HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 159 Opening Ceremony

In the super-large "parking lot", the three of them met the school team. The animals were all in high spirits, looked around, and their eyes were piercing, just like the big rooster who had been locked up in the shed for a month. As if, after it was released, it stretched its neck and flapped its wings, singing joyously all over the mountains and plains.

Bernick suddenly sneered: "It seems that you are playing well." Mr. Captain was faintly going crazy.

All the animals watched all directions and listened to all directions. They had perfected their skills. Just as they happily waved with the three people who approached, they realized that something was wrong.

"How many days have you been here?" Bernick asked in a tone.

"Just arrived, just arrived," said the other Chaser, the captain's old partner.

Bernick's eyes slanted: "Just arrived? Impossible, didn't you say you left early in the morning?"

Comrade Duncan, the goalkeeper, put on a serious face: "It is true that we have just arrived." The formal and informal people around nodded their heads in a hurry.

"Bernik? Victor? Are you already here?!" Following the exclamation, three alternate members came to the front, accompanied by the honorary principal, Professor Katenen. "What's wrong with your eyes? Are you uncomfortable?" The exclaimed alternate player had just joined the team, and he didn't have enough tacit understanding with the old players, so he couldn't understand the broad and profound expression of brother Duncan's eyebrows.

Bernick glanced at Duncan, who immediately pretended to be enjoying the conversation.

The three of them greeted Professor Katenen, and Bernik decided to ask the teacher to find out the situation: "Professor, have you just arrived?"

Professor Katenin didn't seem to notice the winks of the animals, and said calmly, "It came yesterday."

Bernick nodded and said "very good", and the faces of all the team members became very bad.

"Actually... Actually Sofia isn't fun at all..." Someone mumbled something, his mind turned quickly, his face turned pale after a few shocks, and then tears flowed down his face. Come on!

Bernick smiled: "Very good."

The faces of the team members were even worse. They would be ashamed, just like the concrete floor in the parking lot.

On this side, Heimdall was caught because he looked at Professor Katenen a few more times.

"What's wrong?" Professor Katenin smiled. "You don't know me, right?" Although he is quite old, his smile is still full of energy, which shows that he was not a law-abiding young man.

Heimdall quickly shook his head: "I thought the team would be led by Principal Karkaroff." It's really strange, Heimdall wondered, Karkaroff would be willing to give up this great opportunity to show his face?Including Durmstrang, there are a total of 57 magic schools!Isn't he always vowing not to give up until he reaches his goal?Why did you give up so easily this time?

"The official explanation to the outside world is that Principal Karkaroff is temporarily busy. The principal revealed in private that the UK is his sad place. If possible, he would never want to set foot in it again in his life." Professor Katenen said lightly.

Although Heimdall didn't understand, he still nodded his head and stopped asking.

"Rig, is Viktor fun?" Bernick's old partner saw that the situation was not good, and wanted to use Heimdall to divert the captain's attention.

Heimdall looked at him and answered seriously: "Does it have anything to do with you?" Then he scanned the circle of people behind him. "Is it related to you?"

All the animals choked, beat their chests and stomped their feet after recovering, and cursed in their hearts: Look at this pair of faces that are neither salty nor plain, they are like birds of a feather, just like Victor!No wonder it is said that the family does not belong to the family!

Seeing this, Bernick couldn't help laughing out loud, and said it was cool.

Professor Katenin saw that the time was almost up, so he asked everyone to get in the car and go to the destination as soon as possible.The silver-maned horse that sent Heimdall and the others to Sofia drank the high-end rye whiskey and went into battle again, Heimdall asked Victor curiously: "There is only one silver-maned horse here? "The workload is a bit heavy.

"How is it possible?" the boyfriend told him. "Silver-maned horses have great stamina and fast speed. Compared with other Pegasus horses, they are also very picky about their food. They are usually arranged for the longest distance travel. The silver-maned horses here serve tourists from the entire Balkan region. It is said that It has formed a population scale."

After thinking about it, Heimdall understood that the silver-maned horse was the official vehicle of the Krum family by the Bulgarian Ministry of Magic. It was a political and business collusion just now, and now it is a serious job to run to a more affluent Western European society.I don't know how much it will cost to send the silver-maned horse to England. The money should be paid by the school.

Heimdall followed his boyfriend into the carriage while pondering.

The animals were all very excited, except for Heimdall, Victor, Bernick and Duncan, none of them had ever been to Hogwarts. "How about the Hogwarts girl?" The candidate goalkeeper looked at Duncan expectantly.

"It's hard to say." Duncan stroked his temples pretentiously. "The key is to see what standard is used to measure."

The team members looked up at Duncan with admiration. Mr. Duncan Orville is absolutely authoritative when it comes to flirting. Hearing what he said, it was so profound and deep. "We don't want depth, we just want plain language." The team members are very practical. Wherever they have time to go deep, it's better to be simple and straightforward. "Are there any beauties?"

"Of course." Duncan nodded. "Don't forget that Hogwarts is a coeducational school. To put it bluntly, half of the school is girls."

half!girl!The cattle are surging.What a wonderful scene, I can't help but make up my mind.

"Where are the boys? Are there any good-looking ones?" There are also a group of people with this kind of sexual orientation in the school team. Of course, in the general environment of the school team's obscene atmosphere, these people who like the same sex will naturally go nowhere. I couldn't bear a few words and couldn't wait to reveal my true form.

Mr. Orville was in a bit of a dilemma. He could talk eloquently about girls, but when it came to men, he turned off. How could Duncan, who always thought he was unparalleled in the world, pay attention to it? Unfamiliar men, let alone paying attention to their looks, anyway, in the eyes of Mr. Orville, he is unique.

Duncan thought quickly, and threw the topic to Heimdall: "Rig has been there longer than us, you can ask him." Immediately he became the shopkeeper, and the cat went away.

Heimdall looked at the pair of eyes staring straight at him, a little dumbfounded.Coupled with the fact that her boyfriend was staring at him, how could he open this mouth? Heimdall only "woke up" after returning from Hogwarts. Now let him recall the handsome men in that school. An impossible task.

"Instead of asking me to describe it, you might as well watch it yourself." Heimdall said vaguely. "Everyone's preferences are different. Even if I think it's good, you may not agree with it after reading it there."

Several people immediately shouted that it was true when they heard it, and they all nodded in agreement.

"That's right, Rigg's eyesight isn't very good, I'm much more handsome than Vick." One of them was a very shameless queen.

The others quickly despised his self-promotion, but turned around and said unanimously that they were all more handsome and suave than Victor, and two of them even started poaching on the spot, right in front of their boyfriends.

Heimdall couldn't laugh or cry.

Victor didn't say anything at first, but after a long time, it was inevitable that he would feel unhappy. It's okay to make trouble, and what's going on endlessly. His status as a genuine boyfriend seems to be quite solid.Victor's face sank, and the cold awe-inspiring look against the pair of blade-like eyes immediately suppressed the commotion in the carriage. The two people who were digging the wall hurriedly looked away, pretending to be deaf and dumb and not making a sound.

"What are you all thinking?" Professor Katenin, who had been resting with his eyes closed, spoke. "This opening ceremony is just to use the venue of the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch, we don't enter the castle, the school is still in class, and there is still a question mark as to whether the Hogwarts students have the opportunity to come out of the castle. "This was agreed at the beginning. Professor Dumbledore didn't want to affect the normal life of Hogwarts because of this matter. When he undertook the opening ceremony, he made an agreement with the Quidditch Federation for three chapters. His attitude was very tough. , even the British Minister of Magic did not let him let go.

All the team members wilted on the spot, spread out listlessly like frosted eggplants, and rested all the way to Hogsmeade.

Professor Dumbledore made it easier for Professor Dumbledore to agree to allow delegations from 56 schools of magic to rest in Hogsmeade, but not all schools are willing to rest there, and many delegations even went to Muggle London to find a place. Stay here and take a trip along the way.

The central street was crowded with people, and as far as the eye could see, it was full of young wizards wearing school uniforms and robes of various colors.When people on the street found Durmstrang's arrival, they all stopped and paid attention. The Durmstrang delegation was full of glory for a while.Regardless of whether the eyes of others have any deep meaning or not, the sight of the eye-catching scenery alone is enough for other seed schools to beat their hearts while feeling angry.

The hotel occupancy rate in Hogsmeade is limited, and they are quite picky. Some hotels start to put up faces and drive people out when they see such a large traffic flow. , Seeing that you don't like it, even if you hold a sack of Galleons, you can only get rejected.

Thankfully, Durmstrang was lucky. It is said that the owner of the hotel where they stayed seemed to be friends with Professor Katenen, so they did not receive unequal treatment.

Professor Katenin seems to know people from all corners of the country, from high-ranking dignitaries to high-ranking and high-ranking scholars, and he can find people who can speak in every link. Heimdall's worship, "Rely on parents at home and rely on friends when going out. Friends are old wine. The older you are The more catchy" (this sentence comes from Wang Baoqiang's "Going out and relying on friends", it is not our original, hereby explain).Heimdall wondered if he would be able to "drink old wine" when he was Professor Katenen's age.

The hotel Durmstrang stayed in was small. There was a small road next to the post office on Central Street. You could see it after turning in. Bloody pig's head wrapped in a white cloth.

The team members hesitated a little. They sighed at the different and unique decoration style of the Pig's Head Bar, and pointed at the pig's head on the signboard. Several people who had a little bit of painting art said that this is simply a reflection of the twentieth century. A new interpretation of the early Fauvism style.

Bernik didn't want to pay attention to the madness of the team members, and turned to look at Katenen: "This is it?"

Professor Katenen answered by pushing the door open.

"Wow! Cool!" A team member sighed.

The bar on the first floor is small and dark, the bay windows are thick with dirt, so the outside light can't come in at all, there is a strange smell of sheep in the air, and there is hardly a clean place to see .A few white candles were lit on the log table, and the wax dripped drop by drop along the joints of the wooden boards, forming milky white hills on the mud floor.

It wasn't until Heimdall stepped into the store that he realized that it wasn't someone advocating the original ecology. The hard touch on the soles of his feet told him that there was actually another universe under the black "mud".

"Oh, it's people again, this place is almost turning into a post office!" A tall and thin old man came down the stairs, grumbling and complaining, and his long gray beard trembled frequently. "There is no room left, how many times do I have to tell you to stop, get out immediately if you understand!"

To be honest, Bernik actually wanted to "get out", he felt that he would definitely get sick if he stayed here for a long time, Bernik looked at Katenen with full expectation.

"Are your eyes just decorations, Aberforth?" Professor Katenen said with a smile.

The old man named Aberforth raised his eyebrows: "It's you, I said which Englishman would be so thick-skinned." His tone showed no signs of improving, as if he saw Katenen only now.

"Do you want me to propose a one-on-one wand duel?" Professor Katenen said without changing his face.

"I don't want to." Aberford vetoed without even thinking about it. "I'm sure I'll lose."

Professor Katenin laughed when he heard this.

Aberforth's tense face relaxed slightly, and he pointed to the group of stunned teenagers behind Kattenen: "They are the elites you mentioned? Why do they all look stupid? Durmstrang's The judging criteria are really unique, no wonder it is called the black magic factory."

"The bitter and stubborn British." Professor Kattenen sneered without losing the opportunity.

"Arrogant and suspicious Russians," Aberforth retorted.

A team member whispered to Bernick: "How long are we going to stand here?"

Bernick replied: "When they think about us again."

The two old men soon remembered them, and Aberforth waved his hands impatiently: "It's not the first time I've come here, why don't you just take them up, and I'll entertain them personally?" This was said to Professor Katenen .

Everyone in Durmstrang was shocked by his logic and couldn't speak. Can he make money like this?

Before everyone was about to go upstairs, Aberforth said again: "Are you going to pay then? I haven't even done normal business these days because of you."

Professor Katenen looked at the cups and saucers that had not been put away on the table, frowned, and asked, "When was the last time you cleaned?"

"I don't remember." Aberforth said nonchalantly.

"Everything that can be changed in the room must be replaced!" For the health of the team members, Bernick gave the order decisively without even seeing the room. "I will pay for the expenses!" The captain was so bold once in a while.

Aberforth has sharp ears, and immediately yelled in German with a slight accent: "Hogsmeade has several good home decoration stores, and I personally recommend the little shop next to Honeydukes with the bluegrass hanging on the signboard." .”

Durmstrang was silent.

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