"What time is it?" Someone suddenly asked.

Carlo opened his sleeve and looked at the watch on his wrist: "It's 12:30."

"It's so late." Everyone yelled and prepared to go back to the dormitory to sleep. This night was really tossing. Because of the rush, several room chiefs only had time to add a cloak to their bodies, and they were all wearing their own pajamas inside.

"Let's go, I'll stay with the professor for a while." Luce nodded to everyone.

The head of the Black Magic Creatures Research Office suddenly smiled ambiguously. Others were puzzled, so he said in a very small voice: "Near water and towers first get the moon."

"Wow! Luce's taste is so mature!" The other room chiefs were full of admiration.

Professor Ladiri is a very quiet woman. Her facial features are not beautiful, but she has an elegant temperament. She even reprimands students in a soft-spoken manner. Many low-level students deliberately know their mistakes and make mistakes, just to let the professor use that gentle Whisper to scold yourself.The problem of Durmstrang's yin and yang imbalance has never been effectively resolved, but most students dare not really commit adultery and commit crimes.

Luce has already gone out of line, from YY to action, this is not obscenity.

"Professor already thirty?" A room chief asked in a low voice.

"So old?" In the eyes of a group of teenagers, 30 years old is another world.

"Shouldn't you be married?" Heimdall said.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, then shook their heads to express their ignorance.

Heimdall has long discovered that the wizarding world is not like the Muggle world. Wearing wedding rings is not popular here. Many wizards wear rings for various purposes. Most wizards do not have the habit of using rings to show their married status.

All the room chiefs whispered and walked out, when they heard Luce and Professor Ladiri suddenly yelled, and Sigma wanted to get out of the fish tank again.

The room heads stopped one after another, and Professor Lateri told them all to stand still, then squinted their eyes to observe the actions of the mermaid, and then looked at the group of students standing at the door.

"Okay, okay, don't do this, listen to me, can you understand me?" Professor Ladiri spoke to appease the struggling mermaid, and Lucy almost jumped into the fish tank to stop it.

Professor Ladiri's soft voice took effect, and Sigma gradually calmed down. Most importantly, the group of people at the door did not move.

"Who are you looking for?" Professor Latiree asked.

Sigma needs to think about human language for a while before he can understand it. This discovery makes Luce extremely worried. This is his negligence. Human beings have a healthy brain, which has the ability to receive intellectual education, and Luce is determined to make up for this missing link as soon as possible.

Sigma yelled, and everyone immediately had the urge to cover their ears. Sigma didn't know how to control the volume, but simply vented his emotions. When he found that what he wanted to express was not understood, he became even more anxious.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, since you are looking for someone, we will help you." Professor Ladiri smiled patiently, and she turned to the group of directors and said: "Everyone who has been bitten by Sigma, come here. "

Luce was very surprised: "Professor, why do you..."

Professor Ladiri smiled lightly: "You call me Professor, I know as much about magical animals as you do."

Among the crowd, only Heimdall came over, and now Sigma shouted even more joyously, and everyone couldn't help covering their ears. Everyone, including Heimdall himself, understood that the mermaid was looking for him, but——


"Come here again." Luce waved to Heimdall.

Heimdall hesitated, the little mermaid screamed again, and all the room chiefs asked Heimdall to "be human" as soon as possible, it was too painful.

When Heimdall was hugged tightly by Sigma and turned over to plunge into the water, Heimdall screamed.Everyone was shocked when they saw it, and hurried up to help, and finally rescued Heimdall.

Before they could catch their breath, Sigma's eyes turned hard, and he swung his tail high and slapped hard. The three room chiefs were swept down the escalator and fell into a mess.

"What, what's going on?" The few who fell to the ground stood up in a daze.

Then two more were thrown off and fell to their feet.

"It's gone mad!" The remaining head of the room drew his wand, but Lucy blocked it.

It can be seen that the little mermaid has feelings for Luce, because the out-of-control fish tail flicked to Luce and stopped.Heimdall took the opportunity to pull out his wand and throw a fast prison, and the rope emerging from the top of the wand instantly tied up the inexplicably mad mermaid.The little mermaid yelled at Heimdall aggrievedly, her amber eyes were tearful, not to mention how pitiful, Heimdall couldn't bear to look away, but her hands didn't relax at all.

"What's going on here? Professor?" As long as there was no harm, Luce didn't mind Heimdall's behavior.

Professor Lateri, who was silent for a long time, put down his hands that were kneading his temples, and sighed, "It's most likely that you're in heat."

"Hot, hot?" Everyone was dumbfounded.

"This mermaid is an adult." Professor Ladiri went down to the next level. "Its behavior is obvious. It has decided to mate with Strulupine. In its view, your actions are undoubtedly to prevent it from mating and having children in time."

"It, I mean Sigma, I've never taught it any of this..." Luce wondered.

"Animals have instincts. Even if the Dada mermaid has a high IQ, it can't get rid of the drive of instinct."

"Why Sturluson?"

Yeah, why Sturluson?Everyone looked towards Heimdall, the latter looked depressed, should he be happy to be spotted by the fish?

Professor Ladiri stared closely at Heimdall, making Heimdall feel uncomfortable.

"Sturlusson, I would like to ask, are the rumors about Lusalka true?"

What Lusalka?Everyone is inexplicable, most modern wizards don't have the intention to gain knowledge about creatures that have been extinct for hundreds of years.Professor Ladiri deliberately kept his words vague, and he also knew that this was a kind of privacy, so it was inconvenient to get straight to the point.

"It's true," said Heimdall. "But it's so weak that it can't be any weaker."

Professor Ladiri clapped his hands: "Perhaps this is why the Dada mermaid chose you."


"It's very likely."

Does that mean the professor can't be sure?Heimdall was silent.

"Then what should we do now?" Although it is not clear what Lusalka is, one thing is clear, Sigma is going to mate with Heimdall, Lusse is at a loss, how should he deal with it?Never let Heimdall...

"Otherwise, you just follow it." Luce said to Heimdall. "We'll keep Krum a secret."


"Wait!" Professor Lateri suddenly shouted with straight eyes.She squeezed Luce away and approached Sigma, squatting down to look carefully at its fish tail soaked in the water, muttering in her mouth and not knowing what she was talking about.

After a while, she laughed, and said dumbfoundedly: "Sturlusson's chastity should be safe."

Everyone was puzzled.

"It's public!" Professor Lateri pointed out.

There was a sudden silence in the room, and there was a mother and a father, and everyone was confused.

"Mermaids and humans mate, and males and females, to have children?" The room chiefs expressed their emotions one after another. "This mermaid's pursuit is so avant-garde!"

"Wait!" Carlo, who had been writing furiously, suddenly yelled. "Does this mean that the mermaid didn't know her gender?"

This guess is very likely, the breeder Luce doesn't even know the gender of Sigma, and it is reasonable for the mermaid raised by humans to be confused.

"I don't understand this." Carlo touched his chin. "It is reasonable to say that an animal's body responds when it is in heat, that is to say, it is ready to conceive. How does this mermaid know that it can have a baby? It would be too outrageous to say that it was instinctive. Could it be that it fell in love with Rieger? Want to XXOO with him?"

Professor Ladiri said: "Although Dada mermaids live in groups, they don't have the habit of looking for partners to live together alone, and they don't know how to enjoy sex. They are not human after all. Most animals don't know how to enjoy sex through sex, and they don't know how to enjoy sex. Mermaids raise only one litter in their lifetime, and each litter only raises one, which is why they are rare."

They practice family planning, and Heimdall nods taughtly.

"Professor, you still haven't answered my question." Carlo was addicted to pretending to be a reporter, and actually yelled at the professor.

Fortunately, Professor Ladiri is not a narrow-minded person, so he shrugged while laughing: "There is too little information on the Dada mermaid, so I can't answer your question for the time being, and this mermaid is in a special situation. Mermaid habits to frame it."

With a "plop", Sigma turned over and plunged into the water regardless of the restraint of the rope, and refused to show his head despite how Lucy called and coaxed him. Heimdall had already released the magic of fast imprisonment.

Professor Ladiri smiled wryly: "I didn't expect the Dada mermaid's IQ to be so high."

Luce was shocked: "That means Sigma..."

"Yes, it understands everything."

Everyone was speechless for a while, and Luce rubbed his hands and spun around in a hurry.

"It should be loneliness." Heimdall broke the silence. "When it can understand human language, it finds itself different from everyone else. It can't leave the water, but we stand in the air; it has a fish tail, but we walk on land; it can't speak, but we can Speak freely... When it realizes that it is not a human being, it longs for a fellow human being, which may be why it tries to have children, because it is lonely and longs for the company of its own kind."

"As for choosing me," Heimdall touched his head. "This may be instinct." The water demon blood is more intimate than the human blood.

The room chiefs looked at each other, lost in thought.

Luce was already in tears and snot, he hugged the fish tank with a "wow" and rubbed back and forth, crying with red eyes: "Sigma, dad is here, you will not be lonely, dad will always be with you! "

The head of the potion bottle design and research office shouted, and took three steps back: "Stay away, everyone, don't get too close to this guy!"

Everyone laughed, and the dull atmosphere suddenly disappeared.

"Speak so seriously, as if you are very emotional." Carlo quickly wrote down what he saw and heard while talking to Heimdall.

"Yeah, I feel very deeply. When I was reborn in this world, I had the urge to die and reincarnate again."

"Haha!" Carlo laughed for a long time.

Heimdall twitched the corner of his mouth.

I don't know how long it has passed, Carlo suddenly raised his face: "You were joking just now, right?"

Heimdall was silent for a moment, and then the two brothers hooked Carlo's neck: "Of course it's a joke."


"Tsk tsk tsk! We've all heard it!"

Heimdall picked up the plate and turned around, that face also turned in the same direction, and continued to wink at Heimdall.

"Look at this charm value, mermaids are salivating, and I'm compared to Orville, I adore you so much, Chief Sturluson." Duncan laughed lewdly.

He was really afraid of what would happen. He knew that the school team would not let him go, especially Duncan. He didn't expect the news to spread so fast and become a household name overnight.Heimdall scolded the potential gossip girls in the school, they were all men, why were they so talkative.

Just as he was cursing, the plate in his hand was taken away, and he saw Victor sitting next to him, and he was very proficient in re-feeding. He had practiced his experience a few days ago.

Seeing his boyfriend's calm face, Heimdall chewed and said, "That's a mermaid, you know, I've never liked fish."

Everyone in the school team burst into laughter, and was choked by Victor's eyes.

Heimdall continued: "The matter has been resolved, the mermaid is very smart, and it fully understood the mermaid's different ways yesterday."

Victor nodded and continued feeding.

Heimdall reached out to touch his face, and pulled it hard: "In that case, what are you doing with a dead face, I didn't come to see your face!"

Victor grabbed Heimdall's hand and rubbed his thumb over the still obtrusive scar: "Don't use the medicine that Director Lucerne gave you. The effect is too bad. The medicine I ordered will arrive tomorrow. It must be Remember to wipe it regularly, well, it’s okay, I’ll keep an eye on you when the time comes.”

Heimdall was quite speechless about his self-talk, but it was better than him fooling himself silently, at least he would speak out now.

"Okay, Stulusson, mermaids are interested in you!" A familiar student ran over and patted Heimdall on the shoulder. Not only that, but all the students who walked into the cafeteria after breakfast would come to greet him With a sound, Heimdall was flattered by this much-anticipated treatment.

"What's going on here?" Heimdall looked at his friends sitting on the other side of him.

Just in time, I saw Carlo sneaking up and trying to leave.

"Say it! What's going on!" I knew that this gossip fanatic was the one who started it.

"Just go to the bulletin board at the entrance of the cafeteria and you'll find out."

As soon as Victor finished speaking, he received Carlo's eye knife, and the former stood still.

Heimdall ran over to take a look, his jaw almost dropped to the ground.There was a crowd of people in front of the bulletin board, and everyone was watching somewhere on the bulletin board. There was a half-person-high parchment pasted there, and the words were magnified in a humane way.

Carlo, who was dragged out together, felt extremely thrilled seeing Heimdall's unpredictable face, so he said cautiously: "A lot of people came to me to ask about what happened last night, and it was very painful to explain it over and over again. Post it, so you won’t be bothered again.”

Durmstrang's students now came to him for information at every whim, and Carlo was well-known.

Heimdall let go of him expressionlessly, and then said, "Why don't you just run a school newspaper."

Carlo was stunned, he didn't expect Rigg to tell him this, he thought he was going to be blown to pieces.

"And the quarterfinals are about to start. This material is spread all over Europe. Let us frogs in the well open their eyes at the right time, Mr. Jones."

At that moment, Carlo's small universe exploded.

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