HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 195 Madam Maxim's Proposal

"Why!!!" Victor buried his face deep in Heimdall's shoulder.Mr. Krum found to his dismay that there was no place in the school where he could safely and undividedly tease Rigg.So depressing!

The fat old man blinked his eyes, found a chair and sat down, as if he was going to have a long talk.

Heimdall took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat off his boyfriend's face. Victor seemed to enjoy it sweetly for a while, and then showed his signature business demeanor—the old man was solemn and serious, and sat upright to face the uninvited guest.

"What's your business with me?" In fact, he had something in mind.

"I would like to ask Mr. Krum to join our team." The fat old man cut to the chase.

Victor didn't change his face, which was almost the same as his original assumption.

Different from the calm performance of the person involved, Heimdall was surprised, and at the same time, a sense of pride came to his heart.Is Victor's reputation already so high?Heimdall thought excitedly, he hadn't even graduated yet.

The fat old man was also unambiguous, and handed out his business card on the spot: "My surname is Brandt, Willy Brandt." (Does the wizarding world have business cards? Has Rowling written such things? I don't remember... I don’t care, I personally feel that this thing is very useful, so it’s good to have it, please don’t be serious with us =. =)

Victor took the business card. There were no fancy decorations or gorgeous text effects. A row of concise and clear names slowly turned into a raging fire in his eyes. The orange-red fireballs burned vividly on the small business card. It is a magic effect added when making business cards. The fire ball subsides after burning for a few seconds, and a row of powerful and impactful handwriting rises from the fading flames——Bastetto Vulcan, isn’t this Wei Wei? It was the first time for Victor to come into contact with magic business cards. The effects of business cards in the wizarding world are all kinds of strange. Let yourself show how surprised, although Basteto's name of Vulcan did bring him some shock.

Willy Brandt seemed calm on the surface, but he was extremely restless in his heart.Viktor Krum's seemingly indifferent feedback is quite bad for him. First, Krum has already had a goal, that is, other teams have taken the lead; Steto Vulcan saw it, that is to say, the declining Vulcan team could not attract him.

No matter which option is selected, it is a fatal blow to the fat old man.In the past few years, he has tasted enough of being underestimated by many ace players, and he has also suffered enough of the rude treatment of newcomers. As a veteran team in the league, he is not willing to be content with the status quo. The cruel setbacks he suffered again and again forced him to accept his fate.

Mr. Brandt felt disheartened, the longing that had just been instigated by the unscrupulous Mustafa, and the youthful drive that seemed to have been awakened, fell silent again, and the result was not satisfactory. Grandpa Xun sighed for his loss of interest.

Heimdall looked at the boyfriend who seemed serious but was full of emotion, and then at the fat old man sitting opposite him who was dejected. He smiled, and was held back by Victor as soon as he stood up after putting on his cloak.

"where to?"

Heimdall held his boyfriend's face condescendingly, lowered his head and smacked his lips heavily: "Talk slowly, I'm going out first."

Like a tacit understanding, Victor seemed to be able to understand that Heimdall didn't want to interfere too much without saying a word, so he let go of his hand.

Heimdall's words and deeds rekindled hope for Brandt, who thought there was no room for turning back. The child said to talk slowly, but Krum didn't deny it, which means... the fat old man's small universe began to move around again.

Heimdall left the preparation room and bumped into a group of VK regiment members at the exit.

Edmund, the leader of the team, saw his eyes light up, and hurried forward and said, "Victor is inside, right?" Cover it.

"Be quiet!!!" The leader suddenly got angry, and the members laughed twice before lowering their voices.

"Are you going to find Victor?" Heimdall asked.

The members of the cheerleading group said yes in unison, even if they heard the uniform sound, they could feel a bit of surging passion.Edmund did have a hand in this regard.

"He has something to do now, you'd better wait and go."

The members hissed in disappointment, and the coordinated sighs amused Heimdall.

"Go, go! Do you hear me? Victor has something to do, so they all dispersed!" Edmund acted like a group leader and ordered the group to disperse quickly. They really disbanded on their own, and they didn't ask the reason at all. This idol-centered worship alone made Heimdall amazed.

After a while, Edmund rolled his eyes, grabbed Heimdall and whispered, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

It turned out to be waiting here, Heimdall couldn't help but laugh.

Considering that this is Victor's private matter, and that he hasn't written his horoscope yet, it is inconvenient to disclose it to the outside world, so he simply communicated with Edmund and told him that a professional team is looking for him.As soon as Edmund heard that, he really stopped entanglement, but he didn't show the surprised expression that Heimdall thought he would appear.

"People came to Victor as soon as he became famous," Edmund told Heimdall. "A few of the teams are still very promising potential teams, but at that time he rejected them all."

Thinking about it, Victor at that time didn't need to worry about where he would go after graduation, after all, he was going to inherit the family business.But today is different from the past. Ever since Edmund knew that Victor was determined to seek development in the league, he was very excited. grow.These super fans have always firmly believed that even if their idol enters the professional league, the future will be promising.

"What team is here this time?" Edmund couldn't restrain his curiosity.

"Bastetto Vulcan."

Edmund exclaimed in surprise: "Really?" He immediately thought of something and fell down.

"Basteto's reputation is great, but the brilliant achievements only represent the past. In recent years, the ranking of Basteto Vulcan has plummeted. After the end of this year's season, there is a high probability that he will be stepped down by the new teams behind. Go down and be a second-tier team."

Heimdall doesn't think so: "One of the top ten oldest teams in the league has a background that is not comparable to those newly promoted teams." As the saying goes: a lean camel is bigger than a horse.Don't underestimate the competitiveness of established teams just because of the current unsatisfactory situation.

"You seem to understand it very well." Edmund felt strange. Rigg had always shown that he didn't pay much attention to Quidditch, and he didn't like this sport very much.

"My uncle's occupation is related to Quidditch, so it can be regarded as something he has heard and seen." Heimdall said not too concerned.

"Don't underestimate Rigg's knowledge of Quidditch. Just because he doesn't love it doesn't mean he doesn't understand it." Victor and Willy Brandt both walked to the exit.Victor put his arms around Heimdall's shoulders from behind, bowed his head and rubbed it together. Edmund and even the teachers and students in the school had become so used to it that he was so numb to his openly showing affection to him. Brandt just blinked, then said goodbye to Victor and Heimdall respectively, nodded politely to Edmund, and walked away.

Some clues could be seen from his high-spirited posture when he walked away. Heimdall put his arms around his boyfriend, raised his head and said, "You agreed?"

"Yes." Victor kissed Heimdall's forehead.

Although Edmund expressed concern about the deteriorating status of Basteto Vulcan, but this should not be his concern. The first impression triggered by the concept of idols first is: the slogan on the cheering flag of the cheerleading group To change!

Edmund said excitedly: "Look, how about I change the slogan on the cheering flag to 'Bastetto's Rising Star'? Or 'Vulcan's favorite' or simply write 'Who else dominates the league'?" ?”

"I suggest changing it to 'go forward bravely for the goal of an official player'." Victor was struck by Edmund's slogan.

Edmund thought he heard it wrong, "What does the 'goal for official players' mean?"

"How can it be so easy to advance in the professional league! After signing with the Vulcan team, I will be an ordinary substitute for the team, and then I need to undergo a period of targeted training and other physical and technical exercises, and I will pass all the entrance examinations And all qualified to become the official substitute of the Vulcan team, as for the game, it may not be my turn."

Edmund was very disappointed: "The Vulcan team is too good at putting on airs. They are obviously so bad. I remember that the team that came to the door originally offered very generous terms. It's too far!" Edmund thought that with Victor's strength, he didn't need to wrong himself so much, so what about the veteran team, what about the oldest alliance, it's too bullying!

Edmund complained again and again for the unfair treatment Victor suffered.

Victor kept laughing, and Heimdall knew he was moved.

"I'd rather be the substitute of a strong team than the leader of a weak team." Heimdall nodded.

"How can you be so cute! I can't do it!! Take two bites before you talk!!!" Victor raised Heimdall's chin and licked and licked his face after finishing his nasty words, expressing his surging passion Feeling.

Seeing that the two of them had gone to their defiant two-person world, Edmund, who was left alone, wanted to vomit a few words.Turning his head slightly, he saw a few men standing not far away, either frowning or staring or looking at them coldly, one of them was Rieg's father, Edmund thought they must be the same as himself I especially want to vomit.

"That's Victor Krum?" Osam said in surprise.

Several men ignored his posturing.

"It seems sweet." Osam didn't care at all that no one answered. "Would you like to go up and say hello? How can I say that I am an uncle!" He straightened his clothes, smoothed his sleeves, and put on an appearance of a dignified elder.

"Where did you come from, uncle? Besides, Victor is of the same generation as you. He is Bernick's cousin. You should be considered brothers." Rommel hit Mr. Dalton who was eager to try.

As soon as Osam heard that he restrained his flamboyant movements, he said with emotion: "Old cows eat tender grass~~" Listening to the words, it seemed that there was a little bit of envy, but the other three unanimously despised him.

"You just realized it!" Snow couldn't help but swear.

"Compared to us, Victor Krum is at best a Maverick," Rommel said.

"You are the old guys! Snow and I are still young!" Osam retorted hastily, as if he wanted to draw a line with the "old cow".

Rommel and Lucius looked at each other, and both saw disdain and ridicule for this remark in each other's eyes.


Another night watch was over, Heimdall and Carlo walked out behind the fourth-year brother, and when they came to the door, Professor Katenen said to them: "How is your Animagus practicing? "

Carlo shook his head to indicate that there was no progress, and Heimdall said that there was progress, but very little.

"I just got a good set of books about Transfiguration here. Some of the theories in it are different. Maybe you should use a different method and don't be bound by certain theories."

Carlo said: "I still have a lot of books here that I haven't read." The little fat man is a little bit powerless now, and the new things are really difficult to digest.

Heimdall was very interested, because what Professor Katenen introduced was always very interesting and very much to his liking.

"Why don't we go now? The book is in my office." Animagus can't be helped by others, and everything depends on himself, so the professor is actually anxious when he hears that they are not making much progress.

Heimdall looked at his pocket watch. It was past ten o'clock, not too late, so he decided to go there immediately.

"Go back first." Heimdall said to Carlo.

Carlo nodded and left the castle.

It's not the first time I've been to Professor Katenen's office in Heimdall. The walls are white, the furniture is black, the carpet is different shades of smoky gray, golden candles are suspended above the head one by one, and silver teapots and cups are in the room. Going around slowly, generally speaking, it is solemn and dignified. The only shortcoming is that it lacks popularity and always feels cold.The size of the room is not small, and there is a door behind the desk that connects to the small room inside.In the small room, there are books that the professor collected from all over the world, and the variety and variety are astounding.Heimdall was actually eager to stay and see more in it, which benefited him a lot more than the school library.

"Can I read here for a while?" Heimdall refused to leave after getting the book.

"Actually, I shouldn't drive you away. Today... Forget it, it's not a big deal." Katenin patted his head kindly, and didn't refuse the request of a child who was thirsty for knowledge.

Heimdall didn't quite understand what he meant, as long as he wasn't driven away, nothing else mattered.

There was a rhythmic knock on the door outside, and Professor Katenen warned before closing the door of the small room: "Don't make any noise."

Heimdall nodded vigorously.

The door closed before his eyes.

After a while, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door. Heimdall couldn't help but listened for a while, and found that it was the headmaster gathering, and Professor Flitwick of Hogwarts was also present.Just like holding a principal's tea party, they started talking from the just-concluded first quarter-finals match to several major events that happened in the magic world in recent days.

Heimdall lost interest after listening to it for a while, and turned his attention to the book.

"I've been having an idea recently." Madame Maxime's voice sounded suddenly, covering all the voices in the room, and everyone fell silent.

At the same time, Heimdall in the middle also raised his head from the book.

"Everyone present here is a well-known figure in the European education circle. You might as well join in and advise us." Mrs. Maxim said calmly.

"What's the matter?" Principal Karkaroff asked.

"It's been decades since the Great War, and now it's the end of the [-]th century. Can we consider bringing the exchange student system back to light?"

Maybe Mrs. Maxim's proposal was too sudden, and the principals didn't make any sound for a while.

There was no sound outside the door, and Heimdall inside the door was also infected, and became tense for no reason.

"You said just now that you are serving as a staff officer for us. Who else do we have besides you?" A principal raised his doubts. From his question, it can be seen that the principal is a very careful person.

"Professor Dumbledore of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

When this statement came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Albus Dumbledore's influence and prestige in the European wizarding world can be seen from this.

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