HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 166 Opening Ceremony

"I'm sorry." Lupine, who finally recalled the past, repeatedly apologized to Heimdall, feeling uneasy and guilty for his neglect.

Heimdall accepted the apology calmly, but he didn't hypocritically say that he didn't care. In fact, the behavior of leaving others aside to develop their own brains is fundamentally very impolite. Heimdall believes that he has Let him apologize, and never considered himself a magnanimous person.

Lupine suddenly discovered that the child was even more different than he had imagined, completely contrary to his previous guesses.Regardless of his tone of voice, his facial expressions, or his attitude, Lupine had the illusion that what he was facing was not a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy, but an adult like himself. people.Lupine could feel that this was definitely not the kind of rebellious trick children used to pretend to be an adult, but it was equal, calm and calm, as if he was really an adult.

Unlike Blake's, another, complete stranger "adult".

After moving his lips for a while, Lupine spoke out the confusion that had been buried in his heart for many years: "Ivy told me you were dead." Although he told himself that this topic should not be discussed with a child, he just couldn't help himself.

With a click, Heimdall bit down a large piece of candy, chewing hard.

Lupine continued: "On the day I went there, I saw the whole street in flames. Ivy's house was engulfed in flames, and there were panicked and screaming Muggles everywhere. I found Ivy in ragged clothes, clutching a burnt baby blanket in her hand, and growled uncontrollably after seeing me, not letting me approach, and then the Muggles who put out the fire told me that her child was not rescued..."

Heimdall chewed the candy and said vaguely: "In fact, he is alive and kicking."

Lupine laughed: "Yes, I saw it, and I was very impressed."

"Hmm..." Heimdall put on a frowning expression. "It doesn't sound like a good thing."

Lupine laughed: "I feel like I was punched hard by Ivy, right in the heart."

Heimdall blinked in surprise, unexpectedly he had a sense of humor.

They left there, turned and walked back, and Lupine said that there were more and more interesting shops not on the main road, such as Mrs. Puddiffe's Tea House, which was famous, but its location was unremarkable, on the edge of a narrow side road. the end.Just in response to the phrase "the fragrance of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley".Lovers at Hogwarts like to date there, especially on Valentine's Day, when couples can be seen gathering there to flirt.

Heimdall resisted the urge to sneeze. He suffered from allergies after coming out of the bathroom last night. Whenever he heard someone say "Mrs. Puddiffe", his respiratory tract would be filled with pink bubbles from top to bottom.

Lupine felt inexplicable, he didn't understand what he said wrong, why the boy's face turned gray suddenly, the corners of his eyebrows twitched, and he pulled out his handkerchief in a panic, blocking his mouth and nose and blowing his nose desperately...

When Heimdall returned to normal, they had already walked outside the station at the entrance of the village.

Lupine said: "This is the starting station of the Hogwarts Express train. Every year on September [-]st, the first-year students will pass through the small platform and go to the lake to take a boat across the lake to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "

Heimdall nodded: "I know about the Hogwarts Express, I've seen it with my own eyes, once with the Weasleys to see off the sons, and another time with Mrs. Malfoy to pick up Draco. "

Lupine was silent, and asked after a while, "You get along well with the Malfoy family?"

"Isn't that what it should be?" Heimdall asked without answering. "Lucius Malfoy is my uncle, Draco is my cousin, we are a family, shouldn't a family get along well?"

Lupine noticed that he hadn't mentioned Narcissa Black, and he became more and more certain that the boy, despite his nonchalant behavior, had something bad inside him.The adults all believed that Heimdall was not without resentment, but deliberately covered up all negative emotions.In fact, Heimdall really has no idea at all. The person who really complained is gone. The person who should be called Sirius Black's "father" has passed away. He is an outsider who occupies the magpie's nest. I have the right to speak out on this matter.

Although, he became "Rig", although, he wanted to live through "Rig".

Am I being too selfish?Since he inherited everything from "Rig", he should also inherit the "mess" left by him.Heimdall would occasionally play a deep game to let his brain go deep.

The passers-by around suddenly let out a series of exclamations. Heimdall followed the gazes of those people and looked up. A four-wheeled box-shaped carriage pulled by four heavenly horses whizzed past their heads and hovered in the sky. It wasn't until a person held a red and white two-color warning board and rushed up to the platform and waved it vigorously towards the sky, and the four heavenly horses neighed in unison, that the carriage finally ended its circle and landed on the ground.

On the other side of the station is a temporary parking lot. For the opening ceremony, the British Ministry of Magic spent great efforts to rectify Hogsmeade's public facilities. Many buildings were forced to move, and many residents also moved out. It is definitely not forced demolition. As soon as the opening ceremony is over, the house and people will move back as soon as possible.

People in the village were curious about the identity of the visitor and walked towards the parking lot. Heimdall wanted to join in the fun because he had nothing to do. Lupine did not object, and the two followed the crowd to get together.

It was a very eye-catching carriage, not the carriage but the four tall and strong pegasus horses that were as quiet as statues.

"They're not Pegasus," said Lupine, frowning.

Heimdall asked suspiciously: "Isn't it?" Except for the gray complexion and taller physique, it basically looks like a Pegasus.

Lupine points out the difference: "Do Pegasus have fangs that resemble canines?"

Pegasus is a herbivore, even thestrals eat grass.Animals with long and sharp teeth generally like to eat meat dishes.Heimdall squeezed through the crowd and got closer to those distinctive horses. At this moment, he clearly saw that these animals might not be as docile and cute as expected. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard to imagine the docile horses with their mouths. It will need to contain a metal bit.

Two metal plates carved with leaf patterns are tightly buckled on both sides of the horse's mouth. Although it has a horse face, it has two long fangs bared. The sharp teeth reveal their sharp and sharp tips from between the lips. Under the fluffy eyelashes are a pair of big black eyes, revealing the coldness and ferocity of a carnivore, very creepy.

"Aren't they pegasus?" Heimdall asked again.

"No." Lupine replied firmly.

"what are they?"

"A magical animal that inhabits Scandinavia and is faster than a silver-maned horse."

Heimdall was startled, and just about to say something, the door of the carriage was finally pushed open, and a group of people came out in a file.Heimdall smiled when he saw the headed man with a stern face, half-closed eyes and impatient eyes.

Papa hated carriages, he knew that.

"What are you laughing at?" Lupine asked curiously.

Rommel turned his head very dramatically, their eyes collided, and Heimdall clearly saw the flash of surprise and subsequent joy in his father's eyes.

"That's my father." After Heimdall finished speaking, he walked over with a smile on his face.

Rommel was waiting for him with open arms.

Lupine's expression went blank for a moment, and then he looked at the intimate father and son hugging each other with complicated expressions, and sighed softly as if he had realized something.


"Are you here to attend the opening ceremony?" Heimdall thought about it only this possibility.

"God knows how embarrassing this is for me." Rommel sighed at his son's exaggerated wailing. "I'm not Snow, I don't have much enthusiasm for Quidditch."

"But you're still here."

"Because our Minister of Magic suggested that I should attend more social activities close to the people to let people know that I am not a free-for-all bureaucrat. The ancestors of Stulusson, bureaucrats? Me? Rommel Sturluson?"

Heimdall shook his head at his tone.

"What's a bureaucrat? A simple-minded, pushy, obnoxiously pretentious person who likes to meddle in other people's business and works tirelessly for it. That's a bureaucrat! Tell me, son, do I look like that? ? Do I look like a bastard who can knock himself out with a bag of Galleons?"

Heimdall was amused by the success: "Your political enemies are giving you headaches again?"

Rommel snorted coldly, and said dismissively, "It's their IQ that bothers me."

"Although you are not in a happy mood, I still have to say that I am very happy to see you here." Heimdall kissed his father's cheek.

Rommel smiled softly, and in a short while, he pressed against Heimdall's ear and hissed in a pretended panic tone: "Can you tell me who the man standing behind you is? About five steps away from us, what I don't understand is why he is staring at me with questioning eyes like rape, or is it that I have not been in the UK for too long, and the communication mode here has undergone a revolutionary change. ?”

Heimdall said helplessly: "I am your son, isn't that enough?"

Upon hearing this, Rommel was no longer awkward, and even walked straight over holding Heimdall's hand, with a reserved and businesslike smile on his face. "Mr. Remus Lupine?" Rommel stopped at a suitable distance and stretched out his right hand. "It's an honor to meet you, I'm Rommel Sturluson."


Rommel quickly finished dealing with his colleagues, and decided to stay with his son for the time being. He even planned to go to the Pig's Head Bar to have a look. different” bars.

Ever since, Heimdall went to the Three Broomsticks again to settle lunch there.

There were a few customers sitting sporadically in the store. The empty bar had a strong contrast with yesterday's crowded market. The proprietress, Ms. Rosmerta, warmly entertained the three of them.After Heimdall found them entering, Ms. Rosmerta stared at Remus Lupine for a long time with flickering eyes, but said nothing besides the topic.

It can be seen that Rommel is quite satisfied with this bar.Heimdall couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief. His father was sometimes difficult to please, and Heimdall didn't want to spoil their rare father-son reunion because of environmental issues.

Rommel Strulusson may be a complicated person, but his aesthetic pursuit in life tends to be simple and plain. The simple and simple beauty can bring him a unique enjoyment. It can relax the brain and smooth the messy mind while being comfortable. thoughts.For a person, simplicity and complexity need to reach a certain balance point.This is the joy of life Mr. Chairman has always pursued.

The interior of the Three Broomsticks caters just that.

When Ms. Rosmerta passed by their table inadvertently for the sixth time, and cast a straight glance without ladylikeness, Heimdall picked up the cup and covered the corners of her mouth——for this Chairman Turuson's powerful charm was staggering.

"Is there no more decent wine in this store?" Rommel muttered to himself while watching the hot butter beer in the cup.

Heimdall touched his nose. In fact, he thought it was delicious, but it was a pity that his father's taste did not lie in this.Rommel has the hobbies and hobbies of a typical Nordic nation. He likes to drink white spirits such as lime aquavitto and juniper kohn, and light drinks such as butter beer that can't be drunk at all... The problem is Here, Rommel doesn't drink anything that doesn't live up to its name.

"Perhaps you can try the Hot Whiskey," said Lupine's first words after sitting down.

As soon as the words fell, a large glass of hot whiskey appeared on their table out of thin air, to be more precise, it appeared in front of Rommel. Heimdall's eyes followed the source of the movement, and the proprietress turned hurriedly, facing an empty table. The table pretends to be busy.

Heimdall bit the tip of his tongue hard, and as soon as he quietly looked back, Rommel grabbed his chin and forced himself to face him. "Honey, don't hold back no matter what, it's not good for your health." Rommel smiled, but his eyes were dangerous.

It really isn't wise to sneak a peek at Dad's jokes.Heimdall lowered his eyebrows to express his obedience.

Rommel Strulusson was never laughed at by others, Rommel Sturlusson was always seen to be laughed at by others.

"Mr. Sturlusson..." Lu Ping wriggled his lips tightly, watching the father-son interaction in front of him nervously, as if he was afraid of missing a chance of rescue by missing a picture.

Rommel's face fell, he let go of Heimdall's jaw, and turned his attention to his chicken salad.

Remus Lupine suddenly realized that he was completely wrong. Obviously, he mistakenly thought that this very decent man with status and status would hurt Rieg without hesitation because of his suddenly bad mood.

Lupine sat there awkwardly, frozen like a plaster cast.

Heimdall didn't explain anything to Lupine, and didn't bother to make him understand the way their father and son got along.Heimdall held his father's hand under the table, calmly, without saying a word.

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