HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 206 Untitled

Miss Anita Slivan, aged 16, was born with a proud figure, and when she was thirteen or fourteen, she was judged to be seventeen or eighteen by some lecherous people. This embarrassing situation appeared day after day and made her So, Miss Slivan secretly decided that even when she was 27 or 16, she would still claim to be [-] years old forever. Perhaps this was due to women's unimaginable sensitivity and persistence to age.

Miss Slivan is not an easy person to get along with, as can be seen from the many evaluations of her by the outside world.

The upper class in Bulgaria said she was unapproachable in the open, and said she was unreasonable behind the scenes; the first-class civilian class of the cousin-in-law accused her of arrogance in front of her face, and called her inferior when she was gossiping behind her back.

Miss Slivan never cared about it. She always believed that those who disliked her might be villains with dark hearts, or ordinary people with no ability. They were out of jealousy. The coefficient is very high, and any gossip is dismissive.

Until the cousin she admired since she was a child resolutely married a worthless pauper regardless of her family's opposition, and became the laughing stock of the entire Bulgarian upper class. Relatives and friends gossip and gossip in their spare time. Miss Slivan has already practiced The high-level defensive skills immediately came to naught, and the slightest sign of trouble could make her jump into a rage.

It was under such circumstances that she developed a rebellious mentality like mountains and seas. The most direct and effective way to make those who made fun of the Sliven family dumbfounded was to find a well-matched son to turn the tide.And when it comes to the most famous family in Bulgaria, Krum is none other than Krum.The ancestors of the Krum family did not have the so-called noble blood. It is said that the first generation of Krum was the steward of another local noble family that had declined. Because of his hard work, he got some money and land from the defeated master. He was hardworking and smart. The descendants of the family used these fields to grow expensive herbs and sell them to grow gradually.

In other words, from Miss Slivan's point of view, the family's growth history is solid. Although they are not nobles, they are not vulgar nouveau riche either.Everything about the Krum family can stand the test of time. It is not comparable to those pseudo-nobles who only have titles and sit and eat mountains all day long. They have the means to make money, and most importantly, they will not make ends meet. In this way, Gao Quality of life is guaranteed.

Wishes are always beautiful.

Miss Slivan forgot to take into account the most important one, which is the preference of the eldest son of the Kroom family——Victor Krum, who she has high hopes for doesn't like her, and even directly Ignoring her made the self-esteemed Miss Slivan feel as if she had been hit by a bolt from the blue.Why?She couldn't figure out how her Slivan family was a respectable family in Bulgaria. What was there about Victor's dissatisfaction? Miss Slivan, who had always been pretentious, bit her handkerchief and was furious.

Then, she knew the reason, and then, her anger burned even more. She lost to a man, no, not even a man, but she actually lost to a second-grade little brother? !How it made her, Anita Slivan! !His eyes were red and he wanted to scratch the wall! ! !

Miss Slivan quickly memorized the name of her rival.

The second-grade little brother is named Heimdall Strulusson.

Anita sighed, pulling back her sanity from the chaotic thoughts, and glanced at a small box on the dressing table inadvertently. She opened the box, and the enchanted pink rose lay quietly on the velvet tray. The bottom of the box exudes fragrance.

The roses were as beautiful as that day. Miss Slivan couldn't help taking out the flowers, and twisted them in her hands. Not long after, her eyes began to straighten again.

Mr. Slivan involuntarily held his breath when he passed by the eldest daughter's room, slowed down his pace, and crept down the stairs to the tea room. They wrote replies to Christmas invitations and New Year wishes.

"What's the matter with Anita recently?" Mr. Slivan glanced at the messy table, then walked away and sat on the lounge chair aside.

"Isn't it still the same?" Mrs. Slivan was indifferent.

"Sister is acting weird these days." The second daughter put down the letter paper in her hand and looked up.

"That's right, the first few mornings when I came home from vacation, I would be yelling and yelling. The sudden stop in the past two days caused me to go to bed late." When the alarm clock.

Mr. Slivan's eyes lit up: "Is your eldest sister giving up?"

The two girls looked at each other and shook their heads to express their ignorance.

The eldest daughter's inexplicable attachment to the young master of the Krum family made the couple feel headache and helpless, but they never gave their daughter help. Their eldest daughter's insane mind does not mean that they are also confused. I have been on the sidelines all along, just wanting to see how long the hot Anita is going to toss before she gives up.

Is the daughter finally sober?Mr. Slivan's heart was full of anticipation.

"I sent the news, pictures and posters about Krum released by other countries that I got from my friend yesterday to my eldest sister..." the second daughter said suddenly.

"Your eldest sister didn't want it?" Mr. Slivan pondered the following with hope.

"She took it."

"Oh." Mr. Slivan was disappointed.

"After accepting it, I used my nails to dig a big hole in Krum's face." The second daughter let out a big gasp unkindly.

"What?" Even Mrs. Slivan couldn't calm down now.

"That's why I said that the elder sister's behavior was very strange. After digging, she regretted it to death. She looked at the hole affectionately with tears in her eyes, and she looked remorseful." The second daughter said calmly.

"Are you stimulated?" The Slivans thought of this possibility after looking at each other.

"What kind of picture did she cut out?" asked Mrs. Slivan.

"It's the promotional poster of the limited edition broomstick for couples released by Xingyun Flying Broom Company this year."

The couple suddenly realized that the poster was famous all over the world, and they also knew the structure of the picture on it, so they became more certain of their own ideas—it seemed that they were very stimulated.

"When the eldest sister was picking out the pictures, she still gritted her teeth and said plausibly: 'What's so good about this man!'" The second daughter continued to expose without heart.

The couple secretly sighed, it seems that this "disease" will not get better in a while.

Carefully Mrs. Slivan felt strangeness and doubts in her heart: Why go pick on Krum's face?In this case, shouldn't you pick the face of your rival?The daughter is really confused!

"Damn Sturluson——"

There was a heart-piercing scream from upstairs, and the four people downstairs were stunned.

After a while, the youngest daughter clutched her chest with lingering fear: "Big sister, is she calling ghosts in the afternoon now?"


"Rig! Merry Christmas!"

As soon as Heimdall opened his eyes, he saw his cousin Draco looking at him with a smile on his face. Heimdall squinted his eyes, sat up and nodded bewilderedly: "Merry Christmas!" He was sleepy and didn't know What I said, I just echoed it.

Draco didn't care about this, and his interest rose instead of falling. For Master Malfoy, spending this Christmas holiday with his peers was enough for him to be happy until next year, not to mention that this peer was still related to him by blood. relationship cousin.

Draco was more industrious than a house-elf, lifted the covers and dragged Heimdall off the bed, out of the room, and all the way downstairs to the big Christmas tree.

"Look! This is all a gift for us!" Draco raised his arms vigorously as if offering a treasure, and couldn't be more excited.

For children, holidays are secondary, and receiving and unwrapping presents is the most important thing.

Seeing his cousin so excited, Heimdall couldn't bear to refute his face, nodded and pretended to be interested: "Take it all apart and have a look."

Draco was waiting for this sentence, he let out a loud cry, and rushed towards the mountain of presents piled up under the Christmas tree.

"This is yours." Draco quickly tossed a gift box wrapped in green.

Heimdall caught it and sat cross-legged on the carpet, yawning and unpacking.

The movement of the two boys had already alarmed the adults at the other end of the living room. When they saw the two boys rushing down in pajamas without even changing their clothes, they all showed helpless smiles. Of course, the smiles were more Endless pampering.

Narcissa looked at it, her eyes in a trance for a moment. "I originally had the idea of ​​bringing Rigg back to the Black family." In this situation, she chose to be honest.

"Sissy?" Lucius was surprised, his wife had never mentioned it to him before, why all of a sudden...

Narcissa smiled at her husband: "I am the daughter of the Black family after all."

"So what now? It seems that you don't think so anymore." Rommel said calmly.

"According to the laws formulated by the British Ministry of Magic, if there is no accident, Sirius will never leave Azkaban in his life. In other words, the Black family will become extinct." Narcissa did not rush to answer Rommel's question.

"Is this what worries you?" Rommel said.

Lucius decided to keep silent. He had no say in the matter of the Black family, and he didn't want to cause trouble for his own family. A mysterious person was enough.

Her husband's silence was expected by Narcissa, she smiled lightly and didn't mind, in her heart, Lucius and Draco were everything to her, she was Narcissa Malfoy, the married daughter.

"I've already figured it out. Rieg's happiness is the most important thing, and it doesn't matter whether he goes back or not." Narcissa quickly expressed her opinion. "I just hope that if, I mean, if Rigg wants to contact someone from the Black family in the future, please don't stop him."

"Is this what you think of me?" Rommel said mockingly. "I didn't stop it, and I don't plan to stop it. If I did, do you think you can still sit here and question my judgment?"

Narcissa's face froze, she lowered her head, yes, after all, she is also Black.

"Forgive me, I was the one who was worrying too much." Narcissa raised her head and smiled unnaturally.

Lucius took her hand, and Narcissa squeezed it back.

"Merry Christmas!" the two boys said briskly, breaking the dullness at this end of the living room.

Draco flung himself into his mother's arms and chatted endlessly, with a big smile on his little face, obviously those gifts satisfied him.

Heimdall said goodbye to his father first, in exchange for a kiss; then he was hugged and kissed by his uncle; in the end, Neil grabbed him and kissed him several times, not to be outdone.

"I thought you forgot about us when you got a gift." Rommel said in a good mood.

"How is it possible? If I forget you, what will I do next year's Christmas present?" Heimdall shook his head.

Snow couldn't help laughing, and deliberately put on a pitiful tone: "Is this our value?"

Heimdall smiled and took out a small box containing a tie clip.

Neil's eyes lit up: "The person who gave this gift has really good taste." The silver tie clip is irregularly inlaid with some small broken diamonds. The overall style is simple and abstract. The characteristics can be described, but the aftertaste is just the opposite.

This thing seems to be very expensive, this is Heimdall's first impression when he saw the gift.He was taken aback when he picked up the card and scanned it for the signature. The signature on it was Anita Sliven, which surprised Heimdall. The tie clip, this reward is too cost-effective.Isn't this the same as "you give me fruit, and I will give you jade in return" in the Book of Songs? (That is "Book of Songs-Wei Feng-Papaya"=...=)

When had he established such a noble friendship with Miss Slivan?Heimdall was confused.

"This thing was sent from the Ministry last night," Snow said. "The colleague on duty in the ministry informed me that a package had been delivered to my office, and they helped me forward it to my home."

"Who gave this?" Neil picked up the tie clip and looked at it. "Unlike Victor's taste, I'd guess 80.00% by a woman."

"It's the British Ministry of Magic's loss if you don't go to the police force to enforce the law." Heimdall indirectly agreed with Neil's guess.

"Really a woman?" Neil didn't expect that she guessed right.

"Who sent it?" Snow asked.

"Miss Slivan." Heimdall handed over the card.

"Can you?" Snow hesitated.

Heimdall shrugged.

There was nothing else on the card except a line of Christmas greetings and the inscription below, Snow quickly returned the card to Heimdall.

"Anita Sliven?" Neal didn't react at first, but then suddenly opened her eyes. "It's amazing, when did she get so good? She actually sent a gift to her rival?" In Neil's understanding, it was too late for the Sliven curse at this moment.

"She's quite cute." Heimdall said a comment that stunned everyone present.

"It seems that she has no drama at all." Neil pretended to be sympathetic. "The rival in love doesn't want to scold her, but pities her instead."

"I'm not pitying her." Heimdall emphasized.

It's a pity that no one believed it. Even Rommel felt that his son was really tolerant and generous.

Heimdall hadn't told his family about his encounter with Anita Slivan in Diagon Alley that day, and Draco had put the "unappetizing" woman behind him long before returning home.

He would feel uneasy if he didn't give something in return, so Heimdall made up his mind to spend his pocket money.

After putting away the presents, Heimdall walked over to sit between his father and his uncle. He looked at Snow and then at Rommel, lowered his head for a moment, then raised his eyes to his father, and called out seriously: "Dad."

For some reason, Rommel and Snowton had a bad feeling, but Rommel still made himself look gentle and amiable.

"Can I have Victor come over to our house for New Years after Christmas?"

Looking into his son's eyes full of hope, Rommel couldn't say no to him no matter what. He looked at Snow, who was smiling a little shyly, and the Strulusson brothers looked at each other in blank dismay.

To be honest, Rommel was still a little bit happy in his heart, even though he was very unhappy when the name "Victor" came out of his son's mouth.His son begged him to allow his boyfriend to come here for New Years, instead of telling him to go out and live together. The difference may be insignificant, but in Rommel's eyes it is a historic step.Rigg no longer blocked them from the door, and the sense of alienation melted a lot because of the slight change in his son's mentality.

Rommel looked at his younger brother again, and saw a similar movement in the other's eyes.

Well, since that's the case, he has nothing to complain about.Taking a step back, it would be much easier to keep that Victor under his nose than to spy on him secretly.

Thinking of this, Dad suddenly became enlightened, and nodded graciously: "Yes." His expression was deliberately deep.

Heimdall was overjoyed, his eyes sparkling with a smile.

Rommel suddenly realized that this decision was extremely correct.

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