HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 228 Miss Hermione Was Stimulated

After Cardiff Bangor left, Katenin waved his finger in a certain direction, and the small door of the same color next to the off-white storage shelf opened in response, and Igor Karkarov flashed out from inside.

Mr. Principal remained silent, looking preoccupied.

"Did you hear that?" Katenin asked him to sit down with a smile on his face.

Karkaroff was stunned for a moment before he realized it. After sitting down, he hesitated and said, "Professor, how should we respond to this matter?"

"What is your opinion?"

Karkaroff gritted his teeth: "I don't agree."

"Oh? Why?"

Seeing his calm appearance, Karkaroff became bolder: "The Wizarding Union should re-establish the Durmstrang Education Committee. Neither the Education Committee nor the Examination Management Committee has the right to interfere with our Durmstrang. matter!"

This is a high-sounding statement. Leaving aside the Examination Management Committee, the International Wizarding Education Committee is originally the upper-level organization of the Durmstrang Education Committee. How can it not have the right to directly manage Durmstrang?

Katenin pointed out indifferently: "The Wizarding Examination Management Committee has no right to intervene in any matters in the school except for the examination management. Even if the Durmstrang Education Committee is re-established, you are still the one who decides——Igor Kaka Love."

Karkaroff blushed immediately, Katenin had already seen through him.

Yes, he was afraid that once he accepted the olive branch from the Examinations Management Committee, the headmaster's authority would be weakened.The headmaster of Durmstrang is different from other headmasters who are restricted by the Ministry of Magic of various countries. The headmaster of Durmstrang has real autonomy, even Dumbledore, the internationally renowned headmaster of Hogwarts. Less than that.He wasn't really ignorant, he had been ignoring the Board of Education's cues for so many years out of it.

"Let me tell you clearly." Katenen clasped his hands and put them on the desk, his eyes were cold and sharp.

Karkaroff immediately cheered up to 12 points.

"I'm going to get the exam administration board involved."

Karkaroff smiled wryly.

"As of today, you have done a good job as the principal. I have nothing to complain about you, and Pei Dinan is also very satisfied."

Karkaroff was dumbfounded and couldn't believe his ears.

"You are a smart man." Katenin said every word.

Karkaroff was stunned, and heard the honorary principal continue: "As for your little actions in the past, I can write them off as if I didn't see them. I hope you will always be smart."

Katenin's tone was soft and gentle, but the words were heavy in Karkaroff's ears.

Karkaroff clenched his fists vigorously, and nodded dejectedly after a while: "I understand what you mean."

Katenen smiled slightly: "Actually, I'm quite curious. La Carlini must have promised a lot of benefits in order to win you over. Are you not tempted at all?"

Getting straight to the point for the first time in years had Karkaroff sweating profusely.

"You also know my past, um, unpleasant experiences, so I always feel estranged from the Ministry of Magic, especially a wizard like Lacarini who started from the law enforcement department makes me feel uncomfortable. You have the same face as Crouch back then, but you are different from him, and you make me feel very close." At the end, I did not forget to flatter the honorary principal.

Katenin secretly laughed, it can be seen how passionate Karkaroff was in Azkaban back then, it became a kind of conditioned reflex.

"Don't worry, I know that guy in Bangor. He's not interested in pointing fingers, so you can continue to be your principal with peace of mind."

After receiving Katenin's guarantee, Karkaroff's heart hanging in the air finally fell to the ground, and he couldn't help but let out a deep breath. He didn't care about anything else, as long as he could keep the veritable title of principal.


Four children from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft stood in front of the huge six-storey glass display case with their mouths open. The golden trophies, medals and other trophies placed in the window almost blinded their eyes.

Nearly half of the trophies are won by the Quidditch school team.

Hermione took a different viewing route from the schoolmates, as she herself revealed that she was not interested in Quidditch.Hermione's gaze has been lingering on the results of the various research laboratories, but she paid special attention to the individual championship trophy that Heimdall won at the Sugar Mouse Grand Prix.

There was only a huge trophy for the team competition in the Hogwarts glory window, and it was the first time she had seen the trophy for the individual competition.When she saw the lifelike miniature figure suspended on the tip of the trophy, she couldn't help but secretly admired it, it was so amazing, almost exactly like Strulusson.Hermione knew that this was different from the concept of just leaving a name for people to look up to. Later people could not only remember Sturluson's name, but also look up to him through the little portrait. After a hundred years or a thousand years, as long as Durmstrang lives on - such trophies are truly immortal. (PS: In fact, Lige’s little friend is already famous in history, and he himself didn’t realize it.)

After that, Heimdall took them to the cafeteria.The scene of dancing green shadows in the Durmstrang Canteen once again conquered the British children.

"It's so beautiful here!" the Hufflepuff girl murmured in praise as she looked at the spectacle outside the huge glass window with ancient patterns.

At this time, a group of birds flitting past several windows, some perched on the branches, some fluttered their wings, some sang loudly, and danced their dazzling figures in the plant kingdom with various postures. , the two girls watched and shouted frequently, unable to stop.

This kind of performance made the Durmstrang boys present feel very comfortable, each of them became strutting, walking with wind, different from the normal majesty and extraordinary, it was like a different person.

Their guideline is to seize any opportunity and welcome a bright future!

When it was time for dinner, there was a strong smell of food in the air. The number of people in the cafeteria increased sharply, people came and went, and conversations in various languages ​​were endless. This international atmosphere made the four students from the UK feel very novel.

Heimdall felt that there were a lot of people, but the four Hogwarts students thought it was nothing unusual.

"Hogwarts doesn't get full until dinner time," Draco said.

Hermione said: "Durmstrang Castle is not as big as Hogwarts, and relatively, there are not as many people as Hogwarts." Today's visit made some of her inherent impression fade away, but it was only a few However, Hermione is still skeptical and cautious about the educational policy that the school has always adhered to.After all, she is a Gryffindor, and stubbornness is one of the characteristics of this house.

Draco raised the corner of his mouth meaningfully: "Of course, only pure blood is accepted here."

Among the three alumni, only Hermione's face changed, and her expression was suddenly a little sad.She has always believed that hard work pays off, as long as she is willing to work hard and make some achievements with her heart, she will be recognized and smoothly integrated into this world. It seems that she is too naive.The wizarding world is more realistic and cruel than the world of ordinary people she was originally in. She felt it at Hogwarts, and this artificial barrier and discrimination became more and more obvious after being in the environment of Durmstrang.


Hermione raised her eyes when she heard the sound, and saw Victor Krum standing behind Sturlusson and leaning over to kiss him. The little girl's eyes widened instantly. Hufflepuff girls and Ravenclaw boys It was also a look of astonishment.

Hermione was speechless, even the passionate Gryffindor couples would not dare to be so unscrupulous in public, seeing the expressions of the students around them who were accustomed to being indifferent, she immediately understood that these two people must often do it.

Draco had been thoroughly exercised during the holidays, and his heart was far more capable than his schoolmates.So he greeted and joked with Bernick and others as if nothing had happened. This move immediately aroused the attention and envy of the three alumni.

Victor sat down and put a piece of parchment in front of Heimdall: "I met Professor Laszlo on the way here, this is the test paper for the intermediate characters of the ancient magic text you asked to take last time, and she has already graded it. Already." Then he took out a copy of "Simple Introduction to Ancient Runes" and a copy of "A Collection of Advanced Magic Symbols". "The professor said that you don't need to read the simple introduction anymore. She asked me to bring you this "Advanced Magic Illustrated Collection", and said that the next exam will take the content of the chapters in it."

Heimdall accepted the book with a wry smile: "The professor thinks highly of me, "Advanced Magic Symbol Collection" is a supplementary teaching material for the sixth grade."

"The first half of this book is very important basic knowledge. Once you read it thoroughly, it will be much easier to learn more advanced ancient runes in the future."

"Is this from your experience?" Heimdall asked.

Victor smiled. The last time I saw him appear in the sixth grade ancient rune class, I was really shocked. Unexpectedly and beautifully, he countered the self-important brothers who doubted him.Every time Victor thought of the expressions on those classmates, he couldn't help but curl his lips.Rigg coincides with himself in this aspect, both of them are silent activists.

Heimdall scanned the wrong points on the test paper from top to bottom with his eyes, then raised his head and smiled.

Victor stroked his cheek and hair very affectionately.

They are so... like no one else...

The corners of Hermione's mouth twitched, but she quickly put aside these and focused all her attention on the exam papers and books.

Hermione is different from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, who can understand some German conversations.In fact, Hermione secretly learned German for a period of time for this trip. Fortunately, she had a foundation in learning German and quickly grasped the tricks. What she lacks now is pure oral practice.But this did not prevent her from trying to figure out what she didn't understand in the conversation through the body language and facial expressions of the two, so she soon made a surprising discovery that Sturlusson had already started to learn ancient runes.

Before coming here, she had read a lot of information about Durmstrang College, which was one of Hermione's habits. She hated the feeling of ignorance, which would make her feel empty and helpless.

Ancient rune is an elective course from the third grade at Hogwarts, and it is a compulsory course from the fourth grade in Durmstrang.

However, Heimdall Strulusson, a second-year student at the Durmstrang Academy, has already begun to teach himself.

She always thought of herself as very, very hardworking, and she couldn't have found another student who was more dedicated.It turned out that while she was complacent with her second-grade books, a fellow student at the distant Durmstrang College had already begun self-studying for fourth-grade courses.

This made Hermione so embarrassing, she immediately felt disheartened after being hit by a devastating blow.

Even so, the light from the test paper was still so dazzling, so unbearable, she clenched her teeth and clenched her fists unbearably: "Sturlusson, can you show me the test paper of the ancient runes in your hand?"

"Yes." Heimdall pushed the test paper over.

Draco glanced at her in surprise, Granger could understand German?

Ravenclaw boys and Hufflepuff girls were equally surprised when Hermione spoke to Sturlusson in a foreign language that was awkward. They looked at each other, both of whom were ashamed. They had never thought of learning another foreign language before. In the face of learning self-consciousness and enthusiasm, Hermione Granger of Gryffindor is indeed among the best.

Her eyes were full of German, which made Miss Hermione dizzy for a while. She forced herself to calm down, and after a moment of hesitation, she discussed with Sturlusson: "Can you lend me this test paper for a few days first, and I will definitely return it to you before you leave."

"Don't push yourself!" Draco snapped.

Unexpectedly, Hermione didn't even look at him, which made Master Malfoy very angry.

"Okay, you can take it." Heimdall looked easy to speak.

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, with a heartfelt smile on her face: "Why don't you correct the mistakes first?" She pushed the test paper back.

Hermione unknowingly felt close to Heimdall. This kind of affection was not mixed with any emotional ambiguity. Learn the mutual identity among top students.

"No, just take it." Heimdall moved the paper back with his backhand.

Hermione wondered, "Don't you want to know where you went wrong?" Seeing that his learning attitude doesn't look like an anticlimactic, perfunctory person.

"I've seen it."

Hermione froze: "When?"

"It was when Victor gave it to me just now."

Hermione was puzzled: "Just a glance..."

Heimdall couldn't help laughing: "My memory can still handle it."

Miss Hermione of Gryffindor was hit again.

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