HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 174 The broom also has unspoken rules

When the carriage flew into the sky, the people on the ground turned into ants, and the house became the size of a matchbox, Heimdall finally felt a little nostalgia in his heart.It's not that he has no feeling for this country. The first wizarding world he came into contact with after opening his eyes was the British wizarding world. The bewilderment, confusion and horror of coming to a foreign land were all tasted in this country.The starting point of his rebirth is here, the process of facing reality is here, and the process of making efforts to better adapt is also here.

England is where the dream begins—and Heimdall has not escaped the unreality of the dream.

After seeing off the school team last night, he also packed his bags early the next morning and set off on his way back.

After the opening ceremony, Rommel was seriously watched by colleagues from the Finnish Ministry of Magic. The Finnish Minister of Magic was already frightened by Rommel's whims from time to time. Before leaving, he specially took care of the entourage. Put that guy named Rommel Strulusson in prison. If you can't watch it, you will be at your own risk. A group of Finnish politicians dare not slack off.

Even when Rommel bid farewell to his son, they had to surround him and stare at him.This made Rommel very angry, but Chairman Strulusson paid attention to efficiency in his work. He knew who to talk to while drinking tea.

Before Heimdall left the Pig's Head Bar, Aberforth welcomed him to come back next time, and the shopkeeper was even willing to vacate the room he lived in and turn it into a suite for his own use.Heimdall was flattered, and quickly said that there was no need to do so, and Lupine told him quietly that this was Aberforth's kind words, and he would say it to every guest who checked out and left here.

Only then did Heimdall feel relieved, and accepted the shopkeeper's hospitality with peace of mind.

After saying goodbye to Heimdall at the Pig's Head, Lupine left without taking Heimdall all the way to the parking lot, as if he didn't want to meet anyone again.

On the parking lot, Heimdall also saw Uncle Lucius and Principal Dumbledore who came to see him off. The former made Heimdall very happy, but the latter was a little inexplicable.He didn't think that his name was so loud that he could drive the greatest wizard of this century to act for him. Fortunately, he was not self-righteous. It turned out that Professor Dumbledore came to send Professor Katenen.

Professor Katenen's task of leading the team has been completed. As long as the location is not in the UK, Karkaroff is willing to work for the school team and enjoy it.

Professor Katenen decided to go back to school with Heimdall after nothing happened.

Rommel and Lucius talked, and the two elderly people also greeted each other.

Neither of the two old men was a talkative person, and after a few short gossips, they agreed to keep secrets.Heimdall noticed that their expressions were very serious. Professor Katenen seemed to be in some kind of contemplation, and Professor Dumbledore's eyes were more worried.

Heimdall wondered, why?Could it be for that mysterious man again?

"Felix," said Professor Dumbledore suddenly. "The British Ministry of Magic does not believe that he will make a comeback at all, and what happened last school year has not attracted their attention. Optimism is a good thing. I agree with the point of view that people should maintain an optimistic spirit. Obviously, Minister Fudge is well aware of its benefits, but I can't, maybe it's because I'm getting older, the sense of crisis has become stronger and stronger, and I'm always worried and restless."

"I know what you mean." Professor Katenen didn't go around in circles with him. "You can rest assured that I will not get involved in the muddy waters of the UK. I have long since quit, and you don't know."

A light flashed in Dumbledore's eyes, and the always gentle blue eyes suddenly became severe: "Many people don't know."

Professor Katenin laughed, and said calmly: "What do you want me to do, let newspapers and magazines scroll and publish my declaration of reforming evil? Do you know how many countries' police forces and how many arrest warrants are out there?" Waiting for me? Come on, Albus, don't hold me tight, I'm not one of your big, tight-knit family, unfortunately, I was born without the lofty ideals to match the spirit of the lion, and now I'm just a dying old guy, maybe you'll get my obituary someday. Albus, I don't have the energy to confront young people anymore."

"So you put all your attention on the cause of cultivating successors?" Dumbledore suddenly looked at Heimdall, who was listening to the corner with great interest, and was caught off guard by the gaze, and hurriedly squeezed out a smirk.

Professor Katenen didn't deny it, but he didn't admit it either. "I don't have any career, but it's just to fill my stomach." He answered ambiguously.

Dumbledore didn't go any further, just looked at Heimdall with a smile.

Heimdall continued to smirk.

Before getting into the carriage, Heimdall nodded respectfully to Dumbledore: "Maybe we won't see each other again for a long time, please take care, professor."

"More likely not," said Dumbledore kindly.

Heimdall raised his eyebrows puzzled.

Dumbledore didn't explain his doubts, but just smiled: "Goodbye, boy, have a good trip." He reached out and pushed the carriage door shut.

Pegasus flew up with four hooves and neighed in the sky. After a few kicks, it rushed forward. The carriage quickly lifted into the sky along an invisible upward sloping track. On the ground, it turned into a small black spot in a short while, flying beyond the limit of vision.

Lucius on the ground stared dumbfounded at the extremely chaotic scene in front of him, then lowered his head and let out a muffled laugh.

On the carriage, Heimdall looked at the man who was sitting opposite him complacently at the moment.

Professor Katenen was speechless at his naive approach.

Rommel directly ignored Katenen's white eyes, changed his previous depression, and felt indescribably relieved.He believes that this seemingly impulsive action has three advantages: first, it sends his son to school; The feeling of being blocked.

He, Rommel Sturluson, has always been vengeful.

"Honey, are you unhappy?" Rommel said to his son pretending to be annoyed.

Heimdall told him honestly: "I'm not unhappy, just surprised."

After hearing his son's answer, the father said cheerfully and frankly: "I am very happy."

Professor Katenin quickly looked away.

It is necessary to grasp the limit when making fun of people, and it is too late. Of course, Rommel would not make such a low-level mistake.When the carriage arrived at the destination, he earnestly asked his son to pay more attention to his health and write to him more, and then changed his car and headed back to Northern Europe.

Heimdall watched his father's carriage until he could no longer see it. He took a breath of the freezing air while turning his gaze back, and then sneezed loudly twice under the bitter cold wind. Heimdall hurried He took out his handkerchief, whimpered and blew his nose, and squeezed the collar of his robe tightly.

Still the best school.


Bedroom 017 in the South Tower——

"I thought you were caught and eaten by the British." This was a different kind of welcome speech that Rian gave after seeing Heimdall.

"It's been a long, long time since Britain bid farewell to the era of blood-drinking and hair-drinking!" Before Heimdall could say anything, Carlo jumped out and blocked Rian's mouth.It's not that he likes the UK so much, but that his stepfather is British. Unfortunately, he now shares the same surname as that British father, and he is also one of the hats Rian puts on the UK. Of course, Carlo quit.

"have you eaten?"

When Heimdall heard this, he was almost moved to tears, and he was so shameless that he refused to let him go regardless of his struggle, and kept saying, "It's better to be dear Leon, not like those two heartless people. You know how noisy it is!"

Flannel, the house elf, asked Heimdall if he wanted to eat. After not seeing Heimdall for several days, Flannel wanted to show off in front of him.Heimdall said he wanted to eat something spicy and spicy.As a result, the flannel brought a bowl of red Thai curry prawns, and Heimdall ate the dinner while weeping and wiping off his sweat.

Then, the uncomfortable feeling of nasal congestion is gone.Heimdall nodded in his heart. In his previous life, he took more medicine than food, so he could hardly accept the completely different potion he took when he was sick in this life. He tried every means to kill the virus in its infancy.

Chief Sturluson would rather shed tears than drink potions.

"Why are you all in the dormitory?" Heimdall took out his pocket watch and glanced at it. It should be lab time now.

Ryan looked away from Leon, who said without changing his face, "Rest."

Heimdall knew that he just didn't want to go. Being stared at by a group of people every day would make anyone feel tired.

Carlo did not participate in the research laboratory, so naturally there is no way to talk about it.

What surprised Heimdall was that Ryan had been unwilling to look at him from now on, so Heimdall looked at the other two suspiciously, and Leon suddenly said to Ryan, "Is the toffee in your dormitory?"

Rian jumped up as if on a spring, startling Heimdall. Under Heimdall's dumbfounded gaze, Rian hurried out of the room: "I'll go and bring the toffee." The door slammed It closed behind him with a bang.

"What happened to him?" Heimdall frowned, really weird.

"He lost the broomstick," Leon said.

"What kind of team competition was held in their laboratory at the end of last semester?" Heimdall had an impression of this. "Is it because you have too high expectations that you can't accept it all at once?"

"There are factors in this aspect." Carlo sent another proviso. "I've looked at the ones I chose, and I don't think that's the case. I don't believe their room chief can't see the difference."

Heimdall narrowed his eyes: "You mean the one selected is not as good as the one from Ryan and the others?"

Carlo shrugged his shoulders and said objectively: "I suggest you go and see for yourself."

The door creaked open, and the toffee, which was a circle larger than a small handbag, poked out half of its head from behind the door. The moment he saw Heimdall, his eyes lit up, and he threw himself into Heimdall's arms recklessly.

The other three present looked enviously at one man and one beast playing and rolling into a ball, and suddenly felt excluded.No matter how hard others try to be nice, Toffee doesn't treat them like Heimdall.

This is an unreserved total trust.

Heimdall took out a large chocolate ball filled with strawberry custard bought from Honeydukes for toffee, and said to Rian: "I know it all, so don't pretend to be deep, this is not for you, Ke Mr Lestier."

Rian was taken aback for a moment, his expression numb.

Heimdall put the toffee back on the ground, and it curled up in a comfortable place at Heimdall's feet.

"Need my help?" Heimdall looked at Rian and said.

After a while, Rian finally had a reaction and muttered, "How can I help?"

"Isn't there a test certificate issued by the laboratory?"

"That's been handed in."

"Son, the certificates issued by the laboratory are all in duplicate."

Ryan's face lit up: "You said..."

Heimdall said with a smile, "I still have a copy here."

Ryan was eager to try it all at once.

Heimdall suddenly said in a tone of voice: "To be honest, your broom is really bad. There are worse brooms than this one. The future of the broomstick research laboratory is bleak."

Ryan looked like he'd been slapped hard a few times.

"Rig!" Carlo could not bear to warn.

Heimdall changed his tone and said solemnly: "However, for someone who is making a broom for the first time, it is quite remarkable to have such an achievement."

Rian felt that he was riding up and down on the broom just now.

Carlo rolled his eyes at Heimdall: "Try to speak in one go."

"What's the conclusion?" Leon interrupted suddenly.

"Yes, what's the conclusion?" Carlo also looked at Heimdall anxiously.

Heimdall looked at Rian, who was the one who made the decision.

The handsome guy Rian rushed to Heimdall with tears streaming down his face, stretched out his arms and hugged him tightly, not only that, but also rubbed against his body wretchedly: "Director Stulusson, you must help me Make the decision!" No matter how you look at it, it is not pure.

Toffee stared curiously at Rian's fake crying face after howling for a long time without shedding a single tear, and didn't know what was going on in his heart.

Carlo suddenly rolled his eyes and exclaimed, "Ah! Victor Krum!"

Ryan threw Heimdall away like a time bomb, and Heimdall was almost pushed under the sofa by him.

Li An looked around, with a look of shock on his face.

Carlo was so happy that he slapped the table, but Leon couldn't hold back.

After finally crawling back to his original position, Heimdall looked at the two overjoyed classmates bitterly, wondering in his heart, when did his boyfriend gain such a function?

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