HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 219 A Famous World?Immortal?

"I have brought everyone here today to make an announcement." Karkaroff paused dramatically, and the students held their breath cooperatively. "The Wizarding Education Committee and the Wizarding Examination Management Committee under the International Federation of Wizards intend to select a group of capable students from major magic schools to cooperate with them. Our school is honored to be selected. Everyone here is Dem The elites of Strong will participate in the assessment of the two committees at that time, and the students who pass the assessment will have the opportunity to personally participate in the production of new textbooks or test paper question banks, students, this is a very honorable thing!!!”

Karkaroff sputtered on the top—how ​​glorious and face-saving the big book was, the students below gradually became less interested.

Katenin coughed, and then Karkaroff remembered something, and hurriedly retreated to ask the honorary principal to continue.

Katenen stood in front of the students, looked around and then smiled gently: "As Mr. Principal said, it is a very remarkable thing to be able to personally participate in the compilation of textbooks and question banks. To exaggerate, it can make all of you here Certain names go down in history.”

The students responded enthusiastically and whispered to their neighbors.Compared with Karkaroff, everyone thinks that Professor Katenin is more reliable.

Karkaroff glanced at the back of Katenin's head resentfully.

"Professor, can you tell us what's going on?" A fifth-grade top student raised his hand to speak.

"Of course." Katenin nodded. "The Wizarding Education Committee and the Wizarding Examination Management Committee have discovered in recent years that the various theories that are being promoted today have already been introduced by generations of outstanding wizards or simply rejected, and the teaching materials are becoming more and more outdated. The existing question banks and teaching materials It was unable to meet the needs of reality, resulting in a backlog of a large number of examination questions, and the repetition rate of various question types increased year by year, so the two committees decided to cooperate in the production of new textbooks to update the question bank."

"Can we also participate in the development of teaching materials?" The students couldn't believe it. This is something that has never been heard before.

Katenin nodded.

"Will it be unfair to ask students to participate in the examination questions? Will the participating students be suspected of cheating for no reason?" Heimdall raised his hand and asked.

People around looked at him one after another.

"Why do you ask this!" The director of the Potion Bottle Design and Research Office felt that he was really unnecessary.

"Things that may be experienced in person should be thoroughly investigated. How can we be confused at the beginning." Heimdall has his own ideas, and he resolutely refuses to do things that will cause endless troubles.

"The Wizarding Education Committee and the Wizarding Examination Management Committee want to take this opportunity to have a close contact with today's students, to understand the degree to which underage wizards absorb magical knowledge and their own cultivation. This 'close-up' opportunity is not for everyone. Everyone here can enjoy it, too," said Professor Katenen. "Anyone who has participated in the screening and assessment of the two committees and passed, certain confidentiality measures will be activated, especially the students who have passed the assessment of the examination management committee will bear a secret that cannot be revealed for the rest of their lives. You must be prepared in your heart."

Everyone invariably thought of the unbreakable oath, once the secret is leaked, what awaits you is death.

The enthusiastic atmosphere suddenly languished by half.

Secrecy is easier said than done, especially for wizards, it is like a burden that cannot be shaken off, and you will lose yourself if you let it go.

"What will happen to the students who participated in the exams?" Heimdall was unmoved.

Yes, yes, everyone nodded in agreement.

"Participate as usual."

"Is there no suspicion of cheating?" Heimdall couldn't let go of this.

Professor Katenen said with a smile: "Sturlusson, do you know how many questions are stored in the question bank of the Wizarding Examination Management Committee?"

Heimdall shook his head, how could he know.

"You are just going to participate, not to make independent questions. This participation does not entrust all the test questions to you to formulate. As I said before, the committee just wants to take this opportunity to learn about the situation, so as to better learn from the past and learn from the new. But this alone As far as I am concerned, it is already a very remarkable breakthrough. The committee has spent a lot of effort to overcome the public opinion this time. Think about it, how can those old and immortal conservatives of the Federation-"

"Professor Katenin!" Karkaroff rushed forward in a cold sweat. "Okay."

The students below were still looking at Katenen eagerly.

Karkaroff frowned: "The meeting will be adjourned, and follow-up matters will be notified later."

A few words sent away a group of students.


"Wait, I'll take it down." Carlo yelled and took out his gossip notebook from his pocket.

"Okay, let's talk."

"...It's over," Heimdall said.

Carlo was kind and kind: "Then let me tell." He sorted out his thoughts a little bit. "That is to say, only students with good grades can participate?"

"It should be. The top students from all grades are going to the meeting." Heimdall said. "Isn't it embarrassing our school to find poor students to make up the number? The education committee's impression of our school will be greatly reduced."

The title of "Black Magic Factory" made Karkaroff extremely depressed, and if he was more guilty, he would definitely be even more messy.

"Do you want to take the test?" Leon asked.

"Who wouldn't want to go to such a good event?!" Heimdall changed the subject. "Why didn't I see you at the meeting just now?" Leon's grades were not up to standard?impossible?Heimdall held back his doubts until the end of the meeting.

"They looked for me, I was annoyed, so I didn't go." Leon didn't like to join in the fun, and didn't care about the so-called "benefits".

Heimdall felt that he was like the legendary hermit who "hidden in the imperial court", he seemed to come and go, he was neither busy nor idle, he came and went as he wanted, and he was very carefree.

When can I have such a realm?

Thinking of this, Heimdall immediately shook his head. The path of the hermit is not suitable for his original intention. He wants to strive to be an outstanding graduate and enter the gallery forever.At the beginning, I thought one-sidedly that the road of "outstanding graduates" was the best shortcut to immortality, but I didn't expect God to show a new way today.After all, it has been more than ten years since I came to the magic world. For a reincarnated person, it would be a waste of his second adolescence not to leave some memories.

Seeing Carlo's eagerness to try, Heimdall told him: "I haven't told us about the rest of the matter, and said I'm waiting for an announcement."

Carlo quickly withered away, and after a while he was holding the quill to write quickly, and he didn't know what whimsy came up again.

Ryan said, "Will Rigg's name be written on the title page of the textbooks we use in the future?"

Heimdall laughed dumbfounded: "The horoscope has not been written yet."

Li An said as a matter of course: "If you pass the assessment, isn't it possible to become like this?"

Heimdall also let his imagination run wild for a while, and immediately felt that Bel had some face, so he clenched his fist hard: "You must study hard and try to pass!"

Ryan applauded: "Strive to be the No.1 of the Sturluson family!"

"I'm afraid this won't work." Leon shook his head suddenly.

"Why?" Rian and Heimdall both looked at him.

"At least the Sturluson family has already had a precedent in the field of textbook compilation. If Rieger is selected successfully, he will nominally follow in the footsteps of his predecessors rather than pioneer."

Heimdall immediately thought of something, and quickly asked, "Is the name you are talking about Jolf Strulusson?"

Leon raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then calmed down. Yes, Rieger is also a member of the Sturluson family. There is no reason why he didn't know, so he nodded in agreement.

"How do you know?" Heimdall asked.

"Found it in the school library."

"Is there Jolf's book in the library?" Heimdall frowned. "Why have I never seen it?" Heimdall frequented the library, and he had carefully read about 30.00% of the books that could be borrowed, and flipped through the remaining 70.00% roughly.Heimdall was sure that there were no books edited by Jolf in it.

"Could it be in the teachers' borrowing area?" Heimdall thought of this.

"Yes. I saw it in the non-student borrowing area, and I took it down because of curiosity." Leon replied.

Heimdall's eyelids twitched, but he immediately sank down again: "Students can't borrow it." It really made people gnash their teeth.

"Otherwise, I would have borrowed it to read." Leon was also unambiguous.

At this time, Rian finally broke into the conversation: "Who is Yolf? A relative of the Rigg family?"

"The founder and first director of the experimental laboratory." Carlo gave up creation and turned his attention to them.

"Wow, the founder, that is to say, the ancestor?" Rian was speechless.

Carlo flipped through the book: "I found it, here, Jolf Strulusson, born in 1566 and died in 1594, at the age of 28."

Ryan bluffed again and again.

"The light is embarrassingly short." Leon sighed.

The more Heimdall thought about it, the more he couldn't sit still: "Leon, can you take me to read the book you mentioned?"

Leon closed the book with a snap.


Heimdall and Leon are frequent visitors to the school library, and they pay more attention to the maintenance of books, unlike some students who are used to being rough and rough - the books returned are either missing pages or missing corners, and even full pages Mrs. Newman, the manager of the school library, was extremely displeased with the stains and fingerprints. On the contrary, Mrs. Newman would be kind to students who cherish books. The kindness here means answering every question. A person who hates evil."

Under Heimdall and Leon's pleas, Mrs. Newman finally gave them 10 minutes to look at the cover of the book. The two of them immediately went up the stairs to the dark and narrow second floor as if they were pardoned——teacher borrowing area.

Leon ran to the innermost bookshelf with his memory, followed by Heimdall.

Heimdall was dazzled by the languages ​​of various countries in a short while, but Leon discovered it first, and he pointed to a thick book with a turquoise spine on the topmost floor.

"I'll do it." Heimdall drew out his wand and cast magic on it, but the book remained motionless.

"It's useless, a lot of magic doesn't work on this floor." Leon obediently moved the ladder and climbed up to get the book down.

Heimdall took the book, it was heavy, and it was bigger than the current brick astronomy book. The turquoise cover was decorated with ancient and clumsy patterns, which seemed to have a sense of the vicissitudes of history. The title of the book was: Comprehensive Guide, without specific instructions Which course is the comprehensive guidance.

Heimdall turned to the title page, and Jolf's name was in large bold type at the top, followed by a row of consultants' names below.The back of the title page was originally a blank space with four corners, and the bottom was written in Russian, with a calm and capable brushstroke: "Thanks to Principal Vasilyevich for helping me."

At the end of this line of writing is another line of small characters, also in Russian, which is quite different from the previous handwriting and obviously not written by the same person. It reads: "You're welcome."

Heimdall touched those two lines, and felt a wonderful feeling of uncovering the dusty history.

This book is quite well preserved, no different from the new books sold in bookstores, which shows how much the school attaches importance to it. The more so, the less likely it is that Heimdall will lend the book out.

Frustrated, Heimdall turned to the catalog page, scanned it hastily, and was surprised to find that the book covered almost every subject Durmstrang now taught.Herbology, Transfiguration, Dark Arts, History of Magic, Astronomy, Charms, Numerology, and more, The Comprehensive Guide lives up to its name.

Heimdall was full of emotions. He deserved to be a genius born in 1000 years. He knew everything about astronomy and geography. It was so against the sky. No wonder God only let him live for 28 years.

"Rig, it's time." Leon reminded.

Heimdall looked at Leon's fingers, and Mrs. Newman stood not far away, frowning at them, and tapped her pocket watch with her fingers.

Heimdall gave her a dry laugh, climbed up the ladder and put the book back in its place, then followed Leon and walked away step by step.

After returning, Heimdall became obsessed with that book "Lovesickness". He came up with a trick "Heavenly Raiders".

Heimdall stared dumbfounded at the turquoise "thing of lovesickness", stretched out his hand involuntarily, and the book disappeared without a trace.

He looked at his boyfriend pitifully.

Victor smirked: "How can I thank me?"

Heimdall stared: "You are too out of touch!"

Viktor laughed, pinched his chin and shook it: "I just asked you how to thank me because I didn't meet with you."

Heimdall waved his hand: "The birthday present on March 3rd will be exempted." Then he pointed majesticly. "You are allowed to use that book to pay off the debt."

Victor sighed and paralyzed on Heimdall, and Heimdall snatched the book and held it in his arms. His movements were quick and steady, and Victor wailed: "I'm actually not as good as a book!" !"

When Heimdall heard this, he carefully put the book aside, grabbed his boyfriend's head and kissed that face all over, Victor calmed down, and Heimdall went to read a book.

Victor leaned on the back of the bench and closed his eyes to meditate. Ever since they changed the date location to Greenhouse No. 9, the date environment has suddenly improved by more than one level. Greenhouse No. 9 is full of gorgeous and gentle magic plants from the south. It is one of the representative greenhouses in Durmstrang. The whole greenhouse is green and colorful, and there is a strange fragrance from time to time. It is an ideal place for a date. , coupled with the fact that few people came early in the morning, and no one came means that they would not be disturbed, Victor was extremely satisfied.

I didn't expect Duncan to say something useful now and then, Victor thought.

"How did you get this book?"

Victor opened one eye and looked at Heimdall: "I asked for it from Principal Karkaroff."

"The principal just loaned it to you so casually?" Heimdall didn't believe it, no matter how much he liked Victor, he wouldn't "know the law and break the law", right?

"Before the school team played the last game in Italy last school year, he once boasted to me, saying that as long as he won the last game, he would ask me whatever he wanted. I didn't care at the time, and I didn't know what to ask him .”

"Principal still remember that promise?" Heimdall questioned the character of their principal.

Victor was silent for a moment, then touched his nose: "I told him that we will do our best to win the championship in this competition."

In other words, Mr. Principal, he can't remember. To be more precise, his brain is not working well.

Heimdall was very disturbed: "I didn't cause you any trouble, did I?" Or should I return the book and cancel this agreement, anyway, he still has a family path to go, because the Sturlusson family never forgets Yolf The degree of admiration, there must be something about him in the family.

Victor could see his thoughts at a glance, and reached out to stroke his cheeks and neck: "You underestimate us too much, we were originally going for the championship, this book is just a promise to withdraw in advance."

Heimdall thought for a while, and then said with firm eyes: "I will definitely be there to cheer you on in the next game!"

Victor smiled: "Come on, it's free, as long as you don't fall asleep from the beginning to the end, and you can remember to look at me a few times in the middle, I will be thankful."

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