"My shop doesn't welcome vixen!" Karaktakus Bok snarled and shook his fist, closing the shop door heavily in front of Snow.This move almost ruined Director Stulusson's straight handsome nose.

Neil chuckled and opened the door.

Her immediate boss, Mr. Bo Jin, was also in the store today, and the partner's childish behavior made him snort and moan frequently.

"Bock, I have to remind you that you have affected our business."

Mr. Bork got into the counter with a sullen face and flicked through the ledger.

Thanks to Merlin, peace is finally here!Bojin thumped the back of the bent hunchback, and decided that he would be in charge of the overall situation today, so he smiled at the two Mr. Strulusson, "I've heard what Neil said. Congratulations from the bottom of my heart. It's a good school, There is no better wizarding school in all Europe."

Heimdall wondered, how did Nier, who had been homeless all this time, know?

"Mr. Bokin, you said the same thing last time, when Hogwarts started school."

Bojin squinted at Neil, who was disrupting the stage, and adjusted his small glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Nell turned around and pretended to be busy.

Bo-jin purses his lips into a mean line, making no effort to hide his displeasure. "Compared with Durmstrang's open teaching of black magic without fear of public opinion, Hogwarts, which advocates teaching and educating people in a traditional mode, seems too naive. Sticking to lofty ideals is certainly admirable, but blindly avoiding taboos is not the most effective Methods, ignorance and ignorance are not in the same category.”

Bo Ke, who had been pretending to be deaf and dumb, was like a cloud, "Bo Jin, what do you mean?"

Borgin shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Don't you see, your Rig is going to school in Durmstrang. You should be happy for him, old man!"

"Durmstrang?! Damn it!" Bock yelled and rushed out of the counter, walking in front of Snow aggressively. "I don't say yes, I never say yes! Why send him to the hell? He's only ten years old, not a dying old bone. What he wants to do is stay in England," a slight pause for emphasis . “Warm England!”

Heimdall thinks Mr. Bock is brilliant - comparing one of Europe's top three wizarding schools to a cold grave.

"It was his choice."

Snow's slow speech disappointed Bock deeply.He turned to look at the boy, and persuaded with a gentle face full of hope: "Isn't England not good? Stay in a familiar environment and read books to get twice the result with half the effort. Hogwarts is an ideal place to study, where the greatest contemporary Wizard Albus Dumbledore, there is no better choice than Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Neil blinked and muttered, "Sounds familiar."

Her response was a cold snort.From Mr. Bokin.

Snow was amused by what he saw.The two store managers have clear barriers and insist on their own opinions. If you listen carefully, you will find that although they express their opinions, there is no conflict.Bo Jin is subjective and factual.Bock simply hoped Rigg would reconsider.

Heimdall's cute little face flashed a sincere light, "I will write to you."

It seemed that all the fists I had punched with all my strength were sunk into the cotton wool.Calactacus Burke sank into an armchair beside him, sighing, "Little bastard."

# # #

Mrs. Weasley's letter was still long-winded and warm. She expressed her deep regret for the early departure of Heimdall's trip, and sincerely hoped that he would come to the shabby house this Christmas to celebrate Christmas Eve with their family.

After obtaining "uncle"'s consent, Heimdall quickly wrote back to Molly, saying that he would definitely come to disturb her at that time.

Then he received another letter from Malfoy Manor, the sender was Lucius Malfoy.Heimdall opened it hesitantly. The strange thing was that apart from congratulating him on his upcoming admission to Durmstrang and a little reserved reluctance, there was no mention of certain topics in the letter.

At the end of the letter, the future head Malfoy invites him to spend Christmas with him.Due to the time conflict with the Weasley family's plan, Heimdall gave up Draco's proposal after thinking for a moment, and immediately wrote back to thank him and told him that he could not make the trip.

Everything seems to be proceeding in an orderly manner.

So, when Heimdall looked down at the majestic castle in the mountains, he was still thinking about how to tell those waiting friends that he was destined to spend Christmas in his new school this year.

He doesn't want to be the kid in "Come on Wolf".

Durmstrang College gave people the feeling that there was always a huge aura of Hogwarts on their heads, but after leaving England he found that it was not the case.Durmstrang has a long-standing reputation on the European continent, no less than Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The blue-gray castle embraced by white mountains and black waters is solemn and solemn. The gray rock walls are so solid and thick that they seem indestructible, and there is no exaggerated decoration on them.Standing majestically among the ice and snow, it is full of majestic momentum under the bright universe.

The school is located on the top of a mountain, and there are dotted independent ancient towns from the mountainside to the foot of the mountain.The frozen lake water that does not melt all year round forms a natural moat.The ice-covered lake covers a vast area.Four huge stone bridges float on the lake, spread out radially from the foot of the central mountain, until they extend out of the mountain.There is a village named Emerald, which is the entrance to the mountain and the only way for students to enter the school.

The four stone bridges were bewitched, and even though they were exposed to weather that could almost freeze the toes off, the bridges still didn't feel the slightest bit of cold.Heimdall was very grateful for Rommel's suggestion, otherwise he would definitely come to school wrapped in a quilt.

Rommel rented a carriage with him at the post station in Emerald Village.The store has thoughtfully provided a list of animals that pull carts, and the variety is staggering.Some names are particularly suspicious.In order to let the "son" who has just arrived have an all-round appreciation of the style of the snow country, "father" chose a strong horse that can travel through the wind and snow.The snow-white Pegasus raised its hooves and neighed, and the mane on its neck fluttered like waves.The moment it went straight to the sky, it felt like a roller coaster ups and downs out of control.

The majesty and magnificence of the mountain can be seen at a glance.

Heimdall produced a kind of empty fantasy floating above the real world. Many things floated before his eyes, and his imagination was chaotic, even including some scenes in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow".


Rommel declared calmly.

Almost at the same moment, the carriage sank and drove down rapidly.

# # #

Bernick signaled for a time-out and lowered his broom from the sidelines.

Victor made a thrilling move enough to make all his followers scream wildly, and then slammed into the air, followed him and flew to the sidelines.Bernick raised a thick eyebrow when he realized that he was carrying the broom and might not return.

"Where are you going? Today's training is not over yet."

"There are relatives at home." Bernick bit the buckle of the glove with his teeth, and ran towards the castle non-stop.

"who is it?"

"you do not know."

Victor turned over and jumped onto the broom, flying beside Bernick at a very low altitude. "How could I not know each other? Isn't your relative also my relative?"

Cousin Bernick stopped abruptly, looked at him and said, "My uncle's son is also my cousin."

Victor frowned, and jumped off the broom, "Let's get to know each other now."

Just as the two teenagers walked to the edge of the greenhouse on the south side of the castle, a Siberian Pegasus burst out of the air and flew overhead.

Bernick immediately got on his broom and chased him out.Victor was extremely surprised.The school has regulations that, except for flying lessons, flying lessons and Quidditch venues, no teacher or student is allowed to ride a broom on campus without authorization.Any violation will be at your own risk.

Even so, Victor, who couldn't hold back his curiosity, knew he was breaking the law—the broom drew a neat straight line in the air.

The teenagers didn't have the courage to fly directly to the gate, and they didn't want to try some punishments.In order to reach the east gate faster, they braved the biting cold wind and took a shortcut directly from the corridor outside the castle.

"What are you in a hurry for?" Victor didn't understand why his cousin was in such a hurry.

"My cousin wrote to inform me of my arrival today, but I actually forgot about it and played all morning with you Quidditch idiot. Oh, my God, Rommel will kill me!" Bernick said with a look on his face. Pale, babbling anxiously.

"... you mean the cousin Rommel Strulusson?"


Victor paused and muttered, "It might be too late for me to change my mind now."

"For the sake of our ancestors," Bernick quickly pulled out his wand, turned around through gritted teeth, and said, "Don't choose this juncture, my dear Victor."

Victor ignored the stick pointed at him. "Relax Bernick. Also," he pointed coolly, "you're wasting your time."

Bernick turned around and ran.

# # #

Heimdall stood at the entrance of the castle and watched Siye. He didn't see the gate, only a huge three-story-high arched doorway.According to Rommel, the gates of the castle only show up when they are supposed to, and this is true for all four doors in the south, east, north, and west.

Watching Durmstrang at close range, it becomes more and more solid and huge.Somehow, he was suddenly eager to try, full of ambitions for his upcoming school career.

"What should we do now?" After appreciating the entrance, there are not many things to see, and it is a bit lacklustre.And this temperature... He rubbed his nose, and the nasal discharge was about to freeze into two icicles.

Rommel took out his pocket watch and glanced at it—this was the third time.The howling wind blew up his robes, and the hem of his robes fluttered in a harsh sweep.

Heimdall flinched and exhaled a puff of white smoke.

"Only to see the principal."

"Wait..." Two voices sounded almost simultaneously.

Rommel put his pocket watch into his robe indifferently, and turned to face the panting caller.There were two boys in front and one behind. Obviously, the voice just now came from the one in front.

"Hold, I'm sorry, I'm late..." Bernick unconsciously pressed his whole body against the slender bar, and the poor broom let out a fragile whine.

Victor, who was following behind, was much calmer and breathing as usual.For a Quidditch Seeker with a lot of training, this little distance is not worth mentioning at all.

"I'm very grateful for your coming." Rommel's understatement made Bernick very embarrassed.

"This is my son, starting today at Durmstrang."

Bernick couldn't believe his ears.Rommel's - son?

"How is it possible?!" Unknowingly, the words came out.

"Thank you for your evaluation, Mr. Krum." Rommel said blankly, and immediately turned around. "This is my aunt's son——Bernic Krum."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Krum, I'm Heimdall Strulusson."

Bernick opened his mouth wide and said stupidly, "You are Rigg?"

He knows his nickname? "Yes, sir."

Bernick immediately looked at Rommel and hesitated, "But...he is not..."

"From today onwards, you have to remember that he is the son of my Rommel Strulusson." Rommel's voice was not loud, but thunderous.

# # #

Rommel's frequent behavior of taking out his pocket watch has an explanation, an important meeting.After officially handing over to my cousin, I left in a hurry, and only said "I can do it myself" before leaving.

Heimdall was at a loss for a moment.Cheap Dad abandoned him without hesitation, and his future was in a school that could freeze his teeth.

Merlin, you are really good at torturing people!

"Okay, let me think about what we should do now." Apparently, Bernick didn't often encounter such situations. He scratched his forehead, and with a glance, he found a topic that connected the past and the future.He stretched out his hand and patted the shoulder of his silent companion, "Get acquainted. This is Victor Krum, my cousin."

Heimdall raised the corners of his lips, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Krum."

Victor frowned, his serious face was daunting.

Just when Heimdall thought he had offended him and was puzzled by it, the other party smiled with a stretched brow and eyes, "My pleasure."

Heimdall noticed that although his English was standard, it had a distinct accent.In fact, not only him, but also Rommel and Bernick.According to Snow, every time Rommel went to England to attend a conference, he always liked to give a speech in an uncommon language. His behavior caused a headache for the officials of the British Ministry of Magic.

English has spoiled Britain.

Looking at the rock-solid Durmstrang Castle in front of him, Heimdall felt worried about his future.


Hello everyone, I am Brother "Vaccination".Oops, the introduction has been a thousand sails, I haven't seen it in just a few days and I have already reached Chapter 13, time flies so fast~~~

Returning to the main story of the book, I believe everyone has already seen that this article has officially entered the stage of studying in Durmstrang (nonsense!), considering that the content of the school described by Rowling is really small, knowing that it is a comparison of the threshold for admission to only pure-blood wizards High school of magic, openly teaches black magic, and is committed to education in this area.It is about the same as Hogwarts (not as big as Hogwarts), with castles, campuses, lakes and mountains, almost no sunshine in winter, and shorter daylight hours. In short, it is a severe cold that does not lay eggs or shit place.

According to the general outline given by Rowling, I will fabricate it on this basis. I dare not compete with the original author. I just hope to make it as reasonable as possible. Therefore, I hope everyone can give you help and advice in due course. If you have any questions, I hope you can raise them so that I can make changes.After all, this is an online novel that is updated in real time, and it is a kind of mass entertainment, not a "personal heroism" that can be achieved overnight behind closed doors. I sincerely hope to get everyone's support and help.

【II·Let's go to school】

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