HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 211 Toffee Blind Date

As soon as Heimdall set foot on the land of Durmstrang, he saw the captain of the school team staring at Victor, who got off the carriage with a gloomy face, and the latter turned around and put the pet with toffee in it without realizing it. The cage got off the carriage.

Even though it wasn't cold, Heimdall still rolled up his neckline unconsciously, Bernick's eyes glowed green, and his boyfriend still went his own way.Heimdall pulled Viktor's sleeve and pointed to where Captain Krum stood.

Victor looked in that direction, then opened his eyes suddenly, and his mouth squirmed: "Practice!"

"Oh! Thank goodness you can still remember!" Bernick came angrily.

Victor rubbed his nose.

"Victor Krum! You can't be like this, you leave the whole family alone and run away, do you know how angry your grandmother is? Your parents..."

"What happened to my parents?" Victor asked immediately.

Bernic snorted, "...just left home with you, and haven't come home yet."

Victor nodded, relieved.

Bernick quit. He didn't say this to reassure his cousin. Bernick tugged on Victor's sleeve with tears in his eyes: "Do you know that my parents also ran away later, saying they were going to talk to you?" Meet your parents, I got a letter from them before I came to school, and the letter happily informed me that they had traveled to Turkey and had no plans to go home at the moment! You know how ugly the grandmother's face was at that time, how terrible she looked , do you know, do you know, do you know, you definitely don’t know! My God, what crime did I do in my last life? How did I have such a pair of parents? Run, why don’t you take their only son and run together!! Leave me alone at home and live in fear every day!!! I’m dead!!!”

"Calm down." Victor wanted to pull his cousin away, but the cousin let go first.

Bernick swiped the ground and shifted his position, hugged Heimdall instead, and continued to cry: "Rig! Why didn't you invite me to your house to play! I also want to go to the warm England! You are too mean Oh! And Sister Veronica, she can't think of me! I'm so pitiful!"

"Because you are not my boyfriend, and secondly, it's not your birthday." Heimdall pointed out seriously.

"You are discriminatory!" Bernick protested seriously.

Victor pulled his cousin away with an ugly expression, "How long do you plan to hold him?"

"Even if you hug me? I ask for comfort!"

Heimdall burst out laughing, as expected of a family, the rascals all spoke in the same tone.

The Krum brothers couldn't help but looked at each other.

A certain team leader reacted suddenly, and said to Victor: "Hurry up and follow me, everyone is here, really, there is no collective concept at all, young people nowadays~~~"

Victor turned to face Heimdall, only to be dragged away by his cousin as soon as he spit out "you".

"It's alright, alright, don't disgust me, I'm tired of seeing my teeth sore all day long, Rigg won't run away, and won't disappear suddenly, our school is safe, let's go." Under Captain Loum's fierce nagging offensive, Victor couldn't intervene at all. Victor left passively while turning his head and showing a wry smile at Heimdall.

Chief Sturluson blew a kiss across the air.

Victor blinked his eyes intoxicated, seemingly enjoying it.

Rommel coughed, and Heimdall turned around.

"I'll go first." Rommel said while sitting in the carriage.Finland's Minister of Magic has issued an ultimatum to Rommel (there have been many "ultimatums"), and Chairman Strulusson has no choice but to go back to report to work. After all, he is the boss, and Rommel has to show face.

Standing beside Heimdall, Snow waved to his elder brother, deliberately put one hand on Heimdall's shoulder, with a very happy expression on his face: "It's rare to have a good thing that works well, and of course I will keep it." Next. Brother, you can rest assured, I am here, in fact, it has been me for more than six years, it doesn't matter if you never come."

"I have no plans to enter the coffin!" Rommel's eyes were enough to cut gold and jade.

Snow slammed the carriage door shut with a bang.

Before Tianma rushed out, Rommel stuck his head out of the car window and threatened: "You wait for me!"

Snow shook his hand with a smile on his face, then took Heimdall's hand and shook it with him.

In fact, Snow's job was not as easy as he revealed. After seeing off his elder brother, he rushed to Mumian Ancient Town without stopping. The International Quidditch Federation held a temporary meeting there. As one of the members, Snow is duty-bound.

The luggage had been sent to the South Tower, and Heimdall walked into Durmstrang Castle with the pet cage and went to his research room.

Hina was already busy in the research room, the fireplace was lit, and the research room was as warm as spring.Once inside, Heimdall quickly took off his heavy traveling cloak, and released Toffee from the cage.The toffee that had changed back to its original size was next to Heimdall staring at his next move. Heimdall took out a small cloth bag from the pocket of his robe, untied the rope of the cloth bag, and a baseball-only machine appeared inside. The size of the mini-skeleton.

Heimdall carefully placed the skeleton on the shelf next to the wall, then cast a spell on the skeleton, and the skeleton was instantly magnified twice.

"Please check." Heimdall stepped aside jokingly.

Toffee leaned over to the shelf and observed carefully, tilting his head and looking up and down, until he was sure that the skeleton was intact before he was relieved and walked to his old position in front of the fireplace.The pod cat has been waiting for it for a long time, and when it sees it coming, it naturally raises its head and takes a look, and then nests again.

Heimdall picked up the lazy pod nestled in the chair, sat down and placed it on his lap.

Heimdall looked at the lively toffee who was turning its belly and tickling in front of the fireplace, and thought, "How long can a Chimera live?"

[I'm sorry I can't answer this question. ] Pod cats have rare humility.

"Greek Chimera experts say Toffee is just entering adulthood, in other words still a kid."

[Because Chimeras live a long time, their juvenile period appears to be very long, but compared to adulthood, it is only fleeting.The length is relative to human time. ]

"I borrowed a book called "Fantastic Beasts Time" from the school library before. Although the views expressed in the book are idealistic, some things are still worth studying. Bilong, but no one can accurately tell the exact age of Chimeras throughout the ages, the only thing that is certain is that they live longer than wizards."

[Why do you suddenly care about this? ] Pod's ears moved.

Heimdall stretched out his hand and scratched its cheeks, and the pod meowed in a very comfortable way.

"Recently, I've been thinking, what will happen to the toffee after I die?"

[People just like to look forward and backward. ]

"People without long-term worries must have near-term worries. This is the crystallization of the wisdom of our ancestors"

[If you want me to say why you don’t live long, it’s because you think too much beyond your brain’s capacity, and finally die from exhaustion. ]

Heimdall directly ignored its provocation: "Isle of Dusk will definitely not go back, even if it goes back, it will be dangerous. Chimeras believe in the weak and the strong, and that skeleton is Toffee's biggest weakness. Toffee is my friend, I You can’t dispose of it as you like like throwing garbage, and you can’t just throw it back to that island after you die, if you do that, it’s better not to bring it out in the first place.”

[Have you already started arranging the funeral affairs?Is it too early?I think you can live at least another hundred and eighty years. ]

Heimdall laughed: "You are so reluctant to part with me."

[Ghosts can't bear you! ] The pod cat firmly refused to admit it, paused for a moment, and the pod cat said: [Have you already made up your mind? ]

"...I wonder if there is a blind date for toffee."

[Blind date? ]

"Just find a companion for it."

[Do you want to trick another Chimera from the Isle of Twilight?Advising you to die as soon as possible, the Greek Ministry of Magic will definitely not agree, and it is very rare for a Chimera like Toffee to perfectly suppress the instinct of a beast. Normal Chimera, you've already gone to meet your ancestors. ]

Toffee in the pod is an abnormal Chimera...

"Who said I'm going to get a Chimera again." Heimdall grabbed the pod cat's two front paws and held it up in front of his eyes. "Dear Pod, was that Chimera still in school?"

[At the beginning? ] The pod cat forgot to struggle, was silent for a moment, and then remembered. [You mean the one you met in the first grade?Long gone. ]

Without further ado, Heimdall ran to Professor Katenen's office. The professor was chatting with Professor York, and he was a little surprised to see him when the door opened.

"Sturlusson? What's the matter?" asked Professor Katenin.

"How is your Animagus doing?" Professor York interjected carelessly.

"It has been successful."

"Really?" The two old professors bluffed in unison.

Professor Katenen nodded proudly, and Professor York wailed jealously.

"How did it happen?" Professor York was sullen. He originally planned to watch a joke.

"Be a good teacher, be careful!" Professor Katenin glanced at him, York waved listlessly and left.Before leaving, he looked at Heimdall and Katenen with resentful eyes, meaning that you belong to the same country, I was excluded, and I will not play with you anymore.

"Even if this guy is a hundred years old, he must still take it for granted. It's naive." Professor Katenen raised his eyebrows angrily.

"Professor." Heimdall hoped that he could face up to his own existence.

"please say."

"Is the Chimera that almost killed me back then no longer in school?"

Katenin blinked silently a few times, "What are you talking about?"

Heimdall smiled, his eyes became extremely sharp.

Professor Katenen surrendered: "That's right, it's not in school anymore, why, do you still want to play with it?"

Heimdall restrained his fist that was about to move very calmly: "I want it to play with toffee."

"Not all Chimeras are as understanding as your toffee." Professor Katenen said meaningfully.

"I understand, Professor." Heimdall smiled brightly. "I think my psychological quality is quite high. Otherwise, I would not be able to live in peace and stability until now, let alone make a friend like Toffee."

Um?Are you making fun of me?But it's what he deserves.Professor Katenin stroked his chin and seemed to realize something: "Do you want to find a partner for Toffee?"

Heimdall didn't deny it.

"Okay, my friend happened to be worried too. After all, it's quite difficult to find a mating partner for Chimeras after leaving the wild environment." Katenen replied straightforwardly.

Heimdall suddenly thought of one thing: "In other words, that Chimera was raised illegally..."

Chimeras are forbidden to keep creatures. If the Greek Ministry of Magic hadn't helped Toffee to apply for a "Chimera-like" ID card for Toffee, it would have been impossible for Toffee to leave the island and live with him.

"Sturlusson, life is so fictitious, true and false, don't let yourself be sober when you should be confused, and let them go to hell with laws and regulations."

"...Professor, please pay attention to being a teacher." Heimdall said.

Although Chimera beast experts once warned him, emphasizing that whether the magical animal can understand human language is still uncertain, let him take it easy and don't really treat animals as people.

That night, Heimdall still told Toffee about it.Having been with Toffee for so long, Heimdall felt that Toffee could understand human language. Perhaps those experts believed that the IQ of the Chimera was not high because they couldn't let go of their arrogance and stood still, so that they never made a breakthrough.

Heimdall felt that the toffee was very unhappy, and after listening to it, he kept pointing his butt at himself.

"I'm not going to leave you, let alone abandon you. We once agreed to be together forever, and I will always remember it." Heimdall explained patiently.

Toffee glanced back, but quickly shrank back.

"I'm a human being, so I can't be with you forever. I just want to find you a companion, a companion who won't make you feel lonely after I die."

Toffee's body shook violently, and it quickly turned around and threw itself into Heimdall's arms. It may have been frightened by Heimdall's death remarks, or it may have been associated with the past.

"It's really self-righteous of me to do this, if you don't want to forget it." Heimdall hugged Toffee tightly.

Toffee looked up at Heimdall, and after a while, Heimdall smiled, "You want to see?"

Toffee nodded, seemingly a little embarrassed.

Heimdall started to introduce Toffee's resume like a blind date introducer: "I have seen that Chimaera beast before, and its temper is not very good, but I have seen wild Chimaera beasts in the Twilight Island back then. Compared with your neighbors, that lady is quite gentle."

Toffee showed a disapproving look.

Heimdall suddenly realized, by the way, Toffee is also a wild Chimera, which is no worse than other Chimeras in terms of toughness, but just like Pod said, Toffee can restrain his wild instinct very well, This is why it understands human nature. It is just restraint, not forgetting, let alone losing wildness.

It is said that the lady was purely artificially raised, that is to say, from the overall evaluation of the Chimera, the toffee is several grades higher than it.

"The lady's name is 'Vodka'." Heimdall finally remembered to report her name.

Vodka?Is it the kind of hot and spicy water that is not sweet at all?

Toffee turned his head away in disgust, and his impression score, which was not too high, fell all the way to the bottom.

Heimdall laughed out loud when he saw this, but he didn't expect Mr. Toffee to be quite arrogant.

The author has something to say: If you don't remember this company, you can review Chapter 125

Seeing that the issue of VK's age is mentioned again, let's take this opportunity to fall behind and say a few words.

In the episode of Goblet of Fire, VK was already 18 years old when he appeared. He didn't graduate and was in sixth grade (is it sixth grade or seventh grade?).If there is no problem with VK Zhizi's IQ, that is, there are no factors such as repeating grades, then Durmstrang's admission requirements are probably different from Hogwarts, which means that Durmstrang does not necessarily have to be 11. He studied at the age of 17 and graduated at the age of [-].

We are all preconceived by the Hogwarts system. Subjectively, we believe that all magic schools are like Hogwarts. When I was thinking about the plot of Durmstrang, the first thing I brought into it was Hogg. Watts enrolled at the age of 11 and graduated at the age of 17, a total of seven years.

So the grade of VK in this article does not match the original, I just take it for granted and let it go.VK will definitely go when the Triwizard contends for hegemony, and this will not change. As for how he should graduate, he has come up with several plans at present, and he will use whichever one is better at that time.

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