HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 180 Under observation

The staff is doing the final security check on the field, and there is still an hour before leaving the game.There were a few scattered people sitting in the huge auditorium, and those who arrived early either waited bored, or dozed off with their eyes closed.From time to time, people filled the venue with tickets for the opposite seat numbers, wandering around in a daze.Heimdall believes that the organizers did not do a good job. These people obviously did not know that they could check the seat number display board before entering the venue.

At this time, two bewildered young wizards, a man and a woman, wandered around to them. They looked at the ticket and the number marked on the seat. After correcting it several times, the male wizard asked Heimdall hesitantly. : "Sorry, you took my seat."

Heimdall couldn't understand what he said, but he could guess one or two from his expression. "Do you speak English?" Heimdall asked in English.

The wizard froze for a moment, then replied in jerky English: "A little bit."

"Our seat numbers are Zone C 34 and 35, are you sure your seat is in Zone C?"

The two wizards blinked blankly. Heimdall's words had already exceeded their English limit. As they admitted, they could only understand a little bit.

Heimdall asked again in German, and the two shook their heads very simply. Heimdall tried Russian again, and the two smiled wryly.

Just when the two sides were at a loss, Victor, who had gone to buy snacks from the peddler, came back with two drinks. "What's the matter?" He handed one of the cups to Heimdall.

The couple watched Victor gradually approaching and stopped in front of them calmly. Suddenly, the girl swept back and forth between Victor and Heimdall with bright eyes, and pinched the boy hard. The companion, the excitement was beyond words, the male companion let out a cry of pain, and grinned at her, the girl winked at him vigorously, and the male companion frowned——he still didn’t understand, the girl rolled her eyes, and I scolded the idiot in my heart, but I didn't expect that the male partner suddenly became enlightened, and his eyes widened.

Heimdall had a full view of their behavior, and he said to his boyfriend amusedly: "Mr. Krum, remember to cover your face when you go out in the future, otherwise this day will be impossible."

"What's wrong with them?" This is something Victor has never figured out.

"I probably found the wrong seat. I can't understand what they are saying."

"Excuse me," the young male wizard stammered. "You, are you Victor Krum?"

Victor told Heimdall, "It's Greek." Then he looked up at the excited couple. "It's me, hello."

The pair of men and women "attacked" each other underneath, pinching me and pinching you, venting each other's hard-to-calm emotions.

Heimdall sipped the drink in his glass through the straw, and silently watched Victor talking with them. They all said that Bernick was a language genius. In fact, his boyfriend could speak multiple languages, no worse than his cousin.

Victor explained the distribution of seat numbers to them, and signed the boy's school uniform, and the young couple thanked them incoherently.The girl hesitated for a long time, and finally mustered up the courage to shout at Heimdall before leaving: "The poster is so beautiful, I wish you happiness!" to the distance.

Heimdall was stunned for a while, then picked his ears with his fingers, and only realized after the buzzing sound passed: "What did she just say? What poster?"

Victor shrugged and handed over the snacks he bought. Heimdall was quickly attracted by the snacks and dropped the topic.

Half an hour later, the number of people gradually increased, and the auditorium began to become bustling.

The seats of Victor and Heimdall do not have a good view, and the height of the seats is not ideal. They are facing three thick and strong metal goals. During the game, the goalkeeper's graceful back and the goalkeeper's back are the most seen. At that moment, all the highlights in the center of the field can only be seen roughly.

"I really don't understand. Shouldn't we get a good seat with a wide view to enjoy all-round viewing when investigating the enemy's situation?" Heimdall complained while eating chocolate beans. "The seats we sit in are not only low in height, but also out of the way. Are other tickets like this?" Heimdall saw it before coming, including Victor, himself, and Bernick, a total of eight people took it Ticket Apparated away.

"We have a mission," Victor said calmly. "We don't need to watch the whole game, we just watch individual players."

Heimdall was even more puzzled, playing individually?He glanced at the large golden pole about 16 meters high.This should be Duncan's job, right?Isn't my boyfriend a Seeker?

However, seeing the unfathomable expert look on his face, Heimdall gave up the idea of ​​asking further questions. Maybe this is one of the school team's plans. Friends made a mess.Ever since, Chief Sturlusson continued to stuff chocolate beans into his mouth with peace of mind.

And a certain master sitting next to him had to deal with the fans who recognized him until 1 minute before the start of the game, and the screaming fans continued.On a whim, someone began to encourage the people around Victor to change seats. After a long circle of inquiries, they found nothing. Seeing that the game is about to start, change seats?You are beautiful!A few reckless teenagers pointed their ideas at Heimdall, and proposed that as long as he was willing to change, they would pay for compensation.

Heimdall turned to look at his boyfriend with a little gloomy eyes, and told him the current market with a smile: "Move a Gold Galleon."

Those students from a certain school who offered to give money were immediately "overwhelmed" by another wave of people, and they were probably arrested and sent to re-education.

Victor's fan team is really strong, both in and out of school, they are especially able to read words and deeds - think what idols think, be anxious about idols' needs, and do idols' needs.

Heimdall silently imagined that this location is not remote at all.


In this group match, a magic school from the mainland of Greece will face a magic school from the Principality of Liechtenstein in central Europe.Some people commented before the game that the magic school in Greece is the home field - it has the advantage of the right time, place and people. The strength of the magic school in Liechtenstein is unknown. Once, the situation is still unclear and needs to be investigated, and Quidditch is not something that can be concluded after one game. After all, this is a team game, not an individual performance. Another thing is also very important, that is luck, Golden Snitch Whoever is more inclined is the champion.

The catch performance at the start of the game was unremarkable. Under the intense attention of the audience, the Greek Chaser reached out and intercepted the Quaffle, while the Liechtenstein Chaser didn't even increase the flying speed. , Watching the ball fall into the opponent's hands, the other players scattered away listlessly.

The negative performance of the Liechtenstein School of Magic quickly infected the audience, and everyone talked about it, and various speculations emerged one after another.

After staring at the game for a while, Victor said to Heimdall: "If Liechtenstein continues to perform like this, it will be a great opportunity for the magic school in Greece."

Opportunity?Heimdall said hesitantly: "I think it's an opportunity now, and Greece clearly has the advantage." While speaking, the Quaffle passed through the goal in front of them for the second time, and Greece led by [-] points.

Victor laughs: "That's why I said 'if Liechtenstein keeps behaving like this'."

"A master is a master, and you can see signs of it within ten minutes of the start of the match."

Victor and Heimdall looked back when they heard the words, the original audience disappeared, and the back seat was changed without them realizing it. More than a dozen people in Beauxbaton's school uniform The students looked at them one after another, and some of them waved at Heimdall playfully.

It was their captain who spoke just now.

"It's an honor, Krum." Mr. Captain, who was sitting directly behind Victor, held out his right hand.

"To each other, Slater." Victor shook hands with him.

"Hello, Strulusson, this is not the first time we have met." Captain Slater turned his attention to Heimdall.

"Of course I still remember you." Heimdall also shook hands with him.

Slater smiled kindly, and said meaningfully after withdrawing his hand: "The poster is well shot."

Another poster!Heimdall narrowed his eyes: "What poster?"

Slater was startled, raised his eyebrows: "...you don't know?"

"Please explain."

Slater said a few words in French to the team members, and one of them responded and took out a stack of papers from his pocket, and Slater handed the stack of papers to Heimdall.

"Open it and see."

Heimdall unfolded the paper as he said, and a poster with an all-black background appeared in front of his eyes—the night sky with fireworks, the shadow of the whirling tree, two people snuggling in the corner, the lingering artistic conception, and the warm picture.What is amazing is the tricky and clever shooting angle, and the facial expressions during the kiss changed from the previous poetic haze to clear.

So clear that anyone with long eyes and some common sense in Quidditch can see why.

Heimdall silently folded the poster and returned it to Captain Slater, who wanted him to sign it—the owner of the poster asked him to help him when he handed the poster to him. When Slater took the poster Glancing at Heimdall's face, he swallowed back the words that came to his lips, and the owner of the poster put away the poster in great disappointment.

"This morning, the Xingyun specialty store started to sell a new model of couple's broom. It is said that only designated specialty stores can buy it. We saw it in a specialty store in Paris." Slater felt that the atmosphere was not good, so he bit the bullet Explain everything that needs to be explained.

"Thank you." Heimdall said blankly.

"It was a good shot." Victor, who hadn't spoken for a long time, said suddenly.

Heimdall turned to look at him, and said slowly, "Your words sound familiar."

Victor's face froze, but his eyes did not flinch.

Heimdall heaved a sigh of relief when he saw his face as if facing an abyss, and said with a calm smile, "Okay, you can do whatever you want, anyway, it's you, not me, who are tired of tossing and tossing, I want to see Let's see what results you can come up with." People, it's better to be stupid, it's tiring to plan every day.

Victor was overjoyed, he wrapped his arms around Heimdall's shoulder and slapped several times fiercely as if no one was there.

The little unhappiness in Heimdall's heart also disappeared.

The row of French people in the back was very embarrassed. They all pretended to be looking left and right and peeked at each other. They all said that the enthusiasm of the French people was so strong that it didn’t matter the occasion. When they hit Northern Europe, France was burned into a party of onlookers.

There was an exclamation from the audience, and Beauxbaton's captain snorted, "Look, they're starting to move."

At this time, the score on the field was 50:0, both teams were intact, and no one left the field early.

Slater's words were like a preview, starting Liechtenstein's counterattack.

The Liechtenstein Public Magic School, which was originally passive, suddenly became violent. The Quaffle seemed to have eyes and ran towards the Liechtenstein Chaser. The red ball flew into the Greek goal again and again, playing home games The magic school was caught off guard.The home team had played so well, every player had gotten carried away with the belief that they were sure of winning, and before they could form a new line of defense, the bright red Quaffle slammed into their goal again.The expression on the Greek goalkeeper's face has changed from horror and disbelief to despair and numbness now.

Not only the Greek school of magic on the field couldn't accept this fact, but even the audience on the sidelines were stunned. The Quaffle was thrown into the Greek goal again and again, but the Greek players on the field could only fly around clumsily and doing nothing, looking at the ocean again and again.

"If you score a few more goals, don't play this game." Heimdall said with emotion looking at the constantly refreshing score. "The Golden Snitch has a total of 150 points. Even if the Greek Seeker can catch it, the score will not come back."

"See? Liechtenstein likes to play the trick of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!" Slater said indignantly.

"Is that how you were pulled down?" Victor said bluntly.

Slater's expression changed, he curled his lips but did not refute.

Victor raised his eyes and looked around, raised a thick eyebrow: "It seems that everyone is shocked by Liechtenstein."

Hearing this, Slater raised his eyes and looked around, and was surprised to find that there were many familiar faces sitting nearby. They were all "scouts" from various schools in Europe. They all came to watch the game with the same attitude. , each and every one of them looked as if they were facing a formidable enemy, with horror on their faces.

"This is the purpose of Liechtenstein? To give magic schools all over Europe a blow?" Slater couldn't help but have a little dark psychology because he had suffered the same blow.

"It's really unnecessary to get off the horse in the group stage." Heimdall said. "Furthermore, Liechtenstein is a special group, and the group stage has special bonus points, just to ensure that they have a certain chance of qualifying and there will be no embarrassing scenes. Regardless of whether the federation's approach is fair or not, stand on the standpoint of Liechtenstein , Today's game should be a simple game."

Victor held Heimdall's hand with a smile, and continued: "The magic schools in Greece are too careless, and the disastrous situation behind them is caused by themselves. They are eager for quick success and instant benefits at the start of the game, and they can't adjust their mentality after being counterattacked. They didn’t perform at their original level.” This isn’t Wicked’s nonsense, last year they had a friendly match against this magic school when they were invited out of the school, but their performance today surprised him. Last year’s match against Durmstrang The kind of aura he had was not displayed at all.

Slater's expression became more and more complicated, and finally fell completely silent.

Victor pointed out lightly: "The idea of ​​letting Durmstrang and Beauxbaton join forces to fight against the enemy is not unacceptable, but you have chosen the wrong entry point."

Slater touched his nose in embarrassment, and smiled wryly.

Hissing, Heimdall sucked the drink from the bottom of the cup vigorously, Beauxbaton's players looked over complainingly: You have ruined the atmosphere of the cup too much!

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