HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 152 School Violence

【Hello!Come back!He said yes! 】

As the pod cat yelled, Heimdall suddenly raised his eyes, picked up the registration form on the table with a serious face, and nodded solemnly: "I already understand your situation, let's do it first, next one!"

The students sitting on the opposite side of the table immediately got up to give up their seats to those who came after them.

The black cat jumped onto the table and raised its nose and eyes, and looked down upon Heimdall viciously.

Heimdall didn't change his expression, his face was tolerant.

After seeing off the visiting group, Heimdall went straight to the experimental laboratory, and the registration plan, which had been stalled due to various emergencies, finally took its historic first step.After these days of accumulation, the total number of applicants has risen to 35.Although the number of people has doubled, it is not happy.For the first time in his life, Heimdall saw that his eyes were blackened when he saw people, and his ears were numb when he heard people talking.

Heimdall didn't mean to be absent-minded, he just did.Otherwise, try to listen to self-singing with rich voice and emotion dozens of times in a row, it is really an extraordinary enjoyment.

After listening to the self-introductions of the No.20 three applicants, Director Sturlusson couldn't hold on anymore. This is not the way to go, not to mention the low efficiency, which is very out of tune.So I decided to close the door and put toffee.According to Director Stulusson's original intention, since you want to scare you, you must first stabilize you, that is, put a candy first and then hit you in the mouth, so reverse thinking, but the work of stabilizing people is too painful, Stulu Mr. Matsushiro collapsed like this.

This is not acceptable, Chief Sturluson thought shamelessly, please break down.

All the people were called in, and the 35 people were a little confused, and they were all surprised by their expressions.


The thick black curtain was opened in a hurry, and the applicants had an eye-to-eye contact with Chimera, one of the famous beasts in the wizarding world, without any psychological preparation.There were screams one after another, and the sound of falling to the ground was endless.After the world is completely quiet, Director Sturlusson can't help but feel elated when he looks down at the chaos in that place. The high-efficiency talents in our laboratory are none other than Comrade Toffee.

Heimdall stretched his neck and counted, and there were 11 left. Yes, more than half of them were wiped out in one go.

The performances of those eleven students who were not afraid of danger were different, but they were extremely uniform, stunned and pale.Just as Director Sturlusson wanted to encourage and praise this, a mature-looking boy sat down on the ground with a thud, his nose twitched and his mouth shrunk, crying loudly, crying with tears and snot, as if he was dead Parents are the same.

This person's reaction was more than a beat slower.

The crying woke up the other ten people, and the sequelae began to attack in varying degrees. Some of them sat on the ground but bravely did not cry; Get up and yell.

Heimdall looked at the applicants who jumped and scolded their mothers. They were all in the third grade, and they still had the strength to swear, which showed that they had a considerable capacity to bear.Those third graders who didn't get a response became more and more courageous, unceremoniously questioning the ability of Heimdall, the head of the laboratory, and expressed strong dissatisfaction with the identity of Comrade Toffee, what's more He also used obscenities to personally attack Comrade Toffee, which made Director Sturluson very angry. The evil racist must be defeated. Isn’t discrimination against Toffee the same as Heimdall Sturluson? ? !

I have the headmaster's signature!Chief Sturluson snorted coldly in disdain.

Heimdall didn't blow up anything, he was reluctant to blow up things in his laboratory, so one of them gave them a happiness spell to stop their anger, young people shouldn't be too angry.Director Sturlusson made a speech amidst the artificially catalyzed laughter: "I'm going to recruit three room members this time." He took a picture of the test questions. "If you want to come in again after leaving this door today, just do these few questions, and see you in the old time and place in three days."

After that, serve tea and see off guests.

As for those who were still sleeping on the ground, Heimdall took out a bottle of smelling salt potion and put it under the noses of those unconscious applicants, who would wake up from choking in an instant. It is said that the smell can vary from person to person. It's always the smell that makes you sick the most.This thing was given to him by the head of the Potion Research Office. The head was very foresighted and generous. He sent a dozen at a time when he visited, and the effect was quite good.

In order to reduce the physical burden of these people, Toffee had to temporarily hide behind the curtain.

After sending away the last wobbly applicant, Heimdall took out the prepared bonus to reward Comrade Toffee who endured the humiliation.

[Those third graders obviously have bad intentions, since you also have the same idea, why did you let them in? 】What the pod black cat hates the most is people who are self-righteous even though they are obviously incompetent.

"Isn't the purpose of the research center to focus on participation?" Heimdall did not take those few seriously, but he decided to treat them equally, so as not to be annoyed by others in the future.

The pod cat hesitated for a while, then let go, and then asked: [Is there anything to look forward to? ] It could tell that Rigg wasn't a sneak peek, and he listened carefully when a few of them made their introductions.

Heimdall rolled his eyes and blinked like a star: "I won't tell you."

Podcat wanted to scratch his face.


In this way, two days passed peacefully, during which there were no second or third batches of visiting groups. Durmstrang seemed to return to the purpose of teaching, and no longer imitate tourist attractions.Even so, the teachers and students all know that this is the darkness before dawn, just watch, as soon as the rooster crows, the whole school will be thrown into chaos.

That evening, Heimdall and a few partners left the cafeteria to go back to the dormitory building. Heimdall paused a little while passing through the corridor of the atrium. This unnatural behavior caught Rian's attention.

"Did you see something?" Ryan asked.

The visibility of the airy corridor is not high. Although there is a cast iron chandelier on the top, the dim light looks bright and warm, but the illuminance and range of light are not satisfactory, and the rotation arc of the corridor is relatively large. Maybe it turned over to the outside.Therefore, once it gets dark, many students will not go here, and the atrium at night will ooze a bit of loneliness and depression. In the biting night wind, the bare dry branches and ugly monster statues add a bit of gloom to the empty atrium. .

Carlo and Leon also stopped to look at Heimdall when they heard the words.

Heimdall said: "I saw the people who came to the laboratory to sign up two days ago."

Li An was puzzled and asked, "What's the matter?" Everyone is from the same school, isn't it normal to see it?

"It's not like that." Heimdall shrugged, walked around Rian and continued on. "That is to say, I saw three third-year students bullying a first-year student." The tone was very understatement.

"Wait." Carlo hurriedly grabbed Heimdall. "You left like this?"

Heimdall turned around and said, "Otherwise?"

Leon nodded in agreement, he was never a nosy person.

"You are the deputy prefect." Carlo reminded.He didn't want to be an envoy of justice, he just wanted to see what happened.

"Second grade." Heimdall reminded.None of those four were under his jurisdiction.

"That's right, it's good to think about it. We all have the responsibility to maintain the stability and unity of the campus, and justice must prevail!" Carol ignorant of his conscience, dragged Heimdall towards the direction Heimdall was looking at just now.

Ryan and Leon looked at each other.

This guy has sharp eyes.Heimdall sighed in his heart. In fact, he saw clearly just a few moments ago, and his eyes happened to meet the freshman, but he didn't ask him for help. Dahl didn't want to meddle too much.

Carlo didn't get excited and rushed out to eliminate the harm for the people. He still gossips when the disaster is gone. In order to understand the ins and outs, Carlo dragged the Heimdall cat around from the other side, trying to get closer slowly.

The dim light helped, and those few were too engrossed in the drama, so they didn't realize that there were two more people listening to the corner around them.

Heimdall squatted in the corner for a while, then Heimdall wanted to withdraw. What was the reason? The three third graders threatened the first graders to write the test questions for them, which is the set of test questions that Heimdall assigned two days ago Not only that, but also threatened the freshman to withdraw from the room member competition, the three of them wanted to monopolize the three enrollment places.

In fact, Heimdall really wanted to tell them that even if there were really only three of you left, no matter whether the accuracy of the test questions reached the standard or not, I would let you fall below the entrance score line.

Carlo was very excited, and took out his small leather notebook to scribble. Heimdall admired him to the core. He was able to write, and he seemed to be able to write freely.

There was a painful muffled hum, Heimdall's pupils contracted, and Carlo opened his mouth wide in disbelief.Those three third graders actually got rough?This can make a big fuss.Although Durmstrang College has a relatively high threshold, the bourgeoisie is prevalent with money-based ethos, and there are not a few big money who are either rich or expensive. For many years since the school was founded, there has been a clear school rule that campus violence is strictly prohibited. People, even if you are the son of the richest man in the world, you can't hit people, even if your father is the Minister of Magic of the United Nations, you can't just hit people with your fists if you are unhappy. Of course, magic is not allowed. Any bloody conflict between students is punished Strictly forbidden.

Once you break the law, it will be the final sentence, and you will be expelled from school.

Since Heimdall and the others entered the school, they have never encountered a bloodshed incident. They have always been quite peaceful. I never thought that the third grade would be so filthy and disharmonious. Even if they disagreed, they raised their hands.

No wonder it was chosen in such a sparsely populated place.Heimdall despised it very much.

"What should I do? Do I need to take care of it?" Carlo asked Heimdall in a low voice.

Heimdall saw that he had taken back the small leather book, which means he already had the answer, so he said, "You are the leader, I am the deputy, you are the leader, and I will obey you."

Carlo was so arrogant that he straightened up and roared loudly: "What are you doing?"

The three criminals panicked when they were suddenly frightened. Those who did bad things were already guilty, and they were even more frightened when they were caught on the spot. They ran away without the victim.These three people fled as soon as they fled, and they fled very disunionally, running in three directions in a panic.

One was grabbed by Carlo's collar and grabbed his arm in a stride; the other was caught by Rian who suddenly appeared; Tripped by a passing black cat, fell into the mud, knocked out a front tooth, and was in a state of embarrassment.

Carlo stared upright at criminal A, with the tip of his wand pointing directly at the man's forehead.The latter repeatedly begged for mercy with a sullen face, but secretly cursed in his heart, this kid is not big, why is his hand so strong, his arm was almost twisted off.

Little handsome Li An was very unhappy. The riding boots he wore today had a big footprint on him, and his face was sinking like water and murderous at the moment.Criminal B burst into tears, I ran well, but you insisted on stretching out your feet for me to step on.Despite this, criminal B dared not speak out. He recognized Leon Bruelag next to Ryan, and was quite afraid of the heir to the poison family.

As for the last criminal C with a leaky mouth, Heimdall had already swiped at him with his magic wand.

"I've always wanted to try those advanced black arts. For example, one of them," Heimdall flicked his wrist, and the tip of his wand touched criminal C's throat. "From here." With a sinking wrist, the wand drew a straight line across C's chest all the way down to his stomach. "Come here." Heimdall looked into the eyes of criminal C who was about to faint in panic. "In the blink of an eye, it will be stuffed to the brim, especially the stomach wall. In that instant, countless small holes will be drilled by broken glass slag. It is said that the blood will seep out from the capillaries, and finally the seven orifices will bleed to death. Tsk tsk tsk ..." Heimdall was speechless. "Just thinking about it hurts."

Criminal C's face turned green: "Please, please give me a good time!" C wailed to the sky. "I don't want stomach piercing!" After howling, he rolled his eyes and fainted.

So useless?Heimdall was speechless, kicked with his feet, and remained motionless.

Ryan and Leon grabbed criminal B and came to join forces.

Carlo grabbed criminal A and leaned over, and asked Heimdall softly, "What kind of black magic are you talking about? I've never heard of it." Pimples are up.

Heimdall hummed, "I thought about it myself."

Carlo was at a loss, and Rian and Leon were in awe of Heimdall's brain power.

The four teamed up to capture three senior students (who were taller than them) who violated the law and discipline, and withstood the criminals' incitement, temptation and abuse threats, and were finally escorted to the student union for an open trial.

As for the victim...

Because the four were eager to catch the thief, they forgot about him if they were not careful.

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