadronbo in Italy is better than Liechtenstein!" Rian was still a little annoyed. "As far as I can see, they can't get the best of anything!"

Draco pushed the raspberry cake in front of him and said, "What a kid, don't be angry, eat the cake."

Everyone laughed.

Lian thought helplessly that this kid really held grudges, and then nodded: "Yes, we are both children, no matter the mess." After speaking, he picked up the spoon and started to eat.

Carlo took out his notebook and turned to a blank page. He hesitated when he wanted to write, and looked up at Heimdall: "What title do you think should be used for this competition?"

"Are you writing a report?" Heimdall said.

Carlo replied calmly: "Please respect personal hobbies."

Lian came over and said, "Do you like to have fun alone or with others?"

"It depends on the reaction of the masses." Carlo suddenly pretended to be deep.

Lian couldn't bear his flirtatiousness, and immediately exposed it to the public: "His school newspaper plan has been repeatedly frustrated, and the student union didn't give him any face. All the applications he submitted were rejected, so he wanted to distribute small advertisements by himself."

Carlo raised his head: "Look at it, as long as more people read it, the school newspaper will definitely be able to run."

Heimdall appreciated his spirit, "But will your behavior annoy the student union?"

"Why are they annoyed? When people ask me questions and want to read what I write, do I still pretend to be deaf and dumb? It's so unfriendly!" Carlo plausibly said.

Ryan waved his hand: "Rigg, seeing how pitiful he is, please do me a favor and give him a good name."

"I can't guarantee that." Seeing that they were all looking at him, Heimdall said, "How about calling it 'Ice and Snow Competition'?"

Carlo thought it was good. It is said that the environment in Heideggerach is similar to here, it is snowy and cold, and the finals are set in Durmstrang, which is thousands of miles away.

"Okay! Just use this title." Carlo said to Heimdall. "When the school newspaper is launched, I will create a separate column for the experimental research department."

Heimdall patted him on the shoulder: "Don't be in a hurry to write a bad check, you should settle the matter in front of you first."


Suarez is really a blockbuster if he doesn't make a name. Two consecutive abstentions made this little-known magic school suddenly fired and known to everyone in Europe.Some people praised them for their self-knowledge, while others denounced them as cowards. Those who scolded them most were those magic schools that participated in this competition but missed the final due to their limited strength.

In any case, the fact is that Suarez is on fire, and he has been in the limelight for a while, even overshadowing the two magic schools that are about to start the championship competition.

Although Karkaroff gritted his teeth at the photos of the event in the newspaper, complaining that Suarez stole the limelight, he would continue to look down after gritting his teeth, and now he can only scold the other party in his heart It was bloody, because he was too busy, busy receiving guests, busy flattering, busy attacking, busy pretending, busy playing the role he played.

Igor Karkaroff can be regarded as the most dedicated headmaster since the founding of the German school.

Suarez's abstention and the league's decision to hold the finals ahead of schedule were announced at the same time, at the same place, and by the same spokesperson. The uproar of public opinion can be imagined.

In order to show their concern for this competition, the Ministry of Magic of various countries who got the news hastily selected candidates to go to watch the competition.Magic schools all over the world also took action one after another, organizing teams to watch the game.In short, everyone rushed towards Durmstrang in unison and scrambling to be the first, and no one wanted to lag behind.

Durmstrang, which didn't stop for a long time, became lively again, even more lively than before.

Only the schoolwork will not be affected. The German school students have the same schedule as before. They should study, memorize, and take exams.

Heimdall's whimsical wish to avoid the quizzes on Potions and History of Magic was in vain. After the exam, he held the Potions textbook tearfully and gnawed hard.

Carlo tried to persuade him several times, "What are you looking for after the exam is over", but when he saw that his face was pale, he swallowed the words again.

For this reason, Draco had a deeper understanding of his cousin.

Although Draco was extremely disdainful of Suarez's retreat, he was still a little excited. Originally, according to the schedule of the education committee, they would not be able to see the finals, especially because of the broom. , Draco was even less hopeful.However, the broom incident also disrupted the plans of the Education Committee, and many arrangements had to be adjusted accordingly. Suarez's abstention made the progress of the competition just catch up with the progress of the Education Committee. This time Draco can wait in peace. It's the day of the final.

Therefore, Master Malfoy decided to show mercy and not bother with the spineless Suarez.

In the afternoon of that day, the Education Committee and the Examination Management Committee convened students to carry out another round of teaching material compilation and other work as usual, and the two committees were still in peace with each other.

As for Carnot François Orville, who quit early because of that regrettable "magic accident", it seems that it has been erased from everyone's minds for many days, and the students avoided talking about it tacitly. It's as if this person never showed up.

Heimdall overheard a few foreign school students talking and laughing with Kano talking about Kano behind his back, and they seemed to be quite resentful towards him in their words, which was extremely unbearable.Although Heimdall had some complaints about Kano, the behavior of these students made him very tired.

"Sturluson, I'm talking to you!" Bangor noticed that Heimdall was absent-minded, so he patted his head with a book. "What are you thinking? You're so ecstatic."

"It's just a sudden emotion." Heimdall rubbed his nose in embarrassment.

"What are you feeling?"

"The wall is falling and everyone is pushing."

There was a flash of clarity in Bangor's eyes, then he laughed, and patted Heimdall's head with his book again: "That's what he did to himself, why do you care so much!"

"So I was just thinking about it." Heimdall stroked his head seemingly aggrieved.

Bangor opened his mouth to say something, suddenly raised his eyebrows, and let out a short hum. Heimdall followed his gaze and turned to look, and found a group of wizards entering the large classroom under the guidance of Principal Karkaroff .

There was a commotion at the end occupied by the Education Committee. All the students present stood up, rested and stood at attention, their eyes flashing with surprise.

"Professor!" "Principal!" They shouted one after another, as excited as seeing their relatives.

Bangor whispered to Heimdall who also stood up, "All the principals are here."

Heimdall also replied in a whisper: "Well, I have seen some of them." He saw Mrs. Maxim standing out from the crowd, but the most eye-catching one was Albus H. Dumbledore, as famous internationally for his floor-dropping cloak as he is for his stature.

The principals smiled at their students. Naturally, the principals would not begrudge the gentleness of the children who gave them faces.There are also those who are indifferent, and those who look on are the school principals who have no chance to take the exam.

Among them, Hogwarts is the most beautiful one. A total of four students were selected, and the headmasters envied and envied Dumbledore.

Dumbledore greeted her briefly, and Hermione answered every question in detail, and it was obvious that she respected her headmaster very much.

Ravenclaw boys and Hufflepuff girls are not as excited as Hermione, but they are only slightly better. When they suddenly see their headmaster in an unfamiliar environment, ordinary children will of course feel close.

Only Draco didn't change his face, and said a few words to the principal a little coldly.

Dumbledore smiled kindly, he was used to the attitude of Slytherin students.He wanted to love Slytherin as well as Gryffindor, but they always armed themselves with unkind indifference, and Dumbledore had hit the nail on the head countless times over the years.For the children of this academy, Dumbledore was helpless.

After a long time, those principals who watched with cold eyes saw the difference in the classroom.

"Why is Mr. Bangor sitting so far away? What's the matter with that child?" They felt very strange. Seeing this posture, it seemed that they were fighting against each other. Didn't they mean that the two committees were jointly organized?

Chairman Garcia of the Education Committee suddenly said with deep meaning: "That child is Bangor's fancy."

Although his words are cryptic, the principals are not fools, and they will naturally feel the meaning of the words after a little pondering.

The principals couldn't help but look at each other, that is to say, this is Cardiff Bangor's personal behavior?Thinking of this, many principals suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Karkaroff secretly gritted his teeth, really wanting to throw some Unforgivable Curses at Garcia, he regretted it, he shouldn't be in the spotlight in such a scene, he should find a place to hide the first time he saw Dumbledore, At this moment, Karkaroff sincerely wanted to call Felix Katenin.

The author has something to say: Brain Filling Small Theater - Caught Wrong (Scene [-])

Escorted by a group of neat armored knights, the gorgeous carriage pulled by two silver-maned horses moved slowly along the tree-lined path.

As the convoy passed through the dense woods, a light suddenly dawned on them.

The warm sun, the golden wheat waves, the criss-crossing country roads, and the unpretentious autumn scenery of the countryside make people feel refreshed and happy. The uniformed guards beside the gorgeous carriage and wearing fashionable caps rode their horses and came to the front of the team.

"What's the matter?" the captain of the Armored Knights turned his head and asked.

"The princess wants to take a break," said the uniformed guard.

The captain pondered for a while, then raised his hand high, and the team quickly stopped.

After a while, the door of the carriage was opened by uniformed guards, and Princess Ada, who was wearing a goose-yellow dress with shoulder-cut shoulders, stepped out of the carriage gracefully.Thick long golden hair fluttering gently under the gentle autumn wind, a small snow-white face, a straight nose, a plump and cute little mouth, and a pair of big sparkling blue eyes...

"I'm so beautiful." The princess sighed intoxicated into the gold-rimmed hand mirror (the mirror wanted to vomit but didn't dare), the diamond tiara on her hair followed her constantly turning face-every side Beauty—a dazzling light flashed, and the hand mirror reflected white light frequently toward the sky under the sun's rays.

The captain suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Princess, please..."

Before the words were finished, a large black shadow suddenly enveloped the top of the head, and the whole world was darkened.

Some screamed piercingly, others ran.

"Enemy attack!!!" The captain yelled, drew out his sword, and stood in front of the princess in two steps in three steps.

There was a loud bang, and a huge object fell to the ground. The earth shook, thunder rolled, and dust flew up.

The captain took a deep breath, fixed his eyes, raised his sword, and stood ready.

Princess Ada's hand mirror fell to the ground with a "click". "Ahhhhh—it's the Horntail——" The princess backed away in horror, and every time she took a step back, the diamond crown on her head flashed dazzlingly.

The Horntail Dragon, which had been motionless all this time, suddenly rushed towards the princess. The captain swung his sword and slashed heavily at the Horntail's outstretched forelimb. On the side of the captain's face, the captain was caught off guard and flew out.

The entire Cavaliers swarmed up, but couldn't stop the attack of the Horntail's tail, and was beaten to pieces in the blink of an eye.Some fell headlong into the field, some flew directly to another ridge, and some crashed into the carriage... For a while, howling and wailing were scattered all over the field.

Only the Templars who have accepted the divine protection have the legendary power to slay dragons.

The captain struggled to get up, and the silver-winged helmet fell to the ground, losing the protection of the helmet. His appearance was exposed to the sun, and the side of his face hit by the dragon was already bloody. He raised his sword and rushed up again. , Protecting the screaming princess behind her.

The Horntail suddenly stopped moving, and a pair of naked dragon eyes looked at the princess and then at the knight in front of the princess——

[Which of you is the princess? ]

Princess O__O"…

Captain Σ(°△°|||)

The screaming knights... (⊙_⊙;)...

...a black cat leaps lightly over...

The hornet dragon unexpectedly stretched out its claws and grabbed it—the claws hesitated for a moment—the knight, the knight wanted to resist, and the other claw of the dragon hit him hard on the back of the neck. Turned over and passed out.

The hornet dragon fluttered its wings, and the wind was strong, and it went straight into the sky in a blink of an eye, turning into a small black spot on the horizon.

Princess Ada, who had survived the catastrophe, came back to her senses, smashed the hand mirror on the ground with her foot, gestured desperately with her hand to the shiny diamond crown on her head, and roared angrily at the increasingly blurred little black dot : "Blind dragon dragon dragon dragon—I am the princess, master, master, master, master———"

end of act one


Horntail: Victor Krum

Captain of the Armored Knights: Heimdall Strulusson

Princess Edda: Edda Bonasera

Uniform Guard: Ryan Thomas Christian

A Black Cat: The Pod

Weak Knights: Fantastic Beasts Cameo

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