HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 241 The in-laws are here

Hermione stuffed something into her mouth unconsciously, and when she woke up, she found that she had bulged a mouthful of cake, and managed to get the food into the digestive tract, and then took a few mouthfuls of fruit juice. Said: "In addition to self-study ancient runes, have you taught yourself any other courses?"

Heimdall shook his head: "You can't chew too much." He was not afraid to expose his shortcomings, and told Hermione happily, "My grades in Potions are very unsatisfactory, the history of magic is always flying low, and astronomy has always been on the passing line. Hesitation. These three subjects must find a way to increase their grades, otherwise it will be very difficult to study more difficult content in the upper grades."

After getting along during this period of time, Hermione felt that Heimdall Strulusson was an easy-going person. He never talked with others, nor would he embarrass others in public, let alone discuss people behind his back.Overall a very nice guy to get along with, but there's always a sense that something's not right.

Although Hermione analyzed Heimdall with a girl's unique sixth sense, she couldn't grasp the key point. Now she can't understand that when the fake uncle interacts with people, he will subconsciously be defensive and alienated, because she is still a child. child.

Hermione suddenly showed a faint smile, as if thinking of something happy.

"You are very similar to Harry, and he always fails in those subjects." When talking about friends, the little girl smiled. "His Defense Against the Dark Arts has always been good, and his results in Transfiguration are also very good. He is very talented in spells."

Before Heimdall could respond, Draco snorted disdainfully: "He is the savior, if every subject of his is so bad, Britain will really be doomed!" The sound effect for the spell effect.

Draco was very dissatisfied with Hermione's way of comparing, and even compared that Scarhead with his cousin, and the Malfoy family always likes to be biased - it's okay to say Rig can be Rig, or not; it's okay to say that Scarhead is not Scarhead No way, no way.Not convinced!That's how the logical relationship in Draco's cousin's mind shifted.

Hermione was very angry, and before she had time to calm down, her face became even more ugly. She glared at Draco with a mocking smile on her face and said angrily, "You're just jealous that Harry is more popular than you!"

Now Draco's expression turned ugly: "What's there for me to envy in that scarred head? Popularity? Only 'noble' lions like to enjoy the taste of being praised! Salazar is the best! Potter has better grades than me Is he jealous of me more or less!"

Hermione was speechless for a long time. She never had a chance to quarrel with Malfoy before, and she just pretended not to see him when they met on campus or in the castle.I didn't expect him to be very "eloquent"!Hermione thought bitterly.

"His Quidditch is better than yours!" Hermione countered vigorously, taking the opportunity.

The effect was very good, Draco's face changed, and he pursed his lips and stopped talking.

Just when Hermione lifted her chin triumphantly, Draco suddenly grabbed Heimdall's shoulder and said loudly, "Does he dare to compare with Rigg's boyfriend?"

Hermione's eyes were straight: "You can't compare with Harry yourself, so you use other people's as a shield?" How shameless!The little girl resisted not to say the following conclusions.

Draco sneered: "You also know that you are talking about someone else, I thought you were Harry Potter!"

Hermione pointed at Draco's nose and yelled, "Brave words!"

Draco was unmoved: "If you have the ability, you can call Potter to confront him now!"

Hermione jumped up, turned around and walked out of the cafeteria with a cold face.

Draco looked away childishly, and turned his head to ask Heimdall for credit. Heimdall picked up a small snack and stuffed it into his mouth: "Thank you."

Draco said vaguely: "You are my cousin, what is Potter!"

Heimdall smiled, maybe Hermione Granger thought so too: Harry is my friend, what is your cousin!

The sophomores of the German school who had been watching from the sidelines whispered. Hermione and Draco spoke too fast. Many students didn't understand what the man and woman were arguing about. Those who understood explained to them quietly, and then, The name of Harry Potter spread around.

Carlo's stepfather is British, he knows more details than other students, and it seems more credible to tell the whole story from his mouth.

Many second graders asked curiously: "Is that Potter very powerful?"

Carlo spread his hands: "I don't know."

"Anyway, he's amazing!" The boys always have a good impression of the so-called heroes for no reason, especially the hero is also shouldering the important task of saving the world. In the minds of the boys, Harry Potter The image is getting taller and taller.

Draco was unconvinced, and Heimdall suppressed him several times when he wanted to speak.

Draco pursed his mouth, lowered his head and drank his tea in silence, seemingly aggrieved.

Heimdall saw that he refused to talk to him because of his temper, so he looked at him for a while, and then touched his neatly combed hair unexpectedly, Draco slapped his hand away furiously: "Don't touch me head of!"

Heimdall smirked, and stretched out two paws towards him again. After such a fuss, the cousin quickly threw the previous unhappiness into the sky.

In order to avoid Heimdall's ravaging claws, Draco squeezed desperately to the side, just when Heimdall was about to succeed in a tiger descending the mountain, his body suddenly lightened, and he was hugged by the waist.

Heimdall hurriedly turned his head and saw Victor staring at him with deep eyes.

"Are you dismissed?" Heimdall said.

Victor remained silent, staring at his face for a while, making Heimdall feel terrified, then he hugged him and sat on the chair next to him, put him on his lap, and stretched out his arms and legs. Starting from the hair with one hand and groping a little bit...

Heimdall didn't react at first, but it wasn't until Victor touched his shoulders along the back of his neck that he suddenly understood, and hurriedly said, "I'm fine."

Victor was indifferent, his hands kept moving, and he said lightly while touching, "I know, otherwise I wouldn't just sit here to make sure you are really all right."

It would be a lie to say that Heimdall was not moved, but...

"Can you pay more attention to occasions in the future, please save me some face." Heimdall was extremely sad.

Let's not talk about the second graders, and the first graders are already used to it. After all, this ace is a frequent visitor to their South Tower.The problem is that it is the first peak time for eating, and the students who have just finished class are swarming into the cafeteria, and they happen to be sitting in the conspicuous position of the air vent.Director Strulusson didn't care about being called nasty, but this sitting position really made him lose face. It would be great if he could change the place.

Sitting is worse than walking, Heimdall moved his legs to change places, Viktor shook his arms, and slipped him back.

Victor touched his ankles all the way, and after making sure that Heimdall didn't lose a single hair, he slipped him back to the chair and sat down.

The acceptance ability of the German school students is much stronger than Heimdall thought. At the beginning, side glances are always inevitable. After the eyes get used to it, the picture will automatically fade away. Everyone returns to eating and stealing the whole process. After all, there are only a few people who aim at others.

Heimdall is not a flower girl. If Victor Krum sat with a girl in his arms and sat at the door of the cafeteria to watch the wind, the effect would definitely be more turbulent than it is now.

Victor asked in detail about what happened in class just now. Halfway through the story, Carlo and the others started to interrupt, blaming Heimdall for being too inexperienced in storytelling, so the overwhelming incident he said was like plain boiled water plus white Bread, these parties are very dissatisfied, and feel that it is necessary to add more "truth".

Of course Victor would not blame them for being troubled, and listened patiently to their bragging.

After hearing this for a while, Heimdall resigned himself to being inferior, and after Carlo retouched it, it turned into a Hollywood blockbuster in a blink of an eye.

Because the next class was dismissed by the principal, Heimdall and the others dispersed after dinner.

Draco was also frightened. Heimdall originally wanted him to go to his dormitory to rest, but he insisted on going back, saying that he didn't write a letter to his family yesterday, and if he didn't write today, his mother would definitely come to arrest him. Before he left, he winked He dropped a sentence of "don't bother you", then laughed and ran away.

After everyone around had left, Heimdall picked up the books on the table and asked casually, "You don't seem to have class this afternoon, do you? Next..."

"My parents are here."

"...What are your plans?" Heimdall closed his mouth and turned to look at him.

Victor looked back calmly.

Heimdall was silent for a moment, then asked, "When did you arrive?"


"It's already afternoon."

Victor smiled.

Heimdall was not sure what he meant: "Aren't you going to accompany me?"

"They're in Principal Katenen's office, and I came out by asking for your name."

"Then go back quickly!" Heimdall felt that he was really baffled, how could he leave his parents in the principal's office and run out by himself?

Victor suddenly showed a seemingly tangled expression, and Heimdall said cautiously, "What happened?"

Victor hesitated for a long time, and finally said the words: "My mother found out about the problem with the broom. She kept crying and crying, and my father couldn't persuade her."

"...So you ran out?"

"I don't know what to do." Victor was a little upset.

"Unfilial son, go back quickly. If you hide like this, your mother will be more sad?" Heimdall shook his head.

"Rig, you come with me." Victor grabbed Heimdall's hand.

"Your parents are here to see you, what am I going to do!"

"I mainly came to see me, and I also came to see you by the way." Mr. Kroom said firmly.

Heimdall was speechless for a while at his natural thought.

"Sooner or later, you will be part of our family." Victor's "sinister" intentions were so clearly revealed.

Heimdall hadn’t experienced this because of the different environment in his previous life (that’s the husband’s surname), so he didn’t realize it at first, but after staring for a long time, he finally figured it out.

"I've been a Sturluson all my life!" he emphasized.

Victor said with a smile: "Of course you are Sturluson."

Heimdall thought helplessly, sometimes he really cannot be taken lightly with his boyfriend.

In the end, Heimdall was dragged by him to meet his parents.

After Professor Katenen donated his office, he disappeared and went wandering somewhere.Principal Karkaroff was restless, and praised their son vigorously in front of the couple, probably thinking that he had completed the task, and left with an excuse after Victor came back.

Fortunately, when Heimdall went in, Victor's mother had stopped crying.Heimdall had reason to believe that she was crying on purpose for Victor to see.

Victor's father was not eloquent. Although Victor didn't talk much, he was not as dumb as his father. The father and son stood together like distant relatives rather than immediate relatives.

Prodi didn't know what to say when he saw his son, and it was even more boring when he saw his son's boyfriend.

So basically Heimdall was holding the scene alone, and had a question-and-answer conversation with Victor's father. He first asked about his physical condition, then talked about their previous travels, and finally asked how they knew about Victor. What happened... It didn't look like they were chatting, but they were simply replying.

Heimdall hurriedly looked at Anna who had been silent before the cold break. Anna raised the corners of her mouth and said softly in German: "Honey, I'm a little tired and want to rest here for a while. Let Victor accompany you Walking around the campus, didn’t you keep saying that you want your son to accompany you to visit the campus and see the Quidditch pitch? When you chat with others while traveling, you always say that your son is the world’s number one seeker.”

Prodi was "betrayed" by his wife in public, and couldn't help blushing. He looked up at Victor, who smiled, "Let's go, Dad."

Prodi's eyes lit up, he said "yes" several times in a row, and happily followed his son away.

The door closed softly behind Prodi.

With the sound of closing the door, a conclusion was formed in Heimdall's mind—in terms of character, Victor must be like his mother.

"Thank you for the Christmas present, I like it very much." Anna smiled.

Heimdall said honestly: "Nile picked it for me, I don't know much about it."

Anna smiled even brighter after hearing this, and Heimdall suddenly felt nervous. Victor's mother was the person he was most uncertain about in his boyfriend's family.Up to now, he still hasn't figured out how she sees him, has she really accepted the fact that her son likes the same sex, or is she just getting used to it?

Heimdall thought that the latter possibility was unlikely. Although Victor's mother was very quiet, he felt that she was not a little white rabbit who was submissive. Otherwise, she would have given birth to a child as vicious as Victor?

"Victor told us that he wanted to marry you during the Christmas holiday." No matter what Anna said, she was kind.

Heimdall squeezed out a smile: "He's such an impulsive son, isn't he?"

Anna laughed at his pretending to be old.

"He solves everything by himself, and doesn't discuss anything with us. I really want to worry about him." Anna said suddenly.

Heimdall copied the teapot and cup... He drank his tea without saying a word.

"Mrs Krum doesn't like you." Anna said calmly.

Heimdall wanted to ask, "Are you punning?" There were three Mrs. Krum in the Krum family.But when he thought that the woman in front of him was Victor's mother, he had already "got a bad relationship" with his grandma, and he couldn't mess with his mother anymore. Victor was their grandson and son after all.

"It's enough that Victor likes me." Heimdall said in twos and twos.

"That's it."

Heimdall looked up in surprise.

Anna smiled lightly, and Heimdall was in a daze for a while. The smiles of the mother and son had the same characteristics.

Anna suppressed her smile: "Victor likes you, and I won't sing against him; you like Victor, I will be very happy."

Heimdall and Anna looked at each other for a few seconds, just looking at each other peacefully, neither searching nor exploring. After a while, the two smiled at the same time.

Victor liked him, and she wouldn't object, just not against it.Only when he reciprocates Victor's affections does she fall in love with her.

Heimdall understood that she was showing her attitude.

"Victor is very similar to you," Heimdall sighed pitifully. "Like a lot like a lot..."

Anna smiled happily.

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