HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 216 Sequelae

Bernick had seen Anita who was sitting across from him a long time ago, and for a moment he didn't know what to say, but the girl was focused on looking at Rigg—Bernick drew a diagonal line with his eyes several times to make sure he didn't look at it. Wrong - I didn't notice myself, and gradually I didn't take it seriously.

The Sliven family and the Krum family are both local prominent families in Bulgaria, but they occupy different places in different places, and they are not in the same circle. They can be regarded as casual acquaintances.Bernick has met Anita Slivan no more than ten times since he was a child. In fact, it is more likely that she will meet Victor. Unfortunately, his cousin has never been reassured.

The last time Anita Slivan showed up at their school and revealed her fiancée identity, she didn’t have anything to say about it. No matter what, it was a thorn in Rigg’s heart. Although Victor was indifferent, Bernick could still see that his cousin was actually very annoyed.Bernick had asked his grandmother about it during the holiday, but the old lady was vague, so Bernick didn't ask further. One thing is certain, the identity of the fiancée is purely fabricated out of thin air. Maybe the old lady has this intention, but it is only intention.

"Isn't that girl Victor's fiancée?" Duncan approached and asked in a low voice.

Bernick replied in a low voice: "Don't make trouble, it's fine if others don't know, don't you understand?"

Duncan shook his head: "I don't want to make trouble, I just came to see the trouble, why didn't a little thing happen." Mr. Orville wailed and sighed regretfully, boring, too boring, and not passionate at all.

The other team members nodded shamelessly, expressing their opinions one after another: no passion, no appetite.

"Why do you keep adding meat to his plate?"

People sitting at this table looked involuntarily at Anita, who was staring at Victor Krum with disapproving eyes, and they followed Victor Krum's arm to see his fingertips, he was Transfer several meatloaf to Heimdall's plate.

"I like to eat meat." Heimdall rescued his boyfriend.

"It's not right!" Anita said seriously. "You can't have a partial eclipse. A partial eclipse is not good for your health. You are still growing your body. You must have comprehensive nutrition. Eating meat alone is not enough!"

Heimdall smiled mischievously: "Because I don't like meat very much. You see, these meat rolls contain not only meat, but also various vegetables. Victor wants to use this to subtly influence my eating habits."

Victor smiled at him, with a flame called joy dancing in his eyes.

Anita clenched her fists below.

"In this case, you can try other meats, fish is very good." Anita dragged a plate of salmon to Heimdall, and Duncan's hand that reached out to grab the plate was empty.

He glanced at Anita, who ignored her.

Duncan has never been as knowledgeable as women, and his eyes quickly turned to other foods. After a while, a new plate of salmon meat was placed in front of Duncan. Duncan looked up in surprise, and saw Anita softly said with a blank face: " I was sorry just now."

Duncan turned to whisper to Bernick, "This woman is not what I imagined."

Bernick nodded, he felt the same way.

While eating the fish, Duncan looked up and down a few times with his eyes: "Well, it's not bad, it's not bad, it looks pretty, and it's in good shape."

Bernick thought to himself, it’s incredible, he was able to get the affirmation of Mr. Orville. This guy’s life circle is a base of beauties. He has never seen any beauties since he was a child. His aunt is a peerless beauty. A family of in-laws, it can be said that thousands of flowers are in sight and thousands of sails are exhausted.

Duncan turned back again: "Victor doesn't want it, why don't you?"

"That also requires people to look up to me, and I feel that I will definitely not get along with her."

"Tsk, such a beautiful woman is actually left unattended?!"

"If you like it, go after it!"

Duncan shook his head: "This beauty obviously has her own heart, and it's hard to chase after her. I won't do anything against myself."

Bernick froze for a moment, then hesitated, "You mean Victor?"

Duncan shook his head again: "I have eyes."

Bernick immediately said, "You also noticed something was wrong?"

Duncan said: "It's not just me, look at Carlo and Leon, and those friends of Sliven, the location of their eyes says everything."

Bernick looked quickly, and as expected, Leon was relatively reserved, and Carlo's eyes wandered between Rigg and Sliven, and the girls looked at Rigg without showing any signs, and whispered to each other.

"This meal is so meaningful." Bernick said with emotion.

"Our Rig has grown up, and has reached the age of flirting." Duncan said in a sad father's tone.

"Did Victor see it?" Bernick lowered his voice.

Duncan replied like a thief: "The most important thing is whether Rieger is aware of it, Victor is second, but it is really possible for a man to do what he is. A woman who originally admired herself turned to admire her sweetheart. Now, if I were Victor, I would have been ashamed to see people."

Bernick said angrily: "Don't use your deformed values ​​to judge others!"

The meal was really undercurrent, and the atmosphere was weird from the beginning to the end.

Because everyone originally came to watch Victor's excitement, but unexpectedly watched Rigg's excitement, so that the mood was a little hard to express.

Many people were not disgusted with Miss Slivan in the first place. After all, besides being hot, she also did some hurtful things, but now they began to sympathize with her.If her enemy is Rigg, they will naturally have a defensive mind, if her enemy is Victor——

"What to do, I have begun to sympathize with her." A member of the school team whispered.

"Why don't we cheer for her, as long as Victor doesn't know about it." Another member of the school uniform echoed.

The others nodded.

In their hearts, a certain trump card is the invincible fire-breathing dragon, who is so powerful that he doesn't need to cheer for him, just cheer for his enemies?

Bernick shook his head, Victor, your popularity is too "poor".

When everyone was pushing tables and chairs to leave, Miss Slivan suddenly rushed to Heimdall and grabbed his sleeve.

Heimdall was taken aback by her: "Is there something wrong?"

Anita was a little at a loss, and she didn't know why she wanted to hold Sturlusson, so she couldn't help looking at Sturlusson's mouth again.

When she caught a glimpse of Victor Krum's icy gaze, there was a bang in her head, and she broke again.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, she closed her eyes and kissed Heimdall's lips with a chirp.

With her chest up and her head raised, she raised her chin in the direction where Victor was standing—with a provocative look in her eyes, and then left the cafeteria without looking back.

He seemed very brave, but in fact he didn't dare to look at Heimdall's face from the beginning to the end.

Even so, she managed to bluff everyone present, including Beauxbaton's students.

The whole canteen suddenly exploded.

After the red-haired girl came back to their senses, they quickly chased them out. After searching for a long time, they finally found Anita squatting under a tree in the shape of an ostrich.

She put her face in her knees, and when they got closer, she looked up, her face so red that it dripped blood.

"I'm so indiscreet!" Anita began to criticize herself again.

"It's normal to give kisses in public." They comforted again.

"I don't think it's too bad, at least both Stulusson and Krum know what you mean, it's better than you hanging alone." The red-haired girl said, generally speaking, the progress was better than she had expected be quick.

Anita was afraid instead, "Then what to do! What will Sturluson think of me, will he look down on me! How will I face him in the future!" The more she said, the more she felt sorry for herself.

"That's all you want?" said the red-haired girl.

Anita looked up at her involuntarily.

"You provoked Krum so handsomely in public just now, I thought you had already officially posted the battle."

Anita shook her head.

"No? Then what are your plans?"

"I didn't intend to..." Anita was extremely annoyed. "I used to declare myself to be Victor's fiancée so confidently in front of him, and I looked down on him very much. You asked me to tell him that I actually don't like Victor but you... I really don't want it. Face!" Anita was filled with remorse, she was just impulsive just now, and she still can't believe that she kissed him so impulsively...

She is a girl, and girls always have a girl's reserve. Miss Slivan is very face-saving, and she can't hide her face no matter what. I also think she is a shameless woman, she might as well die.

The red-haired girl stroked her hair: "Is it useful for you to be such an ostrich? Haven't you already kissed me?"

Anita groaned and buried her face back again to escape reality.


The next day, the students of Durmstrang's fifth grade (including the fifth grade) rushed to the Quidditch field early in the morning, not for anything else, but to occupy the key seat where they could see Beauxbaton's seat .The student union issued a notice the day before that, except for the sixth and seventh grades, the rest of the grades had a day off, in order to add popularity to the match between Beauxbaton and Liechtenstein.

The headmaster thought too much, just for Beauxbaton's women's cheerleading team, the boys of Durmstrang would go forward even if they risked the Avada Kedavra.

This time Heimdall did not enter the arena with his friends, nor did he enter with his boyfriend. Snow took him into the general auditorium, which was specially reserved for the residents of the ancient town of Kapok.

"Why don't you ask for a seat?" Heimdall felt that Snow didn't need to wrong himself. He was busy with the British Quidditch cause all day long, and he should actively enjoy the treatment he deserved.

"I don't like it. I'm not like Rommel. If he thinks it is necessary, he will talk about it. I hate talking to other people's parents, especially when I don't like it and force myself to act interested. "

"So you have been in this position for ten years?"

Snow said: "The more officials do, the more they pay. Sometimes they can't help themselves. It's too painful. It's not as good as I am now."

Heimdall nodded.

Snow looked at him and laughed suddenly: "I heard that a girl kissed you in public yesterday?"

"Why are you gossiping." Heimdall was helpless.

"Is that true?"

"...That's right."

"How does it feel?"

Heimdall thought for a while, and then said, "My first reaction was that she kissed the wrong person."

Snow immediately cast a puzzled look.

"Because Victor was standing next to me."

Snow smiled and shook his head: "That girl's eyes can't be so bad."

"Don't tell me, that's what I thought at the time."

"So you don't think so now? Because of what?"


Heimdall's eyes suddenly turned to a certain direction, and Snow followed his gaze, and saw a group of beautiful girls in Beauxbaton's robes appearing on the next seat.One of the fair-haired and beautiful girls was walking well, but when her wandering eyes suddenly came here, she froze. hair behind the girl.Her movement made a lot of noise, and the team that was originally neat and glamorous suddenly became chaotic.

"Because of this." Heimdall looked back.

Snow observed for a while before turning his gaze back: "Is that the blonde girl we're talking about?"


"What does she mean by that?"

"It's already the eighth time."

"What eighth time?"

"When I saw me, I hid. From yesterday afternoon to just now, I hid a total of eight times. The first time I ran away screaming loudly, and then I ran away a few times."

Snow said inexplicably, "Isn't she Victor's fiancée?"

"Well, I once came to the school to take an oath of sovereignty."

"Do you know why she hides from you?"

"This is what I don't understand." Heimdal Bisnow was still puzzled. "It stands to reason that she kissed wrongly, and if she wanted to hide, she should hide from Victor..."

"How did Krum react to that?"

Heimdall frowned, looking puzzled. "It's... weird." With a smile on her face, she didn't say anything, and hugged him all night.In fact, it’s not just Victor who is weird, Heimdall thinks everyone is weird, especially Carlo and Duncan, these two Frenchmen have surprisingly ambiguous and lewd eyes.

Heimdall was thinking hard here, but Snow felt that the girl's terrified appearance was very telling, a typical young girl's posture of a young girl who is in love with her.

"Do you think she is afraid that I will talk about her in front of Victor, so she avoids me like this? To reduce the chance of talking about her?" Heimdall thought of another possibility, so he asked a mature man who seemed to be very experienced. .

Looking at his expression, Snow suddenly understood that maybe Rigg never thought that he could get the attention of girls at all, that is to say, he didn't think he had the charm to attract the opposite sex.

Snow glanced at Beauxbaton again, and thought amusedly: That girl is really interesting, isn't it just a kiss, the aftereffects are so severe.

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